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Waw primordial human society like the early roman republic where the men killed eachother off en mase in constant battles and got a large female surplus from that?
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Then those are not Roman allies but Romans themselves. Thanks for negating your own point
By census they did. But obviously they aren't enlisting every man over the age of 16.
Amazing reading comprehension you have. Roman allies were not Roman citizens, that's the entire point of the Census. The 270,000 were people who were Roman citizens, and not allies.
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700.000 citizens with Hannibal rampaging up and down the peninsula for 15 years virtually unchecked? Fabius Cunctactor must be notified at once. Quick, send some riders to Campania and Calabria so we can get these new 140 legions on the march and get rid of the one eyed Punic once and for all.
Come on now, get real. They were sending under 16 year olds to war at one point.
You are not improving your position by the way. You still have not substantiated your claim and have not provided an example where a country loses a similar portion of its available fighters in a similar timeframe and bounces back like they did. Hannibal spent 16 years in Italy, always victorious. He had Gallic allies, he flipped some Roman allies and Greeks too, why didn't he march on Rome? They had one general left, to do a job nobody wanted, and they sent him to Spain in a bold counterattack instead of defending the embattled and almost beleaguered capital.
Do not answer yet. Ask yourself: why? Where did all this confidence come from? Now you can answer.
It's just a great example of roman deceitfulness
>1 battle
zoom out of here. You are polluting the thread with your stupidity.

What should Canada’s foreign policy be?
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Ironic how you Canucks thought "Let's invite everyone in the world to make foreign countries friendly with us" and ended up with RAW having to send agents to kill people in Canada because all of India's separatist terrorists opened 7-11s there
>Continue to pursue a close, amicable, relationship with our American & Mexican friends, neighbors, and siblings. I genuinely believe in the meme of "Core American Supremacy" and that if we three continue to cooperate nothing is impossible.

>Stop being a faggot and acknowledge China, India, and Russia, as antagonistic states and letting their spies and thugs essentially frolic and scuttle around the nation compromising national & corporate security and elections.

Based and atlanticpilled
Mexicans and Indonesians have been scientifically proven to be racially inferior, east asians are degenerates who might contaminate our culture, Vietnam is communist. 2.5% is far too low to resist the backlash against a country adopting a nationalist ideology. Russia and China are not antagonistic, they maintain clear spheres of influence oceans away from Canada, India however seeks to subvert foreign countries by offering "free trade" agreements in exchange for allowing their citizens to immigrate, India is highly subversive since they are genetically predisposed towards pedophilia and legalized child pornography recently.

We will not renege on our mining deals with China, if someone wants to invest $100s of millions in Canadian mining they may do so, they just may not engage in the remotest form of corruption, violate safety regulations or agreements made with the Aryan Canadian labor front. This is just regular economics, the fact they are Chinese is largely irrelevant. What? Are you some kind of bigot?
>racism and anti-racism in one post

nice propaganda you got there Zhang
>India is highly subversive since they are genetically predisposed towards pedophilia and legalized child pornography recently.

based India

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>Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided but by iron and blood
>gets crushed twice
what did Prussoids mean by this
guess it settles the questions
He says stuff like this and then is the #1 master of political maneuvering and reaching consensus nonviolently and (literally) crying to the sovereign. With Realpolitikchads like the biz or Machiavelli you ignore what they say and watch what they do.
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Bismarck was a cunt but he was right

this board is just mostly Germanophobe
Austrians did it twice. Prussian rule was needed for Prussian glory. Austrian mind is lazy and altruistic.

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I was reading a book about this ages ago, and in passing the author mentions that a weird hippie wandered into the compound in the middle of the siege.

They were surrounded by the ATF/FBI, and yet this guy with an obviously fake name (something similar to Frank Lovemankind) just sauntered in. Both sides thought the others were playing a game.

Apparently there were some awkward negotiations, and a day or two later the guy was handed over to the FBI. Nothing more was said to the media.

I’ve wondered what the hell all that was about, does anyone have more info? More weird details of the standoff?
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The Waco Siege was democide (death by dem*cracy). Everybody who did not call out for what it was should have been kicked from public life.

Joe Biden defended in congress the actions of the FBI and ATF in killing american citizens and setting fire to a church (it was not a compound, it was their temple).

Even calling them Davidians is silly. It was just an evangelical group like tons of others in America. No different from adventists.
>fucks your wife because god told him in a dream it would hasten the end times
>refuses to elaborate
Chrsturds being Christurds, deimg at Wacko is very fitting for them, I’m just sory for the childrrn having to die because of their retarded mentally ill
Chrsturds being Christurds, dying at Wacko is very fitting for them, I’m just sory for the children having to die because of their retarded mentally ill parents
>american citizens
The lengths you faggots will go to defend a pedophile cult is just amazing

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I want to ask you guys this. I know many nordfaggots will act like they weren’t simply because “they were olive, waaaaaaaaaaah, they weren’t white like the nordic Roman’s were, they were brown”

The reality is a lot more complicated than that. From all the research I myself have conducted into Eastern Roman history from 476 AD to 1453, they not only saw themelves as Roman, but Greco-Roman culture continued to evolve under them, as well as the continuation of Roman/greco Roman law and culture. They still referred to emperors with their formal, Latin titles in formal settings as well. Although ethnically Greek , or perhaps a cross of ancient Latin and Greek dna, they were in My eyes, Rome.

This makes the whole idea and advent of the crusades that much more tragic in my eyes. Because the father of most of European civilization (literally since Greeks also fathered it ) was a being swarmed by inbred Islamic Turkmen who flooded into Anatolia, which until then was as white as Greece itself. I wonder if later western historians called them Byzantium simply because they couldn’t handle the guilt that the west killed THE Roman Empire in the long term with the retarded kike pushed 4th crusade.

One of the most important bits of evidence is that they literally came out of the old unified Roman Empire, making up the eastern half. All existing Roman cultural and political pillars that existed before, were split between east and west. Eastern Rome never became “The empire of the Greeks “ or “Hellas” or anything like that after this until its death in 1453 at the hand of inbred Islamic invaders. Speaking of a part of me fears Europe may follow its ancestoral empire of Rome into the arena of Islamic domination and eviseration… and that scares me.

But I wanna hear YOUR opinion on this matter.
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Yes. The fact that an entity which had millions of citizens referring to themselves as Romans, practiced Roman law and was the continuation of the Roman government, is typically referred to as 'Byzantine' is dumb. I like the HRE too, but its just stupid that if you brought the two into topic, under their common names of that time period, those who aren't familiar with history would probably think the HRE is more connected to Rome than the literal Roman empire.
There's these retarded statements too.
>The true Roman spirit died well before 476 AD,
>But that doesn't mean they were anything like the original Romans. The hyper-disciplined, patriotic, and war-like spirit of the Roman Republic was LONG gone by the time of the Byzantines.
Just because the culture no longer consists of the traits which you find ideal doesn't mean it isn't the same culture, it just changed over time. The Romans of the time of Heraclius were different to that of Constantine, from Constantine to Trajan, from Trajan to Augustus etc. Rome was never perfect and just because the Rome of the Heraclian dynasty and onwards isn't as powerful as the Rome of the Pax Romana doesn't mean it isn't Rome anymore.
>all these braindead 476ers polluting my /his/ with the most retarded history meme ever conceived
Julius Nepos was the last legitimate western emperor and he ruled the remaining western imperial territory from Salona for 5 years after he was driven from Ravenna.
Just like the real roman empire the greek eastern despoty is pointless to talk about. Destined to be conquered by the Sword of Islam the moment they refused to convert to the true faith.
>swarmed by inbred Islamic Turkmen
how are inbred if they're from steppe rape thunderdome
if you're going to be dumb use more adjectives like "ass fucking queer" Greco-Roman
>inb4 u have no explanation for ganymede

According to your manlet's view, Russia would be the latest heir of Rome.

Thankfully, it is still fairly easy to draw the boundaries of Byzanthium and point the position of Rome.

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>Sylvia Beamon's fascinating book, The Royston Cave: Used by Saints or Sinners? based on her master's thesis on the Order of the Temple, shows a Templar seal (Archives Nationales, D.9860 bis, Paris) that she describes as an "abraxus" or secret seal with the words Secretum Templi (referring to the Templar treasury) around a figure familiar to Gnostic students. Some of the figure's body is armored, but the chest area sports a "court robe." In place of legs are serpents that terminate in two heads. The figure's head is a cockerel's. The figure has strong Gnostic associations and is identical to magic gems of the Abrasax, or anguiped type, from the Roman period. The figures (with cock's or ass's head and serpent feet) often bear names of Jewish origin found in Gnostic texts as the names of gods or archons, such as Ialdabaoth, Jao, Abrasax, Sabaoth, Adonaios. Abrasax, or Abraxas and has the Greek letters corresponding to the number 365, thus representing the god of the solar year, or perhaps of time itself

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Thoughts on Montanism, also called Cataphyrgianism or simply New Prophecy?

It arose in the mid 2nd century among a former priest of Apollo, now Christian convert, Montanus, and his two female companions Priscilla and Maximilla, in the region of Mysia in Anatolia. They believed that the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, whose coming was prophesied by Jesus in the Gospel of John, had finally made his advent in them.

They engaged in fits of ecstasy and believed that the Holy Spirit was giving brand new revelation through their prophecies, some of which superseded the teachings of the apostles. In imitation of the Greek oracles, Montanus and his followers would often speak in the first person of God when delivering revelations.

Montanus claimed that the cities of Pepuza and Tymion in Phyrgia were the New Jerusalem and that Jesus was soon going to make his advent in these places to establish the Kingdom of God.

Some have compared Montanism with modern day Pentecostalism.


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Historically were religious people always midwits?
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The modern scientific method is from Popper, not Bacon, no matter how hard it makes you seethe.
The only person seething here is you buddy. Science was making exponential progress pre-Popper. You’re just drawing an arbitrary line in the sand because it ruins your straw man of religious people being stupid. But I understand why you’re so emotionally committed to it, after all, you owe the greatest and most effective knowledge system of all time to the people you perpetual seethe over. I look forward to what mental gymnastics you pull in response to this :)
>we wuz bacon n shit
The university was invented by the catholic church. For centuries, higher education was exclusively through the church. It didnt start becoming secular till around the enlightenment.
So on the contrary, for a long time the most educated people were quite religious.
>He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.

Did they make it out alive? Did they fly to Brazil? Did the prison and/or FBI try to cover up their success? Or did they just drown?
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Normally I would simply write them off as having died in the water because

A. The currents in the San Francisco Bay Area are notoriously strong, professional swimmers have been killed trying to cross it

B. The water in the Bay Area is very cold by the standards of California, not as cold as the water that killed the victims on the Titanic, but enough to kill you if you're stuck in it in for any extended period of time.

However, several factors worked in their favor

1. They were in a raft, which would have on its own have both delayed the onset of hypothermia and prevented them from being at immediate risk of drowning if they became too exhausted to continue paddling.

2. There were three of them, meaning that if one became too exhausted to paddle, the other two could pick up the slack.

3. The two brothers had previous experience swimming in frigid water from childhood.

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>the biggest argument against it is none of the three were ever re-arrested.
The feds could've very easily non-personed them.
I heard Clarence Anglin changed his name to John O'Hearn
I'm pretty sure the water there has great white sharks...

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What, historically, causes white people to do this?
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The tears of the conquered people.
it came to me in a dream
Reminder that your fate always hangs in the balance and that you must be ever vigilant against things that could disrupt it
Internal locus of control?

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Newspaper article:

Academic literature about it:

>inb4 britbong, anglo, brexitfag, etc
None of these
A Federalized Europe is a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone for the US.
First it makes Europe a stronger bulwark against Russia.
Second it kneecaps Europe for up to a century as the wealthy nations like Germany or Denmark, have to burn their tax money propping up shithole provinces in the Balkans or East of the Oder.

It basically keeps Europe in a middle ground of being strong enough to be useful, but not too strong to be dangerous, from an American perspect for several decades at least.
Plus it (permanently, so far) contains nations that would actually be powerful like Germany, which was the original goal of the triple entente.

Why were there no cowboys back in europe?
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And Southern Portugal, called campinos, the green cap and red vest it's their traditional outfit
the rooster:
>holy shit the time of the soup is upon us!
The Wild East...

George RR Martin used the War of the Roses as scaffolding for GoT. What other historical event would make for a good fantasy parallel?
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something with the comanche
Early split between sunni and shia along with the Islamic conquest
War of the Diadochi obv
These too.
well for one, the entire world is still in the conflict of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
Early islamic conquests because of how sudden, esoteric nearly mystical and decline of empire spirit they had

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Hey white man, how can you look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself christian?
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a what? never heard of it.
never did that. whites are atheists or gravitate towards atheism via increasingly abstract and inconsequential notions of a god. abrahamic believers are wannabe jews - christians claim they are the true israel and muslims have kosher - sorry: halal - food taboos and circumcision.

If you look into the political positions and agendas of modern day Christians like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Ted Cruz, their political views are very anti-welfare and against the poor and infirm. They are against all forms of charity and social collectivism which they deem to be "impending communism". These views are echoed by millions of Christians who support and follow them.

The total opposite is true for Muslims even in the outside community. The local mosque near me gives away 2 free pizzas per family every Friday, they collect for food banks and distribute food, vouchers, etc to the homeless. This is for ALL poor and infirm whether Muslim or non-Muslim. It is a form of giving back to the community and practicing charity.

And these practices are supported and affirmed by ALL Muslims whether rich or poor. Giving away free food, free shelter, free medical care, etc. All of this is seen as good and right according to every Muslim. There is no Muslim on earth who will deny free water to a thirsty refugee or free pizza and kebab to a hungry family, for example. I've seen non-Muslim homeless men walk into a kebab shop and be given a free meal no questions asked. If the same man walked into Trump tower, he'd be turned away as a "parasitic freeloader".

There's no connection of charity with communism as far as the Muslim (liberal or conservative) is concerned, unlike Christians who constantly forge this link. Charity for Muslims is something that is to be implemented at all times regardless of politics.
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Nothing stopping jews from donating to goys, in their theology.
Such a typical Paki thing to do
Loser religion loves losers
People will get mad, but you have a point. Jesus straight up tells us that you serve God by serving your fellow man and that the only works that really matter are easing the burdens of suffering and deprivation. That is the kingdom of God. It’s not about hating the infidels, it’s not about aesthetics, it’s not even about the finer points of theology, the absolute centre of Christianity is charity. A lot of Christians know this and do incalculable amounts of good, but many do not and the worst of all are politicians that claim Christianity while ignoring the needful stranger at every opportunity.
That is literally the only biblically supportable position. You can be racist, or you can be faithful to the Bible, you cannot be both.

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