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Islan says all souls are in Barzakh until judgement day (qiyamah) and that hell is currently empty.

Sunni hadith says Mugammad dreamed Abu Lahab was burning in hell and he got relief for giving a slave water.

Sunnis also say Abu Talib is in hell now and having his brains boiled out.

Sunni hadith says angel Gabriel physically rendered Pharoah incapable of vocalising the Shahada by stuffing mud in his mouth because Gabriel was afraid Allah would accept his repentance.

1. Angels don't have free will, they follow Allah's commands, so Allah was scared that Allah would accept pharaoh repenting?

2. This means mute people can't convert to Islam if Pharaoh was prevented from repenting just by mud in his mouth. If you punch someone's teeth out you can consign them to hellfire by this logic since they can't say la ilaha illa allah.
Who gives a shit
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Islam and logic don't mix but it's fun seeing islamists soul burn when pedo Mo says something they can't accept like when he says his own pagan parents are boiling in Hell, islamists were shocked and so they make his parents Jew or Christian instead of Arab pagans and claim they were Abrahamic believers of Allah.
Shia argue Aisha was 15-19.
>Sunnis also say Abu Talib is in hell now and having his brains boiled out.
The answer is obvious. he's the progenitor of the shia imams
>Sunnis also say Abu Talib is in hell now and having his brains boiled out.
Isn't this the only guy who helped out muhammad?
Well not the only guy, but he took him in when Muhammad’s grandfather died and protected him, but he never converted.
The story is that he protected Muhammad and his followers until he died. Afterwards muhammad fled. Then muslims gleefully recount him rotting in hell. Not exactly an appealing religion to most people. It's unsettling.
>Abu Talib is in hell now and having his brains boiled out.
>video game like points based religion
>do this and gain postive points
>do other thing and negative points
>if you're not a muslim you can't gain points are automatically tossed into hell because not being muslim is sin so you have negative points.
Top tier religion
Pharoah died from drowning after Gabriel (Jibril) stuffed mud into his mouth while he was intending to say shahadah and accept Islam and Allah in his mind. And since Pharoah died an infidel he is going to he'll on the day of qiyamah.

So according to Sunni Islam, the shahada is a purely physical vocalisation and has nothing to do with intent of the speaker.

So mute people will go to hell just like pharaoh. If you extract people's vocal chords and teeth they will go to hell on judgement day since they can't say shahadah even if they intend to believe in the shahdah.
>Top tier religion
Killing/Robbing pagans and infidels
Sex with your wo/men slaves
Getting breastfeed
Having ALL your sins erased every day
Shia claim Abu Talib converted. Sunnis say he is a kaffir and is getting punished in hell for being a kaffir since no matter how nice you are to Muslims, disbelief is the biggest sin and unforgivable.

While an infidel who rapes Muslim women but converts to Islam after would go to heaven according to Islam.
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This unironically helped me believe in Islam. If Prophet Muhammed's own uncle, who raised him like a father and constantly protected him for the people who wanted to harm and kill him and was always loving and caring for him, if he is sent to hell then that proves the the prophet wasn't a liar.
What kind of conman would say that someone they loved that much would be suffering for eternity in hell?
Only someone who truly believed in his own message wouldn't try to fudge the rules a bit to make it so their loved ones are honored.
Even until the very last minuted of his death the prophet was begging for Abu Talib to say the shahada but because he didn't he said that he was consigned to hell.
nigga, give a source
>What kind of conman would say that someone they loved that much would be suffering for eternity in hell?
Every conman ever. Words are cheap, and from a conman, basically free.
>Every conman ever
name some
It's also a great way to demand total submission form people.
>Angels don't have free will, they follow Allah's commands
This is why islam stops making any sense as soon as you actually examine its claims. The 19 angels in the Quran are clearly the 19 leaders of the fallen angels mentioned in the book of Enoch. The arabic verse doesn't say they guard hell or some bs like that, it says they are companions of hell, a phrase that's always used for the damned in the Quran. So angels do have free will according to the Quran and there's no other possibility.
You guys sure love fearmongering about islam don't you?
Sunni hadith says Pharaoh's shahada was blocked by a physical action. It says he intended to repent in his heart but Gabriel (Allah'a puppet) was afraid that Allah (himself) would accept the shahada if it was vocalised physically.

Explain this.

If you created a better hadith saying the mud was instead a metaphor for pharaoh being insincere in converting it would make more sense.

But no, it says the PHYSICAL action of blocking his mouth blocked repentance.
Muslims love to do it themselves.
And again.

Answer the original question.

Hell is supposed to be empty until qiyamah. Why did Muhammad dream Abu Lahab is in hell now? Why do Sunnis say Abu Talib is in hell now?
>Abu Lahab
he was his major enemy
>Abu Talib
origin of the majus
You're not answering the question.

Hell is supposed to be EMPTY now. They aren't supposed to be there now even if he knew they were going to get punished.
you're just an autist
Sunni hadith are full of autistic actions prescribing how you should say things and do autistic rituals before doing basic body functions like urinating.
>Shia claim Abu Talib converted. Sunnis say he is a kaffir and is getting punished in hell for being a kaffir since no matter how nice you are to Muslims, disbelief is the biggest sin and unforgivable.

>While an infidel who rapes Muslim women but converts to Islam after would go to heaven according to Islam.

All the Islamist edge lords on social media who keep repeating that shirk is the biggest sin and is a bigger sin than rape keep forgetting this applies to rape of their own female relatives

It doesn't just talk about rape by Muslims against non-Muslims like a Muslim raping a Hindu which is the scenario these incels imagine.

If a Muslim from another ethnicity rapes their mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins and daughters, and then burns him alive, that Muslim will eventually leave hell and got to paradise

Same thing if an infidel did this and raped his female relatives and burned him alive, but then converted and repented.

A non-Muslim American soldier who raped underage Iraqi Sunni Muslim girls but converted to Islam later will have his sins forgiven and go to heaven in Islam.

While a non-Muslim who did nothing and was kind to Muslims will go to hell.
Not a single dawah artist here has answered the OP.
>dawah artist
I'm stealing that.
Also another Sunni hadith said that Muhammad said hell was filled with women.

Again, hell is supposed to be empty now. Why do all these hadith say that Muhammad saw people in hell?
hadiths are written by niggers, for niggers
If you don't believe in sahih hadith you aren't Sunni.
That is correct.
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Do you not understand what the word prophet means?
Knowledge from God on event from the past present and future is the whole deal.
It said he saw the women in hell present tense.

He saw Abu Lahab in hell the the dream too and how he got relief a tiny bit of relef for giving the slave water. He didn't say in the future.

Sunnis say Abu Talib is in hell.

Also explain how a physical action can invalidate shahada. If Pharoah was stopped by mere mud when he was intending to convert in his heart (even Allah feared through his puppet Gabriel that he himself would accept his repentance if he vocaslised it) mute people can't convert to Islam.
Do you not understand what an omnipotent God is capable of?
Are you saying it's impossible for God to have shown the prophet visions of the future?
This just seem to be a matter of you not actually comprehending what omnipotence is more than anything else.

As for Firaun
>But repentance is not [accepted] of those who [continue to] do evil deeds up until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "Indeed, I have repented now," or of those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment
>>But repentance is not [accepted] of those who [continue to] do evil deeds up until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "Indeed, I have repented now," or of those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment
Are you retarded? That doesn't explain physically stopping him from swearing his oath or whatever
>when death comes to one of them, he says, "Indeed, I have repented now," or of those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment

You're a dumbass. This means you can't repent AFTER you die. It says "death comes to one of them" meaning the person is already dead. You can repentance the exact second before death, as long as you are still alive. Islam accepts deathbed shahada, all sins are supposed to be wiped, even if you lived 100 years as a kaffir and raped and tortured Muslims, you can repent the second before you die (but not after).

Pharoah was repenting BEFORE he died which was the reason why Gabriel (Allah's puppet) stuffed his mouth with mud because apparently Allah feared that Allah (aka himself) would be forced to accept Pharaoh's repentance. The hadith says Gabriel feared if the mud wasn't shoved in his mouth then his repentance would be accepted because that was the moment before he died.

That was the entire point of Gabriel physically stopping pharoah.
Also as said earlier, Angel's don't have free will so Allah feared he would accept pharoah's repentance.

This also brings up another contradiction.

Allah is supposed to be all powerful, he shouldn't need Gabriel to shove mud into pharoah's mouth. He should be able to kill pharoah earlier just by willing it and not fear he would be forced to accept his own repentance if he didn't make his puppet Gabriel shove mud in his mouth.

Hw could say fuck it, and invalidate deathbed shahadas specifically for pharoah and explain ghis was a special case in the hadith.

Instead, he has Gabriel physically shut pharoah up to stop him from vocalising the shahada because apparently mute people can't convert to Islam.
Did you miss the part where it said 'Up until"?
>do evil deeds up until, when death comes

Read retard, it clearly means someone who died and tried to say shahada after their death.

Up until when death comes, disbelieving until you die and then try to convert when Munkir and Nakir come.

Death bed conversions are allowed in Islam and are supposed to wash every single sin away. Shahada are valid up to the second before you die.

Pharoah did deathbed conversion except Sunni hadith claims its invalid just because he had mud in his mouth and was mute because of it

Allah's puppet Gabriel literally says in the hadith that he fears Allah will accept pharoah's repentance (if his shahada was vocalised) as a reason for stuffing mud in his mouth.
Han Chinese incel chinkspammer thread
retard, ever heard about haqooq ul ibad?

>Muhammad Dreamed
dreamed retard, dreams literally mean that it's the sign for the future.

>Sunnis say Abu Talib is in hell
the fuck, when did we say that he's in hell. Give a hadith retard

>Sunni hadith says Gabriel rendered Pharoah incapable of vocalising the Shahada by stuffing mud in his mouth because Gabriel was afraid Allah would accept his repentance.

Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When Allah drowned Pharaoh, he said: I believe in the One in whom the children of Israel believe. Gabriel said: O Muhammad, if only you could have seen me while I was taking mud from the sea and filling his mouth, fearing lest the mercy of Allah should reach him.”

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3107

Now, if you could do a simple thing called "reading", you can see it says " fearing lest the mercy of Allah should reach him." which means that Jibrael was afraid that he would have went against God's will if he had been forgiven while I was still putting mud in his throat. It means that, it doesn't fucking mean "Allah was afraid of his repentance bro"
why would Allah be afraid of his own creation??
Pharoah was destined to be fucked because of his retardedness, simple as

>2. This means mute people can't convert to Islam if Pharaoh was prevented from repenting just by mud in his mouth. If you punch someone's teeth out you can consign them to hellfire by this logic since they can't say la ilaha illa allah.

lmao ever heard of "niyah"? but just to fuck with your logic

Sign language exists. Give the testimony in sign language.

You can't just say the shahada and become a Muslim, you need to fully accept it as well instead of "bro you can't be a muslim bro you are mute bro" meaning the moment you completely accept it that Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is the last prophet of Allah SWT, you've become a Muslim.
>dreamed retard, dreams literally mean that it's the sign for the future.
prove it

>Jibrael was afraid that he would have went against God's will if he had been forgiven while I was still putting mud in his throat
prove it

>You can't just say the shahada and become a Muslim
But the history of muslims is getting non-muslims to pledge fealty to Allah (Sloppy Wet Turd) and Momo (Piss and jizz upon him) by offering lower tax rates. Why have muslims historically been so willing to accept conversion under duress?
>lmao ever heard of "niyah"? but just to fuck with your logic

Read again, pharoah intended to convey but Gabriel (Allah's puppet with no free will) stuffed his mouth with mud because if pharoah vocalised his intent his repentance would be accepted.

Read you idiotm
This is the Iraqi incel paedo >>16644954
Accusing everybody of being a chink.

Read more on the Iraqi incel paedophile in Sweden paedo here.

Pharoah intended to convert. Gabriel stuffed his mouth with mud to prevent him from vocalising his intent to say the shahada.

Read, idiot, read.
Your reaction ought to show you why someone might claim such a thing.
>This means you can't repent AFTER you die.
It's literally saying you can't repent AS you die either, not if you spent your whole life sinning and not trying to come closer to God
Gabriel (Allah) literally feared that Allah would accept Pharoah's repentance if he managed to say the shahada out loud.

You can say shahada the second before you die no matter what you did in your life.

Umar planned to kill Muhammad before he converted.
>Gabriel (Allah)
not the same being
That hadith isn't sahih, and even if it was, wouldn't supercede Quran
so we're at this cope now
So what's the percentage of muslim in europe these days?
Angels don't have free will and can't make mistakes in Islam.
The political hadiths rationalizing the persecution of the Prophet's family after his death are also very big contradictions in sunni islam
that's a feature not a bug. Sunni Islam was meant to be a unifying force that would merge all existing parties together. It largely suceeded as only diehard shia maintained their identity as well as an even smaller minority of Kharijites. and it's why you have many contradictions in Sunni Islam
>that's a feature not a bug.
Accurately put, it was created as a means of legitimizing people such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Muawiya, etc.
They got 4/5s and absorbed the minor ali worshippers. I'd say it was a success
Yeah, a success in legitimization but not a moral success
>moral success
That's because islam isn't based on the Quran.
>The 19 angels in the Quran are clearly the 19 leaders of the fallen angels mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Proofs? Where does the Quran say any angels had fallen?
Your mom.
it's unknown if he actually managed to convert and creep into heaven at the last moment, but it's unlikely that he did.
Well he's Ali le god man's father so I'm sure the rules don't apply to him
shias are just monarchists
>74:30 Over it are nineteen
>74:31 And in no way have We made the Wardens (Literally: companions) of the Fire except Angels, and in no way have We made their (right) number except as a temptation for the ones who have disbelieved, (and) that the ones to whom the Book has been brought may have certitude...
Notice how he admits it literally means "companions" and not 'wardens". As I said in the Quran the phrase "companions of the fire" is ALWAYS used in reference to the damned. Also notice how it says their number is revealed to make the people of the Book (the people who know previous scriptures) certain.
Book of Enoch:
>7. And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl.
They are 19. Can you find me another list of 19 angels in previous scriptures? Thought so.
Islam isn't based on the Quran, accept it.
Conflating shai vs sunni to monarchy vs democracy is pretty retarded. Considering Sunni leadership was limited to the qurasyh rather than a specific tribe
Even more so because even Sunnis agree that Hassan was the most qualified to succeed Ali, and that Husayn was the most qualified to succeed after that
no they like Muawiyah .Stop making shit up
They like Muawiya but admit that Hassan was more qualified than him. I know it sounds contradictory but don't blame me for that
that's some real schizo shit
Wait til you hear how they approve of Yazid but admit he was wrong to kill the Prophet's entire family, as if it was a minor error
I get it but I don't think turning Ali into a god-man was the right call
You'd be surprised how much sunnis texts share with shias when it comes to recognizing the virtues of Ali. The only difference is shias practice it and sunnis ignore those texts or give them little value
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The corruption of Islam is always attractive to non-muslims.
That's why 4chan is obsessed with Shias
Only "salafis" approve of Yazid.
No, its just that if you read the history neutrally and unbiasedly, the sunni historical narrative is less coherent than the shia one
Maybe I was mistaken, but I've only ever seen Sunni scholars take the position that Yazid was a decent Sunni Muslim. I'm under the impression that this is the official position of the Sunni school
What makes you so sure that the creator of the universe spoke to a 6th century man via anglephone?
I think you're mixing up Muawiyah and Yazid.
I'm pretty sure that thoughts are a lot more mixed with many big time sunni scholars hating on him.
No such thing exists. We all have our biases and pretending you don't is just ignorance
okay but what does that have to do with the apotheosis of Ali and the end of monotheism?
That's funny because the Umayyads would hate all modern muslims. They're nothing alike. Ironically the sect closest to them are the shia because of historical enmity and the fact that the umayyad caliph was "Khalifat Allah (god)" and not "Khalifat Rasul Allah (muhammad)" meaning that the Umayyad caliph was both Pope and Caesar which what shia believe their imams were entitled too. They opposed their religious authority waning to scholars. It's a moot point in modern times as religious authority in both Sunni and Shia islam are held by scholars
>No such thing exists. We all have our biases and pretending you don't is just ignorance
pretending that all the civil conflicts, fitnas as you call them were all due to misunderstandings between Muhammad's followers is retarded and no one except muslims buy into such a stupid narrative. The most fake and gay "history" imaginable. The shia are better since they have their side (Ali) and stick with it while you have to be schizo to believe the sunni narrative
I'm not mixing them. I said Sunnis consider Yazid a decent Muslim. Their view of Muawiyah is that he is one of the "noble Sahabi"
>No such thing exists. We all have our biases and pretending you don't is just ignorance
By unbiased, I meant anyone without a vested interest in either side but reading history as an observer would conclude that Shia history is more coherent than Sunni history. There are many reasons for this. I use the word "reasons" purposefully, because I believe in objective reason and reject the idea that there is no unbiased narrative
shi'ism makes more sense because they lost. They were able to construct good copes and their legitimacy was not tied to the success of the state. The legitimacy of Sunni islam came from the caliphates and their conquests. Once that starting fading problems ensued. Historically it ended up working out as when one sunni power faded another one took it's place (Umayyads, Abbasids, gap of a hundred years, Seljuks, another gap, Ottomans). The problem with Sunni Islam is that once the Ottomans declined, the Middle East was suffering L after L. It's been at least 300 years of humilation the difference is Shias are used to it but Sunni muslims are not (well they should be used to it now).
Incidentally this is probably one of the reasons Christianity particularly Catholicism were so long lasting. They were losers like shias were for hundreds of years but unlike shias they then managed to gain power like sunnis did and clung onto it for over a thousand years so they derive both types of legitimacy.
Believing that people are flawed is schizo?
Even the prophet wasn't a perfect human.
Shia do not have sole claim to Ali either.
>Believing that people are flawed is schizo?
except that's not the case. By claiming it's all a misunderstanding vs the actual power politics that was it was you look stupid.
Never mind the whole
>Don't judge the companions, allah knows best
which is just a way of saying don't question the narrative
>Shia do not have sole claim to Ali either.
Ali and the ahl al bayt had negative views of the main Sunni sahabis such as Abu Bakr and Umar, this is corroborated in sunni accounts
>Shia do not have sole claim to Ali either.
their name means Party of Ali so they kinda do
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As a Sunni i did used to think that it was possible for the Shia to be right.
When you look at it the history is definitely murky.
But after learning about the divine imamate that just made me realise it really was just a heresy.
Why are humans so desperate to worship men?
Don't Sunnis have hadith where Umar corrects Muhammad multiple times and basically a prophet himself? It's the same hero worship
>As a Sunni i did used to think
This is a lie.
>basically a prophet himself?
According to sunni hadith, Umar knew about the verses on hijab before the Prophet did
>As a Sunni i did used to think
After observing Sunnis and Shias arguing I don't believe that any Sunni has ever done this.
Zaydi Imams are not divine.
Muhammad belived in his own message this much, therefore it was true... Muhammad was a sex addicted schitzophrenic, who was at one point possessed by black magic. His first revelation he was convinced he had been possessed by a demon until his wife talked him out of it. He was mentally ill either naturally or by possesion. Of course he beleived his message. until he got to the point where he fucked the slave girl in his wife's bed. then his wife told Aisha and they were both angry with him. Then suddenly he gets a revelation saying o prophet why do you make unlawful what allah has made lawful for you and told his wives. He made up stuff to cover his ass half the time. (e.g. I can have 9 wives but guys can only have 4) But yes he genuinely beleived alot of the insane stuff he said. He also kissed little boys penises and sucked on their tongues and lips and was so constantly covered in semen that often Aisha couldnt scrape it off with her fingernails so he would go to Mosque still covered in it. Read you own Hadiths. Read Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Bukhari
Religion is just an outlet for superstition
which they can only do by rejecting ahadith science, which then collapses their entire theology
Not really, they just see the compilers of the canonical Sunni hadith books as untrustworthy, as well as major orators of hadith such as Abu Hurayra and Aisha.
The thread is about Sunnism
I still can't understand how sunnis rationalize using her as a reliable source considering everything she did. Though she really hated Ali so I suppose there was nobody better to help legitimize sunnism
Buddy sunnis starting adopting the shia position to dodge muhammad is a pedo comments. It's hilarious to see them start denying their hadith especially since they can't use the it's not sahih excuse
She's mommy for sunnis.
While Shias are repressed fags for Ali
ok, am gonna be real with you bros. the reason everyone in the past was a pedo including muhammad was because little girls look amazing without clothes on. seriously. i'm not one of them pedos or nothin but if you're ever lucky enough to see a naked 7 year old you'll forget tits and hips even exist and you'll chase that loli dragon the rest of your life
Unthinkable, Sunnis worship Aisha like Romanists worship Mary.
You can look at the archive it's full of Aisha was actually 17 posts.

I've seen them post this article as well
Sahih sunni hadith says she was 6 at marriage and 9 at consumation.
>Sahih sunni hadith
Yeah and sunnis are dumping this shit now
>asma aisha's sister was 27 when Muhammad left mecca so Aisha was 17. The hadith is wrong
This has been spamked in the archives.
Lmao if they actually aged her down to BTFO the shi'ites then that's one of history's worst example of self harm
I'm sure that's not the response you would get at an actual mosque. It's like fundamentalist Christians ditching the bible, it can not happen.
>Joshua Little
He publicly discredited the entirety [!] of the Hadith corpus. If you follow him on the age of Aisha, you automatically giving him credibility on this issue, as well. What an epic self-own.
If you think about the fact that she declared war on the caliphate itself, got caught lying to the Prophet and got rebuked for it in the Quran itself, disobeyed the Prophet to the point he wasn't speaking to her etc, then it starts to make sense why sunnis would want her to seem young and innocent
>the historical-critical perspective
into the trash it goes
Didn't ask for your ahistorical-gullible perspective.
>ahistorical-gullible perspective.
That's yours. Historical criticism is the process whereby the histsoyrian dismisses all extant historical evidence so he can replace it with his own farts. The result is as many "histories" as there are historians because it's literally baselessly making things up. It belongs to the category of fiction, not history.
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why isn't anyone talking about this
You're wrong, sunnis jihadists have done multiple attacks on muslim countries since the war started. Jokes aside, the fact that shiites are the only ones supporting Palestinians is like a vindication of their ideology over the sunni one
>Not really, they just see the compilers of the canonical Sunni hadith books as untrustworthy
If you can't trust bukhari you literally won't know how to pray
>Yeah and sunnis are dumping this shit now
Not really, of course a lot of the normies might feign ignorance but pretty much all Sunni apologists affirm that Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old
Shia have their own hadith books, they don't care about sunni books like Bukhari
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>Sunni hadith says Mugammad dreamed Abu Lahab was burning in hell and he got relief for giving a slave water. Sunnis also say Abu Talib is in hell now and having his brains boiled out.
These hadiths are false, they exist because of sunni hatred of imam Ali (as), now let talk about how the parents of caliph Omar and caliph Othman are in hell because they died as infidels, hilariously sunnis talk causally with comfort about the lord of the prophets and Imam Ali parents being in hell but when you start talking about Omar and Othman parents being in hell sunnis start seething and screaming at shia
The main reason behind the accusation of infidelity for the lord of the prophets and imam Ali parents is because sunnis wanting to equal omar and othman with the former great two by saying the former parents were infidels, try talking about omar parents being infidels and in hell and sunni will scream at you and starts seething
Sunni hatred for the lord of the prophets family know no end
>the fact that shiites are the only ones supporting Palestinians is like a vindication of their ideology over the sunni one
Hmm I wonder why
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Continue >>16653988
>Sunni hadith says angel Gabriel physically rendered Pharoah incapable of vocalising the Shahada by stuffing mud in his mouth because Gabriel was afraid Allah would accept his repentance

False hadith, he believed in God but his belief and repentance was rejected
Yonus sora (90-92)
وَ وَ جاوَزْنا بِبَنِي إِسْرائِيلَ الْبَحْرَ فَأَتْبَعَهُمْ فِرْعَوْنُ وَ جُنُودُهُ بَغْياً وَ عَدْواً حَتَّى إِذا أَدْرَكَهُ الْغَرَقُ قالَ آمَنْتُ أَنَّهُ لا إِلهَ إِلاَّ الَّذِي آمَنَتْ بِهِ بَنُوا إِسْرائِيلَ وَ أَنَا مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ(٩٠) آلْآنَ وَ قَدْ عَصَيْتَ قَبْلُ وَ كُنْتَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ(٩١) فَالْيَوْمَ نُنَجِّيكَ بِبَدَنِكَ لِتَكُونَ لِمَنْ خَلْفَكَ آيَةً وَ إِنَّ كَثِيراً مِنَ النَّاسِ عَنْ آياتِنا لَغافِلُونَ(٩٢)
And we took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in transgression and enmity, until, when drowning overtook him, he said, “I believe that there is no god but the god the children of Israel believed in, and I am a submitor (Muslim) . "(90) Now, and you disobeyed before and were a corruptor. (91) So today We will save you with your body, so that you may There is a sign for those who succeeded you, and indeed many of the people are heedless of Our signs (92)
What do you think about Muhammad marrying and having sex with Aisha when she was a child?
Well said, brother
False and fake a whole verse in the kuran argue about aisha not being a virgin, tahrim sora verse 5
How can you possibly read this with a sober mind and not come to the conclusion that whoever wrote this heard about the exodus story and was like “yea that pharaoh guy for sure was begging forgiveness from God after the Red Sea came down on him, better write that down”.
It's based?
Sorry for not being influenced by feminists from the 20th century.
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sunni sisters, our response?
>As I said in the Quran the phrase "companions of the fire" is ALWAYS used in reference to the damned.
It isnt in this instance. The angels were appointed to oversee hell, not damned.
Sahih al-Bukhari 2927
Narrated `Amr bin Taghlib:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "One of the portents of the Hour is that you will fight with people wearing shoes made of hair; and one of the portents of the Hour is that you will fight with broad-faced people whose faces will look like shields coated with leather."
حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو النُّعْمَانِ، حَدَّثَنَا جَرِيرُ بْنُ حَازِمٍ، قَالَ سَمِعْتُ الْحَسَنَ، يَقُولُ حَدَّثَنَا عَمْرُو بْنُ تَغْلِبَ، قَالَ قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم " إِنَّ مِنْ أَشْرَاطِ السَّاعَةِ أَنْ تُقَاتِلُوا قَوْمًا يَنْتَعِلُونَ نِعَالَ الشَّعَرِ، وَإِنَّ مِنْ أَشْرَاطِ السَّاعَةِ أَنْ تُقَاتِلُوا قَوْمًا عِرَاضَ الْوُجُوهِ، كَأَنَّ وُجُوهَهُمُ الْمَجَانُّ الْمُطَرَّقَةُ ".

Sahih al-Bukhari 2928
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Turks; people with small eyes, red faces, and flat noses. Their faces will look like shields coated with leather. The Hour will not be established till you fight with people whose shoes are made of hair."
Bukhari was compiled and written down after the Rashidun and Umayyads already fought the Turks.

Khazars fought Rashidun and Türgesh fought Umayyads.

This is an obvious forgery written to make it seem as though it predicted the future.
>then that proves the the prophet wasn't a liar.
Muslims are genuinely the most credulous people on the planet lmao
>It isnt in this instance
Whenever you see translators saying this, you know they're hiding something important.
Jordan and the rest of the Jew-backed Arab monarchies betrayed the Palestinians long before Black September
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What about this contradiction? Why would a prophet be a nonce?
kill yourself justpassingthrough kill your fucking self
> as religious authority in both Sunni and Shia islam are held by scholars

It's not in the Ismaili sects.
aren't those that assassin guys?
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>Even until the very last minuted of his death the prophet was begging for Abu Talib to say the shahada but because he didn't he said that he was consigned to hell.
No he wasnt, he was asking for a inkpot, quill and a shoulderbone of cattle to write his last will. But all his so called sahaba were too busy bickering over his succession to care thathe subsequently died, and kept arguing until 2 days later they realized he was dead.
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You do not have the iman to decline what is sahih according to fiqh
Nizari Ismailis are the assassins.

Tayyibi Ismailis (Bohras) are not the assassins.
This reminds me of the whole criterion of embarrassment that Christians try to use.
You can definitely use the criterion of embarrassment for Sunni holy figures that are hated by Shias though. The doctrines of Sunnism are used in large part to legitimize those figures, so they wouldn't fabricate about themselves some of the most damaging things like Umar threatening to burn down the Prophet's pregnant daughter's house right after his death because she wouldn't support Abu Bakr, etc etc
I think the words "his death" in the post you're replying to mean Abu Talib's death, not the Prophet's. And you're right about Umar refusing to bring writing utensils to the Prophet on his deathbed, but the bickering didn't last 2 days at his bedside, the Prophet kicked them out of his house when they refused and started bickering
Of course it's physical. That's the primary difference between Christianity and Islam. Islam is all about the physical sword, and Christianity is about the sword of the mouth.

That's why it fails.

You can't build a culture on the idea of cutting your neighbor with an actual physical sword. You will just end up creating a world of violence instead of praise.
The problem is that 70% of the hadiths and the Quran would rely on the criterion of embarrassment, just look at muslims' reactions when you confront them with their own scritpures, muslims are so ashamed of their own texts it's unreal.
>another circle jerk thread
Anyway I’ll answer on the slim chance that this thread isn’t made in bad faith.

The pharaoh didn’t get a chance to convert and repent. After all the crap he did Allah deemed him fit for hell. Also through this Allah showed that you might lose your chance on converting and/or repenting if you wait too long like the people who do everything they shouldn’t with the intention of converting/repenting after they had their fun.

Also everybody will be judged according to their situation which means somebody that didn’t actually convert through words but had faith will be judged according to that.
you apparently.
Read the hadith retard. Gabriel said he feared Allah would accept his repentance if he managed to say it out loud.

>Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When Allah drowned Pharaoh, he said: I believe in the One in whom the children of Israel believe. Gabriel said: O Muhammad, if only you could have seen me while I was taking mud from the sea and filling his mouth, fearing lest the mercy of Allah should reach him.”

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