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IF thread because the last one got deleted for some reason. Premiere in many countries today and tomorrow. Have you seen it yet?
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it got deleted because you fucking degenerate sick fucks were making disgusting porn of the bug lady, I know because I was one of them.
Seems like there's an ice cream flavor for her. But besides that no, I don't think there is.
Bugger? I barely know 'er!
It's all parents, no coomers.
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It sure is glowing alright whenever I see Blossom onscreen.

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He's not funny anymore. Fuck Krobo.
I have sex with his gorgeous wife.
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It's an impressive collection.
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Thank you so much.
Krobo had such a nice comeback, I hope to see more nonsense from him.

Coming back and better than ever.
What if robotgirl was sent to tommy instead of robotboy?

New episodes ideas or rewrite of canon episodes. Crossovers included.

Previous thread:
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I hope to see more edited screenshots
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Wonder robot boy still gonna appear
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Yes he would take Robotgirl's original role in this au
Also somewhat becoming Lola's partner helping her in her plans to get Tommy's attention
Getting ready to fellat Tommy to completion
Cute hope to see more of your edits

The goddess i want to nut
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My wife
Gross, this shit just cannot pass as real art no matter how hard you try

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From insider Daniel Richtman.

>Spider-Man 4 slated to begin filming this fall in order to release in fall 2025. The symbiote at the end of No Way Home will play a role in the film.

>Young Avengers film expected to start filming in 2025. Kate Bishop also set to appear in Avengers 5. Hailee Steinfeld expected to return for both films.

>Midnight Sons starts filming soon once Blade wraps.

>Both Avengers films still on track to release in 2026 and 2027, respectively.

>Hawkeye renewed for a second season inspired by The Raid, with Hawkeye and Kate Bishop stuck in a single location. Hawkeye’s brother Trickshot will play a major role.

>Ms. Marvel Season 2 being discussed, final decision will be made soon.

>Monica Rambeau series was in the works but following The Marvels reception, it was axed. Her story will now continue in another project.

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I feel like they ending was more she going to do stuff with the mutants because of the X-Men theme song and she is a mutant in the MCU.
RPK hasn't told the truth without stealing it from others in 12 years
>nova series
>Spider-Man 4 with symbiote.
Hate anything to do with symbiotes but, sadly, this will probably perform well at the box office.
>Young Avengers film expected to start filming in 2025.
Why? Nobody wants this, the comic flopped, live action teen cape slop has never done well.
>Midnight Sons starts filming soon once Blade wraps.
Every supernatural comic film/show after the first two Blade films has been a disaster... no way a team film will avoid it.
>Both Avengers films still on track to release in 2026 and 2027, respectively.
Who cares? All the good characters are retired or dead.
>Hawkeye renewed for a second season.
Never mind the fact that Disney doesn't have the balls to remake The Raid, they also don't have enough testosterone floating around to pull it off. Also, isn't Renner crippled?
>Ms. Marvel Season 2 being discussed, final decision will be made soon.
Didn't the absolute failure of The Marvels convince Disney that nobody wants to see this?
>Monica Rambeau series was in the works but following The Marvels reception, it was axed. Her story will now continue in another project.
So... Kamala is still under consideration but Monika is in limbo? They were in the same box office poison...

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> >Hawkeye renewed for a second season inspired by The Raid, with Hawkeye and Kate Bishop stuck in a single location. Hawkeye’s brother Trickshot will play a major role.

I love the Hawkeyes but why are you doing this with them? Moon Knight fits way better

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Does anyone get upset when a love interest only appears once and then the show forgets they exist?

The Simpsons dropped the ball with Gina Vendetti. Especially at the end of the episode where Marge said they'd have dinner with her in prison often (That went nowhere)
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I would've gone with that Asian kid Selma adopted. She made a cameo in one of the later seasons but that's it
They directly commented on that when Sardonyx was interviewing Smoky Quartz, and they used a voice clip from Sugilite's episode.

>"She's not actually IN this episode, do we still have to pay her? ...We do?"

Actually, they're still engaged. They haven't done the wedding yet even though it's been like two years.
Didn't Moe marry that midget girl a while ago? We haven't seen her since
She still gets used occasionally, she's in the latest season pretty much. I get the feeling her and CBG are the new Apu and Manjula since they don't use those two anymore but still want to tell married couple stories that aren't Homer and Marge.
I get the feeling they just didn't bother trying to come up with interesting plots with that character since they already had Maggie for baby related stories, and baby related stories aren't that common to begin with.
Dated her, they worked well but then broke up at the end of the episode for dumb status quo reasons, but they brought her back recently in an odd episode where she felt a little out of character from how she was established in her original episode but they've at least made it so the two are engaged now since I don't think fans liked Moe getting screwed out of a relationship for a BS reason. Still haven't done anything with the two of them since then.

why did they such an epic musical number only for the rest of the film to be mediocre and the villain being almost entirely pointless?
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Rasputin being the villain is an idiot take. Rasputin should've been like an edgy Fairy Godmother.
I don't really understand why he was an evil black magic sorcerer here. He was a christian monk in real life and by all accounts he was a relatively friendly guy who was well-liked by the Czar and his family. Is it just because he looked scary?
It's this and the learning to be Anastasia song. Those are the two bangers
favorite moment in the song
the implications are chef's kiss levels of unsettling

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We're progressing backwards it seems
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But Kylefags tell me that Green Lantern was much better when he was ruining other female heroes, abandoned Earth when his gay friend got beat up, and was fighting the much superior foes, Effigy and Grayven!
They should have a parachute ongoing black character always ctive even with low sales for that not to happen.
Not really, people making memes and jokes about Magneto redemption and many crimes is really common, he's seen as just like Catra from She ra.
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>Black guy here
>Doesn't know about the weekly black only "International Pan African Telepathic Council Meetings" where we decide on how to behave and what to do next as a collective race.
Nice try white boy.

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Why have so many adaptations ignored the fact that Bane is supposed to be a genius?
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they forgot
Isn't that Joker's thing?

Did you? >>143688893
Le because he's a le big gentlesir for le you! *le holds up le bat-spork*

TDK Rises unironically saved him from ending up like Killer Croc, now everybody knows he's supposed to be strong and smart and the comics do it more often than not.

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>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).

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Saturday comics?
Judge Dredd Megazine 468 (2024) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire).cbr

U & I 04 (of 06) (2024) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr

Sanction 001 (2024) (digital) (Knight Ripper-Empire).cbr

When the Blood Has Dried 002 (2024) (digital) (Knight Ripper-Empire).cbr
Zuerst Omnibus-relaunch by Travel Foreman:

2 free downloads:

The first issue of Zuerst Omnibus is online now and can be read for free:





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Deer Editor (2024) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr

Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen (2017) (digital) (The Magicians-Empire).cbr

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Characters and comics and cartoons wearing sexy outfits they're not usually associated with wearing.
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You know what the Savage Land is but not who Storm is?
No, that's voyeurism. Cuckoldry specifically refers to being cheated on. If someone fuck your girl, you're a cuck whether you're watching or not. Watching your girl get fucked makes you a voyeuristic cuck.
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Heres a creepy looking pomni bootleg i saw yesterday at a mall
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disingenuous people like to say "well uhh your parents didnt like you watching too many cartoons so how is this different?" there comes a point where a change in quantity becomes a change in quality, a bunch of little nudges end up with you falling off a cliff, a bunch of little evolutionary changes eventually result of a new species that can no longer breed with the former, a buncha guys go peepee in the pool and suddenly the whole pool is piss
where is the line drawn? well, approximately here
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Ok but I kek'd when the fully grown teenage son came out of the room and was then evidently instantly disappointed in himself
I was the same with the Simpsons theme as a kid. Then again I was pretty low IQ
Cartoons in the past had stories too. Cocomelon is just pure brain rot with only singing in it
this is true, it's actually good for people to watch coherent media while their brains are developing, a start, finish, middle, climax, etc... it helps build their mind
just watching finger families dance all day is gonna fuck em up

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Are they gonna be enemies to lovers? Or frenemies to the end?
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Oh. Yes there is. But i don't think anyone here actually has any images of it saved.
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I looked at the Twitter and couldn't find one. Anyone?
According to Cal's bio he actualy has a thing for the black girl.
considering how this is probably going to appeal to female watchers more, that's most likely how it will go
Interracial trumps lgbt I guess

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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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How about a GG street fighter fighting game? Who'd be the last boss in story mode?
Probably Jade Empress.
So are we done for the week. If so, see y'all tomorrow Sunday morning.
>basically Marie from Skullgirls with jade golems in place of skeletons
Or the censored code himself.

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The 2000s has to be the most high-T area for action cartoons. I remember loving this stuff with my friends. Why did they fall out of favor?
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There were some good action shows in the 2010s as well, Generator Rex, Young Justice, Spider-Ma e.t.c but around the mid-2010s, the trend shifted towards shows being subversive or painfully meta.
None of these are good because nobody says Nigger in them.
The popularity of shonen really boosted it
Actual Spider-Milf when?
Girl power and twitter

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