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Dogs are masterclass
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Yeah, but... c'mon. You know why that's the meme.
Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYssjFeAui8
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Settle down, fellers. Zoe isn't the only pooch out there.
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>Martha walks to the microphone
>"Hi! I really, really, really-really-really need to go outside. Is there a doggy door nearby, or a puppy pad, or one of those garments that I understand are like human puppy pads but you wear them? I'll take anything at this point, really!"

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In this thread we talk about lesser known DC/Marvel characters.
I'd never heard of Jack Monroe until I was browsing a super soldier list.
>A former sidekick to Captain America, Jack Monroe abandoned his mentor when he became disillusioned with the hero's lack of finite action against the super-villains they fought. He later became the notorious serial killer known as Scourge.
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Phantasm I don't think we've seen much
literal who
cool look
Never really had much of a point. Same reason she was never used in the DCAU after Mask of the Phantasm beyond the cameo in Epilogue (which was originally intended to tbe the final DCAU episode).
Alas she died in her first storyline and nobody cares about that run. Like nobody ever brings back Technomage either.

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What do her feet smell/taste like?

Also blue thread?
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It's hard to forget her.
Blue thread
you are genuinely neutron star density of retarded

fuck you, fuck that THUMBNAIL you posted, I hope you bite into a sandwich and find out it's been carved out of a single massive chunk of whale shit

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Think it'll be good?
Giant Pepper Granny will be the best character.
if she's invincible why can i see her?

>just finished season 1
>people say this show gets 'bad'
what should i know before watching season 2?
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The characters don't evolve beyond what you see
They introduce unnecessary drama everytime
Episodes end with terrible conclusions yet the show makes it as if the ending was justified
Story beats keep repeating itself, as if the show is stuck in a loop
The humor gets more juvenile the more the show goes on
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Don't expect Loona to talk.
I'd argue Moxxie gets worse.

I want to say Blitz gets worse, but you probably have a point there in that he's maintained the same level of shittyness.
Character assassination galore.
Borderline if not explicit retcons for the sole purpose of making a character even more of an uwu baby.
If you think the show shits on Moxxie in season 1, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Completely invented drama that runs counter to what has actually been shown.
Focus weirdly shifting away from the actual main cast.

All in all just absolutely abhorrent writing. Season 1 was passable to good. Season 2 has a few good moments in a slew of otherwise awful episodes.
Nothing. Just watch cartoons and stop being afraid of what scary anons might say about you.

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You discovered an Ongezellig thread! You get 100 luck points from me!
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hopeless plapping with inanimate feather-stuffed dutchwife
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retard, Russians haven't even been allowed to make payments to petjeaf (for obvious reasons) in the first place. Also the absconding payments issue is a problem for the current petje dot af slash studiomassa, not for the Ongezellig petjeaf, which did not secure enough funding for the full time goal for no other reason than not enough popularity (internationals did contribute, as seen in the credits of every deel after the 1+2 video, so it was not that either)
It clearly is by all the delays. Updates went from weekly, to bi-weekly, to next month. They clearly didn't think it through.

>I feel that people will talk about the OG creator being in a mental asylum or spinning inside of his own grave someday soon, those types of threads are surely quirky and depraved as always..

Read through the original Spider-Man and FF runs and Stan The Man is a fucking god tier writer.
>b-buh muh fuckin ploterinos
Don’t care. I’m talking about the words in the bubbles here. They’re fucking incredible. And Ditko literally gets a plot credit in the book so what is the yapping about? Stan is an amazing writer and the dogpiling on him is pure contrarianism. Went from overrated to underrated. Can’t wait to read more Stankino. Might try X-Men or Captain America next.
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I didn't try anything. You defeated yourself when there wasn't even a fight.
>he’s not a Millie the Model and Patsy Walker chad
Maybe when they get round to doing omnibuses for them
I love that they included those in the “X month of X year” collections. They should do more of those, but I guess only hardcore of hardcores buy them.
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Personally I just find those omnibuses absolutely pointless. I do think it's neat from a historical/contextual perspective, but if I'm spending money on an omnibus I'd always much rather collect specific runs instead of a scattershot month.
Otherwise, you might as well just stoop to something like the Marvel Now! Omnibus

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how would you fix the industry. i want comics to start to look like this again, striking poses flashy colors and stupid stories, when did it change to everybody soapboxing?
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>People would literally line up around the block if he started drawing X-men again.
And they would leave quickly because, just like in the 90s, he would not deliver on time and jump ship in less than a year.
And like I wrote before, comic shops managed to fuck themselves over because, by doing limited to no-returns with the publishers, they got rid of one of the biggest reasons why comics pre 1980's were able to be valued at what they are. Scarcity.

It's pretty hard to sell issue #1 of any comic for a huge price when you can find it at the same place you bought it. And in huge quantities and no risk of it being returned or thrown out to stock new product that will sell.

Fucking over comic shops by making them the front end for new comic distribution was one of the worst decisions that the industry made, followed by comic shops agreeing to not do full refunds (and crippling the collector's market in the process) and give themselves leverage at the beginning of the Direct Market.
Indie comics should use bigger panels just because 95% of people would be reading it on their phone.
I go to my LCS weekly, it’s mostly 20-40 year olds.
>The only reason why returns wouldn't be feasible for comic publishers and shops is because comic shops were stupid enough to take on all of the risk of carrying new monthlies and publishers were greedy enough to take them for a ride.
You keep saying this yet it has never been true.
The LCS only continues to exist because other retailers represent a loss.

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>This thread was brought to you by the letter B.
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>posts once per year
No it's Saturday
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I ahve the day off so good enough for me.

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What a guy

Would any incarnation of Ben be a good father?
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Gwen is happy because it means people don't think her and the doofus are a thing. Ben while disgusted at first soon realized that Lucy's kisses taste like Grape flavored Mr.Smoothies and he's left feeling very conflicted.
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I don't know how any can look at her design and think she wasn't going to end up with this. Much less with Ben.
That bald fuck would fuck up a kid's future harder than whatever schizo shit he thinks is ruining this generation.

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...Who asked for this?
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Always just a background character.
I appreciate the clarification. That's pretty crazy. Want the game to succeed, but ouch.
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Same here. I don't mind him, haven't watched AT so it makes no difference to me if it's a popular or unpopular character from the show. But it just seems like self sabotage to include a joke character like this for the crucial relaunch. If they keep picking characters no one wants the game is gonna end up in hibernation again, and probably for good this time

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needs more armpit hair
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Pregchads rise up.
She should eat the other kid
god, i want to be inside there kicking and struggling

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Is the month of May, once again is time for a thread.
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>loli =/= real life hanging out in a nsfw server with children

nah bru, from a skimming spaicy is simply a fucking retard.

not a life ruination necessary dead one but come on, do the bare minimum
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>Primos premieres in less than a month but Disney is too scared to promote it (No trailer, only barely a new poster that leaked).
Fellas, did we overreact?
Looks like garbage.
>e-celeb shit
Who the fuck watches a seven hours long video about some nobody? Get a fucking life anon.
lol no, anything that hurts disney is amazing.

Will the new season be any good?
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>Alex gets hypnotized, starts making out with Mandy
Calling it now.
Season 6 had an overabundance of chibis, to an extent that it was fucking annoying. Think it stemmed from the fact that Marathon wanted to do an SD version of Totally Spies that skewed younger, but was probably replaced by SpieZ instead. So the chibi overload in S6 was maybe done to compensate for that.
I don't think I was still watching into S6, so I'm not surprised that I missed it.
>Totally Spies that skewed younger
Ah yes, for all those kids into furry inflation at those ages. Brilliant choices.
Imagine having the 5 spy girls with giant combining robots.
They’re going for a full sentai

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