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Post certified /co/ kino
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I still refuse to believe anyone actually talks like that in their daily life.
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Friend of mine has three kids, and the youngest seriously does. It's fucking obnoxious.
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Korra was shit but the community was pure kino
My money is on that squirrel from that King Arthur disney movie.
Congratulations, now you know what it was like to be around you when you were a kid.

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Goose pls...
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Please post more of this ship
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I accidentally my whole folder a while back but I'll post what I find
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Well, yeah. Goose's critters are fairly silly looking. Kind of cute, even. The spooky mask thing has the same googly eyes as Kinger.
It's just supposed to be creepy. Do you think Courage is shit because it doesn't make you literally scream?
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>I accidentally my whole folder
Oh no this is not a good thing

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What's next for Venture Bros?
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Still don't smoke. . .
>300 bucks
Fucking jesus. Glad as fuck I ordered it when it dropped. I wish Dark Horse was not like this.
being forgotten
I'll miss her
>two (2) episodes with her uncensored tits
>approx. 18 quadrillion scenes with Rusty's cock
It ain't fair. Honestly even in terms of male fanservice, I don't think Brock ever had an uncensored nude scene either.

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>Cartoon does the "3 wishes" episode
>They make 2 dumb wishes and have to use the final wish to undo everything
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>episode takes place in the past
>all of the characters ancestors look exactly like them
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>3 wishes
10 motherfucke!
>Rich kid gets unlimited wishes
>Just makes the same stupid wish over and over because he doesn't have any real need for wishes
1. The ability to breath under water
2. The ability to survive oceanic pressure at the bottom of the ocean
3. Genie to be free

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Funny, cool, stupid, it doesn't matter, post 'em
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>no don Martin
For shame
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> How is the current run?

> How was the 2020 volume?

> Thoughts on the use of Thor villains in the current Phoenix series?

> Wishlist for Thor in the comics?
>> - Ideal creative team you would like to see in the future?

> Wishlist for Thor in the Mcu?
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>Wishlist for Thor in the comics?
bring pre2011 thor comicbooks again
What happened in 2011 that was bad?

Thor will be in upcoming issues of JMS's Cap run - >>145524714
He did the 2007 Thor stuff.
Remember, you can show a guy being ripped in half but not a naked woman

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It doesn't really show much. It's just another sequence of Jinx and Vi's battle.
time travel was gonna be a thing since the very second Ekko appeared in the Enemy music video

you should've checked out then
Not too late. There are still four episodes left to destroy all your shit headcanons
kek Leblack endgame

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>trying to adapt a western trading card game into a mainstream animated show
Will it work?
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>they have any fantasy creatures imaginable but its mostly about humans

This is something that has bugged me about fantasy in general these days along with several other things I could go on a long incoherent autistic rant about. But in regards to this specific franchise there is so many non humans stories they could tell but instead we got the Jacetice League's epic Marvel battle with Thano- I mean Nicol Bolas comeplete with a you should have aimed for the head moment. Meanwhile I want to know about Rosnakht the new Kobold leader and her quest to kill the dragon Prossh to free her people from his rampage or what the Slivers are going to do with their emerging self awareness and these new omenpaths. Of course if we did get these stories they would probably be solved by Jace, Kellan or some other asshole nobody cares about with the Kobolds and Slivers being pushed to the side.

Doesn't help a lot of these new sets just feel like "theme sets" and nothing more, we got the murder mystery set, the cowboy set, the furry set (I really like Bloomburrow and other peole seem to really like it but I think they got lucky with this one) and as of today, the 80s horror movie set, and in the coming months the fucking racing set. With a few of em having cards that feel like scrapped un set cards they wanted to shove somewhere. Other sets had themes, but they also had care put into them like Innistrad actually having different kinds of zombies, Angels made by a vampire to keep the plane in check and probably some other shit I'm forgetting.

I think what I miss most about old Magic stories was that if you didn't like the setting or characters on one set, all you had to do was wait for the next one. But now with these omenpaths anyone can be anywhere and if the writers like a character you don't tough shit because they're gonna be everywhere.
>Disgusting tranny take
They retconned here positive romantic interactions with men, pretty much just Gideon to be honest, to slap her with the elf who was retconned to make no sense. Of course most people didn’t actually care about that until one guy tried to unretconned things with a particularly hamfisted story.
Jace is now a villain they need a good guy as the protagonist.
Chandra was designed as pansexual by the character designers.

The face of pure evil
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God, I hate this wakfu-tier animation.
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Man this new artstyle is both ugly and cheap-looking.
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Do you have your's pre-ordered?

I recently finished The Brood Saga. I found it pretty awful and contrived. Paul Smith is an interesting artist, but I don't think I want to read anymore Claremont UXM. How do guys feel about the Brood Saga and what came after?
I've seen people on here say that post-Brood Saga Uncanny X-Men is the best of Claremont's tenure, but it feels like I'm being led on.
I may just skip to New Mutants and eventually Excalibur and hope those are good, at least. I know the art is.
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it literally says SUGGESTED. any of us at 14 or 15 would have been fine reading alan moore swamp thing, literally no one would have been traumatized if an LCS sold swamp thing to a younger teen. please.
I think the only uneventful issue back then was the Cyclops one, ironically the only one with that cool new costume.

>Magneto already "dead"
>A whole mutant island to explore

>Nooooo oi wonted to do that
>kill off Magneto again (to bring him back later)
>kill off Genosha to have "mutant cultures" pop up everywhere else

>Look at moi new ugly mutants, original, roight?
>annoyed Morlocks.jpg

Which moloid hired him, again? Jemas or quesada?
>i actually have luxurious hair
I bet it even looks great in the washer.

>that's not how that works
Wrong. Proof: You know what's happening in every X-book right now.
Why is everyone so defensive?
(You) sound defensive. What're (You) hiding?

Previous >>145525044

It's the second half of 2001 today.
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Anthony's still colored ginger here, wonder when they first go back to blond
And the alternate strips regarding Michael and Deanna's wedding.
That's it for today, next time is the first half of 2002. Connie hits the big 5-0, Deanna gets pregnant and Liz's relationship with Eric comes to a messy end.

>Anyone can cook
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Disney/Pixar Presents: RataTWOille
>rats only live like one year
Wait until you hear about Mickey Mouse
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>Anyone can cook
Is that really true?
Yes, but only if they learn from somebody that can cook already.
No. Anyone can follow a recipe but not anyone can cook.

Neither Scott Snyder nor Mark Waid has ever written Cass Cain in anything.

(Appearing in a random group shot doesn't count.)
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Cass' mom looks like THAT?
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New comm o'mine
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Also just realized never shared this one here
Great stuff! Do you have any other recent comms your willing to share?

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Why is he so small
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She's got the nicest feet at least.
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Not comparable.
Wander was a space hobo with no relation to Lord Dominator. Aside from his magic hat (that he stole, because of course he would), he can't do more than annoy his detractors.
Steven Universe is, through his gem, a member of the uppermost ruling caste in the Homeworld gem empire.
Is that a smile or a lower lip?
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>steven dismantles a evil space empire through the power of… nepotism
bravo sugar

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ITT: Post out of context comic panels
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stop copying twitter posts
Shit example, the original context is still obvious.
Why are you on twitter
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