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Believe in the backside.
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I prefer the white pantsu edit
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ideal lockdown/wfh gf. i'd be thanking god for those booty shorts everg dag

Post an evil character who was right

>just finished season 1
>people say this show gets 'bad'
what should i know before watching season 2?
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it doesn't 'get' bad
it just is bad
if you don't think it's bad yet then you're in the clear buddy
enjoy your shit taste i guess
It becomes the Stolas show
hope you like soap operas
overswearing aside Season 1 HB is still genuinely good
Loona is completely removed from the show.
Vivziepop fills the series with even more of the show.
Less episodes focusing on hitman missions and more on drama.

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What the sigma?
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"Trolling" Chris has nothing to do with being scared of 4chan. And why would they fear anonymity? KF is all about anonymity too, they'd all get swatted by every other corner of the web otherwise. There's no reason to be scared of 4chan anymore, hell /co/ is just a twitter comment section these days, I'd be far more worried if KF knew my name than 4chan. If anything, the sharty is scarier because you're allowed to hunt people down and ruin their lives for minor infractions, at least KF has rules against messing with the subjects.
the sharty's culture doesn't come from its users.
it comes from another reality
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>at least KF has rules against messing with the subjects.
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>"Trolling" Chris has nothing to do with being scared of 4chan.
Boy that is some difficulty in reading comprehension

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I ship them
The christcucks
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Rent free

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It might be sacrilege, but I’ll have to be honest; I actually like Storm’s new cloud/curly hair. I never liked ultra-straight hair in general, and this an upgrade to me. Shame about the changed facial shape, but I like the commitment in darker skin and curlier hair. I remember instances of her drawn like an Indian with that ultra straight white hair and then a feline face and Jesus she looked disgusting. Now at least she looks like a hot piece of chocolate. I still hate the wank she’s getting from the writers, but the design is finally wank worthy.
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Don't ask this people to know any basic backstory or character information.
Okay take
That's not the point. She could have been African and reasonably looked the way she looked as there are lots of different looking Africans. There was no reason to greatly increase her negroid features just for her to look more like African-Americans for DEI brownie points.
I think Storm would look better naked.
we need to break out the calipers to measure Storm's skull through the years to tell if she's gone from a Caucasoid skull to a negroid one.

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Captain Marvel #8
The Avengers #14
Avengers United #31
Infinity Paws #6
Avengers United #32
Infinity Paws #7
Ms. Marvel Mutant Menace 3

Last week's thread: >>143529203
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Involuntary TG with a dash of noncon.
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Love the art just a shame about the Bendis words in that story

Also Cho Carol is unbeaten to this day. Just this big brick shithouse of a woman with thighs that can crush a tank
I like Dodson's Carol a lot, shame neither could keep up with Marvel interior scheduling.
Also imagine Femtron forcing herself on Carol with Tony forced to experience it.
Dodson Carol is the best wet dream Carol. Just a big booba supermodel type. She's maybe a bit too glamorous for me, she doesn't pull off the "hot but tough" look. But she is gorgeous and Dodson is a fantastic artist. Yeah shame about the interiors but apparently he's also too expensive for Marvel to consider him anymore. Same is true of Steve Lieber who did Superior Foes, which is also a huge shame.

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In this thread we talk about lesser known DC/Marvel characters.
I'd never heard of Jack Monroe until I was browsing a super soldier list.
>A former sidekick to Captain America, Jack Monroe abandoned his mentor when he became disillusioned with the hero's lack of finite action against the super-villains they fought. He later became the notorious serial killer known as Scourge.
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Presumably she just transferred back into Violet's body.
good cover
Phantasm I don't think we've seen much
literal who
cool look

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why do they think it would work if they just tried it a second time
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Queers for Palestine. Your peers say otherwise. Unless there's a conservative group that's pro Islam (but not actually Muslim btw) that I don't know about
Reminder that the "religion of peace" nonsense was coined by Republicans in wake of 9/11 to avoid both bloody and useless chimpouts all over the US, and to explain why they were invading Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia (where 90% of the blame lied).
I couldn't tell you any specific groups, but it's common for far right-wing people to admire Muslims due to their extremist conservatism. Like Adolf Hitler or Nick Fuentes.
they're desperate
Religion of peace though

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How do we feel about Lucy's canon eyes?
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Fucking Chris Chan eyes…
Seriously, I don’t believe this.
Legend of Dark Witch babyyyy
is it just about Lucy?
If it is just about Lucy, why would they call it "The Sister Chronicles"?
>damn she got pink eye
Her origin story is Lynn Loud farted so much in their shared room she developed permanent pink eye that allows her to see spirits

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is he a cautionary tale?
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This. The animation industry is fucking dying and trying to anchor yourself to an industry job is a detriment at this point.
>Enter thread
>"I wonder if..."
>ctrl+f " Kiwi
>5 results
I knew it!
There is no animation mafia. It's psychology to try to make artists afraid. There are bitches though, lots of bitches.

If there was a mafia or illuminati they would not have lost control of the industry so that its now half a billion in losses and everyone going indie.
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Your completely stupid reaction is exactly why Nazi jokes will continue to be made for years and years to come. Nazis are simply too effective at making retards such as yourself upset.

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post characters/series that never got their time to shine
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Eh, Cartoon Foot Clan wasn't really that special, mostly because they were so out of focus compared to Bebop and Rocksteady.
Admittedly, I was also assuming the anon meant just the leaders themselves, in which case 'being a pretty good ninja (depending on the episode' doesn't really compare to two wizards and a giant mech.
My Pronouns are We/Us
I think once you hit multiversal things start getting out of hand really fucking fast because you start delving into tiers of power that are almost arbitrary because they rely entirely on unobservable progressively more ridiculous bullshit and hax
my question is still which exactly constitutes a "bigger" powerlevel, affecting dimensions or affecting timelines, and how do you even differentiate them in media that don't go out of their way for that level of autism?
How is this complicated, are you stupid? Each dimension is infinitely bigger than the previous one, therefore more powerful
This has been Debunk already. The falling spikes are magic and multiverse level the ice he struggled to break was magic and multiverse level. The iron pot that hurt him also magic and multiverse level. The wolves and bears that caused him to bleed was also magic and multiverse level. The arrows are magic and multiverse level with infinite speed. The storm that almost drowned kratos was also magic and multiverse level. Why is this so complicated for downplayers to understand?

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Allansisters, we made it!
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>Allan is the best autistic representation we've ever gotten
>he's not even confirmed to be autistic, it's just a decent headcanon
>no one casually watching thinks he's autistic, they just think he's weird
>if he isn't autistic then Allan is so weird that people think he has a social disorder
There really is no winning for us, is there?

I don't agree with them.
I've told people that I am slightly autistic before, because it happened to come up in a conversation we were having.
From that point onward the entire goddamned office started acting as if I was a retard who needed constant help.
And you know what their reaction was when I called them out on it and asked them to stop treating me differently?
>huh? what do you mean, anon? hey john, are you acting different towards anon because he's autistic? no? see, anon? no one is treating you any different!
People don't realize what they're doing, but knowing that you're not normal makes them unconsciously act differently towards you.
I quit that job as soon as I was able and will NEVER tell ANYONE that I'm not "normal" ever again.
It's great, it really helps me practicing English
t. slavfag
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>I'm going to tell people I'm autistic
>the slightly autistic person doesn't understand social interactions? how can this be????
I'm at least glad you agree with my disagreement.

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I want sauce on those lewds, Schaal!
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Buddy you haven't seen anything yet if you want an example of representation holding back two characters who had better chemistry than with anyone else.
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Why is it so common for many series have the season 1 villain become a good guy in later seasons?
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Appeared in season 1 and was the first reoccurring villain of the show
>Harley Quinn
She did turn good. Season 4? I think. When she joined bat family. Haven't kept up with the show
It's a long time since I watched it so you might be right
Zuko wasn't the first redeemed villain, but with how lightning-in-a-bottle the quality of ATLA was, his redemption arc was done the best when compared to redeemed villains that came before and after him
I'm not saying he's the end all, be all, and that every show should try to emulate his arc, because other shows should use him as an example or template, because his character arc simply worked well
Such a good character
it's a fun trope

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