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>Stop looking at my butt!
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good riddance.
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Good genes in that family
Stop eating Doritos and Mountain Dew so it stops being so fucking noticeable.
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... and start eating it!
Now this is gamer fuel I can get behind
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What kind of porn is she into?
vanilla doujin
straight shota
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Stop being a butt slut
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Overwatch SFM
Why is the child character drawn like this?
Did you say something? I was too busy staring at your personality.
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Reminder that Miko's parents apparently decided that their robot daughter needed to have a P H A T ass.

I guess to maintain "genetic" consistency.
romantic monster boys
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Really vanilla stuff, if these
are accurate.
Maybe not have such a big butt then.
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So real talk, she's totally down for some fwb action, right?
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She's down on my bwc that's for sure.
If Fives asked she would, even if she had no romantic attachment she probably would. He just would never ask.
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Your face, your ass - what's the difference?
Nothing to do with OP or his pedophilia.
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>He just would never ask.
Why tho? My good nigga, come on now.
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I wasn't. I was looking at your cute face.
I want her to vomit on me
>you can decide what your kids will look like
That sounds like the worst idea ever. I'm glad that isn't real
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bottom right isnt too bad either
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>designs her like this
>complains when people thirst or her
>instantly recognized this as the fart fetish porn thanks to tumblr
Agegap Yuri
he should have known what he was getting into. It's the internet and everyone knows a bunch of animated characters get slapped with tons of porn by now
Well, sorry, but that was just so loud I had to look!
OK. *closes eyes, starts sniffing instead*
>It's not my fault that your butt is so fat! How did it get so fat anyway?
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Hellllll yeah.
Is there anymore of this stuff?
more like
miko kulona
https://catbox moe/c/057avz
Please tell me there was an episode where her fat butt farted.
What about her feet?
If there was, we'd never hear the end of it... Well, we'd certainly hear -her- "end" of it, but...
how do you download an entire catbox gallery
he knows, the complaint was more "keep your online porn away from kids who are our intended audience"
no corporate suit will like them if their kiddy toon has a reputation of being even slightly problematic
Why should I watch this show? None of this show's w-doujins are good.
whoa where is this from
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Did you know? The intro to Glitch Techs oddly fits very very well with the song "I Like Big Butts"

Any Miko requests? Zahra and Miko's mom are ok too
Miko getting an enema.
Miko in Leelah's wrestling outfit from Futurama
Does anyone on the show's staff ever talk about Miko's ass?
It's really good. The last few episodes truly shine though.
Good family in those jeans.
Does Miko consider semen to be gamer fuel?
Miko looking really horny about to drink from her gamer cup filled with thick cum
Miko being annoyed at us for staring at her fat butt.
While showing her fat ass, right?
Yes, while showing her fat ass.
Literally cannot, it's the main thing anyone remembers Miko for.
https://catbox moe/c/5pqf41
My man
I had that one already, but thanks anyways
miko wearing a fur coat and smoking a fat dart
No dying now
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How much would the show change if the main character actually happened to acknowledge their butt
Whats with the hyper ass
Miko's plump fuzzy pussy
Except you told me there have been no good /co/ shows in the past decade.
She'd have a puffy, shaved one
Oh right that was one of those "promised plot points for season 3 or 4" right?
Boy that and the Molly McGee leaks more or less just tell me Disney and Nick did the right thing cancelling these shows in time, they were NOT going to good places.
I like robots so that could've been cool.
>Have sex
Okay, bend over.
Why are there no good /co/ shows
Why does /co/ have to worship mediocrity like this show
Your questions answer each other.
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>/co/ latches onto mediocrity because there aren't very many good shows
I can see that
>there aren't very many good shows because /co/ latches onto mediocrity
No. /co/ is NOT a taste-maker, except for the quad-digit-at-best number of people who browse it regularly. And even then, the first digit of that number probably isn't higher than 2.
It's not the show that's being worshipped so much.
You got a problem with robots?
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>Oh right that was one of those "promised plot points for season 3 or 4" right?
No, just fanon. Apparently some people are too stupid for "show, don't tell" so they don't get she's immune to memory wipes because she suffered an accident at the right time in the first episode. This makes them come up with stupid theories, like she's a robot or she's a game character. Despite the fact we see her as a kid in flashbacks.
Livestream clips of gamer chicks peeing their pants because they've been gaming too long
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Sorry i took so long, i had to do some stuff, and i couldn't focus on drawing. Here are some sketches, in the meantime. I'm gonna sleep now, so i'll finish them tomorrow and post them here if the thread's still up. If it archives, i'll post them in the Drawthread
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Lexi needs more art.
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what about them
Hope you enjoy squatting to pick up your soap.
If you’re still taking requests, Miko getting stuck in a cave hole/air vent due to her butt being too fat to fit, a la Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree.
Why doesn't she have more art?
Custom Funko Pop of Miko.
Also, butt.
Inspired by
Is that a Clash of Clans archer?
Old_man, teen_girl
>Zahra Rashid
>Hijab, skintight clothes, alone with men who are not her family.
Wallah, that girl is a whore.
Put her in a burqa now or I hijack a plane.
butt that fat
he looks like a Hades 2 character
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
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I'm not sure where Billy is at on this, but while we wait, here is my attempt.
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Easily suggestible to HFO hypno
Miko anal when?
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Continues to not look at her butt
Everything I do online is a lie
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What type of H-games would she play?
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>I've made my choice.
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Getting a closer look
How long did that take you? I say about 10 minutes
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It showed up in the archive
They smelly
What the hell that’s awesome, thanks anon. Those lines look great.
What's your favorites Miko smut? The bathtub animation made me lose weight several times.
I had to take care of a mousey intruder and summer ants, but i'm finishing them up now. Pretty great one, by the way
this cartoon has episodes of great quality and low quality. it's really inconsistent.
>several dupes
>wildly varying quality
Did you just throw that list together randomly?

Catbox has aids, so litterbox it is for now, also, sorry again for taking so long
Thanks for the horny Miko, Billy
I'm not surprised Miko made a dyke out of that Muslim slut
I only even remember a few of them. The Ridley one and the Castlevania one. There was also one where they reveal Five's dad is in jail for something and there are vague hints its related to the evil corporation putting him there. I don't even remember what the series finale was about though. Didn't really feel like the show had an overall direction.
Thank you both for the double leotard Miko, guys
My pleasure, anon.
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It's funny because lots of normies don't know what "spunk" or "spunky" really means.
Good pic
Miko and Five dressed as Kiriko and Reaper
I’m grateful as always for a Glitch Techs thread, but I really wish the show was in production so we could talk about something other than Miko’s glorious ass.
Depends. Are you a culture warrior with an anime profile pic on twitter or are you a normal person?
She's so cute
It was preparing to build up the world.
fuck got me jerking
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so close
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one more
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seems about right
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Doesn't even look like a funko.
It looks a hundred times better.
Miko with a huge beer gut
Mayumi Kubota in this pose
Miko is already curvy so I don't get why so much art draws her with these exaggerated tits and ass
porn addicts
>Miko tells Five to hurry up and fuck her mom so he can get his head back in the game.
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This is a bona fide coom thread so I can't blame you, in fact I'm glad you're openly embracing it like this. Artists have made it literally impossible for some people to look at this character and NOT got a stiffy as their mind floods with dozens of lewd and provocative Miko pics.
What if Hinobi's solution to this problem was to just add the monster Miko to their lineup of company mascots and just going "We are really committed to this viral marketing campaign for our new game series" when letting her just casually go out in public like nothing's really happened.
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More pics of monster miko?
Obviously hentai.
Did they design her with a self-lubricating asshole?
>Couldn’t live in the timeline where burgers were still appealing to heterosexuals at the same time as the rule 34 goldrush
Miko is a glimpse at what could have been.
How long until these start fucking?
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Best fanart out there.
Hector and Zahra were going to be an item
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Source on this artist please?
nice work
Thanks bro, I’ve seen his art in other threads and it looks real nice.
It's called Twitter dumbass
Extra thicc
Larger, stronger women choking smaller men - both in their underwear
Only correct answer.
Need a response to >>143671760
Melting dick? You should get that looked at.
>Mayumi trying to seduce her daughter's best friend while she's in the room.
She must be very pent-up.
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Nica is pretty sexy. There needs to be more lewd of her.
Well I did use a Funko Vinyl for the head, since it had the right shape and nose.
Don't search Miko and Deathclaw on rule34.
Stop having a fat ass then.
Checkmate, Paleontologists
>Just posing with it
>doesn't take the knot
>the ending

Why is it so hard to get good foot ref in this show
Cause they didn't show feet very much.
What the hell...
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Originally I wasn't gonna add a mouth.
Looks cute both ways but better with the mouth.
The Artist Formally Known as Twitter.
God I love Miko
I know this is just about miko's ass, but the full glitch techs theme is awesome
Is this a standard "10 minute episodes" Disney show?
underrated gril
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I tried to watch the first season, but I only made it to episode 3 before saying fuck it.
Honestly, I was bored.
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she said stop looking so we started touching instead
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There is a great deal of fart porn of this character.
not my fault your the butt of all my jokes!
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>I'll stop looking at your butt if you stop brapping everywhere!
miko protecting herself from an wither storm while a giant iron golem makes a stone castle
You keep telling me that there are no good cartoons anymore. So why should I trust that this show is a good cartoon?
schizo moment
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The other girls are more traditionally appealing.
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I agree.
Overshadowed by Miko's butt.
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I'm 6 minutes into episode 1. Please tell me the communism goes away soon.
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Why is this show so horny bros?
10 minutes in. The communism is getting worse.
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Dan Milano is a huge coomer who is embarrassed about being a huge coomer.

Its like that republican politician doing super
ratchet gay stuff like getting railed in a public airport as opposed to just having regular gay sex since he had to repress his sexuality for so long.
Why is there a hijabi in my western anime?
superior to non-hijabi
Man this show looks like it was entirely outsourced to Koreans.
Okay, if there were more cartoon terms like that and less appropriated gamer terms, I wouldn't be in agony as often.
Man fuck the Japs and their ruining of MHA with this dimming.
Anyone know which pirate sites have uploads of this show without the dimming?
Feels like Miko is the only character animated in-house.
She's the one with the biggest butt so she gets all the good animation.
Imagine being the creator of this show, dedicating years of your life to imagining it, pitching it, creating it, writing, animating, producing, directing, arguing with executives, and the only reason it’s remembered is because 30 year old men on a Mongolian basket weaving forum jerk off to the protagonist having a fat ass. Grim.
I know /co/ is your whole world but it was obviously successful outside of it or it wouldn't have caught our eye to begin with.
It's not like there's anything else that modern cartoons can give us other than vehicles for our porn addiction. The only reason we're going to remember shit like TGAMM, MAWS and Inside Job is because of the porn people like Mangamaster, Cubed Coconut and Accel Art are making from it.

At least not according to the /co/ hivemind.
I'm sure whoever designed her is happy.
"I drew her with a big fat ass, and look at all this porn of her with a big fat ass! All according to plan!"
>i gave this character a fat ass and people like it, how could this be happening to me?
Five's spic-isms feel so jarring. Is this a white guy putting on a Mexican accent?
is the schizo spamming to the void normal for these threads?
No I just started today.
Has the creator of the show commented on why he made her ass so fucking massive or people’s reaction to it?
thanks man
Hooray, my blogging has killed the thread!
Stop stealing from Scott Pilgrim.
Well they shouldnt have gave her a fat ass, it wouldve been forgotten like every other cartoon but at least the r34 wont be so bloated
Is the show worth watching?
It's a cartoon made after 2014. You tell me.
People in the west can wear hijabs anon.
The whole point of the west is that people can do what they want, and other people who don’t care for it can suck an egg.
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The point of the west is that our styles are the superior ones and everyone else needs to be wiped out for their inherent inferiority.
So maybe?
I liked Amphibia
Not good enough. Season 3 was boring. Sasha and Marcy needed more screentime and there should've been romance involving one or more of the Calamity Trio.
>there should've been romance involving one or more of the Calamity Trio.
opinion discarded
I don't want to see anthro or bestiality porn looking for anime lewds.
My face, her ass. What's the difference?

Second episode is a significant quality drop.
Oh hey, the third episode was written by Ashly "Not Anthony" Burch.
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oh your “short” short!
Episode 4 is just boring. The end, no moral.
can anyone ask dan milano if he can post the bible
episode 5 is one of the best episodes

The top tier episodes are yet to come.

11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19 are top tier.

The best episode of the series is probably 17.
Owl House had good episodes. That didn't mean the show wasn't a giant letdown, though.
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We rarely see animation of that quality or caliber, let alone pure fucking action like that, in any cartoon. The sound design was also top notch. This show really finally showed in 17 that it could have been something awesome. This fucking hidden Nickelodeon cartoon had NO right suddenly dropping an episode that was this fucking good.

Ep 10 is pretty okay also.
17 is the best, period. The show had severe drops in quality, though, and many episodes were inconsistently bad. One good scene would often switch to one bad or poorly written scene, and it happened in many episodes.


The overall premise of this show is a lot more interesting than Owl House was to me.
>the random fucking DDR pacific rim fusion out of nowhere with actual brad breeck created KPOP

Who gave this show this fucking budget.
All you need to do is not loan a scene out to Koreans.
A Glitch Techs thread focusing on Miko's ass is still alive. Days later?

You've earned it.


use base64
Mods don't care about catbox or pixiv links. They only care about the explicit pedo site.
>episode 5
>"Written by: some Pajeet"
neat thanks
Does this remove the dimming?
Okay episode 5 was decent.
Oh hey, another "Not Anthony Burch" episode.
There's no dimming that I saw.
Your brain on /co/
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Though of making this
The hivemind is never wrong.
It’s not. The crew even wanted people to be pity-watching it after it got canned before release because “THINK OF THE POOR LAID OFF CREW”
Another Pantheon situation.
That show also was exteremly mediocre until it just crawled up its own ass at the end.
Mind anyone explaining me the historical context of this meme?
Apparently the Motendo episode of X-Men ‘97 with Jubilee And Sunspot was an intended tribute to Miko and Five of Glitch Techs by the creators.
What is this?
Welp, shouldn't have given her such a beautiful, big ass.
>Brown love interest
I’ll stick to solo self insert rule 34 thanks.
That's canon? I thought it was just typical of porn to have the hot chick bang the protagonist.
>"I can't get off to another man fucking a woman I'm attracted to unless he's white"
You're not supposed to imagine the chick with a dude who isn't you, faggot. They're not even an item either lmao
based anon, thanks

Maybe its not the mods who he's hiding from
That's pretty good anon, this made me smile. Good stuff!
Giantess, one hundred percent. She self inserts as the big lady.
Her legs are as thick as Fionna the Human's, what's happening to our animation industry?
So you're saying the first season sucks.
Episode 8 is a rote plot done twice at the same time.
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Make me!
Not a clue, but I might as well name the ones I use regularly:
- W c o f u n (dot) n e t.
- K i m c a r t o o n (dot) l i.
Kim still has dimming on its uploads.
am I really going to watch this shit just for this
Finished Season 1.
There were only like two or three decent episodes in that batch. I started getting flashbacks to Demolition D's video about Himouto Umaru-chan by the end.
Noticing a trend that Ashly Burch episodes are always better than the rest.
I can't torrent on my phone.
I'm very familiar with Ash's voice work but keep forgetting she's also written for stuff like Adventure Time as well.
She's written for AT? I know "At Least You're Not" Anthony was on staff for Fionna & Cake and that's likely part of why it was so nothing.
That first episode of season 2 was better than every episode of season 1
Would Miko get jealous of Five and Zahra's relationship?
Episode 11 is back to being meh.
not unless it got in the way of their co-op sessions
>episode 12 has four writers
This is gonna be a trainwreck, isn't it
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>Inserts dick instead.
Episode 12 was also boring. Episode 13 was alright, though.
you're fast approaching the best episode
You said episode 11 was good. I can't trust your taste.
For all I know you probably think Hilda was good.
that wasn't me
Episode 14 down. Another good one.
You didn't like Ping? It actually had some decent story to it and introduced Five's dad, and the action scene at the end was fucking top notch.
Robot Unicorn Attack reference isn't worth an otherwise "just there" episode. Also you could've introduced Five's dad with a more entertaining episode.
Why was a recap episode allowed to be released in the year 2020. Isn't the point of Netflix supposed to be that their content is "more prestigious" than any old network TV channel?
Episode 16 down. More rote meh.
I think they ran out of budget or some such?
I fucking love it when a girl's lower torso makes up 80% of their bodyweight.
An issue that's only happened to Nickelodeon with Korra Season 4. When the show was completely abandoned to the wolves for being a critical and commercial disgrace that couldn't stop leaking episodes and footage like a sieve.
Glitch Techs is an expensive fucking show
It was supposed to be on Nickelodeon.
Episode 17 down. Good episode, still don't quite think it's great.

Doesn't look that expensive to me. Expensive animation looks like Avatar or Primal.
>South Africans
Why does /co/ like this show? It goes against everything /pol/ stands for.
18 is also rote. And also a case of "square peg round hole" in its moral while also giving yet more characterization to someone who's already overstuffed with screentime and characterization. So much time dedicated to Mitch that could've gone to Zahra.
It's almost as if they're two entirely separate boards
Not after Gamergate happened and /pol/ occupied the entire website.
At the last episode.
Since when were so attached to BITT, Miko?
Yes, I have also watched that episode of Ghost In The Shell.
Haven't watched any Teminator movies, though, but I also know they're referencing that.
And the last episode is spectacle gibberish ending on a spite cliffhanger.

This show sucks. I wasted my long weekend for nothing.
You're being obtuse
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The thread will probably be dead by the time I wake up tomorrow.
This seriously looks like a show nobody cared about outside of being a porn outlet. If that's true, then you should just leave a link to the best porn. All I found of it on Sadpanda was one ongoing doujin by Theotherhalf and a bunch of trash.
Shinzo Abe has never, and will never be your dad and love you as such. Live your own life.
>boy jealous of long-time crush riding giant cock
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Your butts is enormous!
She eats like a pig, if she ever stops doing her DDR games that ass is going to widen like crazy.
Hahahah. She said butt.
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Straight shota
I believe Miko's giant ass is what got the show cancelled by Nickelodeon.
chubby asians good
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I’m glad the showrunner of Glitch Techs is handling the upcoming Stranger Things cartoon on Netflix.
Want badly
I need more cute hijabi girls is western cartoons. Double points if they have a crush on a non-Muslim boy.
i hate when she's depicted with tits.
I hate when plebs think I need to hear their opinions
first sentence had me, then you started with the wierd shit
too bad. she's got no tits, bro. her fat dumptruck ass is all she needs.
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>Stranger Things cartoon
Holy fuck what are you serious?
>small tits
>big belly
>big hips
>big ass

My favorite body type. Tits are overrated. If the girl gets big enough they're big enough as it is, they don't need to be proportionately very large.
No, it's FAT.
>Stranger Things cartoon
First time I'm hearing about this. I thought the guy was going to fade into obscurity after Glitch Techs.
Fat is nice
Me too. It's also my favorite body type irl.
Two cartoons spinoffs are coming.
One is more animesque that deals with twin brothers in Tokyo that somehow is connected to their Upside Down..

The second is said to be more old school “Saturday Morning Cartoon” flavor that the Glitch Techs guy is the showrunner for.

That’s literally all we know. And that they’re suppose to come out sometime after season 5 is released on Netflix.

So don’t look for these cartoons until 2026 at the earliest.
Don't tell me what to do
I'll file that in my "Long term excitement" folder.
I think Japanese and Western animation both have their merits so it is great that we're getting both.
Also, I preemptively, blindly, want to see fan art of the Asian girls banging the American girls.
What are you, gay?
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Jucika look alike
>Canonically ADHD
>Potentially Autistic

Statistically? She'd be into BDSM, with a higher than normal chance of being into hypno, too.
Her game controllers smell like fish
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The dozens of tiny dots make this so much worse
Can someone tell me what "obtuse" is supposed to mean?
Trust him
Try not being a fucking ESL
Jucika but on netflix
the show is terrible, they are investing in her ass, because is the only reason for watch this cartoon
Faggots like you are why Star vs r34 is full of niggers and tranny shit.
I don't see the resemblance.
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Yaoi, most likely.
What went wrong with her and her series?
As usual, change in leadership.
>Action cartoon in the 2020’s
>bland writing that not even a toddler could get hooked to
>Original show

Nowadays this is the formula to a recipe for disaster
Wasn't one of the creators vocally upset that Miko porn shared the same tag as regular fanart on Twitter?
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"Dumb" or "ignorant", but in the modern use of the word it's usually "pretending to be dumb or pretending not to understand", because the word is somewhat antiquated by itself, but the phrases "pretending to be obtuse" , "being deliberately obtuse" or "being obtuse on purpose" aren't, so it's often shortened to "obtuse", so moving it's meaning to directly mean "pretending to be dumb" or "deliberately misunderstanding/not understanding".
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>like 15

Certifiably shota, and not "hurr durr straight shota, HURR SS MAKE ME HORNY OOH AAAHG" just shota in general.
With a preference for gay stuff and yaoi.
She gives off very basic and submissive porn energy. Probably beefcake, including alien/monster-man/anthro beefcake, with them being dominant and her self-insert submissive. Possibly also dominant muscle mommy on submissive teen yuri, perhaps bondage. MAYBE yaoi, but I like to think she's above fujoism.
People almost never give off the energy of the type of porn they watch.
I'm not pretenting to fail at understanding.
Can I touch
Perhaps a lil squeeze
What does Miko’s voice actress think about it?
Probably likes it like Tara Strong or Grey DeLisle.
Neck yourself
I swear /co/ becomes more retarded each day.
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What would change about the show if Miko was built like this?
She would be as powerful as the guy with no life from the World of Warcraft episode on South Park.
I don't think there would even be a show at that point.
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Now I want some art of fattened-up Miko drawn exactly like that guy. Leaned back in her chair with the wrist brace and everything.
People with no filter, like Miko, in fact do. You need a certain level of social intelligence to hide your power level.
the people with "no filter" only tell you what they're comfortable telling you.
Miko shitting on a bathtub.
Also, ew.
Who is she dressed up as?
Someone from King of Fighters, Angel or Valentine or something.
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Wait, was this made just now, or posted somewhere else earlier? Oddly relevant to the thread.
When Monica was on Penny Arcade's reality show, she was hands-down the most foul-mouthed of everyone there, and I think that gives a fair idea on where she lies re: Miko's copious Rule 34
I can see her cameltoe. Why?
Twink latin man fucking fat ass hapa woman, etc.
trully monst3r
Surprised it took this long for the "gamer" meme to happen with Glitch Techs characters
>needs her browser history deleted
>has embarrassing history to begin with
>implying she doesn't even have a password on her PC
How is a person in her field of work and interests also computer illiterate?
She's a Zoomer, Zoomers know fuck-all about how computers actually work. They're as tech-illiterate as Boomers. Most Zoomers don't even know how to use the File Explorer.
her braps must smell awful
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That makes absolutely no sense. They grew up with their own computers, we didn't, our parents gave us family computer time at most, forget internet. Is it because stuff like game installation was one-click streamlined? Or because PCs are cheaper and more often replaced now and they don't have to tend to it for it to last decades?
Tentacle rape.
i really like this image, i wish it was from something real
>he doesnt know
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Gentlemen. It's been a privilege posting in a Glitch Techs thread about Miko's ass with you for a week. Godspeed.

And fuck nickeldoeon for doing what they did to this show
See you in the next thread about Miko's enormous ass.
I want her to sit on my face so fucking bad, I haven't wanted something this bad in life
nice hips
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Miko was easy enough to find, but is there one of these for Mayumi? I might need all these someday for...a thing.
I'm a zoomer myself that went to college for a computer science related field, I've had computer literacy since forever, because I've been here since 2016 and started watching Youtube far earlier, maybe I'm an exception, but what he's referencing is the rise of the use of mobile smartphones over computers. Phones and tablets are my generations everything, and on something like an iPad or an iPhone, I doubt there's many that make extensive use of the File Explorer or "Files" as it's called. I've had computers since an early age, but my younger siblings have only ever used iPads and iPhones.
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Sadly no, best I could find was pic related, which is just a small part of a turnaround for different characters.
Oh well, I'm sure there's enough screenshots floating around. Thanks anyway.
Scat queen
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>uses 4chan
>jerks off to cartoons
>is a fag

I dunno.
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goon queen
Nobody is responding to me calling your show lame. Why won't you admit your show is lame
... I like it.
Miko browses /aco/.
She's fucking ugly.
It's going to keep getting worse. Side effect of the psyop.
What this dude said >>143772349
She's got a nice body, but a butterface
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Looks like we've reached the end. See you next Miko thread, fellow posterior enjoyers.
Everyone wants to reach Miko's "end"
slut built for porn
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Cut her some slack, she's an Asian mother of five.
I can confirm that Asian moms hit the wall after the 5th kid. 4 kids is the limit
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7 days
Bump limit
Good thread
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Must mention Blake before the end.
Must inhale panty smell
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>Smelly gamergirl panties
If only

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