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should I just keep buying red wings? might try some georgia boots or some thorogoods for the first time.

press f to show respect
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Yup. Thats why I went with Franks. They make the least "fancy lad" boots out of any of the PNW boot makers.

So as far as I know Whites was the original Spokane boot maker. Nicks was spun off in the 60's from the foreman of Whites. Then, years later, Franks was created by the foreman of Nicks. White's quality has gone down a bit since they're now owned by a huge Japanese shoe conglomerate.

Wesco is good too down in Oregon.

Yeaaaaaaaaa. I work in mining. Those would be destroyed in a month.

Obenaufs LP is the shit.
>rubber boots
>socks are wet with sweat halfway through the day
Do they still come with a lifetime warranty? I thought redwings would replace or repair them if they got fucked up like that.
I'm a field biologist.
I spend about 75-80 hours a month bushwhacking through deadfall, through swamps, kicking branches out of the way, hiking over boulders.
Going on a year with a pair of Danners and they look as good as new. They're more durable than you would think. Maybe not the best boot if you're in knee-deep mud all day I guess but otherwise surprisingly good.
Super comfortable too.
Concrete is what kills boots

these are the dumbest mfers, just gaping at you. fuck off, there is nothing to see.
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I draw one on every new house I work on.
Various builders have complained from time to time.
> electrons vibrate in place.
AC is more like a push and pull DC current does exhibit electron drift.
Everything else “vibrates in place”
Sounds like a ... stretch
If I pull a vacuum cleaner out of the box and see that plug that shit's going straight back to the store

Picked up this Weber BBQ... it works great and burners, grates, lid are in excellent condition. The problem is that it's totally rotted out on the base.

Can /diy/ help me think of a way to fix this. I have no need for this cabinet at the base, so I'm okay to keep it open on the bottom. But it needs to be stiff/rigid enough to support the wheels to be pushed around.
Anyone have any ideas how I should go avoid fixing this?
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If it was mine i would cut off the bottom 2" or whatever is rotten and make an angle iron base for it to set into and then either bolt it in place or spot weld it. And i would also upgrade those god awful casters that are currently on it...
>If it was mine i would cut off the bottom 2" or whatever is rotten
Shit this is a great idea, thanks
You can just screw 2 blocks of wood along the sides with some casters on them.
Get some plywood, cut out a rectangle to size of the bottom, take eve, everything off the rotted out bottom, screw it all onto the wooden bottom.
Sheet aluminium from your local hardware store. Use tin snips to cut to shape. Slide it in on top of that rusted base, then drill some holes through both in the spots where the old material still has some meat. Use pop rivets to fix the new sheet to the old shell.
Never going to be perfect but it's a cheap fix that'll add a bit more strength back to it.

Disclaimer: i’m not planning to do anything of this. I don’t suggest trying any of this stuff without proper guidance ,knowledge and preventive measures.

Main questions:
is it possible to make a safe, small scale reactor capable of providing energy for a medium class home? How much would be it’s price ?
How much knowledge would be needed to handle such a device? Would a housewife be able to handle it with newly developed technologies?

And if an accident happened:
How large would be the area of effect?
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I'm not sure if this is meant to be assurance that driving is getting safer and hence nuclear reactors should be safer too, or if you're saying that people are already experimenting with dangerous shit so restricting nuclear reactors doesn't really make sense
there's also the issue of cost
helicopters are much, much more expensive than a car. like 100x as expensive to purchase and operate. it makes more sense to just buy a car and spend a little more time on the road than to try flying everywhere
personal nuclear reactors would have the same problem. it makes more sense to just buy (what is already extremely cheap) electricity from the power company than laying out millions of dollars to purchase and operate a one-family reactor.
on top of this, there are already technologies that will let you generate and store electricity using fossil fuels and batteries which are much safer and cheaper than nuclear power
TRIGA reactor configured to make power sounds like what you’d want, but that (particularly the fuel rod assemblies) isn’t the sort of thing you could DIY
>is it possible to make a safe, small scale reactor capable of providing energy for a medium class home? How much would be it’s price ?
A high school student made one decades ago.
Also there are designs being tested for small modular reactors which would serve single neighborhoods.
>A high school student made one decades ago.
See: >>2792370

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How do you make an alcohol-powered engine? Moonshining is legal where I live so I'm curious if I could grow ny own fuel.
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You could make E85 like Brazilians do, but you need to get proportions right for manufacturing and will have to retune the engine itself (compression ratio mainly), and also expect for car to run shorter distances because unless you're racer/tuner, with E85 you'll only squeeze out around 80% of engine's capability compared to normal gasoline and your vehicle will consume 20% more fuel. On top of that, unless you carburetor engine, you'll also have to mix it with oil so the plastic parts don't get fucked.

Have fun.
bruv, ecu reprogramming, fuel lines and fuel injectors and your turbo gasoline does e85 and gets better compression and efficiency
That is in his unless
Don't take my word for it but I think you can mix gasoline with ethanol and get more bang for your buck
Why do you think I mentioned retuning engine, dumbass.
ECU retune is must by default, but along that you'll have to do additional preparations like getting high flow pump, new injectors made specifically for E85, and mixing in oil to the fuel because unlike normal gasoline E85 with E100 don't lubricate as well and will cause more engine wear, so you will have to do frequent engine checkups or you'll risk killing the engine. Also unlike normal gasoline, E85 absorbs water so you won't be able to leave car parked for days because your tank will end having water inside the system, and potentially the fuel itself will cause rusting inside the engine along with corrosion of plastic parts.

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Trade Jobs Are DYING OUT...


Why is this so ????
>yea low pay is going to be one of the main factors.

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Do you tuck your shirt into you pants? And tuck your pants into your boots? I've been considering dressing better for work because I hate seeing my coworkers and boss in t shirts and shorts with sneakers at work. It looks like you don't care imo
Why the fuck does it matter what I wear to work tho?
I actually DON'T care, I'm here to get paid.
I tuck my shirt into my pants because I dress like an old man. pants in the boots only happens with rain boots though, I would never bother doing that on regular work boots. After a few minutes on the job they're going to slip out anyway. I doesn't matter because no one is looking at your feet.
I tuck my shirt in because I don't want to show off my ass.

Never heard of tucking pants into boots. That's weird. I've taped them down to my boots when I walked through some tall tick infested grass or poison oak.
>Unless you're the second anon that claims to have worked 120 hours on something then the bidder went to cheap chinese shit anyway, why would you toss in the US federal government wwouldn't trust chinese aluminum from there, but we'd use chinese aluminum here anyway? You're larping dude.

ITAR control issue. Notice how you didn't even bother to read what I wrote. Aerospace part. Really boring mundane shit too.

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don't be a bitch
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LMAO YOU COULDN'T EVEN FIND /rcg/ even though I told you what to search for. Jesus christ man, you are probably too stupid to fly a drone if you can't find the drone thread and learn about how they work.
>40 keks
>no verification required

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Any electricians here?
I want to pivot out of wagie work and become an electrician. Out of all the trades, that one seems to fit what I'm looking for the most.
Anyway, I won't be able to actually go for it until next year.
That being said, is there anything I can do now to prepare myself for jumping into the trade? Like are there any books to read or anything like that?
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Libraries used to carry copies of the National Electrical Code. You can view some of the stuff online, for free, but not all of it. A whole shit-ton of stuff, on wiring basics, is on utube. I would DEFINITELY learn the basic shit and learn it well, before looking for a job. Stripping wire, soldering wires, tinning wire, different gauges and wire types and what they're used for, common tools, etc. Any trade-shows or electrical symposiums in your area? Go to'em and learn the big players in the industry.
Ah man I love poetsie too
Don't be a service guy. That's disgusting. Electricians are all gay Latino men, so choose wisely. Not even joking.
Join the IBEW. Call your local union hall and ask them how to become an apprentice. You will be glad you did.
Not in Pennsylvania. It's at the county level, and my county doesn't require anything.

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What is the most Zen diy activity and why is it wood turning?
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zen would be something repetitive, quiet, detail oriented but simple, and safe
Working on a lathe is none of those
Try knitting or calligraphy
It is zen when you're watching Oddly Satisfying Ultimate Woodturning ASMR Compilation and don't have to deal with the sound or sawdust or otherwise engage with the activity.
I hate using my lathe nowadays. It used to be so much fun but now I obsess over little sanding marks and microscopic bits of torn grain or a less than satisfactory finish and I can hardly complete a project. I try doing new and challenging things but rarely do they turn out as I imagined and i throw them out.
OTOH, I saw some genuinely bad bowls in a small shop for local artists that people apparently liked but I have no idea how this hack was able to put a price on them in good conscience.
you know with the stones and raking patterns in sand and such. Wood turning is noisy and brutal.
Even clay pottery is more zen but still it places value in something materialistic meant to last and it gets imprinted with the creators touch which might hang around and prevent a complete passing from this existence.
riding my bike on small streets instead of the bike lanes on bloor

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Every farmer needs a real hoe.
Sure, there's plenty of mass production brands out there at the stores.
Those work OK if you're dainty with them.
But does anyone know where one can get heirloom quality hoes?
Hoes that can take a real man working the dirt with them
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people like you are a threat to the herd
Morgan County Seed and Feed.
Iron ruins the soil. Use copper
Read viktor shauberger if you want to learn more
Remember that the earth is electro magnetic or whatever... the iron ruins the charge. That charge helps shit grow strong like bull
Copper used incorrectly will cause growth issues. That shillenburger cultivate elevate didn't have his own farm. Just promoted it without practical use of it.

A steel shovel does not kill your garden. You could argue for no-till or preserving mycelium, but a steel (not 'iron') shovel does not by itself, inhibit growth.
What you need is called a grub hoe here in USA.
I bought two from easydigging, a 4” and 6” wide. Not cheap about $50 each, but free shipping if you get both. Heavy wood handle and thick steel blade.
It’s a wonder they are not more popular in the US and Europe , in the rest of the world they are the primary digging tool.

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Previous thread:>>2759901

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive
aliexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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of course i would've used uart, but the damn tutor wants i2c. it's honestly a pain in the ass, even when using HAL
Guess it's brain cancer day for me too then. Because of the 4-bit thing I can't even use the USI and just have to do everything manually.
I'm planning to build a platform similar to this autonomous "follow me" cooler using Arduino. I want my platform to follow me just like this cooler does, but I'm having trouble finding a GPS module similar to the one used in the video. Does anyone know a similar GPS module?

Video: youtube.com/watch?v=6I5rQfJSmaM&list=PL39pssg07dpCBNHQbxaql-8NT9rz-k3RB&index=2
I just managed to make a hello world program with no crappy Cube IDE for STM32 thanks to this guide https://vivonomicon.com/2018/04/02/bare-metal-stm32-programming-part-1-hello-arm/ as well as Part 2.
I'm so happy.
You have chosen to walk a difficult path, but may there be a glorious light at the end of your journey.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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Should I install a Weather Resistant receptacle in my bathroom? It gets super humid after a shower since the vent fan suck ass.
no you should replace the vent fan. the outlet should be GFCI so you can hairdryer in the bathtub and not die, a little swamp air won't hurt anything. replace the damn vent fan.
my garage is only drywalled and insulated where it shares a wall with the house. it's all studded out and I have insulation and drywall to do the rest. there is no vapor barrier outside the studs, just wall board (1/4" not drywall) and brick or particle board then wood siding or roof.

I don't need to add vapor barrier on the inside right? like insulation > vapor barrier > drywall etc. I can just go insulation > drywall > firetape right?
the battery pack of my hair trimmer reached the end of its life as it barely charges.
Replacements seem difficult to find so I took it apart to see if I could replace the cells.
the pack is labeled 2.4V 800mAh and inside there were two AA-looking 900mAh 1.2V NiCd flat-top cells with tabs soldered on a "PCB".
I'm having trouble finding the same NiCd cells so I was wondering if I could replace them with NiMH cells of the same capacity.
I've read they're not the same, as NiCd seems to have a higher peak current or something like that and there might be an issue with trickle charging.
Any help is appreciated.
I think they are interchangeable with caveats because the charging profile of the two types of battery are different. I am an EE but I know little about batteries in specific, sorry m8. Can you buy a charger with the battery pack you are looking into?

Also whatever charge monitor IC your thingmabob has is probably expecting the old pack... I hate consumer electronics I hate consumer electronics I hate consumer electronics (x 1000)

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I want to make my own home remedies for showering, i've tried infused (16 days) olive oil + rosemary (i readed that this help with hair loss and psoriasis) and it was great, but i want to make other things on my own that's why i'm asking.

For hair treatment i heard that egg yolk mixed with other things like vinegar or aromatizand substances are great for your hair because egg yolk has all the nutrients that your hair needs and vinegar is good for detangling hair (i don't know why)

Anyone knows something about it what're the best remedies?
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nothing but 3rd world hair transplant is going to save you from going bald idiot. there are no cures, and infusions are fucking bullshit. rubbing cum in your scalp is going to do more than any oil infusion, oatmeal or even chemical.
who said anything about hair loss, nigger? I just want to find home remedies so i don't spend 100€ a year to clean my hair with shitty chemicals.
get 1 20$ buzz cutter and never wash your hair again
stop projecting faggot
I wanted to make a combo shampoo that includes Coal Tar and Selenium Sulfide for psoriasis/dandruff, since the off-the-shelf options only include one or the other and the dosage is rather low. Looked up the ingredients through sigma and it should be simple to purchase and mix, but keeping the ingredients in suspension might be tricky. Emulsions that I've made in the past were either too liquid and separated, or were such a gel that it started to get chunky. If anyone knows how to stabilize DMSO for safe topical use, I'm looking for papers.

I already make salves for itching with menthol, camphor, lidocaine and colloidal silver with hydrolyzed cornstarch (thick-it) as a base, and those have suited me fairly well. Actual cleansers are tricky because soaps break-up pre-bought micelle suspensions.

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A) I can get the storage shelves I want for $300, plus tax.
B) Or buy lumber boards, and build one for $150.

I got the tools, but I'm on a budget. I'm worried I will fail : ) What would you do?
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lurk auctions and offer up craigslist. people give shelves like that for free just go and pick em up.
I made one from an old bed frame layin in my yard it took me 2 hours
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this meme's so old it's getting hair in funny places
what the are you gonna put on them? tp and bathroom shit weighs nothing and thats why you can get away with pressed sawdust
That’s like $275 too expensive, my friend.

Look for government surplus auctions in your area. Maybe check a yard sale?

Old house, old 50s drywall. What would cause the paper layer to bubble and separate like that?
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Turns out it was termites. After a Google search I scraped the paint. They eat the paper
Had that before involving a /a/ book, house is older than that, silverfish and termites ruin houses pretty well.

See if you can get it patched and hire a exterminator if you have a lot of them. Should be a easy /diy/ solution for killing termites firsthand without a exterminator.
I win again…
Old saying, If you’re the smartest person in the room, youre in the wrong room
outgassing, typically signs of a dead body
they were probably attracted to the dead body

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