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I'm not an engineer, I just like to make stuff. Naturally, lots of the content I watch often happens to be made by engineers (or engineering students), and seeing them go about making things sometimes makes me wanna kms. You've got a team of 5 dudes making a rc car, each bro i would assume assigned with his own task, trying to calculate every single thing that could possibly be calculated around said rc car before they ever dare to assemble the real thing. Listen I get why the methodology exist and I'm grateful for it, I don't want our buildings or bridges or commercial airliners to be eye balled, but following this workflow whilst trying to create something new is grating to watch. What happened to trying shit out? That's what the OGs did in the early 1900s and it looks a lot more fun than how we're going about it today.
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Wait till you get to career engineering. It only gets worse.
That's how I feel, I look at my box of useless shit thinking "Oh, I can repurpose all this into something cool! It's not garbage!" Then I go to a project and realize that if I want to do it right I need to design and/or purchase materials and tools to do it right. Something I've learned is that you can do the job with shit tools, but they have to be the RIGHT tools. Same applies to the materials. Growing up I didn't really have access to that stuff and makerspaces weren't even thought of. I built one of those Proton Packs from Ghostbusters out of a shoe box when I was a little kid, I loved it of course, but it makes me appreciate the access I have to 3d printers, drills, and electrical wire (among other things) as an adult with money.

It's more fun to have all the numbers and spreadsheets together and know something works inside and out, make a fake gay digital copy, show it to other people, let them steal it, realize you wasted years of your life only for lying faggots to cash in on your work while you regret not writing in some fatal flaw their goldfish minds can't comprehend.

That's much better than building something with your own to hands because THAT COSTS MONEY.
Personally I think there was an active effort to suppress and prevent Normies from learning that flight was possible.
It was one of the gay humiliation rituals/pipedream techs like fusion or quantum computers nowdays.

Then some fucking bike mechanics who must have flown under the radar were hosting airshows and everyone freaked out.
Wright brothers were fucking autistic which is why it worked out for them.

Trying to apply their own autism to the legal realm and meeting a man named Langley arguably fucked them.

any melanated fellers here who do hobby machining in an apartment?
ever get noise complaints? tips on minimizing noise through walls?
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I think you guys who are saying it's quiet are using bigger machines. my Chinese 7x14 screams like a fucking banshee on anything more than aluminum.
an easy way to cut down on vibrations too is to mount it to something heavy. if you go to a countertop place, they usually sell smaller off cuts for cheap. they work great for desktop stuff like this
Machining is loud

I would just machine at night and play porn, people would just assume you’re jack hammering some chick super hard
Why would you have to hide your 3d printers in your own apartment??
I had a fuck ton of prusas just mass producing parts it would have had to been zoned commercial

ITT: Scam companies.

Just sat through a 3 hour appointment with a (very friendly) sales agent only for them to try to pressure me into replacing my windows at an average of $1500 apiece, and I know they're just going to subcontract out to the cheapest local labor they can.
That would be impossible because they all are scams. Try making a list that are legit companies.
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this is /do it yourself/ not /pay some faggot and complain about it/.
Literally just go find a new construction subdivision and ask the sub crews if they do windows. 150-300 bucks per window is the going rate for install, with windows going between 150 and 600 bucks depending on material and size. 1500 isn't actually all that terrible for a real business. Operating costs probably bring the margin around 35-40%. That being said, of your getting shitty vinyl windows, and you can tell Mexicans what to do, you can do them way cheaper yourself.
allied industrial supply tops it for me

$40 for a hi-vis safety vest
$4-$5 for packing tape

compared to U-Line it's robbery

Consider this completely hypothetical scenario, where a restaurant owned by foreigners has a chimney that releases smoke onto another apartment in front of it. In this hypothetical scenario, the owner of the house in front of the restaurant has no legal recourse because of bureaucracy constraints and wants to use a drone to drop items in the chimney and clog it, therefore "doing t himself": how should this person go on about to do it? what material is light and portable enough to be carried by a drone but at the same time able to clog a large chimney? The chimney pipe is not covered. Also, any alternatives?
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just build a drone. if you can't figure it out on your own after building a drone yourself, you are truly lost
i see the path and the house, but wheres the shed?
it's cheaper and more effective to bundle the restaurant owner into a carpet and toss it in a river, but legally questionable. don't know your local codes, could be fine
Why are cans not an option? If you drop it high enough the can will burst. You could try scoring the sides with a razor blade to weaken the walls, so you can drop it from lower and still have it burst. Just try not to have it burst in your hypothetical face while scoring it.
In this hypothetical scenario a football would be ideal to block up the uncovered chimney.
An upside down bucket would also do the trick. Of course this is just a thought experiment and I know OP wouldn't do anything to our beloved future doctors and engineers
Diversity is Our Strength

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I am looking for the best quality garden nozzle that fits the following criteria:
>fireman style trigger
>thumb style trigger
>no pistol grip
>no internal plastic parts
>usable spray settings (mist, jet, shower, flat. no other bs like flood, down angle, or cone)
been using Orbit brand but these cant take a drop, and start leaking.
Best I found so far is pic related. Unfortunately they dont have the style of trigger I want, and they dont have multiple spray settings. https://garrettwade.com/product/pistol-grip-nozzle
Been looking at FANHAO, and DRAMM but I see too much plastic, and useless spray patterns.
other HD sprayers like Tri-Con are all pistol grip with an adjustable nozzle. I do not like or want this style.
What can anon recommend?
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OP did research and started a lively discussion. Stop pearl clutching and take a joke, closet fag.
Hold your thumb over the hose like I do when I spray cum all over your wife’s gaping maw
just use your thumb
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>closet fag
Thanks the recommendation bro, this thing is sick

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Do my shingles look right where the gable ties in with the rest of the roof? Roof was done less than a year ago and I dont know shit about roofing.
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>Demand they come back and fix all that shit
>There is nothing wrong with it
I hope these replies were made by two different people

It's still not clear whether there's a problem or not, and if so, what the problem is.
Put some mastic on the heads and she'll be good for 30 years.
Yes, you have to finish the ridge cap somewhere. They should have clear caulking on it. Sometimes they will cut a ridge cap shingle and put a small piece with the sealant strip over the nails, but that will just fall off in a year or two. Did they put ice and water shield in the valleys, or did you get niggers by your roofer?
Woven valleys are a bitch. We do "California cut" only
Lol at your "warranty". If you ever have an issue, it's in the manufacturer to make it right. The manufacturer will also 100% try and find a way out of it through improper installation. OC does that shit all the time. The only warranties that actually matter in the roofing industry are single ply NDL's, and that's because they have an inspection by the technical rep from the manufacturer to verify it's been applied to whatever minimum installation specs the NDL requires, and the warranty is an insurance policy through someone like Factory Mutual and not some manufacturer "let's hope they cover it" bullshit.
$7k in 2024??? there's no way.

> House is about 1700sqft single level
it would have been at least $12k even before the pandemic.
you can get a roof done for 500 a square easily idgi, especially a walkable ranch where you can throw all of the garbage off the roof into the dumpster
roof looks fine op
there already is silicone on them lol

I am tired, I don't want to deal with hunting shit anymore. I just want to input money and receive stuff without it being a knife fight over some old junk worn out machine that'd been out of production for 70 years and I have to get raped to get replacement part on ebay by some other boomer.
Are chink mini lathes viable to get running well without needing another lathe or a mill to fix the brand new machine you just bought? I just want to make small steel items, maybe up to an inch in diameter but realistically 5/16 or smaller diameter machine screws.
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fellas, I'm getting dangerously close
jesus dude learn to internet
that's $200 less than I paid for mine 5 years ago.
I thought the amazon one was cheap at $470. I was looking again on facebook and CL for used lathes then checked ebay and they were a lot less.
Might not be the best but I could get 5% off with my card on top. I've bought a little craftsman one years ago, but once I went through it, it was gorilla niggered and single parts were as much as I paid ($100) and I needed a new chuck, new main screw, some other stuff.
Speaking of machining, where the hell is the eternal machinist thread? I haven't been on /diy/ in a while, came back and I've checked for days and no one has made a new one.

I'm trying to build this mission style cabinet to hold stereo gear. I have all the lumber cut already and as I lay it out I can foresee some assembly problems. I have revised this drawing many times.
I can see that I'm going to have trouble fitting the shelves in there and I can't figure around it.
First time posting here. Why do I have to wait to get a captcha? anyway another pic will follow shortly.
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It should read EXPENSIVE project. Need to proofread
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you're only showing the veneer, you have fucking zero info about how you're attaching one piece to another. if you're using blocks and screws just pre-drill and pre-sink screws in the tight spaces, you know, when the pieces are still just wood on your table and nothing is in your way. then when you put it together you can (*gasp*) use a fucking non-powered screwdriver even with your soi hands.
Well the whole this is 1x3 red oak ripped down to 2.25 " so that the legs which are laminated of 3 pieces so that its square 2.25x 2.25 inches. shelves are intended to be plywood with the edges hidden behind the arched pieces.
yes, screws and glue is how it will be built. pic is of end view, short of the last shelf.
You still haven't explained what the problem is
i got it figured uot but fitting the shelves was the problem

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Sacramento gets hot as balls in the summertime. I have an AC window unit but when the temperature gets over 100°, it can't keep up. No real option to add another AC unit. Decided to experiment with swamp coolers since the humidity in this area never gets too high. Plus the ac should pull some humidity away as well.

This is a rudimentary set up with some material I had laying around. I kind of thought coolers were voodoo science but it does seem to be doing something. Output side is about 5 degrees cooler then the input even with this shit set up.

tl;dr wondering how far you can push this concept? Drawbacks?
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Turn a fan on your fat ass
Human swamp cooler
Luckily in most of Sac we have SMUD which is a non profit utility that is not affiliated with PG&E. Our rates are lower.

One additional variable is that this POS mobile home I live in has shit tier electrical service. I blew the MAIN outside service fuse today and it wasn't even 90 degrees outside. At the time I was running my drier so thats my bad, I know that sucks up a ton of amps and also running my main AC which is a 15k BTU 11.5 amp window unit. And I was running my little bedroom unit which is a 8k BTU unit 6 or 7 amp unit. That plus normal background things like my tv,fridge, xbox blew the main. Its fucking a PITA. Moving is not possible at this point. I have toyed with the idea of setting up some solar panels and an inverter just to fuel the 15k unit. For whatever reason, nobody has panels in this community. It's probably an HOA thing. tl;dr my life sucks.

Guys I wish I could get like a nice Mini split system but the cost even for a MR Cool diy is kind of out of my range and for sure I would have to upgrade the electrical if that is even possible. Plus the HOA nazi would shit kittens if I did it myself and didn't pull a permit.
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Like I said before, there are options. Shade the building, shade your windows, cover shit with plants, shutters, shade cloth. Seal gaps. People don't think that helps much but it absolutely does. Simple shit like weatherstripping can make a huge difference. Put thinks like dressers and bookcases against outer walls to buff up the insulation. Buy some decorative carpets and hang them from the walls. Put carpet on the floors if they are hard floors like tile or linoleum. I've seen people that have trailers put some kind of paint or sealant on the roof to color it white. That helps reflect heat.
Just get a second ac unit retard. Just put it on top of the first one.
Probably buy a more powerful unit and replace with the one you have.

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How to replace? Is it the same material as a cabinet lining? Can I mud it and paint it?

Can afford to rip out and replace with wood right now.
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The hallway frame.
May have been that the person didn't paint it with specific MDF primer. If it isn't buggered from water damage you can get resin that is good to fill and then sand down to smooth it out
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Some of that cheap interior trimwork is not painted, it's covered with a plastic veneer, and when the veneer gets a cut or puncture, water can get under there and fuck the glue.
You can see this in >>2799838, looks like someone either tried to glue it back down, or, that's mold.

What OP needs is to replace that shit. Barring that, strip the plastic off, and hit it with some Kilz sealer.
Pull the trim and fix it big fucking deal
Can’t afford that right now. It’s the frame not the molding. Will use this >>2799928


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Is Hitachi/Metabo HTP/Hikoki truly the thinking man's tool brand? The answer is yes but why did they fuck up their branding so bad? Why not just keep using the name Hitachi instead of making everyone think that it's now Metabo?
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kek dewalt is for beaners
i actually just bought the saw in OP pic. my comparisons for rear handled saws is the makita 36v which everyone else in my crew uses. it's undoubtedly lighter than the makita while cutting just as fast. also only requires one battery while the makita requires two. the ergonomics pretty much feel the same. only thing i don't like so far is that the sawdust blows out of the port at about 2 o'clock on the guard and it shoots out straight onto you. i think it would be good for keeping the sightline clear but i might cover it with some tape anyway.
People always think I’m stupid when I tell them mitsubishi is an oil company and my grandfather was an engineer for them.

That’s where they got their name , people are literally saying their name not realizing that the lancer evolution cad was like a teeny project

Hyundai makes cnc machines for nuclear weapons and guns, they’re mostly a Korean weapons manufacturer
yes and google,meta,Microsoft,amazon are defense contractors.
My grandfather died in the Holocaust

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Farm Fresh Scotch Eggs.

simple, portable, no need to heat for eat.
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does your work site have a tuck wagon?
Usually chicken sandwich, bag of crisps, some yogurt with protein powder, few fruits, bottle water. I sip on a strong black coffee from morning until lunch
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I volunteered at a food pantry for few months.
>boomer Christians donate what they think they'd want of they were poor
>nignogs come over and you better have hot pockets and chicken nuggets
>boomer donated split peas
>nig nogs start threatening when offered
>cops get called
>decision is made to stop offering the mean green stuff
>I took home 20lbs of it
OP Checking in again.

today is brisket & sourdough.

we needed to make space in the chest freezers. we are butchering 2 yearling lambs this weekend.

we cooked a 6.5kg beef brisket (bought a whole beef, split it with my boss) seasoned with a dry rub (the way God intended) and slow cooked at 225°F overnight. rub was: rosemary, thyme, paprika, chili powder, garlic, salt, black pepper.

it's a meager lunch, but most of mine are.
>we needed to make space in the chest freezers
Mum's got that problem, she's got a bullock lined for autumn up but the freezer is still too full and she's been pulling out joints of meat from well we're not exactly sure how many years ago but they still taste ok, mostly.

We got one step closer to getting back off the grid. 2500 watts of glass on the roof. inverter/controller is installed. shed is wired.

next weekend we plan to trench, run 00 conduit to and from shed/house main panel and install/run weatherhead DC wires PV to controller.

once we get all the heavy work in next weekend, I can finish the rest by myself. connecting it all at the controller and wiring in the batteries.

system is still due for an upgrade, but we're going to use what we have for now. once we save up (cash only buyers) we will purchase 18 345w panels and a 300AH LiFePO4 battery to replace our FLA units.
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It is better now, to have solar, now that the grid is such shit, or, due to power rationing in so many places. Bitter Mary's need not apply.

However, most systems won't handle the second to final clusters of outbursts from the sun. So, for awhile, we'll be in the 18th century. And then everything metal gets cooked, like those cars on 9/11 or the ones on maui island, sounds like. That's about 10 years away. In the meantime get yourself a couple of Harvest Rights and store everything in glass w glass lids, or plastic.

You have 50kw of storage and 3 single phase EG4 units for 3 phase power? And one spare?

How much solar? Each one of those has two MPPT's for... what I'd have to look up the specs but I'm guessing 6 to 8kw each unit, of solar? So that's 18kw.

All that spanish or portugese, you must be on brazil, chile... Europoors don't build such an elaborate DIY independent system.
I am in Italy, very few ppl build diy systems here worth anything.
This is 3 phase power + 1 spare, i can also put the spare one to work in one of the 3 phases too for a 1 + 1 + 2 configuration.
I have 48kwh of diy lifepo4 + 15kwh of 3x 'orient power' server rack batteries (another clone of the jakiper battery)
I have 16.43 kwp of solar but i will reach 19.85 kwp as soon i have time to install the last panels. In Shitaly law you can not put more than 20kwp in an off grid system.
This warehouse has a galvanized sheet metal covering the whole roof. I pray it will resist a big fart from the sun.
I shoulda clicked on this thread sooner. Im 150 feet from a power pole. Wired my small house with 200 amp panel planning to tie in.

Decided I hate everything around me that isnt mine, took the money for the trench and power hookup and bought a used off grid setup minus the batteries from a guy that lived in the national forest for 1500.

12v, yes, 5kw of lifepo batteries, yeah its limited .

But 3k, havent paid a power bill here and never will. Whats the roi of that, nerds?

Think about power different, view it as a tool to use not something that makes you a victim if you dont have, get off the grid and dont be afraid of 12 volts to start. Dont let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
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I bought a huge lot of stuff for 1500 usd, came with 6 205 watt panels

1 only put out 9 volts, but I have 4 of the others wired together as one of my arrays for 820 watts rated from the factory. I have seen these 4 panels put out regularly around 870 watts on the charge controller 100ft away thru 6 guage wire, and when in the cool mornings of this spring, as high as 900 watts.

I believe "panel degradation" is largely attributable to not keeping glass clean, amd electrical connections deteriorating and creating resistance over time

Old panel, new wires and spotless glass=output shockingly close to new panel specs.
My opinions.

the Paternal Unit & I strung out and measured the 4 AWG on hand. we had aboot 284Ft. we need 426ft. so we need to get aboot 142ft more. that's going to run aboot $165.

we also measured and listed all needed conduit & fittings. no price on that yet. looks like 11 sticks of 1-1/2" conduit, 4 service elbow, 6 sweeping 90°, 4 slip couplings, 4 thread×slip adapters and a few collars. we also need aboot 142ft of #6 copper ground wire.

we are *so close* yet so far away. do to budget constraints, I will have to wait until June 1st to purchase these final items.

none the less, it is moving along. there was apparently a power outage this morning, while wife was milking the sheep. she was able to switch power to shed/solar and kept right on going. that's one marble in the "it's paying back" jar for the solar system.

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I learned stick welding at a class, i passed a test so i got a certificate. I dont think that makes me a welder nor do i care. But i want to know why people say MIG is sooo much easier, why even learn stick if MIG welds come out good without 45 years of welding experience?
Some welders say it can be very practical in bizarre situations like whay if if you are hanging upside down a bridge and have to bend a rod to reach a hidden section? You cant carry a wire feeder with you, so they say.
Others say the shielding gas is worse with MIG than with stick, but that should be a moot point with that special MIG wire that comes filled with flux and can generate its own gas.
Bottom line, why is MIG easier? It seems like the same process, just with a continuous rod
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except I'm telling the truth.
>he can't even imagine living my life, it must be fantasy
checks out, stay on that bottom rung, mathlet
>I dont undertand why this is better or easier since theres no talk of voltage or wire feed in stick welding
That's because how you control voltage and deposition rate are different between the processes so people don't use the same terminology since the action they need to perform is different.

With voltage, in MIG you're typically setting the machine to a specific voltage and the machine tries to maintain that level at all times. There are fancy synergic modes in modern machines that adjust it on the fly of course and they make MIG welding a lot easier. However the bone standard is that if you set it to 20v, it'll do 20v. With stick welding the voltage is something you're actively managing as you're welding by adjusting the arc length. Shorter arc length = lower voltage. Longer arc length = more voltage. There is no dial on the machine where you just set it to 20v and it does 20v so the topic of 'voltage' rarely ever comes up with stick welding, instead people talk about 'arc length' since that's what you can observe and control.
I heat up a pointy rock on a stick and use it to melt tin/lead onto copper.
>If i were to mount a conventional stick welder on a CNC gantry, and just program a path and and approach rate, would it work as good?
It'll struggle to light the arc on many rod types and can fail unexpectedly even on easy rods and wont adjust when doing so. It also wont adjust if the rod burns too fast or too slow for whatever reason, even millimeter difference in arc length matter. If the rod sticks to the puddle the machine will just keep going until the rod is ripped out of the torch handle. Welding rods simply aren't made for high precision automation.

I've wanted to make a slide-out game controller for phones for a while. I have a software background, so I'm comfortable learning new technologies, but I'm not sure where to begin. My initial idea is to buy an 8bitdo micro and simply shove the guts into different shell that I print to prove the concept. What's the legitimate approach?
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ok nvm you're not him, sorry. he's very insecure and gets angry when people make fun of him. sorry for bothering you.
You find a board manufacturer, buy a P&P and reflow oven, and piece it together with parts you find off digikey, or go on JLC and overpay for them to assemble it for you, then you contract with local materials science or plastics company (every town I've lived in there's always one within a 30 minute drive) and have them make the cases, or if you're dirt cheap bite the bullet and order them from China and accept the company is gonna reuse the molds themselves or sell them off to someone who will, then again If it's a small run they'll make em out of aluminum so it won't last long anyway, then you piece the whole thing together with threadforming screws. If your line actually takes off, same story, but you're gonna wanna drop a ton of cash on water-cooled steel molds and etch the PCBs yourself, the price per unit will drop on components on their own.
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Here we go, already found a Bluetooth transceiver for ya, look for the PDIP equivalent if there even is one, grab whatever microcontroller you'll be building it off of, some joysticks and buttons, whatever other components you'll need and a chinese eBay power supply and get to prototyping on a breadboard (or copper perfboard like a manly man).
It's ok, I know a lot of people talk shit with ideas they can't deliver on. Hopefully I at least get a prototype working.

Thank you fren.

Exactly the kind of direction I needed. TYVM
>My initial idea is to buy an 8bitdo micro and simply shove the guts into different shell that I print to prove the concept.
not a terrible idea so long as you think you'll be able to get from there to where you want the project to end without having to backtrack. remember - changing the guts will likely require you to make a new case anyway, so it's ebetter to start with something that will let you develop from the start or something you'll be fine not being able to develop much further.

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