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>buy new gpu
>insert into slot
>go to screw it into the back plate
>it doesn't quite line up
>bend it a little bit so it lines up
>it stops working after a month
>do a lot of troubleshooting
>flip entire PC upside down
>starts working again
>eventually stops working again
What do I do bros?
any ideas on how to improve contact to the pci slot?
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You bent some shit and now some connectors aren't touching, duh. Probably ruined it instead of returning defective product.

Probably not even defective, you're probably the defective one.
>GPU was built wrong
you should have returned it immediately, no matter how minor. Even a crack in plastic or a misaligned piece of metal could have been due to it taking a significant tumble or being slammed between pieces of heavy machinery.

the fuck, this aint tech support. why are you posting on /diy/ go post this bullshit on /g/. who cares about your gay ass video card
Flip it back over, duh.

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Homeless advice required

/adv/ is a pretty normie board so I'm trying here first.

>no car
>weather averaging 32c from now til October
>neetbux (not enough for renting, I'll be using my time to save and learn skills)
>can go live near a sea/river for showers
>gym is 60$/month at the cheapest, i'd rather not

List of necessities:
I'm getting a tent today. got a 60kg backpack.
2-3L water
phone, battery pack, charger
mosquito spray

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also, stay away from religious nutjobs like this. take their food or whatever they give and move on. the "help" they offer is never to your benefit, they're out to brainwash you into whatever cult they belong to.
You need a rope and a tree to hang from
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You giving pointers out keep practicing maybe you'll get there one day
If you can't have a knife, how about a stick or club or some sort of tool you can do some damage with? Lots of things can be weapons if you're creative/desperate enough.

Why no gym? Showering there's gotta beat plunging in saltwater.

How about a storage unit? Can you afford that? Could be useful place to stash stuff and maybe even to hang out and have some solitude. Post office lockbox? If you can get mail somewhere and have some sort of address like a PO Box, that's a plus.

Library's often got resources for homeless. Use the computer to look for work, apply for gov't benefits, training, etc.

Try churches for food.
What country? That should have been obviously relevant because local anons will know useful local options no one else does. The board is mostly burgers with less applicable info.

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Help me choose an MCU that allows me to create a portable music player that allows me to use DAC with i2s and listen to the most used audio files: MP3, AAC, ALAC, AIFF, APE, FLAC, MP, APE, WAV, OGG and OPUS
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No. You can google yourself unless you're a worthless cunt.
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just make sure it can support at minimum 44.1kHz sample rate. So, no arduino. I’d go with an ESP32, it has audio libraries available and can support a high clock rate. Also had arduino IDE support.
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it’s more fun to interact with others. OP never stop asking questions.
forgot - check out analog devices sigma studio line if you want to break out of breakout board MCUs. They’re great MCUs designed for audio use and have dedicated software to design the chip software, like filters, EQ, etc.
If you go with WAV you won't need a decoding chip. It's just a sequence of values you push into a DAC. You can play them directly with pretty much any 8-bit MCU.

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is there anything wrng wit this solar panel how can i get it up and running
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It's blurry, you need to clear it up or the sun won't make it work.
Is it just me or has there been a drastic increase in the amount of retarded troll threads here lately?
Seems about normal, worst part is I keep replying.

The module in OPs pic is likely facing the wall for execution, judging by the tape over the diodes it was probably a drug mule.
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>i shineded a flash light on it and theres no electrical flowing out

a flashlight....
First you should check it's structural integrity by kicking it as hard as you can.

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>commercial brewing legal advice edition
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1/2 is 0.5, retard
why the fuck would I specify a range when talking about a measurement?
8 liters of store bought “natural” apple juice (from concentrate but no preservatives or anything added on the ingredients, I checked).
2KG of sugar
2 grams of EC-1118 yeast (activated in warm water with sugar)
A handful of raisins disinfected with booze.
Now bubbling away happily. Was concerned that the high initial sugar content would hamper the yeast but it seems to be fine.
We’ll see where this takes us, first time brewing with actual brewers yeast and not live breadyeast
Nice dude! You gonna backsweeten or go dry?
I’m honestly not sure, I I’ll probably test it around 12% ABV and judge the sweetness then. I bought some yeast stopper and a hydrometer along with the yeast
I had a great time as an amateur homebrewer when my mom went to the local brew-pub and asked if i could shadow for a day.
I learned about all the ins and outs and did some labor like brooming all the used barley into cans for the local countryside farmers pigs. i got to walk into the hop fridge and see boxes of hops that were 1000$+ each
Added some hops. the brewmaster was a traditional dude and soft spoken. I got to drink a beer after the day ended,
"You brew one, you drink one!"

How would I go about making the collar/shoulders? wire, foam?
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I'm trimming rune at mage bank just bring 1m cash. Thx bro see you soon.
steel you dumbass, its armor
IF it was steel then you would NEED 5 defense to wear a skillcape!
worse 99
almost as bad as firemaking
Nigga just afk at magics or yews. Or whatever new bullshit afk method fagex has added

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How the fuck does this shit work? why are you given 2 bolts it makes no fucking sense. what did harbor freight mean by this when they sold the modular table/fixture welding table.
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I'm assuming you're confused as to why you get three bolts when you can use three holes. The answer is that you don't need to bolt it in three places since two points make a line. . The reason the long hole is long is so you can use it on the diagonals.
doubt the bolt head has too much room and once you use black top clamp it won't move anyways.
youd need a phd in chinkshitology to even be begin to comprehend what the bugpeople were thinking when they put that kit together
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Literally standard fixture table shit.
that work if your bolts has flanges that are bigger than the slot these heads are not, here the they give you that weird c washer, but again only 4 not 8 like the amount bolts your

It's just some pretentious baguette styling, aint't it? Compound all the angles, and boolean the resulting components based on what stock you have available. It wouldn't be a thing if they had CAD in 1300s.

Or am I missing something?
>It's just some pretentious baguette styling, aint't it?
>Or am I missing something?

Yeah, you're missing a brain.
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Looks neat though
That looks really nice
>It wouldn't be a thing if they had CAD in 1300s.
crazy thing is if you did it today it would be 50 sheets of ply glued together and then cncd and it would cost about a hundred times more than paying a master joiner to build it like they did back then.
OP is the kind of person who gives us the shit architecture we have today. I bet he's great at standardized testing.

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These things are just junk, right? I bought this 4 pack thinking it would be sufficient for a small indoor grow of pot(1 panel per plant) but when i actually received it, i saw it was a USB A plug, so its limited to 2.5amps, which means its total wattage would be limited to 12.5watts, right?
(in my defence, when i bought it it didnt specify it was USB A, so i figured it would be USB C and use PD... so more like 100watts in total.)
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Criminally underrated lmao
Are you also bepis? Am I imagining this?
You sound very upset. That must be a wicked yeast infection.
His name is Michael; try to keep up.
You’re going to want more power. You can still use these for cloning/seedlings or use them to light plants from the sides with a stronger light overhead. My last couple grows were hps but that was 4/5 years ago. Can you even still get ballasts? So much easier in my opinion and if you wire the ballast in a remote location from the light, it’s far easier to control heat. Get a “cool tube” if you can still find those and you can get a 600watt less than a foot above the canopy without burning them.

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Does anyone here run a Handyman for Hire business? How successful is it for you? Thinking about making money off my tinkerings for once
Well, we've never had this thread before. Nice work, OP.
There's a first time for everything!
Billions must breath fresh and clean air.
Yes. Worked on crews for years, realized if I could handle some paperwork I could make way more money. I'm not rich from it but it's freedom and I can pay bills.
Not everyone lives online 24/7 just because you do. Each thread will have a fresh perspective.

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What tools do my euro bros buy?
In my country unior is considered the best, but I am from ee so maybe you have other brands in the west, like the american ones.
Also is Parkside better than green Bosch?
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>Parkside is good enough for /diy/
This. The only downside is that stock is on rotation and the tool you need might not be available.
Seems like with power tools, EU and US are like 80% the same. There’s some stuff you can’t really get outside of their home continent and maybe some stuff is somewhat rare but available (eg Milwaukee in the EU and Metabo in the US). With hand tools it seems a bit more different. You can widely get knipex in the us, but I’ve never seen Klein or snap on in Europe.
They all literally come out of the same factories in china.
Sometimes they ship the parts sourced from, say, the two factories in china that produce motors and assemble them in other countries for show, but that’s not a factory.
On rare occasions, they will ship the completed silicon steel rotor from china and have it wound in their own country for extremely nationalistic reasons.
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unior make the standard DIN tools at the standard DIN quality (which is quite good)

the DIN cookbook is so german it doesn't even allow a factory to make changes that would be improvements! so these are the very same tools you bought in 1980s.
This is probably true but means little for the actual quality and durability of the tool. Some (but def not all) companies sell their own designs with material specs and qc specs, some even source their own metals or use 3D party mould/die suppliers to make sure it’s up to standards.

But many of the cheaper ones just use branded versions of the suppliers reference design or don’t change anything but packaging. There’s a supplier in my country that has a good name, they order standard China stuff, do their own QC, bin the units that fail (like 30%, or they sell it for cheap with no branding) and rebrand the passing ones.

I'm making a workbench from salvaged construction lumber. The legs and lap joints are already cut, but I need a strong joint for the shorter stretchers going depthwise. They are just long enough to reach between the legs, but not long enough for tenons. At first I thought of just a butt joint with really long screws, but then I came up with using large dowels instead.

According to the tests of based autist Matthias Wandel, screws sink into the wood as they fail, but dowel joints perform almost on par with mortise and tenon.

The dowels are 20mm in diameter, the stretchers they go into are 60x95mm, legs 75x90mm and the long stretchers 45x60mm.

I plan to glue and screw the laps, though I would prefer not to glue the dowels into the legs, but instead pull them together with long structural screws. This way I could "flat pack" the bench if I need to move it.

So my question is, would all the dowel, screw and counterbore holes packed into the lap joint weaken it significantly? And could I get away with no glue on the dowel joints?
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> According to the tests of based autist Matthias Wandel
There is a lot of cool autists out there.
One of the most brilliant of them was testing screw and bolt holding in wood that was tapped with threads.

He found that adding crazy glue to the inside of the threads made them A LOT stronger. Brilliant idea. I forget who it was though, it was years ago.
I think I saw that somewhere as well.

> wood that was tapped with threads
Do you mean he tapped machine threads, and used bolts instead of wood screws? That sounds really interesting.
I don’t know what you’re making but I don’t think this is what you need. Too many components for very little added strength, 3x20 mm dowels is pretty much anlways overkill unless you’re Dusty Lumber Co. Don’t pull the end grain with screws like that either, it’s a terrible connection even worsened by putting them so close to the corners. 3x8 should do fine any day

For one you can disassemble you’d normally want to glue the trestles, and the top, and remove the connecting horizontal beams to take it apart. This way you’d still have a flat pack. Then put some carriage bolts instead of screws.
yes extra holes weaken it
you could get away with using no glue if your dowels are perfectly snug and tight but I wouldn't recommend it to be honest
> tapped machine threads?
Exactly. I’d tap them again after the cyanoacrylate cures. You still want beefy threads though… course. And you want the thread depth to be as big as possible.
You can tap big ass lag bolt threads and those massive deck screw threads just by cutting a slit through the threads of a spare screw or bolt with a dremel.

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>only thing's I enjoy anymore is drinking, driving around for 3 hours at night and finding junk on the side of the road to fix (while doing the former)
Who else knows this feel?
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Drinking and driving, same as smoking weed and driving, or doing lsd and driving, or any other drug, are all a lot of fun until you kill someone. Luckily I grew up and stopped all that shit without having an accident or getting a DUI.

Actually, my stupidest driving was when I needed sleep. Twice I was in location A, then later on realized I was way too sleepy and decided to pull over, but realized I was already at location B and had apparently driven many miles while sleeping or dozing off, occasionally waking up when I ran off the road and hit noisy gravel.

I don't believe in angels or god or anything, but I have to wonder how I survived the stupid years.
I still do it, but I don't enjoy it; like fucking OP's mother.
god damn I've been hitting craigslist free hard. I've restored a grill, got a gig, picked up another electric mower and passed up on so many deals.

I haven't gotten to driving around rich neighborhoods on garbage day in the wee hours yet but I used to score so much shit that just needed a power wash for reselling when I did.

I could be earning 6 figures but I'm fucking off repairing lawnmowers assholes let sit with gas for $50 a pop. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I meant former as in while driving around late at night I find junk to fix, not drunk driving for 3 hours.
>I could be earning 6 figures but I'm fucking off repairing lawnmowers assholes let sit with gas for $50 a pop. What the fuck is wrong with me?
You can't buy satisfaction with six figures.

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>ruins your afternoon
I hate these niggers like you would've believe. Impacta, plus a torch plus penetrating oil and they still take 30 minutes of smashing. Tempted to buy an oxy torch just for blasting out these fucks.
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Bepis pls put your trip back on!
Imagine continuing to be a fucking retard and trying to be smug about it.
Imagine thinking an impact driver is a "specialty tool."
Imagine taking 4 hours to remove a screw and thinking the person that does it in 30 seconds is the one doing something wrong.
Thant's the one
Aliexpress link for the small one?
It’s up to you to find it on Ali.

I like the 1/4” drive one a lot because it’s way more versatile than the big brake rotor guys. If you have a hex or torx screw that’s on the verge of stripping out completely, stick a regular bit of that size in here and go to town.

How do I get it out?

No it's not on you fucking retard.
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Is he trying to poison you?
Tell him to reach for it then turn on the gas
>does the grabby end go up my peehole?
Do not recommend, the edges of the claws are plenty sharp. On and off bleeding for the better part of a week last time I tried it.
Jews are incapable of forming friendships
I don't see how a turd grabber is going to help in this situation.

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