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>ruins your afternoon
I hate these niggers like you would've believe. Impacta, plus a torch plus penetrating oil and they still take 30 minutes of smashing. Tempted to buy an oxy torch just for blasting out these fucks.
t. defeater of flathead screws
skill issue
this, impact driver makes short work of them. also, they are only installed to keep the rotor in place during assembly. you can leave them a bit loose, or remove them altogether at the first tire rotation or brake job.
that shit just strips them

just get an impact hammer and rattle the plate while tugging back and forth. you should never need anything besides a regular ph3 screwdriver to get these out.
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The Impacta is a impact driver. I've used that type before without luck, but the Impacta worked better since there wasn't 3 sources of slop on the bit. I need to get some JIS 5/16 bits for it though.
Ended up having to drill the center out then I got the last one out.
Then I tried removing the caliper bolts, and the nigger retards who changed the caliper used some weird one with differnt bolts.
THEN I tried to remove the bracket and they somehow uggaduggad it on, despite not being room from an impact hammer that I literally was able to compress the suspension with a 3 ton jack on the end of the wrench. Threads were perfect though, baffling.
Would it help to put anti-seize compound on the threads?
Car engineers will walk by three virgins just to fûck a mechanic
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>you should never need anything besides a regular screwdriver to get these out
maybe in the big rock candy mountain. anywhere that salts takes an act of god
the aircraft mechanics best friend usual gets the really tough ones
Jails make of tin and dogs with rubber teeth?
yes of course, I use it on basically everything in the brake/rotor/driveline area since it gets blasted by salt, sand and whatever else, but the screws in the OP aren't actually necessary at all.
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>relubing caliper pins
>one of the boots has a tear in it
>its after 9m
>car needs to be moved
>I have to take it apart again since I have no spares
It's never been so joever
The alleged "redpill" is in many cases that they're just retaining screws for easier assembly at the factory and don't actually need to be replaced after drilling the fuckers out the first time, the caliper and lugs do a fine job holding the rotor in place. But I'm a sucker for factory repair manuals, so Mr. P.B. Blaster and his friend Dr. Bernzomatic [usually] own my rusted ass.
Samefag, I say "usually" because I got depression after breaking an EZ-Out bit in one of those retaining screws, it's the "next guy's" problem now (i.e. me in 2 years after forgetting).
zap a nut on the head with the molten metal hot glue gun and take it out like a white man
Drill and discard, your wheel holds your rotor down just fine.

Dont overthink it.
Easy enough to drill the heads off so I do, but an OA torch is so versatile every mechanic should get one with both heating and cutting tips.

I prefer older used US-made torch outfits because they're for the most part very high quality. Used cylinders save money too since it's better to own than lease and because they're filled by exchange you get one back with a current hydro date. Zoomers fear the glorious OA torch so I've bought outfits for less than the gas in the cylinders was worth.
Sucks to suck

On all new Jeeps these screws are Torx
torx and mallet, that doesn't work fucking strip em out and yank that nigger off. I feel your pain, forget putting em back on
Yeaaa buddy.

The 1/4” versions have popped up on the market the past couple years are super useful too. The big version is tough to get in certain spots you need to remove a crusty ass PH2 screw.
Yes, but copper or alu paste might be a better idea.
Ideally you should oil anything you remove, to make sure its not a bitch to remove them again later.
What the fuck. Is this a new car thing? I've never driven or worked on anything past 2005 and never seen these. The wheel holds the rotor on what the fuck are these for?
pb assy inside of drum

They have been on BMWs and Hondas at least for a long time. BMW uses (or used) an allen head (picrel is 90s 3-series) and Hondas use the phillips/JIS.
They might be on VWs too. I think they’re popular on cars with lug bolts rather than studs and nuts. They help keep the rotor on the hub and keep it located so all the bolt holes line up.

They’re totally unnecessary on cars with studs though, that’s why everybody says to just drill them out on Hondas. I think they’re used to make assembly easier or something on those cars
Drill it out, that screw is useless apart from absolutely minimizing the possibility of some noise when braking in reverse.
I don't have an excuse for honda but it makes sense that shitty german cars for retards have stupid vestigial bolts that exist only to fuck with mechanics.
always install screws using permatex
Think about it on cars with lug bolts instead of studs and nuts. It actually makes sense there because the rotor is only very loosely sitting on the hub, and then it’s a headache to get all 15 holes lined up correctly when putting the wheel on and trying to get the lug bolts in.
Any retard who owns one of these has outed themselves as an incompetent buffoon.
does it really those car niggers love to save on everything seem retarded they would put a screw in for fucking no other reason, they could get away with a metal dowel locating pin instead. way cheaper than a fucking screw to locate. for honda it has to have some reason, for germans it's just to make you work more and charge you more in dealership and buy parts.
>that shit just strips them
If an impact driver strips the screw, you were going to strip it anyway doing whatever hack shit you think would work.
That or you're using it wrong.
Soooo I see you have never encountered a really fucked screw that you didn’t want to drill out after you’re done stripping it.

Last time I used it was on a Phillips screw that you couldn’t even really see with all the rust and gunk in there. Go ahead and stick an impact driver in there or a screw that has been painted over multiple times. It will be stripped to hell before you can get the bit seated in there.
I don’t think a dowel would be any cheaper. The screws already exist, just tap a hole in the hub and drill a hole in the rotor.

Now if you want to spoonfeed me on lug nuts vs bolts, I would be willing to hear that argument. I have no strong views either way.
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some of us are such giant baffons, we even opt for the strap on version of said retarded ass tool
sooo I see you have never posessed the 4 brain cells it takes to do the same action with a hammer, or clean it off well enough to get a bite, or get abite with a chisel, or the balls it takes to just drill the head off. You my friend, should not be allowed to work on a fucking dog house.
>>2798108 barely used snap ring pliers have nothing to do with this you fucking moron. Verification not required
Why would I do all of that stuff which takes 10x longer when a $15 tool makes quick work of it?
>why would I try to think when I can buy another one-use tool for my collection that I show my internet friends to make them think I belong?
classic bepis
It’s the same with any tool. Why would I want an impact wrench when I could be stomping on a tire iron trying to remove overtightened lug nuts? Why would I want a circular saw or a sawzall when I could use a hacksaw and cut 98% slower? Why would I want a hammer when I can pick up a rock off the ground and smash this nail?

Confirmed for not knowing how those manual impacrs work
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lugs only have one advantage
>easier to mount wheels

but its also easier to cross thread them

advantages of bolts
>they self-align when you put them in
>easier to use different bolts
>no need to press them out like studs
>spacers and adapters can be used more easily
>minimum thickness 3/4" for adapters

picrel can be used to make it easier to line up the holes
>in case you are a girl
>It’s the same with any tool.
>lists a bunch of completely unrelated tools
dude just shut the fuck up, you're digging yourself deeper and just making yourself look even more retarded
See the bottom part of >>2798369

The 1/4” model works decent with spiral type extractors if you can get em with a hex shank or you have tap sockets and the larger impact with the 3/8” square. They’re great tools when you need em, which is why everybody who deals with those brake caliper screws uses them.
why would i want to anon post when i can trip post
>you're stupid for having a tool that excels at removing stuck screws, you NEED to completely destroy the screw because that's what a MAN does!
I always unscrew and reinstall them whenever the wheel is off.
And very loosely.
California soft hands
Time is money.
And even beyond that, wasting an afternoon getting frustrated isn’t really worth saving the $15 on the right tool
if you get your ass whooped by a philips screw and need this tool you're a fuckin dumbass
Imagine being a literal fucking retard and trying to be smug about it.
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imagine needing a special tool to get past one of the most trivial inconveniences in the mechanic world. These screws are the equivalent of having to tie your shoe. Oh, wait.
vw group uses bolts on its wheels because its faster to make they can drill and tap the hole in one step instead of having to do more steps to press in studs
Imagine never having removed brake rotors on any Honda or European car and posting on the internet pretending you’re a master automotive technician
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chemical issue
temperature issue
That would by implication include every military aircraft structural repair troop. You just don't know how to use one and are clearly not a professional mechanic so neck yourself.

Those impacts excel at not stripping fasteners because they force the bit into the fastener while twisting. The screws themselves are line assembly aids (remember moving suspensions as a unit requires having brake rotors stay in place. They're so easy to drill out it's odd to do anything different if they strip with an impact.

You can't duplicate the same action with a hammer you moron. Take one apart if you don't know how the pin and rotary cam mechanism inside works. They rose to prominence in the ancient era when motorcycles came with Phillips engine cover screws which no conventional impact or other method handled well. They remain because conventional impact wrenches cannot do what they to (though one could be made to it would be impressively awkward vs breaking torque manually with the impact driver).

They're hardly a one-use tool. I've owned and used them longer than you've been alive.
>Those impacts excel at not stripping fasteners because they force the bit into the fastener while twisting
This. It’s like 80% of the hammer blow is driving the driver head into the screw, and the other 20% of the force is being used to spin it, which is actually a lot of force when you have a 2lb-4lb hammer. You can’t really recreate that motion with other tools.
This is what I used when i had a car that had set screws on the rotors. Worked like a charm.
When I woke up this morning there was a turd in my bed next to my head
There is a special tool just for these screws/bolts. It's like combination between screwdriver and automatic-punch. You put it on the bolt and hammer it and as soon as you hammer it it turns.
Also: Oxy torch is the most basic tool you need for wrenching. How you gonna do exhaust or suspension shit without it? You can use it for paintjob prep with some tin. You can weld with it.
Stop picking up girls at the club, anon.
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obviously an impossible falsification
see >>2798056
Bepis pls put your trip back on!
Imagine continuing to be a fucking retard and trying to be smug about it.
Imagine thinking an impact driver is a "specialty tool."
Imagine taking 4 hours to remove a screw and thinking the person that does it in 30 seconds is the one doing something wrong.
Thant's the one
Aliexpress link for the small one?
It’s up to you to find it on Ali.

I like the 1/4” drive one a lot because it’s way more versatile than the big brake rotor guys. If you have a hex or torx screw that’s on the verge of stripping out completely, stick a regular bit of that size in here and go to town.
too dumb to clean the bullshit out before you work on something?
>cars with lug bolts instead of studs and nuts
Yes, so like I said. Vestigial bolts. What is the point of designing a car to take bolts instead of a stud? Oh, those wonderful germans must know something I don't know- How it's surely better to have to screw the rotor in place with a phillips head instead of just having studs that self-align it like literally every automaker that isn't some third reich wash-up or sweed that went out of business (in USA)
Imagine never having removed brake rotors on any Honda or European car and posting on the internet pretending you’re a master automotive technician
>copper or alu paste

Copper paste = the LPS being gobbed on in picrel. I use printer swabs and I break off the cap brushes which waste product and can contaminate the rest by dragging shit back into the tub.

For really high temp nickel or milk of magnesia work nicely.
^Someone doesn't understand hardware and is not a professional mechanic.

A seized fastener can be completely clean as on aircraft yet cam out no matter how strong you are because you cannot match a hammer blow by simple manual force with any other tool except the specialized "johnson bar" setup made by El Brutus (a copy of some ancient USAF custom flightline tool I used on Phantoms before EB offered theirs).

Of course the johnson bar (so named for a locomotive part) is mostly for panel screws while the manual impact is universal.
I got one of those from HF. Best $20 I have ever spent. Great for cracking cases on motorcycles too.

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