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What tools do my euro bros buy?
In my country unior is considered the best, but I am from ee so maybe you have other brands in the west, like the american ones.
Also is Parkside better than green Bosch?
Luxembourg and you'll never hear the end of German's telling you about why Bosch is quality.

Hand tools, dieter-schmid or whatever is cheap at Bauhaus/batiself.
No idea if Parkside would beat green Bosch in quality, but it does beat it in price by a good margin, all the rare-use tools I tend to buy Parkside.
Then Makita for higher quality tools, because Makita is the same quality as any other high-end brand, but in Europe, it's the cheapest.
what about wrenches and pliers and stuff like that
Parkside is what they sell at lidl in the USA and it's all junk
Parkside is good enough for /diy/, if you're a professional, Knipex or whatever expensive brands. There's a middle ground of "high quality" Aliexpress brands, if you explicitly look for brand stores and avoid the cheapest tool in the given category. I needed some not dogshit crimp tools for electrical connectors, and IWISS had good ones with EDM machined inserts for less than half of the cost of global brands.

Yes, but it's cheap junk. You can buy a Makita impact hammer for $500, or a Parkside for $150, the Parkside will survive the few odd jobs just fine. In Europe there are much worse deals on big brand cordless tools as well, in the US the big chains often have effective 30% off combo deals, while in Europe, brand name combo deals are buy more - pay more. So Parkside is usually 30% of the real price of Makita, 25% of Milwaukee.
Gedore, Knipex, PB Swisstools, Wiha and Wera are considered top brands for hand tools in my country. For generic battery tools at companies Makita, and more and more Dewalt lately. Specialty tools for woodworking Festool, Hikoki, Hilti or Bosch blue for hammer drills. Metabo and Hitachi are generally appreciated

Bahco and Stanley are ‘good enough’ tier for random stuff like tape measures. Parkside is disposable Lidl electrical tools like in the US.
thank you for the recommandations
in my country we have pretty much only unior, when it comes to quality hand tools, is it big in occidental yurop as well or only in ex comie
how does it compare with western brands?
I’m Dutch/German but I do installation jobs in all of Europe and have never seen someone use Unior tools outside of one time in either Poland or Slovakia. And the Romanian version of home depot has them iirc

Doesn’t mean they’re bad, I have no idea, but I doubt you’ll find them in Western Europe
The handle design looks very familiar but I’m not sure what I remember it from.
You are from Slovenia
no, romania
Bosch (blue) for corded/battery powered stuff (angle grinder, perforator, circular saw, etc.)
Husqvarna for gas powered (trimmer, mower, chainsaw)
Fiskars and Gardena for gardening hand tools like shovels, rakes, etc.
i buy expensive, but i buy once
>Parkside is good enough for /diy/
This. The only downside is that stock is on rotation and the tool you need might not be available.
Seems like with power tools, EU and US are like 80% the same. There’s some stuff you can’t really get outside of their home continent and maybe some stuff is somewhat rare but available (eg Milwaukee in the EU and Metabo in the US). With hand tools it seems a bit more different. You can widely get knipex in the us, but I’ve never seen Klein or snap on in Europe.
They all literally come out of the same factories in china.
Sometimes they ship the parts sourced from, say, the two factories in china that produce motors and assemble them in other countries for show, but that’s not a factory.
On rare occasions, they will ship the completed silicon steel rotor from china and have it wound in their own country for extremely nationalistic reasons.
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unior make the standard DIN tools at the standard DIN quality (which is quite good)

the DIN cookbook is so german it doesn't even allow a factory to make changes that would be improvements! so these are the very same tools you bought in 1980s.
This is probably true but means little for the actual quality and durability of the tool. Some (but def not all) companies sell their own designs with material specs and qc specs, some even source their own metals or use 3D party mould/die suppliers to make sure it’s up to standards.

But many of the cheaper ones just use branded versions of the suppliers reference design or don’t change anything but packaging. There’s a supplier in my country that has a good name, they order standard China stuff, do their own QC, bin the units that fail (like 30%, or they sell it for cheap with no branding) and rebrand the passing ones.
parkside is often good enough, sometimes is cheap eu made shit, sometimes is renamed random taobao shit, but with some extra quality control and a guarantee
for example if you want a mains multimeter, the cheapest safe certified one you can get is from parkside
Agree with everything except Bosch
Fuck Bosch, they went full chinesium. Had a steel drill bit for wood break on me while making holes in some pine furniture...
biltema sockets, hammers, etc
makita battery stuff
echo gas stuff
aliex random bits and pieces i need
90s Bosch was indestructible godsent stuff, but now, it's the worst out of the biggest power tools players.

For me it's either Makita or Metabo for power tools.
I don't have the favourite hand tools brand though. I have a mix of Stanley/Milwaukee/Parkside and few noname things.
Im happy with Bosch Blue 12V and go big with 18V Metabo.
Green or Blue Bosch?
>sockets, wrenches etc.
doesn't matter as long as it contains chrome and is cheap
>power tools
i have makita, but for impact drivers i would suggest milwaukee. corded stuff doesn't even matter just take the best one. In general if you pay for professional equipment you get professional equipment, if you pay jack shit you get jack shit. a makita small drill died when i tried to drill a 6mm x 130mm hole in to MDF board.
kemppi, and never anything else
>drill bits and cutting tools
doesn't matter, HSS for mild steel and softer, cobalt infused for stronger steels, and if really necessary then tungsten carbide tipped ones. For straight grinder tungsten carbide. No lathe or mill yet, but same as earlier. HSS for most stuff and zirconium bits for harder stuff. no allegiance to any brand, its stupid. just buy what works for you, theyll fuck up the quality after you start believing in their superior quality anyway.
>pincers etc
knipex if buying or whatever old shit i happen to have in my shop. also remember, buy professional gear for professional quality, im sure knipex has sold out already too and makes some consumer bullshit chinesium wares for those brand loyal idiots.
Parkside works well for diy, better than Einhell. Quality went down last year.
Bosch green are overpriced.
Professionals buy Bosch blue or Hilti.
Festool, pronounced "fash tool" by its Swabian manufacturer.
>you'll never hear the end of German's telling you about why Bosch is quality.
We do? Damn, how they presented themselves on campus and throughout internships i always assumed they're completely rundown. Typical no one gives a shit outside prestige projects company. I could only tell good stories from people that went towards sensors and ICs departments.
Basically >>2803091 >>2803181
That said, Wera and Knipex for hand tools (gathered most of them by sales), Makita for power tools. 3M to glue my balls to the wall.
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>Hätsch g’halda dei Gosch, no wärsch’ no beim Bosch!
I know some engineers from their automotive department and yeah, they tell funny stories. But desu so does everyone about any big company ever. They’re all shit. It’s just about finding the least shitty option.
Just a few days ago I got me a bunch of mesh sanding discs from Bosch and they’re miles ahead of the shitty wolfcraft/Lux tools bullshit you get at the Baumarkt and not that much more expensive. Haven’t tried the mirkas in comparison yet.
>dedicated to the finish
Well there's hardly anything to change on products that don't really allow design changes to begin with and are largely automated anyway. As i said all colleagues that i heard of going to Reutlingen (Bosch Sensortec) had a great time. It's obviously a problem with end consumer products and penny pinching added to forceful iteration.
t. working at Kraut's biggest milk manufacturer and having a great time as well.
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>As i said all colleagues that i heard of going to Reutlingen (Bosch Sensortec) had a great time.
Oh, sure, they have a great time! (My contacts are in Rt too) And great pay too.
But besides all the fun, it's a corporate shitshow. As is everything, from Daimler to DB, from Siemens to SAP.
>Haven’t tried the mirkas in comparison yet.
I just tried the P80 on some shitty paint on drywall that won't accept any new paint on top of it, and holy shit!
>pic related
I almost creamed my pants and I just orderd a 50 pack off amazon.
You show me anyone at SAP having a good time besides some soulless creatures in sales.

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