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Homeless advice required

/adv/ is a pretty normie board so I'm trying here first.

>no car
>weather averaging 32c from now til October
>neetbux (not enough for renting, I'll be using my time to save and learn skills)
>can go live near a sea/river for showers
>gym is 60$/month at the cheapest, i'd rather not

List of necessities:
I'm getting a tent today. got a 60kg backpack.
2-3L water
phone, battery pack, charger
mosquito spray
good shoes, 4 sets of clothes(more shirts and underwear)

need to look at a tarp and some mobile pillow thing.
CAN'T own a self defense knife because my country is cvcked
Anything else I'm missing? advice?
I'm gonna be camping and spending most days in a library to work on digital skills. money for food isn't an issue.
fake wallet
>Anything else I'm missing? advice?
op here
>>Anything else I'm missing? advice?
I have heard of super market dumpster diving as a very good way of obtaining free food. they should all locked behind universal keys that can be bought online for not very much. specifically supermarkets because they throw out sealed food, if something is not sealed DO NO EAT IT! they throw out mostly out of date food that is still good for human consumption.
you should still have a knife. it is a very useful tool, you can be selective about where you carry or where you stash it but you will soon see you need a knife
>I can’t read and love to kick people while they’re down because I’m miserable
I wish I had some advice op but i don’t. All I have is this bump.
>Sea for showering
Nigga what? Salt water feels gross and itchy as fuck on your body after it dries. Stick to rivers or use the public facilities and open showers at the beach.
>>>/Out/ usually has a hobo general so maybe try there for more advice.
Like anon said, go to /out/, they’re basically hobos or larping as hobos.
neat, thanks.
often beaches have a rinse off with fresh water might even have some free soap bits.

socks, keep your feet clean and dry
consider a car instead of a tent
a lot of homeless in the america live in cardboard boxes
find a piece of hardwood for a walking stick, if there are abandoned homes anywhere look for a closet rod. banisters too but those are usually too big. get a penknife and your walking stick can double as a carving project to kill time
make lockpicks from metal in discarded windshield wipers. the bin outside an autoparts store just after a rain is a goldmine
look up penny stoves
idk why you want a battery pack it's extra shit extra weight and you haven't even tried being conseravitive with your only electronic device (phone) after charging it all day at library.
good shoes means boots right?
your clothes bag is your pillow. get a pillow case for dirty laundry to keep it separate from clean. consider how you will wash clothes (pubic restroom sink is a good choice, drying always sucks ass)
consider a hammock/mosquito net for bed
a painters drop cloth (clear plastic) is a better lighter tarp for rain. you can get free trashbags from bins if you find a janny who leaves extra clean bags when emptying.
source dumpster food this can be restaurant or grocery

first try not to need anything then consider if what you need can server multiple purposes (hammock/net replaces tent) and what is lightest/most compact (clothes bag replaces travel pillow)

remember that you have no ties to where you are, you can walk or hitch to greener pastures.
oh yeah there is a pretty neat yt channel where the guy spends the night in roundabout bushes and behind billboards and shit. lot of good info/techniques. good utensils and cook directly in the can. p38 can opener. pop tops are great but don't pay extra over trad cans.
it would help to know what country this is. when you used the word tarp, I assume this is somewhere in the commonwealth or the UK? tell us what country specifically
>32 Celsius till october
>Illegal to carry a knife
>60$ gym

not spain because gym is cheaper
i think
not greece for the same reason
i think that he may be a shitalian or somewhere in europe because of the law with knifes
Aww shit OP, your are FUCKED.

Here's some advice I can give you.

Be happy it's summer. This is when you can get stuff done. Winter sucks ass on the street. Like really. There's less people so less opportunities for money.
Try and stay near to a city. Going too far from people is a death sentence. You not rely on crowds and their unwanted shit. Dumpster diving is a great way to land new clothes and stuff. People will sometimes leave them separate from the main garbage pile. Keep an eye on municipal garbage collection. Ideally, you'll be diving before they arrive to maximize profits.
You can re-sell a lot of stuff people throw away. Old books, electronics if you can do some minimal repair. It's a great source of income and utilization of your time. It's more effective then canning and scrap collecting.

Other hobos and gypsies will lay claim to territory. You can mess with an occasional hobo, don't fuck around with gypsies. If you fight one you'll be fighting all of them real soon. The streets are theirs you're just visiting. They will steal your stuff and kick the shit out of you in a group. Best stay away.

Other hobos are not your friends. Especially addicts they will steal your shit.

Find a secluded safe place to keep your stuff. You will need a stash. If you get arrested, robbed kicked out, chances are you'll lose all of your stuff. Have a back up stash somewhere. Ideally a friend would hold on to a backpack for you with a spare tarp and some foot. If you don't have a fired get a space and burry a small cash in the woods. This can save your life in the winter. Keep some cash in your socks and/or underpants. If you get robbed this can save your life. Gypsies will steal your shoes too.

Stay away from quick satisfaction. You have time use it productively. Collect scrap, cans bottles. It's easy to sulk and drink all day, but this lands you deeper in the despair and it makes it harder to get out of your situation.

Finding a good third place can be a godsend. If you can find an abandoned utility pass, disconnected sewer drain, train maintenance tunnel.

Find a place where no sane mane will go and look for a place to sleep. Scout it out for a few days. Arrive late, leave early. Try not to be spotted going in or coming out. After a week or so this can become home.

A dude I knew once lived between two utility tunnels for a heating substation. The space was maybe 80cm wide, but it was long. It was also warm in the winder because of the overhead pipes that carry hot water. He ran a phone line (40v) from an overhead connection for lighting and lived there for over 3 years until the maintenance guys finally found him. He went back in a few days and repeated the cycle. Just don't be retarded. To leave you piss and shit everywhere. Don't stink the place up, and you can live a almost normal life.

If you do manage to find a place don't run your fucking moth. Other hobos will want to take your shit, and if they cant take it they will try to ruin it for you. They will follow you home to find where you live.

Learn how to dispose of your piss and shit. Don't act like an animal. Piss in a bottle, empty it and clean it in a public bathroom. Shit in a plastic bag in a bucket, seal it up and throw it away. Stink is the first way of attracting unwarted attention. Being loud is the second.

You have a phone, so that's a godsend. You have near infinite entertainment. So take care of it. Get a solar panel charger and power bank. You'll be salvaging a lot more if you do dumpster diving so this should keep you entertained. Don't blast your phone at 100% at night, somebody will hear it and investigate.

Stockpile some water and food. You will inevitably get sick. And it's ca death sentence if you're thirsty hungry and cant scavenge for food. Ideally, your stash would have about 3-4 days worth of canned food and about 4l of water. Again life saver in the winter.

Have friends. If you have anybody form your old life you can trust, try and reach out. They can offer you a place to shower once in a while, clear your clothes and rest without the worry of getting stabbed by a meth head. Try not to overstep your boundaries. Friends will probably be okay with seeing you homeless ass once every 2-3 months but will stop picking up if you act like an asshole.

If you cant have a knife you can carry a screwdriver. It's alright for self defense and is an okay tool. You should also carry a long stick, it'll make prodding in dumpsters a hell of a lot easier. And push comes to shove you can you it to take a few swings at the other hobos stealing your shit.

You cant carry everything you need on your back. Keep the essentials and try and have a backup. Again finding and keeping a stash is the difference between being a dead hobo cometh winter and a hobo that lives to see another summer.

A few tips for dealing with cops. They will eventually pick up your homeless. If you're not bothering anyone, stinking the place up and stealing shit they wont fuck with you too much. Be polite and have a smile when talking with them. Answer their questions in a polite way. Say you're looking for a friend, you live one town over and just missed your train or something. If you say your a hobo it could mean a one way trip out of town. This isn't that bad, but you could end up with your stuff "misplaced" in the process. Being out of town for too long is a death sentence. There is very little edible food outside of cities, few opportunities to make money, and smaller towns will want you gone and wont give two shits on how they do it.

Finding a secure source of income is also essential. Collecting scrap, old bottles, or selling your skillset such as drawing etc might help out. Try to avoid selling yourself. This will fuck you in the long run. 20$ is 20$ but picking up HIV is a death sentence.
This is all solid advice. Is it from experience?
Godspeed OP. Take this time and connect with God. He gives me more than I could ever need. You'd be amazed at how He provides what you need when you need it.
You dont know shit kid
>Godspeed OP. Take this time and connect with God. He gives me more than I could ever need. You'd be amazed at how He provides what you need when you need it.
He’s fucking homeless asshole. Jesus.
>I need to work on my skills
Why don’t you just lie on applications? 9/10 times some retarded HR person is doing the hiring, they wouldn’t even know what technical questions to ask. Maybe don’t go for a software job, but for stuff like plumbing, hvac.. any trade job, you can 100% just bs your way through the job long enough to pick it up if you’re hired as a helper or something. A lot of the guys I know would be happy just to have a helper who works hard and shows up on time with their lunch packed, they’d teach you on the job as long as you’re willing to shovel shit and carry heavy stuff
1. go to any mobile home park, if you have enough for the first months rent, it can be like 450 in some shitholes, they will get you a mobile home, thus you can get a job use the wifi at their mobile home place

2, you can buy land cheap as fuck in rural areas of california or any shithole state
if it says for sale by owner and its like 10k you fucking make it
bro i can do like 200 a month for 5 years
just work out a shitty payment plan

go to churches, they can get you a job and food and clothes and even a place if your not a drug addicted asswhole

sell shit on offer up
for food money

dresss nice
you have to dress nice
go to korean clothing store and buy packets of white or black t shirts blue
just wear a clean one every day
and do laundry like once every week or just throw away buy another 10 dollar shirt packet
buy 10 dollar dickies or athlethic shorts

it is essential that you have
e mail
passport better
take pictures of them and have a buy 2 passports like passport id keep

buy po box apy like 13 a month

you can get a 20 dollar solar panel thing with usb c to charge your shit

dont loose your id

go to ross and buy a metal safety razor
shave with one daily razor blades are cheap

also have 1 hoodie that looks very colorful and new, throw on in case of looking suspicious
it will make you look young
i forgot its easy
go online and make a professional resume
that is picture of yourself and your previous jobs
just put shit you used to do with your dad if you dont have shit

go to places where mexicans live
they have shit like swap meets and cheap food and shit on the streets
liqour stores all sell shit from mexico
so buy bags of rice beans or bread and shit for a few dollars

most mexican liqour stores sell shit that is imported from mexico
if you dont have a place to shower
buy soap
and buy wetwhipes
soap for hair and wetwhipe everything
dont smell like shit
>Why don’t you just lie on applications? 9/10 times some retarded HR person is doing the hiring, they wouldn’t even know what technical questions to ask.
This is false. I don’t know where you are but where I am, for trade jobs you’re not going to be interviewed by just hr and you will absolutely be asked technical questions. Sometime mba dropout from hr may be part of the team interview but some supervisor who at least has a working knowledge of the trade will be there too.
Maybe don’t go for a software job, but for stuff like plumbing, hvac.. any trade job, you can 100% just bs your way through the job
>long enough to pick it up if you’re hired as a helper or something. A lot of the guys I know would be happy just to have a helper who works hard and shows up on time with their lunch packed, they’d teach you on the job as long as you’re willing to shovel shit and carry heavy stuff
Again, I guess areas vary because I can’t get hired at fucking McDonald’s changing filters and mopping floors with an hvac certificate and epa universal. Everyone wants experience but nobody will hire without it. I gave up and returned to a business I had been working on. Everyone and their brother has an hvac certificate here and if don’t network well you’re fucked.
We get to where we are because of many bad decisions, not one. There might be a couple major issues working against you that are unavoidable. On the other side, many small good decisions will compound to improve your standard of living.
Get clean physically and sobriety or at least as far as you can and taper down gradually. Get sleep and general health. Make some friends outside of homeless or bus circles. try to act how you want others to see you. There are reasons people in society behave as they do. You don't have to "walk the line," but if you're bringing good to those around you then life tends to find ways to help you out.

>trade jobs
You don't even have to bs your way in. If you're able bodied and functional minded, a lot of places will be trying to find half a dozen of you. Getting good at even the most basic trade skills will pay your way out of homelessness.
Thanks for the info/advice, you're good guys. I appreciate it.
Lying can only get you so far and I'm visibly autistic which is part of the reason I get declined off decent jobs. It gets in the way of lying.
>If you're able bodied and functional minded,

(in freedomland) no matter what you read or hear, on 4chan or any place including the real world, almost nobody who is homeless is able bodied and functional minded. I suppose there are disasters and health emergencies that can ruin a person, but in general if you are homeless it's because you have a drug problem, you are mentally ill, or you just chose a lifestyle that led to homelessness.

There is no law banning the carrying in public knives with sheaths

Also i don't know if Canada is that hot till october
I know you're right. I think it's important everyone come to terms with our own faults and work on improving them. OP is functional enough to get on this site and make a coherent post. They're probably capable to facing responsibility and changing for the better.

Don't lie then. Something people don't tell you about blue collar work is that it is performance based. White collar pays people mostly because they have a degree and they dress and act the part. You can be an insufferable degenerate and trade companies will still tether to you if you show up and your work is good.
When someone, say HR, asks you about something negative just own it. Any real trade you won't interview with HR, you'll be talking to someone you'll work with. If you can make their job easier and they're skilled, it puts you in the fast track. You don't have to make decisions until you're asked to and are paid accordingly.
yeah homelessness allows an almost total lack of responsibility, whether that means drugs or drinking or just not working. I'd make a big asterisk for women with kids who left an abusive relationship and/or literally lived off a guy who ghosted them.

otoh the ones that have a home and carpool their family in a minivan to hold a cardboard sign are fucking DISGUSTING and I'd euthanize every one of the grifters before touching a good old homeless druggy.
what is a decent job? finding someone who doesn't drink/drug and wants to learn and be detail oriented would be a huge boon for a lot of employers.
Join a monastery or some weird cult where you can leech resources and get housing for free in exchange for some labour (probably manual labor).
>This is all solid advice. Is it from experience?

I was never fully homeless, more like not wanted home. I was never an addict or a bum, my parents just struggled and saw me as a burden. I technically always had a place to sleep. This also closed a lot of doors for me and locked me out of a lot of government funded homes and compensations.

Spend a better part of my teen years bumping around institutions, mostly with gypsies and the mentally disabled. But institutions only help you out until you're 18. Spent some time bounding around the city after that. Would go home maybe once a month to shower, clean my clothes, and get yelled at for being a failure.

A kind of weird loop happens in poverty where you can't make enough money to pay rent, but you get get work without having a place to live, clean up and rest. The government has programs for these situations where they will compensate part of the rent, but since I technically had a home I couldn't even apply for these.

A good first step is saving up and renting a room for three months. It's usually like a fifth of a price of an apartment, and it's usually enough to find and keep employment. If you save your shackles you can get more bargaining power with your boss, find better work, improve your living conditions etc.

The hardest part is beating the endless misery that comes form your situation not improving despite you doing your best.

But it does improve one small step at a time, even if it means that you can buy a pizza tonight instead of having to fish it out of a trash can after a kid decides they don't like the toppings. When things start getting better try saving up for a few months rent and food. It'll go a long way in the future.
This could be a low point on a journey to a better life. You say "Jesus" but you talk like you've never known Him.
a battery powered angle grinder will get you into any locked space for ~150$
decent investment
or 50$ bolt cutters
oh i forgot, if you can get a 13 dollar po box near you
then go on amazon and buy a refurbished phone, you can get a samsung s21 22 for like 120 dolllars used depending on the condition
even like an 80 dollar old samsung is pretty good, just get one with scratches

dont do drugs
I recommend going to prison and making some good friends there. All the successful homeless guys I knew always had some prison pals who would help them out when things were particularly rough
make sure you have as many socks as you can reasonably carry. when you don't have the opportunity to shower or take your shoes off and air out your feet, after about 2 days you will start to get trench foot and it will suck.
also, stay away from religious nutjobs like this. take their food or whatever they give and move on. the "help" they offer is never to your benefit, they're out to brainwash you into whatever cult they belong to.
You need a rope and a tree to hang from
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You giving pointers out keep practicing maybe you'll get there one day
If you can't have a knife, how about a stick or club or some sort of tool you can do some damage with? Lots of things can be weapons if you're creative/desperate enough.

Why no gym? Showering there's gotta beat plunging in saltwater.

How about a storage unit? Can you afford that? Could be useful place to stash stuff and maybe even to hang out and have some solitude. Post office lockbox? If you can get mail somewhere and have some sort of address like a PO Box, that's a plus.

Library's often got resources for homeless. Use the computer to look for work, apply for gov't benefits, training, etc.

Try churches for food.
What country? That should have been obviously relevant because local anons will know useful local options no one else does. The board is mostly burgers with less applicable info.
I gotta disagree somewhat. There are plenty of mentally ill and drug users that do have homes. There are plenty of people living in cars and stuff and businesses and friends and no family and girls will do that to you. Rent is too high, so sleeping in your car might be a choice but not really. The whole goal is just to be out of debt and have a good bit of money. Like there's not much around, you gotta be cutthroat to get good dibs. It's best to just have some money and move somewhere better. So you gotta sleep in your car. One of my biggest mistakes that I don't blame on others, even though, really, it had a lot to do with just a couple people, was choosing to not be homeless any longer. I was really saving money.

People really say people are doing fine all over the world like we're in a great time. Most people are barely above what we consider poverty. Take what you make and subtract all your expenses and divide it, and that's what you really make an hour. A banana costs just as much for a rich person, yeah, they live more luxuriously but that's because they are making way way way more than you. 10 an hour minus 9 for expenses is 1. 20 an hour minus 10 for expenses. They don't make twice as much, they make ten times as much.
Being without a car would be a massive drag, I would not recommend.

The gym is good. It's another place to poop and working out dehydrates your poop and so you may poop less. You want to poop less. Have lots of places to poop so people don't catch on. They surely will, but, you just want to try. Milk is a good nutrient but can make you wet fart all day. High fat greek yogurt is super thick and good. Greek gods has no sour tastes, cabot is like super high fat it tastes almost like frosting. You really just want to eat a lot of high calorie stuff so you eat less.

The gym is also a place to meet people like you could spend a night at a girl's house after you meet her at the gym, maybe even turn your whole life around by finding a good chick like girls who go to college and stuff are more likely to work out than some druggie skeez.

Really you should, as you are doing now, research as much as you can. Get as many tips and tricks as you can because it's shitty. If you need a car, you can rent a uhaul for a day way cheaper than a car.

Get a storage unit, get two cars, or, I think the best thing you could do actually is get a storage unit and put a camper in there. Then you have an actual home for like 60 bucks a month. You could go there to shower and shit, then you could drive away and sleep in your car, or I suppose take the camper. Hypothetically, if you bought a camper for like 3k, and then went homeless for a year, the camper would be worth buying
When Ive stopped and talked to any homeless, even for a few minutes, Ive usually found a man of faith
The word you are searching for is "schizo".
>CAN'T own a self defense knife because my country is cvcked
Okay but how likely is it that the police will find you and check all your possessions? The risk is very low that a person or animal will try and kill you but it's a much smaller risk that some cops will show up and frisk you.
>my country is cvcked

Does it have a NAME?
>Shit in a plastic bag in a bucket
Does anyone know why these threads always result in this type of advice?
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I was homeless for two years. Uninterrupted sleep is going to be very important. Get a car or cheap small business office if possible. A small storage unit can serve as your closet. Set it up with shelves like a normal bedroom closet. You don't have to look homeless by carrying lots of crap. Learn to eat and love eggs. They have the right amount of protein and fat for long term survival. I stored eggs at room temp for avg 2 weeks with no problem as long as storage unit didn't get too hot. Used to have a camping shower bag for showering inside the storage unit. Only needed 1-2 gal of water. Later on I upgraded to gym membership at planet fitness. Very cheap and no more carrying around shower water. Get a 5 gal plastic bucket and combine with camper's toilet lid for your own facilities. Have the mindset of a greyman outdoorsman. No drugs and alcohol. Stay lucid and alert. Avoid bad influences. Good luck Anon.
Forgot to mention; as a traveler you will get exposed to many things. My medicine to handle sickness was either vitamin c pure powder (1 teaspoon) or 3 drops of lugol's iodine (crow brand).
just lookup stealth camping you'll find him, sad story though

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