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What would you have done different at Prospero if you had led the Thousand Sons against the invading forces?
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The old time anon, before the Hacks at BL fucked everything.
>they did that to a single world that revolted against them.
>The Tau are confirmed killing a planet
>This means they only did it once
lol, this means that they have the will and desire to do so whenever necessary.
There have always been female Thousand Sons
>>The Tau are confirmed killing a planet
they didn't kill a planet they prevented insurrectionist from breeding, other humans who were moved in could fuck just fine, but the rebels had to live out their life devoid of having children. If you want to make the argument that chemical castration is a fate akin to death go ahead, but know that you're a fucking retard.
>Hacks at BL
What is BL?

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Would these kind of floating piers have been useful during the invasion of Normandy?
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>would they have used what they used
Floating and anchored piers were literally developed and standardized for D-Day and that’s why everything you own is made to fit inside a shipping container in the most space efficient way
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>replying to a slide thread without herbs

Autistic Airgun / Pellet Gun discussion part 3

We just like ‘em

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Looks cool. Probably expensive.
I’m gonna tinker on some airguns this wkd
About how much fpe this thing shootin?
Umarex made a new nitrogen gun. Not bad reviews so far.
780 or so, the UK legal limit. I shoot HFT with it and the power is restricted in the rules.

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300 roman spartans vs 1 navy seal with 300 clips
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why does he need clips? clips of what? what will he do with them, show them off to the spartans on his phone?
perhaps they could be scared off by the magic glowing rectangle
>casually being filmed by a bystander
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This is a Russian right? This looks like one of those retarded drills Russians do to look cool for the camera
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OP is a boring individual
tactical goblino pose

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Grandpa's War Trophies Edition

Post your Peepaw's trophy that was saved from the boomers.

Previous Thread: >>61591532
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It was cz 550 for me. Would've got the ruger if I knew it existed.
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Cheaper options include the Chilean M1912-61 short rifles.
Literally the only part I've had break/wear out on one my milsurps is the extractor on my M1917 which was a common thing to break even in 1917. Metal doesn't just become brittle over time with use, unless you can shoot at a sustained rate similar to that of a machine gun it doesn't get hot enough for significant change.
>Literally the only part I've had break/wear out on one my milsurps
And have you lived a life time? Have you owned your milsurp for 50 years yet?

Thus far in the 10 years I've been collecting, I've had to replace a STEN firing pin, a Luger firing pin, a Luger trigger spring, a Gew98 firing pin spring, an M1 carbine extractor, and an SVT-40 recoil spring. Granted, these were firearms with owners before me, but that's kind of the point. You can't guarantee the firearm has been maintained properly for the first 70+ years of its life before you owned it any more than you can ascertain how many rounds have been through it. Claiming that a milsurp will "never wear out in your lifetime" is too broad of a generalization considering most of what we're collecting is near 100 years old, never had any intention in its design to last longer than maybe 5-20 years in service, and my experience of parts wearing out conflicts with yours.
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Rare 9mm conehammer, or antique relined and ruined by bubba?

Cool pictures of knives. Preferably cold steel knives.
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how is this a cool picture my guy
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It has a cool magazine on top of the grip.
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Is the tactical stance in mw3 2023 a real thing or is it just some shit they made up? If it’s real what’s the real life point of it?
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It's not shit they made up, it's shit they saw John Wick do with a handgun and thought it looked cool.
Fuck ya mudda
All this point shooting stuff is finally interesting people in the real tactical badass. Cooperfags irrevocably blown out.
For me it's tac rifles such as the M16, AUG, G11, M14
>it’s real what’s the real life point of it?
shooting under NVG using lasers
without that it makes no sense

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Recommend me your best /k/ literature.
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Here's a whole bunch of /k/-related books

Some niggas should probably make nfographics about whatever military book subject area interests them.

If the thread's still up in tomorrow I'll make one about Afghanistan books.
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heres a bigass one i found awhile ago
what battles is he involved in?

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here is some mall ninja shit. If you are planning on buying a "do it all shotgun" like you want something for HD but also to hunt or clays, you are better off getting a 20 inch turkey barrel over a 18.5 incher for HD. the 20 inch turkey barrel will have vent ribs on it and you can use that to mount a red dot and now you have a QD barrel mounted red dot instead of having to use a bead or receiver mounted red dot. Especially considering you would be using the shotgun inside at night a red dot is a billion times better innahouse/mixed lighting/dark conditions than a bead is, even with a WML.
If you are getting a shotgun exclusively for HD, which is a why are you doing that in current year, then do whatever, you can receiver mount and some shotguns now are coming with optics cuts anyway.
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Based on other Harrel test modalities, I'm guessing this test is also trash
>Shoots three walls with 00 buck
>Three walls penetrated
>Shoots same three walls with .223
>Three walls penetrated
>Shoots same three walls with #4 buck
>Two walls penetrated
I don't know how you could doubt the result.
Anyone know what kind of laser/flashlight attachment brand would be good for a 12 gauge? Same thing with a reflex/holo/red-dot?
Streamlight works great, and so do the Sig Romeo budget red dots. The technology for weapon mounted lights and optics has gotten good enough over the last decade or so that basically anything with a decent name brand behind it will work fine even on a 12GA. It goes without saying that the gucci brands will be fine too, and avoid no-name chinesium Amazon shit for any firearm applications
Alright! Sounds good I'll definitely check them out! Thank you for the recommendation!

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Its Zouaves
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I can imagine it being pretty effective for trench raids too. Wouldn't stop a bullet, but would absolutely stop a bayonet or shovel.
The Jacksonian era had drip
That dude is packin some heat
that shit's cool till youre wearing a wool uniform in the southern summer sweating your balls off and passing out from heat stroke
IIRC the rifle they used was also a hell of a lot better than the Prussian Dreyse gun at the time.

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Commuters in Belgorod patiently waiting for a BM-21 to finish firing its missiles.
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>Why is Russia losing?
They keep losing in the wrong direction. /k/ keeps trying to tell them but the dumb fucks won’t listen.
Russia has been getting the meat for the meatgrinder from the lowerclass of russia, the middle class and uper class has been fine so far.
Fucking antifa
I want to rest my sleepy head on her chest.
>/k/ is obviously biased towards Ukraine and I believe mods are on the take even
Oh, do ... PLEASE ... tell the entire class just who is paying off the /k/ mods to be pro-Ukraine.

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Even-More-Dead-Than-Before Edition.
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USP sold
Bumping my SP-1
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Looking to sell or trade surp P&S M4 RAS and unused chrome lined 10.3 socom profile barrel.
>$200 for RAS
>$80 for barrel
Also looking to trade for a 507 Comp or 508t, but willing to consider other pistol dots.
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Bump for my charleville. I'd be willing to take two payments.

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As we all know, India has been on the front lines of the global war on terror, as well as containing the CCP, for decades- longer than any western country. Why then, does USA and its allies exclude India from the F-35 program? Indian participation would be enormously beneficial for all involved: China and the Muslim sphere would be surrounded by air forces equipped with the F-35 on all sides, and India's aerospace industry would help USA perfect the design. Furthermore, the F-35 could be integrate into India's carrier battle group, improving security in the Indian Ocean and beyond. This seems like a win-win, no?
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>the USSR came to their aid
Related to USSR's actually pretty sincere support to ex-colonial nations. They found pretty sympathetic audiences for preaching about capitalist exploitation to ex-colonies.
India is more like on the Russian side of a Sino-Russian split than actually on the western side of a western/eastern division.
Who made your most used MBT? Who made your planes? Your IFVs? Your SAMs? Russia. Russia. Russia. We find it plenty clear where your loyalties actually lie when it comes down to it.
India policy is to oppose Pakistani landgrabs and sponsorship of terrorism, likewise toward China, and to support overall security in the Indo-Pacific region. If this does not align perfectly with USA goals then what does?
>"If I pretend India also doesn't play kike/frog-tier fuck-fuck games, then I'm right"
Stop being retarded on purpose. You don't get to have your cake and eat it, too. If India wants to larp as some middle-man, above-the-fray master of manipulation, it's free to do so. The US is free to treat India accordingly: as a fair-weather partner that isn't to be trusted as a close ally, because India doesn't see itself as anyone's close ally. Except Russia, apparently.

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Why is the T-90M so shit?
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nice tank you got there
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Tanks a lot!
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his skin is reverting to its true color
>American tanks having a layer of soot instead of being a pile of shredded metal

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Rate, Post, LARP, Let's see em
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Let's say you had to pick between a lever action in .357 or .30-30 to survive the apocalypse, what model would you get and which caliber?
You also get an optic of your choice, if desired.
Based victory chad
.357 ammo might be a little easier to find. I'd go with that.
If I get a free stonkpile of ammo too then 30 30
When the fuck did rossi's get to be $800+? Last time I was looking at lever guns was pre covid and a rossi was like $350. A 336 was around $500. Prices have doubled or more. Crazy
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20” chads where you at

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