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Recommend me your best /k/ literature.
War and Peace

Prince Andrei is LITERALLY me
Like if Bolkonsky was a gay little limp wristed sissy boy sitting at a computer instead of a war hero?
A martyr speaks by john coey
Street without joy
Recce koos stadler
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer is the best autobiography I’ve ever read
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Pic related is a very good WW1 combat memoir of the open warfare period before the front stabilized and entrenching really took hold.
Speak for yourself
I second that.

And The color of war is kinda trash. Good insight on Russian military but badly written and without a decent narrative structure.
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Flashman series
One Soldiers War
Hammers Slammers
Colonial Marine handbook (LARP but still a good read)
Tigers in the Mud
Bumping a good thread
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also try Greetings from Novorossiya, it goes over the initial 2014-2015 events of the Donbass War. honestly the only event worth reading on in recent euro history because there's so much faggotry involving the current russian invasion

will post more once im home
Fangs of the Lone Wolf: Chechen Tactics in the Russian-Chechen Wars, 1994-2009

The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan

Principles of War - Carl Von Clausewitz

Al Qaeda Terrorist Manual
Mao Zedong: On Guerilla Warfare
War of the Flea: The Classic Study of Guerrilla Warfare
The Other Side of the Mountain : Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War
>SAS Survival Guide
>Unknown Soldier by Väino Linna
Sort of a cult book in Binland, follows a Finnish machinegun platoon throughout the Continuation war. Well-written characters, some insight into interwar Finnish society, rather unheroic nature. 3 different film adaptations made. I've read it in Czech, heard the English translation is so-so, but worth trying anyway.
>Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat
Some Bong finds his purpose in duty on the backdrop of assorted Reserve Navy fucks trying to wage war against German U-boats in northern Atlantic on dinky ships, which is a bitter, dangerous and largely unrewarding affair. Has a film adaptation that honestly feels bland if you read the book first.
>The Adventures of Werner Holt by Dieter Noll
German teenager dreaming of friendship for life and romantic adventures gets dragged deeper and deeper into WWII, first as Flak gunner, then RAD member and finally tanker and infantryman, and slowly realizes that not everything is sunny in the Third Reich. Reads well despite Noll being a raging commie.
All the abovementioned books are more or less autobiographic, written by people who had the personal experience to make them believable. All of them are also rather slow reading.

Also like Dogs of War by Frederic Forsyth, gives you a feel of what /k/ may want to be like in the early 70s. A slow book as well, but more on the entertainment side.
It's only partially/k/ related, but not enough people know about the autobiography of Benevento Cellini.

The guy is an absolute hilarious dickhead, but a talented one, and he has good aim with a hand cannon.
Death in the Long Grass
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Hardtack and Coffee
Dancing In The Glory Of Monsters for some Afrikino
these two are usually the top hits, but buy them from this chud,


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Decent read but I don't like the printing.
Storm of Steel
Mine were of Trouble
Those are the two I read by any of the major military related memoirs are pretty based.
>The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan
just wanted to second this one, excellent read.
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Reading this made me lose all respect for the IJN. They were a fucking shambles.
>Mine were of Trouble
Started reading today. Can't believe that guy loaded his plane with alcohol and landed in enemy territory after he heard a rumor it was retaken. War is truly retarded.
The one where the guy gets into a gay romantic relationship with a bear, won awards in Canada. Seems to suit this board
been reading that as well. my favorite part so far was where they stole a car from republicans who surrendered to them outside santander
what is name of book of penal soldiers in Chechnya/Afghanistan?
Apparently people though author lied when it was published, but now with sheer incompetence of RF it seems he is talking truth.
I forgot some details (obviously)
one soldiers war?
The Song of Roland
Orlando Furioso
The Liberation of Jerusalem
seems like it, but I'm not 100% sure
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Lmao the doxxing that happened yesterday to the guy was hilarious, leftists are always dysgenic mutants who hate the beautiful
>My dear fellow, it only stands to reason! A chap who squats down on his knees to clean your boots at a cafe or in the street is bound to be a communist, so why not shoot him right away and be done with it? No need for a trial-- his guilt is self-evident in his profession.

Deer lord, they put a General Ripper in charge of the Nationalist foreign press. The author Peter Camp is his Mandrake.
Camp of the Saints
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Nice T-55 getting mogged by an SADF ratel. Speaking of, any good literature regarding south african bush wars?
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Kino's Journey light novel fan translations
Author is named Sigsawa
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Cowboy Detective is good, it's the memoirs of some rambling old coot talking about how he was a Pinkerton going undercover in bandito gangs and coal miner unions and shit
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Girls Last Tour the manga is fantastic
Girls Last Tour the anime is troon shit
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For the kids
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Blood Meridian
Also just high quality literature.
holy shit I've actually read that.
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The one that makes WASR fags seeth
t. hasn't read any other book besides Blood Meridian
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I'm currently reading Strategy by Lawrence Freedman and The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World by Rupert Smith
I read green eggs and ham at least twice.
That a circuit judge?
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Also this
.44 Magnum version, yeah
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2nd for the flashman series
its like sharpes rifles but better
>When a 60-kiloton explosion destroyed the University of Central Florida, and much of the surrounding countryside, the authorities first thought that terrorists had somehow obtained a nuclear weapon. But there was no radiation detected, and, when physicist Dr. William Weaver and Navy SEAL Command Master Chief Robert Miller were sent to investigate, they found that in the center of the destruction, where the University's physics department used to be, was an interdimensional gateway to . . . somewhere.
>not calling it /k/lit
You had one fucking job
Why do people hate it now? It's legitimately good
when thing get popular many newfags enter and it makes oldfags somewhat resentful of thing because of potential connection to newfags who talk about thing
>blood meridian
I've literally never heard it mentioned here.
well you should lurk moar then
also some youtuber did a full reading of it recently and it got almost 7 million views
Literally the only person involved with the IJN after the RJW who I've read about and respected was Yamamoto.
Honestly, it's only because Japs were so determined that they managed anything at all in the war. The whole country had gone cuckoo.
If Hara is the guy I’m thinking about there’s a candid photo of him on the deck of his destroyer which looks like a WW2 era “it’s all so tiresome”
Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes - Vietnam war futility at its finest

Black Hearts: One Platoon's Plunge into Madness in the Triangle of Death and the American Struggle in Iraq by Jim Frederick - in depth look at the Mahmudiyah rape and murder shitshow and the surrounding events.

No man's land by Kevin Major - novel about the royal Newfoundland regiment during WW1 from the perspective of a junior officer from the first 500 up until the first day of the somme.

There's also the illustrated WW2 encyclopedia which is a neat find if you can get a complete 24 volume set
anything on asstr
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Fry the brain
Dawsons war
The places in between
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basic fucking reading before engaging with the retards on this board about anything nuclear
Read the Anabasis. It is the grandfather of every other recommendation here.
Chandler : Campaigns of Napoleon

Lawrence : Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Jünger : In Stahlgewittern

Thucydides : History of the Peloponnesian War

Caesar : De bello civili

Marx : Der Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich

Van Creveld : The Culture of War

Xenophon : Anabasis
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Wizards of Armageddon is an interesting read.
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Seconding "Dancing in the Glory of Monsters" for the candid interviews with former combatants from all sides of the wars in Congo. The super-pragmatic murder machine Hutu and Tutsi officers stick out in my mind. The whole affair of the Rwandan genocide was a catalyst to the wars that followed in the former Zaire, and the author interviews a few men who were very up front about grinding thousands of people into fertilizer. Unpleasant to read but illuminating on the mental state of those who lived through it.
It's a big meme on /lit/, has been for years.
I've never been on /lit/
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Lovely carpet. Nice series too.
I think it's only audiobook form, but the Steve Rinella Longhunter book was good.
I know Paul Harrel didn't like his. How do you like yours? I've always wanted a revolving rifle.
Regardless of the action, rossi is hot fucking garbage.
War of wars
Eagles of the empire
Red storm Rising
Red phoenix
Red hammer 1994
Red army
Team yankee
My war gone by, I miss it so
Beevor's WW2 books
With the old breed
Helmet for my pillow
Generation kill
Mostly just a novelty toy. Kind of inaccurate and you have to wear long sleeves when you shoot it.
Unfortunately, yeah, I'm probably going to have to replace the buttstock at some point because it's made of cheap wood and the bolt holding it in place has stripped it out
Now I'm too scared to read it...again
One of my fav's
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The spanish civil war was wildly brutal.
"I'm a Big Gay Who Thinks Azov are le ebil Nazi because my tankie fren said so"
By Ian McCollum
"That faggot heroin addict from the Royal Armories copy pasted some shit from the internet again" -Jonathan Ferguson
"Guns I have loved and the people I have killed with them" -Paul Harrell
"Buttplugs and cuckoldry a memoir" - Karl Kasarda
"I din do nuffin wrong and nobody saw it" -Oskar Dirlewanger
"Monty was a beady eyed anglo faggot" - General George Smith Patton, Jr
"Its True I was a faggot and my eyes are beady" - General Montgomery
"I fucking hate weebs and other thoughts " - Mishima
"It sucks meing Russian" fyodor dostoevsky
"I don;'t know if anyone mentioned it but it sucks being Russian" Tolstoy
"Did you know it really really sucks being Russian" Gorky
"I Blame Steiner, the last will and testament of Adolf Hitler" Adolf Hitler
"The advantages of Running away" by George Washington
"All for the scent of elderberries" Napoleon Bonaparte
Side Note on Storm of Steel: get the closest to the OG 1920's translation you can find
People really should be more aware of Smokey Yunick
man was a fucking pilot for the OSS for chrissakes
I liked Mishima's follow-ups "I used to jack off to Joan of Arc until I found out she was a girl" and "You know what's hot? Stinky hairy dude's armpits"
Stick to your colonel blimps failed gunstore for fat fucks who can't fight
Thucydides was an Athenian general but also a total nerd so he wrote about the "war" between Sparta and Athens.

What happens to a failed naval conquest, peltasts shitting on a spartan hoplite wall, democrats and oligarch masacaring each other its all in here.
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Iraq War
>Black Hearts

>Tiger Force
>Fields of Fire
>Moondash Warrior

>When a Crocodile Eats the Sun
>Mukiwa: A White Boy in Africa

Sierra Leone
>A Long Way Gone

>AK-47: the Weapon that Changed the Face of War
>City of Thieves
I personally hated the writing style. Verbose run-on sentences hurt my walnut brain. It’s not a bad book, and I see why it’s popular, but I personally just didn’t find it to be an enjoyable read.
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Artyom Drabkin books. He did interview various veterans, mostly soviet ones, from various army branches - recons, tankers, pilots. It's weird how they have quite different impressions on the things they went through.
Men-eaters of Kumaon and other books by Jim Corbett - quite enjoyable read on hunting dangerous game and doing society a favor. Some fishing is in there as well.
Total Resistance by Hans von Dach - a manual on how to conduct guerilla warfare in urban and rural areas of Europe, used by european urban guerillas and terrorists of 60s and 70s.
Lin Biao "Long live the victory of people's war" - a short summary of Mao Zedong's works on prolonged and guerilla warfare.
Guns of Navarone
Day of the Jackal
Original James Bond and Agent 117 novels
Rogue Male by Geoffrey Household - a book that inspired Operation Foxley.
>Unknown Soldier by Väino Linna
I tried to read it twice and always something prevents me from finishing it. It's not a bad book at all, I'm just finding more things >>61639512
That's a good one.
That's bullshit
I always wanted to read Charlie Siringo's memoirs, but I guess they'd have to wait.
The Sorrow of War
what in the name of schizophrenia is this
I bought an old typewriter and discovered that the reason that it's written like that is because Cormac is a lazy fucker who can't be bothered to hit the shift key
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet. I think it's one of the best books regarding the war in Afghanistan
>what in the name of schizophrenia is this
He forgot "I'm severely autistic, can't hold down a job, and I've been kicked out of and banned from every country in Europe like a Jew; also, rich people should be murdered and their money should be given to me" by Karl Marx
Actual quote from Marx's mom:
>Why don't you make Kapital instead of just writing about it?
>Fangs of the Lone Wolf
nice, didn't know it was on archive. ordered it on ebay a couple months ago but the mailman couldn't find my address, even though the street has an bizarre name
>One Soldier's War
interesting read. swapped my first edition of this for a friend's copy of storm of steel, but he gave up halfway through "Mozdok" because it made him squeamish
got put on the junior school library's shitlist because i kept reborrowing this and a couple other non-fiction DK books for a few months. other kids didn't give a fuck because the Deltora Quest series was hot shit back then and the school would buy 20odd copies of the latest novel the second it released
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Excellent first-hand insight into 90s and 2000s Delta
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I did a double take at bookstore today thinking I found a memoir by a guy who was my grandfather's section leader but it was just a guy with a similar name, shooting the same arabs in the same British protectorates at the same time but with different Squadron.

still spoopy tho.


the paper Captivity and Conversion: Soviet POW In Afghanistan is a great addition to books about the Soviet-Afghan war. Everything that lead those soviet soldiers to join the afghan side or desert will be familiar with One Soldiers War or the treatment of mobiks. pic related.

Revolt of the Majors is another amazing white paper about how the USAAF unfucked itself after vietnam and developed the F-15 and F-16.
>Revolt of the Majors
that sound interesting, rest are just depressing and not a fun read

POW study isn't super grim. most of it is academic kind of stuff about their motivations. The case studies are a mixed bag dedovshchina and having a crisis of conscience about brutalities against civilians are listed as major reason for desertion and defections but a lot of those soldiers had happy endings some were given asylum in western countries or they stayed in afghanistan and married locals etc. sometimes both. One guy even returned from Russia to Afghanistan to marry the woman he was betrothed to.
Is there any kind of /k/ recommended reading list?
Here's a whole bunch of /k/-related books

Some niggas should probably make nfographics about whatever military book subject area interests them.

If the thread's still up in tomorrow I'll make one about Afghanistan books.
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heres a bigass one i found awhile ago
what battles is he involved in?
The Guns of August. A really in depth look at the events leading up to, and the first month of World War 1.

instant 2015 nostalgia from seeing this. remember when /pol/ was anti-muslim?
Captivity and Conversion reminds me of some archival work I did once on the US Information Agency in Vietnam and the associated South Vietnamese reeducation program they set up for captured or surrendered VC. Short version is that the USIA was America's propaganda wing during the Cold War. In Vietnam they operated out of a villa outside Saigon, staffed mostly with young men just out of college, somewhere between psy-war spooks and State Department staffers. One night they might be drinking melonballs at an embassy party, the next they were getting dropped into the bush with green berets to test out ghost tapes on VC. Their involvement in the reeducation program was just as contradictory. Sometimes they were lecturing bored guerillas who were just happy to be fed and clean for a few weeks before they slipped back into the jungle. Other times they delved into MK ULTRA territory, trying to reprogram VC brains with American techno wizardry.

Point being, no amount of coercion or psy ops or bribes were able to have any appreciable effect on an ideologically motivated insurgency. I was fascinated by those documents I ran across though, out in the open in an archive with no redactions. None of them were digitized, but there is a pretty good history on the USIA out there. I'll see if I can look it up.
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>no amount of coercion or psy ops or bribes were able to have any appreciable effect on an ideologically motivated insurgency.
makes sense
it's a well-known truism that the best spy by far is an ideologically motivated spy

check out Helion press' catalogue.
I'm not even memeing this is a great book. Even better than the movie.
These threads always recommend the same war books but one would think that such an american website would at least post some SHTF recommendations, so i'm asking you ameritards, what is a good book depicting the
scenario ?
I can't remember the name, but I read a 250 or so page book about two mercenaries who get contracted to conduct a raid on a mine in some shithole African nation.
The two mercs hire some local negros who can barely fire their rifles straight to act as cannon fodder while they sit back.
One of the scenes describes a "particularly brave negro" that runs up to the building the last of the mining company's PMCs are hiding out in, throws a grenade through the window but gets shot in the head for his efforts.
The author then goes on to describe how, for a black man, he showed exceptional bravery and that it was a shame (but also kind of convenient) that he died.
At the end of the story they go to give away the goods to whoever hired them, only for the dude who hired them to double cross them, only from them to TRIPLE CROSS him!
It was kino of the highest order, mercs organizing rag tag fighting forces fighting other mercs. Great descriptions of small unit tactics.
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Between the Lines of Drift: the Memoirs of a Militant by Eric Rudolph. Very interesting read
sounds like a very garbled summary of Frederick Forsyth's Dogs Of War
if it is, then no, Dogs Of War was not quite like that
It's definitely not, just reading the summary of Dogs of War it's clear it's not.
It was a much simpler story, like an Age of Adventure style exploration of Savage Africa, but with the context of mercs being paid to fuck shit up for profit. Many scenes of driving a clapped out Jeep on fucked up African roads in the night, drinking at the local merc bar and shooting the shit with the locals.
The conclusion where the triple cross happens is that Merc 1 is in the second floor of a hotel room with a balcony that overlooks the interior courtyard of the hotel, Bad Guy comes in for negotiations, Merc 1 convinces the bad guy that he double crossed Merc 2 and took all the money for himself.
Bad Guy then double crosses Merc 1, while Merc 2 climbs up unto the balcony and shoots Bad Guy in the head.
Then both the mercs split the money 50/50 and head off in their separate ways, never to be seen again.
One Second After
It’s about a EMP attack. It’s one of the better “prepper type” book series
This was great but there is a part where out of nowhere he's like
>The IJA never killed civilians bro they wouldn't do that.
>Trust me bro I'd know, they just wouldn't.
Which is odd considering he was, ya'know, a destroyer captain, and one that never operated out of Chinese ports in his entire career at that.

My favorite bit is when he's despairing at the brass because they're all
>Okay, so the convoys got attacked the first three times but there's NO WAY they'd expect us to take the exact same route for a 4th time, we'd be to stupid!
>Trust me bro I'd know, they just wouldn't
a lot of post-war Axis memoirs are like that
it's hard to tell whether it's propaganda, the denial of old men, or a rote formula of publishers' marketing teams to signal that "yes we know it happened but the Axis guy who wrote this isn't one of THOSE guys"

it smacks of today's "we deeply regret that this happened, we have conducted an internal investigation and have Taken Steps(tm) to ensure it doesn't happen again"
>influencer friend of mine made a booboo that triggered the woketards, and trying to explain the situation only made it worse
>marketing guy says "just post that and move on, don't apologise further, don't explain further"
>he does
>life goes on
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are you a more intelligent sort of girl OP?

>>marketing guy says "just post that and move on, don't apologise further, don't explain further"
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again" and then going dark is literally the only way to handle these things. You never, ever engage. Just bow your head and wait for them to find another target.
>wrote The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, and the Island of Dr. Moreau
>pioneered tabletop war gaming
>tomboy appreciator
How can one man be so based.
> Sharpe Series. I'm betting 90% of you have already read this, but if you haven't already, it's damn worth reading. A bit formulaic, but the history is impeccable. I've never read another series where the author's note at the end is a detailed explanation of exactly where and how he deviated from 100% accuracy.
> Powder Mage series. Reasonably well-written books about guys who snort gun powder like cocaine and use it to bend bullets.
> 1632 series. What if a coal-mining west virginia town from the 2000s got sent back to the 30 years war in Germany. First couple books are good, it gets kinda dumb after that.
> Belisarius Series. What if the Byzantine Empire and the Malwa Sultanate each got competing AIs sent back from the way-far future and had to do battle.
> Starship Troopers. Fuck you read Starship Troopers.
> Southern Victory Series. What if the South won the civil war, takes place from 1863-1945. Harry Turtledove's best work.

> Street Without Joy. French-Indochina War as written by a journofag who actually went to Indochina to get the material for his book. Very easy read, probably the best book on the war I've ever read.
> Hell in a Very Small Place. Same journofag wrote a book dealing exclusively with the Siege of Dien Bien Phu
> Fry the Brain. Urban sniping manual/treatise.
> Empire of the Summer Moon. History of the Comanche/Quanah Parker.
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The Shape Of Things To Come is a great movie, but Wells wrote the dialogue, and damn he's not good at dialogue.
There's a bit in the middle that's like dieselpunk Mad Max, with warlords wearing Brodie helmets and fur coats
>"I'm sorry, it won't happen again" and then going dark is literally the only way to handle these things. You never, ever engage. Just bow your head and wait for them to find another target.
seeing how it works for myself made me realise that for sure

but I just S MH cause it's fundamentally dishonest in 2 ways. firstly, it was a misunderstanding and my friend was trying to explain himself, but they just refused to engage rationally at all. secondly, this kind of "apology" is merely sweeping the affair under the carpet, it doesn't address anything. in the old days we used to call that sort of thing a non-apology.

fucking topsy turvy world

He was a cherry operator in Mogadishu in 1993 during Black Hawk Down. He was in Delta for ~20 years so there all the GWOT stuff too.

Particularly interesting book because he talks about small stuff that they fucked up here and there, also about how all the Delta dudes in iraq were drugged out of their mind on ambien and uppers 24/7. He got kicked out and he talks negatively about the unit too. Very cool book.
>1993 to 2013
alright I'm sold
Pic-related, and anything else related to Executive Outcomes.
Guys, I forget majority of the stuff I read.
Am I retarded?
No, probably just alcoholic, desu
I drink once a week or two.
I really liked The Terror.
It’s a fictional tale of the fate of the Franklin Expedition.
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russian isekai is the second most weirdest literary rabbithole only slightly behind turteltaubs alternate history books
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>Asshole Against The British Empire
ya love to see it
Book sucks, edgelord crap written by a Cormac McCarthy wannabe
Miniseries is kino of the highest order
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Felix is the greatest fictional warrior ever written
Nick brokhausens first book on his macvsog days is just fucking wild. Really raw, brutal, yet fucking hilarious insight into a completely unhinged yet really logical and sensible mind, or of an extremely high performing individual asked to do nearly impossible things in near-fatal situations constantly.

Also there was another Vietnam war book about a loach pilot and his memoirs. It was just like the brokhausen book and only slightly less unhinged yet just as fucking disdainful of danger.
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surprised no one has mentioned The Short-Timers. Its what Full Metal Jacket was based on and is especially great if you like dark humour
Take your heart pills lardball. Plenty of non brown people on the right think your a fat worthless cunt too. Now put on your little dress up costume and run around and play soldier like a fat spastic
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>no black lagoon

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Wots this one?
>I have a super advanced space energy rifle
>I have to kill these giant horrific space bugs which want to eat my insides
>I will move closer to bludgeon them

Treasure Island, illustrated by Ralph Steadman
>surprised no one has mentioned The Short-Timers
That's because it isn't very good. Movie is legit better
Holy shit, shut the fuck up you cringy little faggot
I didn't really care for the manga
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French Paratroopers in Dien Bien Phu and their political machinations in French-Algeria.
Also I recommend a Savage War of Peace.
Day by Day Armagedden, its the most realistic take on a zombie apocalypse I've ever read. None of that retarded "if you live in the city join the conga line of people getting out so you get stuck and die in a traffic jam" shit, bro hunkers down for a couple of weeks for shit to die down AND THEN goes out.
The plot armor in this book made me cringe a lot

Really cool atmosphere tho
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if we are posting mangas then Banana Fish is surprisingly kino with the Vietnam war MKULTRA, French paras in Zaire and CIA spooks in Nicaragua plot. plus the 80s NYC inner city aesthetics.
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Going to recc Sea Harrier Over the Falklands since the madlad of an author died on Friday at age 80.


This Imperial War Museum interview with the author about his time as squadron CO of 800 NAS on HMS Hermes, shooting down Mirages and the rivalry with HMS Invincible and its squadrons gives the vibe of the book although he's more serious and less jokey in this interview with another officer than in his book.

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