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Autistic Airgun / Pellet Gun discussion part 3

We just like ‘em

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I've got a Crossman 400 with a slight leak that I need to fix, but it's pretty cool. I've popped coke cans with it. The bolt action and mag on it are really slick.
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i kinda want one ngl
Looks nice, I think there’s seal kits on Ebay
how do i maintain a nitro piston pellet rifle? where are you supposed to oil so the seals dont dry out

Info here. Sorry I only shoot pcps so idk much ab nitro. These guys do though.
uhhhhhhhhhhh why the are the sights blocked by the round dingus thing
what the fuck am i looking at
Just replace the seals. Gaskets are 5 cents a pop.
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vintage crosmans are severely under rated, bought a NOS 180 and was given a JC Higgins brand 180 as well, killed many a coons with them, 600 is great for popping cans and punching paper, headshot a squirrel once and only knocked it out.
I’m not very familiar with NP guns, they seem low maintenance though. Maybe check the owners manual, I think they call for a little silicone oil.
Those are sweet. Semi auto 22 pellet pistol.
Does anyone here know of a good place to sell airguns online? I've got a Verminator Mk2, 25 cal that I'm looking to offload. It's only been fired a handful of times and has been sitting in storage just collecting dust, where I'm sure someone might get some use out of it.
nigga have you ever heard of ebay?
Ebay, gunbroker, forum classifieds
i was 100% under the impression that ebay had a problem with air guns. Thank you and my apologies!
Despite no licensing required, I sometimes think airguns are harder to sell than actual firearms. (Fortunately I haven’t had to sell any of mine)
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They just keep coming. Had these fuckers in my attic last summer. Happy dog.
That’s because you’re probably feeding them
None spotted today.
I sold guns on guns.com a couple times and it was as easy as selling basically anything else. I remember running into issues trying to list my airgun in the past or simply finding buyers for it, but I'm through it now thanks to /k/ shoving me.
Fuck you
Wrong faggot, almost every tree around here is a pecan tree. You don't have to feed them.
Too many spotted today.
What state are you in? I want to look up the regs
NTA Fuck your datamining
the round dingus gubbinz (official term) is the magazine (its offset so it dont block the sights)
What is that done Reddit shit? You’re a fucking nigger poacher shitting up the damn thread
blessed texas you treenigger sympathizer. I'm a lawful citizen. Our season on squirrel is sep 1 - Aug 31. Aside from squirrels, i also shoot collards. collards are non protected, invasive species. "There is no closed season or bag limit restriction for Eurasian collared-doves, an invasive species, or rock doves, also known as rock pigeons". No poaching here, warden. smd.
Well I’ll be damned
I will also add you can legally shoot house sparrows and starlings but bc they offer no food for me or the dogs I just don't. I would never poach a protected animal.
Pp700 nigger
Guess I should move to Texas
i feel like most places the common pigeon is not protected
and thats good
squab is the shit and its free
I agree brother. My family and i enjoy the collards. can't get my sons or wife to eat squirrel yet but I think it's decent fried. Some people think negatively about eating pigeon but to me it's really not a far cry from being thought of as "free chicken."
Cheap cost of living and one of the few states without cucked hunting and gun laws.
>Some people think negatively about eating pigeon
well, they are thinking of the ones they see in major city parks eating what the tourists throw out. Not where I m here they are pests eating seeds and livestock feed
ebay is anti gun and will delete your ad beacuse it doesnt have a permanent orange tip on the toy gun
There are quite a few used air guns and new airguns listed right now on there. Seems to not be a big deal for most US sellers but I've seen/heard of folks over seas having problems.
all i know is i tried to sell an airsoft gun there once and they pulled my listing 3 times because of the no orange tip before i gave up
i figure its cause most countries are turbo gay and even airguns have faggy restrictions
Do semiauto air pews tend to have more problems down the road than regular repeaters? Like do they leak air more often? I've heard many times people on YouTube being against using airguns in general for self defense. But what if I do decide to keep it by the door just in case?
Tested my stock 1322 pistol today and got 446 fps with CPHPs, not bad
do you HAVE to use an airgun for self defense? i see no other reason other than not being allowed anything else
They tend to be less tunable and some models don't like to cycle heavier pellets. Why not just use a gun for self defense?
if you use an airgun for self defense you're just gonna piss them off and get it shoved up your ass after they beat and rob you
>assuming it's not one of those fuckoff .45 cals that have .22lr pistol energy, then they might bleed a bit on you and give you aids
Please dont use an airgun for SD. If youve spent the money on getting an airgun that would do passably for the job youll have already spend waaaaay more than just getting a gun with whatever bs licensing youre probably wanting to avoid. Id legitimately and unironically rather use a slingshot than an airgun but considering the close proximity youll be dealing with just use a bat, slungshot, blackjack, monkey fist, etc.
I think 22lr energy even from a pistol is enough for self defense. I know some have da different option but whatever.
If you MUST use a air gun why not do a lolfullauto hatsan blitz mag dump
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I'm trying to fix a tiny air leak, takes weeks to empty the tank but I'm going to do a full service and replace the o-rings. Thankfully this thing is relatively easy to take apart for a pcp rifle.
I use airguns for SD only.
My FAL is for range days only, ain’t wasting pricey ammo for no weak ass burglar.
Looks cool. Probably expensive.
I’m gonna tinker on some airguns this wkd
About how much fpe this thing shootin?
Umarex made a new nitrogen gun. Not bad reviews so far.
780 or so, the UK legal limit. I shoot HFT with it and the power is restricted in the rules.
Does it require you to constantly buy replacement nitrogen cartridges?
Yes, not sure if they are refillable. But it gets like 50 shots from each. If someone makes a 25 cal nitrogun I might think about getting it.
780 fps is the UK limit?
Have never seen these before, cool
Yes they got decent power, 25 fpe in .22. cool thing is you don't need any pumps.
Interesting but why? The nitrogen cartridge costs $11.50 each whereas a CO2 powerlet is only 50 cents
More power. That thing holds 3600 psi.
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Just got a 1322. Really fun and simple gun, I like it a lot, though the construction leaves a bit to be desired. My biggest gripe is this: the barrel is kept in place, at the muzzle end, by the pump cylinder endcap. The endcap is just snapped in place and free to rotate, so the barrel can twist if it is moved. Bumped the end of the barrel just putting the pistol down and moved it left enough to mess with the zero. Is it a common problem? Do other owners just make do?
Stupid diagram included
Shot my Legacy today, only mod I did was to polish the slit in the pump tube where the linkage arm travels, has a tendency to be rough and abrade the aluminum piston.
> Is it a common problem?
Not really. The throat of the barrel has a hole which sits over the transfer port and this keeps it stable unless if you’re using intermounts with a scope, that could cause it to rotate. Maybe check to see if it’s snug in the plastic breech. You could add a little plumbers tape around the barrel in the breech to snug it up but I haven’t had issues on mine.
No, on the other side, muzzle side. See diagram.
Good looking rifle anon, not a fan of the wood-colored plastic though
Right it’s press fit at the muzzle but it shouldn’t rotate in stock form because the barrel is fixed over the transfer port. That should stop any barrel rotation unless you’re applying a lot lateral pressure on the barrel which wouldn’t occur in normal use.
And the front sight cap shouldn’t rotate either as it’s fixed in place by the linkage pin
This. That will DEFINITELY kill the fuck out of someone, easy. Hell, 20 ft/lbs with a .177 could potentially make a full pass on a person so long as bone is not hit. Lack of knockdown? Sure. But that's still a hole all the way through you. Now imagine a mag dump from a hatsan blitz right to the chest. You're done. It's ogre.
I see. Trying it further, the front cap assembly isn't actually rotating but bending a bit. I'll look it over some other day, going to bed now. Gn anons
53 fpe stock tune in .30 would suck to be shot with a auto spray for sure. Even with .22 and the .25 versions it'd be pretty effective. Stock mags get 21 shots in .22, 19 in .25, and 16 in .30. Hi cap mags are 45 shots in .22, 41 in .25, 33 in .30. The blitz has enough air capacity to full auto mag dump a few mags too, not just one. Might get one for fun one day, probably in .22. Not for SD though, got guns for that, I'd mag dump a opossum with it though.
They should make a break barrel rifle with a larger air chamber for more power.
Is this any better than just getting a PCP?
Almost same power as PCP also It's much lighter and you don't need an air source. It's under $300 too.
I'm at 6,000 crossman pointed pellets out of this weihrauch hw30 since late February. Front sight fell off once, rear trigger screw consistently backs out, and I had to adjust the screws around the cocking arm because it was binding up. Still enjoying it despite the issues. Seriously it bound up so hard early on I almost couldn't get it open I dunno what monkey wrenched the screws down on that thing it was way over torqued.
Had a friend who had one of these, I shot it too once. He couldn't get through a magazine without any hickups or malfunctions. He ended up returning the gun
Why the fuck does that thing look like a Benelli M4 lol

I like that magazine placement. Very neat.
Hatsan makes shotguns too maybe that's why.
Yeah things shaped like shotguns that don't shoot shells are usually pretty cheesy, doesn't surprise me.
here in europe squirrels are friends. aside from the red american squirrel which is an invasive species and it usually receives my .117 pellets
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>here in europe squirrels are friends. aside from the red american squirrel which is an invasive species
Uhhh, are you retarded? Grey squirrels are the ones from North America.
Lol being friends with treeniggers. Never heard of a .117 pellet
mistranslation, I meant the Tamiasciurus hudsonicus which we call the red american here
.177 I meant, I'm dyslenix
Grey squirrels are absolutely treeniggers, and I exterminate them any chance I get. Big, ugly, obnoxious, and territorial pests. They push out populations of smaller more docile squirrel species to the point where they're basically all you see near civilization since we keep their natural predators away.
Here in America we eat the legs. Better than frog.
It's usually legal to kill nuisance animals (those destroying your property).
just something about eating rodents that doesn't sit right with me
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SBR Chads
Based 90s kid
I'd post more dead treeniggers but haven't seen any since the last time.
i shoot em cause they good fried tossed in sauce
Didja do it anon?
> Didja do it anon?
Yeah just polished up the Legacy 1000 a little, neat gun but I think I like the 880 better. I might get one of the new production Chinese 2100s to see how they compare but I’ve already got a metal receiver AM77. Still waiting on the valve for my 2250 build.
Getting a cheap pcp would be a better deal. The nitrogen cartridges are way too expensive.
Maybe there will be some sales this weekend
If you target plink everyday yes. I don't have that opportunity for one.
Well la dee da Mr new york city slicker 100 dollar wagyu hotdog for lunch eater
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Seconding eating squirrel. I don't know if I'd call them ugly though lol. Maybe compared to reds. I'm picky about what I eat but if they're squirrels that spend all their time innawoods with no trash, plastics, etc. around they're no different from any other animal in the woods and they're pretty clean. Cleaner than a lot of other animals people eat for sure.

The meat around the back legs is good too. Good for stews and soups. Like chicken. Fry in a pan.
>780 fps is the UK limit?

Sort of, limits are calculated by foots-pound, with my ammo 12fp is more or les 770-780fps, more and you need to loicense it like a firearm.

Were I live the maximun limit is 24 fp, but I've it regulated to uk limits, for Hunting Field Target is the maximun and being a .177 rifle there are problems with pellet stability if it shoots hotter.

>Were I live the maximun limit is 24 fp,

Sorry, I mean 28fp I keep mixing foot-pounds with joules, 28fp/24joules
24 joules is 17 fpe
I shot a can a few times today
Are the iron sights decent on that?
Yeah, it’s actually a peep and works quite well imho.
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Yep, you are right, I'm not used to convert measures and it shows
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We’d go shoot each other in the woods, just 2 or 3 pumps. I liked shooting those steel darts in my basement.
Who makes this? Reminds me of those morinis or AV comp 10.
Another one this morning right around the same time and same spot as this one, great brain shot. 16 fpe to the brain is a good off switch with no pass through using these wadcutters. Really slaps em down. Ordered a 1.25-4x MIK tasco to try instead of the 2x20 MIJ tasco I'm currently using. The 2x is clear and works as it should I just want something that has a range of magnification, hoping it's decent. Would have gone with a 2-7 but most of the ones id want are out the budget for this air pistol.
10 meter?
bump why the fuck are all the good threads on /k/ dead today?
I really want a air rifle with GOOD irons. I'm considering a hw90 but saw the 3622 and thought it might scratch the itch for much cheaper, and I already have a pump.
It’s not bad just a little loud. Make sure to use the 20% off coupon if you do.
Can you compare the muzzle report to anything ? I shoot a air pistol with a 6" barrel that's a bit loud even moderated, do you think it's on that level of loudness or quieter ?
It’s as loud as any pumper I own, but probably closer to my CO2 2240 which has a good bark with its short barrel

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