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>17 units of armored vehicles were used by the occupiers at the same time in the Novomykhailivka area, and Tavrian paratroopers immediately destroyed 11 units.

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Well, that remains to be seen. The PLA is largely unproven, they tend to lie about pretty much everything, so it could be that, it could be another SMO right in Siberia.
Female anthro male human?
Can't you read, dumbfuck, he said f doesn't stand for female
For me it was black girls
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NTA, but I think he confirmed it here:

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Wheeled or tracked for infantry troop carriers?
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Jungle Warfare Edition

New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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You can’t just be happy we’re getting fal’s for fuck sakes
Good evening cangen I love shooting in the rain so much
friday post best post
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Is it real skizo hour yet? I don't think gun laws are gonna matter in the near future as well be playing doom irl.
no because I know you're lying to me
kek that image pretty much sums up all these retarded demon posts. people looking for things will find them, they're like kids saying what clouds look like, except all the clouds look like demons

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What the fuck is the point of s400? Is it capable of anything at all. I constantly see spam about how great Russian air defence is, but I have seen no evidence whatsoever to support this. Are Russian missiles even capable of any kind of tracking anything, or is it a complete fabrication? Why would nations like Turkey buy this shit? Did they do no testing and take the Russians completely at their word?
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Nobody cares about this irrelevant distraction
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So the Iskander isn't a ballistic missile either, huh?
>xaxaxa ukropiggers wasting their precious western munitions on useless SAM systems and obsolete combat aircraft again ))))))))))))

I really can't tell if this is bait at this point.
This appears to be an s-300 missile (Ukranian) hitting a russian ka-52 helicopter from Dec 2022.

I just wanted to post it because it's both spectacular and (if it is an s-300) a perfect example of how these systems can be effective and devastating to aircraft. If it's not an s-300 than please hold me in the contempt I deserve. Still amazing footage tho'.

S400 is very capable, it is capable of missing its target reliably at a range and altitude where patriot would also miss.

How the fuck did the nips even get past the wall of lead? Look at that shit. Are Americans such bad shots?
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the yen
all the good Kamikaze pilots were killed in training
>practically: weak.
if that was true, then AA armament would get weaker rather than stronger over the course of the war
but AA suites only ever got heavier and was prioritized above all else by the end of the war
Meaning to say the Americans were just that incompetent. A plane is a large target and they miss.
>Meaning to say the Americans were just that incompetent.
AA complement increased for both the japanese and the US
the japanese were already phasing out their 5in guns for the 100mm DP gun because it was better at AA duty, despite the superior surface fire of their 5in guns
while older ships had yet more guns stapled to them every time they got retrofitted

the point being that if AA was only for show, then they would have removed it from the ship entirely
which is what they did to inefficient AA weapons like 1.1in guns
but AA in general wasnt just necessary, it was crucial

Whether you think an event like this will occur, or is even possible is irrelevant. This is just a pure discussion of the 22lr's viability in different scenarios.

Long story short, finally got a long time friend into shooting and he purchased a Mossberg 702 and a Taurus TX22. Thought they would make great beginner guns, but now he claims he has everything he needs. I disagree, but it got me thinking about how he would do if something that he fears came true.

He has taken my advice on many other things
>he purchased a bunch of mags
>he has a bunch of "hotter" 22 ammo and shoots it
>he goes shooting with me once a week
>he does dry fire practice at home to improve his shooting (at least he says he does, and his shooting has improved)

Does someone with a 22lr rifle and pistol (and is proficient with both) really have everything they need to survive?
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Just wanted it as general plinker that can occasionally be used for pest control (coyotes and skunks) and would be good for emergency hunting.
22 is not truly sealed and will get fucked by moisture or the thin ass brass will just get corroded through. Not good for SHTF

If you want ammo that can be stored for decades, get milsurp in spam cans, with sealed primers. Paint the cans in rust proof paint if you want to be extra sure.
AR7 or Ruger 10/22 takedown. I'd say the 10/22 since it feels better and has more purchase when shooting.
What the hell are you talking about? I'm still shooting 22lr I inherited from my grandpa he bought in the 90s. No issues with any of it, and he kept it in his garage on a shelf in it's original boxes.
Improperly stored, .22lr is more susceptible to damage. But in most cases, people store their ammo properly. Anon is just being an overthinking retard.

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What's the suicide rate on casualty collection units/personnel?
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My cousin was airborne infantry in Afghanistan and supervised the removal of bodies from a plane that crashed at (I think) Bagram. Some were difficult to get too in the wreckage and he said the smell of the bodies was terrible.
>They self-select for people who're wired differently
This. They'll take you to the Morg and find the most unsavory example to show you and Guage your reaction during your initial training. From there they weed out some personnel.
Funny story. My brother showed up to a call and the guy had filled the tub with charcoal and slit his wrists in there and left a note that he hopes it'll make the cleanup easier and he was sorry for the hassle. The dude in question was the guy that trained my brother as his replacement 2 months prior
Is that suicide or accident or yes?
>more people died in chicago in 5 years than all the gwot in over 20 years
>>61655082 has 3 KIA out of 13 which is pretty high really. I assume most units were way lower. Though maybe EOD is a bit above the average.

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>The First Humanitarian Aid Trucks arrived today at the Temporary Causeway and Pier in the Central Gaza Strip from the U.S. Army’s Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) which began Operations yesterday after being moved into place by Army and Navy Ships.
Could these piers be used to supply troops in the Pacific theater against the chinks?: https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1791461026518413347?t=TQbwuXhlQ1rEcA-5Od01bw&s=19
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>another retarded thread about piers
what did he mean by this?
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If the need is there, yes
It has to do with congressional fuckery. One side, the progressives wants biden to pressure Israel to watchout in dealing with civilian casualties along with providinghumanitarian assistance. On another hand, conservatives wants Biden to hand Israel weapons to deal with hamas without tying their hands.
>A cornerstone of maritime logistics
Niggers talk equipment
Trannies talk tactics
Redditors talk logistics
/k/ommandos dodge taxes

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Monday Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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>t. Spc Gaymez, Eglin AFB
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Pasty patches coming soon
digits on the yellow one?
I feel like I've seent it
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That's a really cool infographic. Thanks for sharing

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What roles would trainer jets be if pressed into service?
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That was due to lighting being long in the tooth and ADV version of tornado wasn't ready yet. It's not that different from soviet interceptors where ground radar detects intruder which then dispatched either Mig-19 or Mig-21 to intercept
They'd probably still be trainer jets.
The air force bombing friendlies is a tale as old as time. The US bombed Brits and Canadians plenty of times during the GWOT.

I am pretty sure the Argies used some trainers as attack aircraft during the Falklands war. It didn't go well.

Everyone has said it already but they can do just fine as CAS craft against poorly armed insurgents and they could be used to intercept cruise missiles and drones in friendly airspace. I imagine some of them could also be pressed into service as bomb trucks for lobbing Stormshadows or whatever.
The A-10 has an excellent track record of shredding subjects of the British crown. George Washington would be proud.
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Imagine being beaten by a literal trainer jet lol.

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>Ukrainian lights up approaching ziggers with an M2
>And other assorted footage
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>Thirdies who like you
Like who? LATAM is 90% commies with only Chile and extremely recently Milie switching over, we'd made good stride with the Colombians but they voted in a commie. Africa is a shit hole that either hates us or doesn't even know about the US, India is friends with Russia, SEA is largely friends with China which basically just leaves us with the Phillipines and possibly Vietnam
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There was an attempt to turn it into a semi-automatic anti-tank rifle.
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Well, obviously
>he's going after certain death
He just didn't see where it landed and dove into the trench/bunker to get out of the blast.
He probably assumed it was among all the branches and shit on the top and wanted to be clear of fragmentation, which he would have been if the drop hadn't been so good.

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Teutonic Autism is on a whole other level, Jesus christ.
yep, burgers really did fuck everything up for everyone huh?
I gave up on this 'game' after a while because I didn't want to grind for 6gorillion years on my shitty LG tablet. The Colt Single Action Army girl was pretty cute though, I'd probably waifu her had I stuck around.
I don't bother with Gatcha shit ever since.
Yes. Many such cases actually.
Wait til you hear of the quranil hakin thumb

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Why did the cold war ending kill the G11? All the cool interesting guns all died and were forgotten, no OICW either. Bullpups are also on their way out.
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>Brass conducts heat very effectively and very fast, while at the same time its specific heat capacity is low.
It's enough to remove 100-200 joules from the chamber. And polymers should be more effective because of
> since it's an insulator it keeps
and the cooling effect of pyrolysis.

>The external temperature of the cartridge cases of 9 mm parabellum ammunition during the firing sequence was measured by a series of methods. Using a thermal imaging camera was the most successful method and showed that aluminium alloy cases reached higher temperatures than did brass cases. Peak temperatures for brass cases were 336 K at the case mouth after 1.2 ms and 331 K at the case base after 2 ms. Corresponding temperatures for aluminium alloy cases were 363 K at the mouth after 0.8 ms and 372 K at the base after 1.2 ms.
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Ignorant boomers (many such cases).

ACR trials report is now public and it has Big Surprise. M16 has better hit probability than G11. That killed G11 and other ACR rifles dead (and Germans hurried to make their own M16 with bells and whistles aka G36)
>Unlike polymer cases, combustible cases don't serve as a thermal insulator
Actually they can. Because you can make combustible case from high ignition temperature material. It would be bad for starting ignition from primer but you have powder charge inside case for that.
holy shit. Im shocked, honestly.
Links to ACR trials report

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>bought a site
>it's crooked

what do i do now
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>what do i do now


Keep your carbs under 30g a day. Meat, fish, eggs, dairy and vegetables if your guts can tolerate them
Acceptable fats: All animal fats, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil(if you know what you're actually buying lots of shit on the market)
Eat once a day or within a limited 4-6hr window.
Water, tea and coffee only.
Pick up heavy things.
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fif+1th post best post newfag
fuck ya mudda
>keto schizos are shitting up other boards anyone
good one
install gentoo

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Is 5.56x45 powerful enough for a woods gun?
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It's a gun you Carey in the woods silly
you are replying to catkillgineer. He is a smelly nogunz yuropeon
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I have a mini 14 because I genuinely enjoy shooting it more than an AR.
looks better too

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