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Literary Edition
>Thread #2026

Old thread here >>61597372
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Why make content when people send you free money? His book kickstarters have been like three million bucks.
i can't disagree on the trigger, but i'm concerned on the carrier's quality as the piston rivet shat itself before i hit 2k on the rifle
If the rivet shit itself and the hole in the carrier didn't waller out, its just a bad rivet - not a bad carrier. Hammer in a split pin and keep trucking.
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I wouldn't mind the price as long as it's not written by Ian. Every book he wrote is a complete mess of mistranslated documents and wikipedia level of knowledge with low res pictures and a shitload of QC issues. On the other hand books by other authors like the swords of the emperor one are okay.

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Just watched Troll Hunter and umm.... Interesting. Granted these were dumb Europeans who had strict gun laws but if they were in America would .45 acp blow their brains out with one bullet?
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Embrace Beowulf, become an athlete of Christ and use kill it with BJJ.


the UK is probably the strictest european nation in terms of semi-auto firearms (none allowed for mere private persons except .22 ) but the unique autism for British gun laws means for example fully live tank guns are legal to own (assuming you have a tank to put them on) for historic reenacting reasons.

So the AR-15 is too dangerous but an M18 Hellcat is fine
a belt fed ar15 and a few ar10s would kill a trololo that size easy
There are trolls in monster hunter?
I guess we should have a thread like this but with monster hunter
Like what could shoot down a rathian?
I thought Monster Hunter and Monster Hunter international were different settings.
The troll in OP's pick has a head like three times as big proportionate to it's body than a man's head, suggesting it's skull is at least three times thicker than a man of it's proportionate height, which appears to be around twice that of a man, if standing upright.

You're looking at a skull that's probably several inches thick.

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how would you stop a better armed adversary with better intelligence from assassinating your top commanders while they're taking a drive downtown?
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Where was this?
yo mama's house BITCH
>Israeli drone that targeted a leader of Al Jamaa Al Islamiya near to Al Masnaa area in Majdal Anjar

google says this is a sand-on-sand shitfling thread
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just the regular on the regular
Everyone hates these threads because of >>61648444 >>61650006. How about you just link the context like an adult so we know what the fuck you're even talking about

most likely in Brooklyn because he lives on Furman Street
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seeing how much revolutionaries have been let in at the border and sleeper cells we have in the millions train and prepare because looking at Europe and the usa something will happen. inb4 nothing happens inb4 russian agent
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what exactly am I looking at here
Foundational Black Americans
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a hotel worker that drake the diddler pissed off somehow, and who OP is really really trying to tie to le heckin racing war (because Elon's botfarm is now the most accurate representation of society LMOA)

Whether you think an event like this will occur, or is even possible is irrelevant. This is just a pure discussion of the 22lr's viability in different scenarios.

Long story short, finally got a long time friend into shooting and he purchased a Mossberg 702 and a Taurus TX22. Thought they would make great beginner guns, but now he claims he has everything he needs. I disagree, but it got me thinking about how he would do if something that he fears came true.

He has taken my advice on many other things
>he purchased a bunch of mags
>he has a bunch of "hotter" 22 ammo and shoots it
>he goes shooting with me once a week
>he does dry fire practice at home to improve his shooting (at least he says he does, and his shooting has improved)

Does someone with a 22lr rifle and pistol (and is proficient with both) really have everything they need to survive?
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AR7 or Ruger 10/22 takedown. I'd say the 10/22 since it feels better and has more purchase when shooting.
What the hell are you talking about? I'm still shooting 22lr I inherited from my grandpa he bought in the 90s. No issues with any of it, and he kept it in his garage on a shelf in it's original boxes.
Improperly stored, .22lr is more susceptible to damage. But in most cases, people store their ammo properly. Anon is just being an overthinking retard.
Aren't these things Jam-O-Matics? I guess they're kinda cool, but it feels like they have an incredibly small use case. When I go backpacking, I just carry a heritage rough rider on my hip or in my bag. Does pretty much the same thing, and the exposed barrel on the AR7 probably means accuracy wouldn't be all that much better. I can also carry 22mag in that, unlike the AR7. Cheaper price also means I don't have to worry fucking it up or losing it.
>dry fire practice
>friends firing pin breaks when shit hits the fan

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Randomly found this channel.
Has a design for a mag fed, slamfire shotgun and a harmonica shotgun.
Check it out.
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he's cringe because he wants money for his design
just another jew boomer
Reminder that if you did this completely legal activity in New York City you will be sent to jail for 10 years.
Future-me, tell me.... Will I grow up to be this based when I'm an old fart? ....
Very Metro
They're literally 10 bucks. He clearly does it for the love of the game. Might need to justify all the time he's spending on it to his wife or something.

Just tell him that putting a transaction for "Gord's Ghost Guns" on your card is insane and see what happens from there.

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How come this M2 fires a fuckton of them without problem.

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Right so this accident wasn't your lethal failure, and it's never happened, and it's never been experimentally shown, but it's the main problem here we all need to talk about, when talking about a specific, unrelated incident.
Yeah because nowadays brass is high quality so nobody knows that head ruptures even exist so they design retarded guns that shit their pants due to something that used to be so commonplace that firearm designers used to use like half their time thinking of how to redirect gases safely without them getting into the eyes of the shooter etc.

F = P * A is such a simple equation that this problem should be obvious to even you.
lathes use them for some reason
The accident was due to massively overloaded ammunition. Everything indicates this.
hey dude, it's not about the actual design, or the physics behind how the gun failed, it's about how they feel. they feel like the gun is bad, it doesn't matter what happened or why it failed.

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Care to explain why this tank is praised so much for its survivability?
literal slide thread

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>me diving in on that tummy
Face down Ass up, ready to be loaded for next sortie
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Fit Amy is a girl, mang
Infrared masking, supposedly.
git out

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ITT: Your childhood arms
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I used to hang around the neighbourhood of two friends which was divided in half by a creek. Our north side had the better shops, playground and lake. Crossing the creek was forbidden. Older kids from the south side would constantly cross to fish in the lake, buy sweets and harass our women. Originally, it was all very silly, but after another kid was tackled into the reeds, got wet and hit one of the Southies, it all turned violent. At 10 years old my friends and I had made crossbows and were systematically roaming the streets on our bikes, crossbows made from dowel, steel rulers and surgical tubing in our saddle-bags, steel cooking skewers filed to points on the concrete as our bolts. We wrapped cool looking tree-branches in electrical tape to use as cudgels and kept bags of lemons and river rocks as stand-off weapons. These skirmishes lasted for fucking weeks and we lived in periods of total paranoia. It all came to a head a few years later when they started ambushing us with rocks and stole a poor friend's bike, knowing he could never afford another one. I stole my dad's old bayonet, ambushed a few of them and threatened to gut them and leave them in the reeds for their friends to find, then stole two of their bikes and gave them to my friend and his sister. After that parents got involved and apparently my graphic description of decapitating one of them gave him PTSD. My friends all kept a wall of silence and protected my identity.

All this because we couldn't resolve our differences with a watergun fight. Why? My mum said I wasn't allowed toy guns because they glorified violence.
Lord of the Flies. I made three javelins with diagonally cut rebar and broken broomsticks and put them in a golf bag to carry on my back Roman-style at the age of 7-8, thankfully our neighborhood garrison never had to deal with interlopers.
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Couldn't that thing take normal clipozines too though, the same ones that the longshot and whatever else took? Just have a few of those on hand for when you empty your drum. No one really thought about form swords till much later on.

Yeah, the way I and everyone else in the neighborhood was fighting was particularly dumb and we ran out of darts often so we always kept a few sticks as melee's around. I had a particularly curved one I pretended was a sabre.

False surrender is a war crime dude.

Whew fucking lad actually delivered.
Were those the ones that made the KAKAKAKAKAKAKKAKA sound as you squeezed the trigger and made the thing unwind?

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>video of part of a drone swarm hitting the oil refinery in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai on May 17th

where's the air defense?

has russia just given up on defending themselves from drones?
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>swarm hitting the oil refinery
Gas price in Russia where refineries are hit on the daily basis - 0,50€/l
Gas price in EU where there is no war - 2€/l
Where does that 1,50€ difference go, is someone pocketing that?
>nitrates, which are another major product of a refinery, and are needed to make the propellant and explosive charges in everything from rifle cartridges to artillery shells
No worries. China is shipping thousands of tons of nitrocellulose & other nitrates into pozzia. More interesting: how is pozzia paying for that? Emperor Pooh can get his dick sucked by monke only so much before it gets too raw for any more.
>shadow tankers
Are these "shadow tankers" in the thread with us? Right now?

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One man army Pro edition
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i like this one
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R8 mine

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Can Iranian air force compete with IAF in a confrontation?
obviously not
the better question would be if Iranian air defense can seriously threaten IAF incursions
Cruise missiles and other long range precision weaponz would cripple the Iranian Air Force and air bases as soon as a war with Israel started.

Oh god no ....

The question people should be asking is does Iran already have a nuclear weapon. Because they're sure acting like they do.

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Why did the Colonial fleet sacrifice the Battlestar Pegasus? Was it retardation?
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I wish there had been more of the "ponytail Six". She seemed like the most down-to-earth of her batch.
Grace Park AND Nicki Clyne
2 of them were
also the actress who played Lana Lane in smallville (apparently she was a key recruiter)
Rollan for 6 or 9
Nicki was in the actual sex cult, Grace was in the outer cult that was disguised as new-age self improvement bullshit.

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Now that the dust has cleared and we can look back, what the FUCK were the thinking with this pattern?
Almost feels like it was a joke from Congress or something, like a big shitpost
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why it's used up and colored by dirt and sand it's peak kino
I had to wear this pattern for 8 years.
I thought it was stupid at the time, but looking back, it wasn't like we were hiding most if the time.
The enemy knew where we were and thanks to Raven and Shadow drones, we knew where (most) of them were.
We might as well have been wearing blue 19th century uniforms.
Most of the time I felt like a Star Wars. stormtrooper.
It does decently in winter environments, especially in pine forests.
Sage brush is where it excels so far that I thought it might have been tested in Yakima.
It's reasonable in a western urban environment but not perfect.
All and all, strangely aesthetic but absolutely garbage.
Why must there be a UCP thread eternally?
Have you ever seen a video where a guy puts on war paint?
^ This >>61642722

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