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How much uniforms did the military produce per year? By uniforms, i mean combat fatigues. From my understanding, they spent billions, but the amount of uniforms is pretty vague. However, there is always some kind of surplus that resulted in them getting stored or whatever.
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>Congress tried to pass a bill that makes it illegal for non vets to wear uniforms

I don't really think it's that big of a deal as long they would have allowed exceptions for collectors, reenactors, filmmaking, Halloween costumes and people who wear unmarked surplus cammies. You gotta think no other profession was impersonated to the same degree as service members were during the GWOT, so it makes that a law was made because it did become a legit problem.

If you're not doing one of the aforementioned activities, there is no legitimate reason to wear a uniform with name, rank, medals, and unit patches. Again the problem wasn't people in old BDUs going hunting. It was people buying Marine Dress Blues and pretending to be Sgt Major of Marine Corps at Waffle House for 5% off their meal. I honestly don't think things would be that different if the law were passed assuming Congress didn't fuck it up.
What if they don't have the resources to even get the patches/names off, retard? Are you going to arrest some poverish guy because he was wearing some BDUs/ACUs he got from good will that still has the patches and names? Overall, what Congress tried to do was stupid and violated the first amendment because you may never know if they are committing stolen valor unless they actually try to defraud the VA and gain some fame. Some people like to Larp and some people don't really have the resources to take off everything. Even the stolen valor law that Congress revised got taken down by the supreme court in 2012, because it doesn't do anything aside from harming people who does not even try to get benefits from the VA.
>What if they don't have the resources to even get the patches/names off, retard? Are you going to arrest some poverish guy because he was wearing some BDUs/ACUs he got from good will that still has the patches and names?

If you can't figure that out, you shouldn't be free to walk the streets. Literally take a knife and cut them off.
No, it just makes the most nothing going on welfare queens seethe and scream.

Military often make the standard for the uniform then farm them out to textile and clothing manufacturers. During the M81 Woodland BDU days, they used Gentec, which was prison labor. So lots of these makers will often sell uniforms or the government will overstock purchase their orders since it is quite literally a wear item.
Yea, but I wonder how much they make oer year

Surely there must be some interest in this board for things made before planes and machine guns. Ive seen some sword threads floating around from time to time.

Primer questions
Any period/culture your like or are autistic about?
Have you been to any museum recently and seen or photographed any cool stuff?
Do you own or collect anything or is in the process of building a kit for reenacting/living history/Larping?
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feel free to post as much as you like, its not like your taking the space from other anons considering that 95% of the thread has been just me trying to keep my thread afloat
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Finally got around to taking a new family photo. And of course I forgot the mace...

To add, the bit that ended up against the rules were the locking gauntlets (which would be locked closed and thus make it near impossible for the king to drop his weapon). The rules change/clarification/ruling came in when the harness was "functionally" done, but before it had been decorated, thus the (relatively speaking) severely plain appearance. The other 1520 armour was the one made as its replacement.

Alas, at that point in his life it appears he was in decidedly poor health. Severely overweight, likely suffering from gout, with a festering leg wound that refused to heal since '36, and if the pus-filled boils hadn't quite shown up yet they soon would. He didn't live to see February of '47.
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Gun drone
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Just shoot single shoots and aim better. There is no need to fight recoil when you can ignore it.
>Just shoot single shoots
A revolver would combine both options.
Probably really easy to vent a revolver like >>61654111 and >>61654062 too.
>mykola you must choose between this highly agile drone with enough explosive power to take out armor or this drone you will have a hard time aiming
>see a dozen ziggers dispersed outside the casualty radius of a 40mm
>have to choose hitting 1-3 before recalling drone
>have 30rds to hit more
>can harass ziggers from on high while UAF lads assault
Obviously what they're doing at the moment is primitive, but its worth exploring.
Judging by the drone advancements in the last couple of years probably by mid 2030s, just without the blades. Guns would be cheaper than choppy chops.

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>Literally wont make a difference in 99% of situations
>/k/ will still still spend hours of their lives arguing over which is better
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fuck off ash
one is pure soul forged and milled in cold weather of mother russia other is soulless jamming piece of shit created by a crony capitalistic soulless fag merely for profit and stashing deadbodies of children
is that ak a prop ? looks like a plastic playtoy
>AKs don't as accurate
>ARs don't as barrier penetration
>both are compromises, get a .308 pussy
AR15 in 5.56 only for the reason that in any scenario it will be in the US most likely and AR15 has maximum parts availability/ ammo / magazines
Only reason someone would bother using something else is just LARP
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What do we think if it's upgrades looks?

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why are the su57 and f14 wide asf between exhausts?
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She's the best, I only got to see her fly a few times when I was in the chairforce up close on the flightline, but man. Eagle is the best airframe for it's time by far.
checked, also holy shit this looks like a girl I know from NY who does cosplay
My jet bro anons, do you think the NGAD, or some future jet fighter, will have two PW-100 engines side-by-side, for a staggering 86,000 lbs of thrust in afterburner? And give it 2D vectoring like the F-22 and it would be the most bonkers fighter ever. I need to see this in my lifetime.
Lifting body and ground effect more than likely played into the design as much as where to locate the mechanicals and systems for the swing wing.
I'm sure a lot of wind tunnel testing went into refining the overall design as well.
I get that they were designed separately for their respective branches but the F-15 and F-14 would have been great if they swapped places.
There's a lot more aircraft whose fuselages provide lift than you might think. Given the amount of supersonic and other high performance aircraft that (intentionally) feature this, it doesn't seem to be a problem since it would be an aerodynamic surface anyway, possibly even moreso.
It'll be dual XA100s or XA101s, if not a brand new engine design entirely. over 90k or possibly even 100k ft/lb of thrust.
>2D thrust vectoring
Probably not a priority, but based on the concept designs coming out of Lockheed Martin it seems like they could easily do it without compromising stealth.
So my penis can get inside that hot tail

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New cover when? Edition
Old >>61513432

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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>not giving Mr. Basque his due
>>not giving Mr. Basque his due
The Sneed Whisperer? You're out of the loop. He's having LS make an updated M6 with a crane port and some other improvements.
Oh shit right, I'll include the M6 situation
Hope they don't get sanctioned
What kind of nods should I be looking for if I'm not interested in shooting with them? They're mainly to detect crack heads and wild animals while hiking.

Surely I can buy cheap $150 chink shit and get away with it right?

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Can someone redpill me on the realities of nuclear capabilities of the USA, Russia, and other countries?
Types of delivery systems, probable range and yield, realistic destructive potential estimates, most probable targets, reliability, etc.
Also the possibility of survivability/recovery after a strike and the means of maximizing personal chances of survival.
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go 5 minutes without mentioning zoomers or trannies you brain-fried motherfucker. DEFCON is not a nuclear war simulator
>DEFCON is not a nuclear war simulator
close enough for government work
Nuclear weapons are an example of what is sometimes referred to as a "Schelling fence"; the short version is that there are certain "natural" boundaries that make precommitments between opposing sides easier to coordinate.

Think of it like this: you and another rancher are trying to divide a large section of land between the two of you, but it's very hard to figure out where the halfway point is. However, there's a convenient stream that bisects it (more or less), so you make that the barrier because it is a clear-cut, easy line. And the result is, it's easy for BOTH sides to defend. If either rancher encroaches beyond it, it's very obvious, and so both sides are incentivized to stick to it, because if you instead have to choose a less clear, more arbitrary boundary, it will be much harder to say when the line has been crossed.

"Don't ever use a nuclear weapon" is a useful Schelling fence, because if you say "only use a nuke against military targets", for example, then it very quickly becomes a slippery slope of debating what is and isn't a military target, and that increases the risk that nuke use escalates to global thermonuclear war. The safest thing for everyone is if no one uses nukes for ANYTHING, lest they get normalized over time and eventually nuking each others cities enters the Overton Window.
>source: trust me bro
>range = irrelevant, everyone has enough range to hit wherever they want in enemy country
Not true. A slow icbm can be shot down. A nuke dropped on top of your head by a stealth bomber cannot.
Usa clearly has massive advantages in choice how to deliver.

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>17 units of armored vehicles were used by the occupiers at the same time in the Novomykhailivka area, and Tavrian paratroopers immediately destroyed 11 units.

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Well, that remains to be seen. The PLA is largely unproven, they tend to lie about pretty much everything, so it could be that, it could be another SMO right in Siberia.
Female anthro male human?
Can't you read, dumbfuck, he said f doesn't stand for female
For me it was black girls
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NTA, but I think he confirmed it here:

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Wheeled or tracked for infantry troop carriers?
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What the fuck is the point of s400? Is it capable of anything at all. I constantly see spam about how great Russian air defence is, but I have seen no evidence whatsoever to support this. Are Russian missiles even capable of any kind of tracking anything, or is it a complete fabrication? Why would nations like Turkey buy this shit? Did they do no testing and take the Russians completely at their word?
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Nobody cares about this irrelevant distraction
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So the Iskander isn't a ballistic missile either, huh?
>xaxaxa ukropiggers wasting their precious western munitions on useless SAM systems and obsolete combat aircraft again ))))))))))))

I really can't tell if this is bait at this point.
This appears to be an s-300 missile (Ukranian) hitting a russian ka-52 helicopter from Dec 2022.

I just wanted to post it because it's both spectacular and (if it is an s-300) a perfect example of how these systems can be effective and devastating to aircraft. If it's not an s-300 than please hold me in the contempt I deserve. Still amazing footage tho'.

S400 is very capable, it is capable of missing its target reliably at a range and altitude where patriot would also miss.

How the fuck did the nips even get past the wall of lead? Look at that shit. Are Americans such bad shots?
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the yen
all the good Kamikaze pilots were killed in training
>practically: weak.
if that was true, then AA armament would get weaker rather than stronger over the course of the war
but AA suites only ever got heavier and was prioritized above all else by the end of the war
Meaning to say the Americans were just that incompetent. A plane is a large target and they miss.
>Meaning to say the Americans were just that incompetent.
AA complement increased for both the japanese and the US
the japanese were already phasing out their 5in guns for the 100mm DP gun because it was better at AA duty, despite the superior surface fire of their 5in guns
while older ships had yet more guns stapled to them every time they got retrofitted

the point being that if AA was only for show, then they would have removed it from the ship entirely
which is what they did to inefficient AA weapons like 1.1in guns
but AA in general wasnt just necessary, it was crucial

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What's the suicide rate on casualty collection units/personnel?
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My cousin was airborne infantry in Afghanistan and supervised the removal of bodies from a plane that crashed at (I think) Bagram. Some were difficult to get too in the wreckage and he said the smell of the bodies was terrible.
>They self-select for people who're wired differently
This. They'll take you to the Morg and find the most unsavory example to show you and Guage your reaction during your initial training. From there they weed out some personnel.
Funny story. My brother showed up to a call and the guy had filled the tub with charcoal and slit his wrists in there and left a note that he hopes it'll make the cleanup easier and he was sorry for the hassle. The dude in question was the guy that trained my brother as his replacement 2 months prior
Is that suicide or accident or yes?
>more people died in chicago in 5 years than all the gwot in over 20 years
>>61655082 has 3 KIA out of 13 which is pretty high really. I assume most units were way lower. Though maybe EOD is a bit above the average.

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>The First Humanitarian Aid Trucks arrived today at the Temporary Causeway and Pier in the Central Gaza Strip from the U.S. Army’s Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) which began Operations yesterday after being moved into place by Army and Navy Ships.
Could these piers be used to supply troops in the Pacific theater against the chinks?: https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1791461026518413347?t=TQbwuXhlQ1rEcA-5Od01bw&s=19
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>another retarded thread about piers
what did he mean by this?
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If the need is there, yes
It has to do with congressional fuckery. One side, the progressives wants biden to pressure Israel to watchout in dealing with civilian casualties along with providinghumanitarian assistance. On another hand, conservatives wants Biden to hand Israel weapons to deal with hamas without tying their hands.
>A cornerstone of maritime logistics
Niggers talk equipment
Trannies talk tactics
Redditors talk logistics
/k/ommandos dodge taxes

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Monday Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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>t. Spc Gaymez, Eglin AFB
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Pasty patches coming soon
digits on the yellow one?
I feel like I've seent it
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That's a really cool infographic. Thanks for sharing

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