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What does /k/ think of my SLR?
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Congrats on preventing your barrel from cooling, you retard faggatron.
>no Irons.
>I haven’t the money for magpul
PMAGs are like what $3 more?

no thermals

might as well as get a knife man
it's an AR.
they are all the same.

AK General /akg/
Literary Edition
>Thread #2026

Old thread here >>61597372
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>watch Mishas channel
>ask for gibs
>write a book using his content and wikipedia
This dude must really be running out of content to make videos out of
>verification not required
Why make content when people send you free money? His book kickstarters have been like three million bucks.
i can't disagree on the trigger, but i'm concerned on the carrier's quality as the piston rivet shat itself before i hit 2k on the rifle
If the rivet shit itself and the hole in the carrier didn't waller out, its just a bad rivet - not a bad carrier. Hammer in a split pin and keep trucking.

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What is the purpose of the bullpup?
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you mean the bestpup?
Do they use them rn?
urban combat springs to mind just because a military force would potentially have to transition from CQB to 300+ meter engagements pretty often in any kind of serious city fighting. if you arent enlisted in a military force currently fighting in a city, the purpose of bullpups is to let other gay men at the range know youre DTF
I'd unironically take a VHS-D2 with the optic

>t. Have an 18" railed one
In this day and age, any well-equipped infantry force is already mechanised.

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Here's your submarine, bro.
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>torpedos perpendicular to the long axis
but why?
>torpedo is like bullet and submarine is like gun barrel, it has to be aligned with the long axis in order to work right
>Ship is longer than it's operational depth so if something goes wrong with the dive (a very common possibility) the stern could be sticking out of the water but the ship would still be below crush depth
Who writes this shit?
Do you honestly think this is a situation worth worrying about? Can you point to any situations in history where a submarine was oriented vertically in the long axis and not already sinking?
>Who writes this shit?
Coked-out naval engineers.

>WW1, 1915
>be French High Command
>Complete supremacy of defence over offence has been proven by several offensives with exorbitant losses, maneuver is impossible, maxims are ruling the frontline
>In order to win, Germans must push, we can just wait this one out untill Krauts run out of sausages and cabbage

Why did Entente keep on throwing men into the meatgrinder, even when it was clear, offensives are horribly costly and bring no sucess?
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This "lions led by donkeys" bullshit needs to end. The most dangerous job in the BEF was being a battalion commander.
>During the course of the war, 78 British and Dominion officers of the rank of brigadier-general and above were killed or died during active service, while another 146 were wounded, gassed, or captured.

And no, they were not "out of touch". The Germans leadership knew the war could not be won in the long run and thought their only hope was to prolong the suffering to secure good terms (sound familiar?)

The Entente’s leadership was actually surprised the Germans collapsed earlier than they had forecasted. Foch wanted to pause operations after the defeat of Operation Michael, but Haig convinced him to keep pushing. End result was the 100 Day Offensive and total victory a year ahead of schedule.
>What is that houdini shit?
>Taking out a dangerous amount of credit with American financiers?
This made me lose it lol
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>Plan 1919
I'm sometimes of the opinion that we are actually living in one of the best timelines, and that things could have been so very much worse.
Gotta keep pressure up
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>watch footage of russian assault on trenchline
>drones come in and drop munitions on them with impunity, defeating the attack
So why isn't russia using any of their frontline shorad during these assaults? They have plenty of range to stay away from ATGMs and the sightlines in Ukraine are great. What's preventing them from just sitting one of these in the next tree line and dealing with drones? Is it just incompetence or does their shit not work as advertised?
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>refineries, airfields, ports, and other high-value areas
I request the drone strikes (webms) at each mentioned subject
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>they are being used to guard refineries
They are parked near Putin's dacha. Please understand.
yoou see comrade
if we cannot drive tank into battle
we cannot lose tank to enemy fire

New Caledonia, a French overseas island territory in the Pacific, is currently facing a borderline insurrection by groups of pro-independence Kanaks (native people of the islands). They are protesting against a law that would allow non-natives to vote if they lived in the territory for more than 10 years. This seriously diminishes any chances at independence from France, as the newcomers are mainly from there and loyal to their home country
5 people have died until now, including 2 gendarmes (militarized law enforcement). The gendarmerie and army are attempting to regain control of the situation, while Kanaks and Caldoches (descendants of French immigrants living on the islands) are forming militias to fight each others
Here are a few pics and videos showing the weapons used by the different belligerents, beginning with gendarmes entrenched behind various vehicles
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>you cock sucking faggot parasites singlehandedly destroyed canada
I'm British myself but desu the Quebecois were LITERALLY there first and invented the whole "Canadien" identity to begin with. Really can't blame Leaf-Frogs for being the way they are given that they were actual literal victims of mass migration changing demographics and taking over a country.
>some fucked up Woke agenda
Ah yes, the Kanak are revolting because of WOKE. It's the gays on Tumblr that fucking did it for them.
/pol/ geopolitical analysis is the stuff a really dumb teenager would come up with
If they didn't like it then they shouldn't have lost the Seven Years War.
This will never be a W for leftists, get real. Right wingers absolutely LOVE the fact that Mugabe won and turned Zimbabwe into a shithole, it literally just redeems everything they claimed would happen, it's a big ole' fucking embarrassment to every decolonial movement out there and a ringing endorsement of Rhodies rhetoric.
Right Wingers real fear are people like Mandela who are competent and not "based" (retards) whose policy success ends at killing and failures start to pile up when it's governing time. Same reason why Israel loves Hamas (i.e a gaggle of bronze age retards) and are terrified of actual secular and moderate Palestinian leaders who could convince moderate Israelis to side with them.
Better the frogs than filthy chinks or russians, everytime you guys lose a colony it becomes the bitch of the russians but they should feel at home in Africa among their people because they are niggers born the wrong color.

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Could Ukraine extend the range of their drone attacks by turning some of their naval drones into aerial drone launchers / takeoff platforms? Why is this not a thing yet? It would also give the Russians less time to react to the incoming strikes. The naval drones could then head back to base and be re-used.

What's the downside to this idea?
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Yeah but think about it - they could even use the drones launched from the naval drone to attack the helicopters that come to attack the drone boats. Don't even necessarily need an AA missile.
No, the effective range of a fucking drone isn't dependent on how hard you can chuck it. Come on, man.
They need suicide de-mining ground drones to clear lanes for their ground vehicles.
Yes they could even attack Russia from Neptune with top secret laser guns splitting Russian skulls in two using 5th gen Blackbirds
How hard you can chuck it? That's not at all what I said. If they can launch a drone from a droneboat, the range of that aerial drone remains the same, except it gets to be launched from a place way closer to the target.

Why don't they have a magnetized tanks that can draw all gun fire away? Or just drive it in the vicinity of enemy positions and vacuum up their guns and bullets, and let infantry support sweep up afterwards.
thats not how magnets work, do your homework ethan
>tonight's drones haven't started hitting the refineries yet
>already many slide threads
it's all so tiresome
>2 rupies has been deposited in your account sir

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This is a question you will be forced to answer in the next few years. So what’s your answer /k/?
Like an actual terminator, from the movie? A pipe bomb cuts it in half, so any grenade should be able to wipe out its feet. I recall G3s in the future scenes, so 7.62 is apparently effective against them too. The movie basically only goes on so long because sarah connor is an oblivious waitress and kyle reese starts with nothing and never gets the chance to properly arm up, if reese could have gotten sara to straw purchase an appropriate rifle from a gun store then he could have taken it out before the police station scene.

What wrong with ramps on aircraft carriers?
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This is like a video game menu background.
Please stay on topic. If you want to talk about your tulpa go to /x/.
>This is true of every launch method
F1 = F(engine) + F (catapult)
F2 = F ( engine)
F1 > F2 for the same engine and F ( catapult) > 0
F = m a -> a = F / m so since F1 > F2 then a1 > a2
if the acceleration is greater you will get a faster speed for the same runway
F(lift) = c1 * v^2
if we want to fly we need lift to oppose gravity (F(gravity) = m*g) so
F ( lift) = m(plane) * g
m(plane) = (c2) * v^2
v1 > v2 since for the same runway we get a faster speed. this means that m1 > m2.

we can conclude that catapults give a greater RTOW for the same runway lenght
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Nothing really if it's all you can afford, problem with the RN is that the British government could afford but refused to pay out. That's what makes it so pathetic for the RN, the carriers should have had EMALS but instead got given the less capable ramp.

ITT: Weapons to surpass Metal Gear
boing boing boing boing
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>Oh, you've got an ass on you alright, see that's what he's talkin' about! Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker, give me the thug shaker! Shake your ass. Take your hands off it and shake that shit, pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it. Shake it. Yeah, that’s some thug ass right there.
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Based and Wilypilled

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What does /k/ think of Anduril?
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It's good to see another serious competitor to the big defense contractors but I think some of their concepts are a little dumb.
>do they actually sell anything or just concept videos/products for investors?
they sell surveillance equipment to the military and US border patrol. their AI surevillance stations all all over the southern US border. they got some DOD drone contracts too: armed and surveillance
supposedly the secret sauce is a unified API/messaging platform and central hub processing, so you can plug whatever device in whereever and it will feed back to the system so they can SIEM the info from every location at once, or make dumb PFCs watch the streams 24/7, or both
probably. Definitely connected at the top levels politically.

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Officially released by Chinese media mouthpieces.

Funny, but why cant we fight wars more like this? No people will die and the fight is decided like real men and not with that cowardly FPV bullshit.
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Exoskeleton technology and metallurgy techniques will continue to evolve until firearms and melee weapons are equally matched again or even surpass small arms fire for a while.

>I support India
Same, fuck Communist China and fuck Pakistan too. Maybe one day Pajeets and the Taliban will team up to wreck their shit for good.
they look like savage apes. Technology winning wars favors smarter
quick, we need to bring cavalry back just to see if it works
it's worth a shot
would arrows/polearms/swords be allowed?
There will never again be a balance between meelee and missile or weapons and armor like there used to be.
Carrying an energy source with you is the game changer that has tilted the tables forever. Armor obviously isnt obsolete of course but it will never be as powerful again as it used to be.

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Russia is conducting missile tests near the coast of California. There's nothing to worry about right?
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Please hit BC and wipe out the entire fucking province.
I will personally buy the operator responsible 10 large bottles of stoli should this happen.
False. They do perform ICBM tests from time to time, and most are successful (as much as I'd prefer they didn't work). However the most recently introduced ICBM had a rather lacklustre test sequence in both number and results.
Don't you have a painkiller to be overdosing on about now, flyover cuck?
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>Don't you have a painkiller to be overdosing on about now, flyover cuck?
>t. British "we decriminalized everything" Columbia
What's it like paying PST and being homeless, loser?
Wumao. You said you couldn't wait to park your tofu dreg carrier off the west coast. It's a perfectly reasonable response to such an idea to sail a real carrier down the strait. Now if you can't figure out why that's a reasonable response then you're an actual retard.

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