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Why can't the futaposter just catbox his pics?
I'm just posting to say futa is gay
just close your eyes bro, theyre pictures they cant hurt you
I don't know when it started happening but at some point we entered the era of people starting projects with almost zero intention of finishing them.
Or it just gets finished way too late.

Did TF2 ruin gaming by starting the microtransaction trend
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That certainly isn't a motive you have
Spreading rumors about brony conventions being targeted by anti-culture movements.
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The actions you want others to take make it obvious that this is something that you wouldn't do
Is barney fag alive anymore or is this a bot?
Hosting a mock brony debate on the absurdity of the fandom.

deeproot edition
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More like wacky chameleon
Yea, that's what I'm saying, dipshit. Every piece of media you buy has been through that process, so it's not a legitimate criticism. You can't say the artists/creators are making shit up pointlessly or whatever because they literally all shuffle things around as part of development, it's part of the process. It doesn't make the final result less meaningful
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Oh fair enough. I'm just trying to keep the thread alive.
totk got raped and gaped by the tranny bear game
Woah, is that a boss that leaps and does a ground pound that I'm supposed to i-frame roll through?

We were having a nice comfy Crash thread that got sent to the furry mines because of the OP I'm assuming. So let's try and keep the conversation going if anyone is still around.
So... Crash thread?
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do you mean undefendable
because I can easily define it: it's shit.
Random question because it seems to come up randomly on any discussion whatsoever that becomes a debate, why does everyone call eachother Eric and Barry if they don’t like what the person says? I’ve been here for years but i assume it’s just some smash bros rostershit thing?
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>gay who can't even commit
>do you mean undefendable

asscreedsisters...what is our response???
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>more food analogies
>Not exactly. He shows up in one paragraph written by a Jesuit reporting on Japanese events.
This is my limited understanding, that there's just very little actual information about the guy.
Are they seriously just making up nonsense and claiming it as fact?
I had one guy claiming he must have been very important and there was a massive coverup to destroy all the information about him kek
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>none of the previous AC main characters were directly based on a historical figure
This alone proves they are being disingenuous. They wanted a nigger MC and used Yasuke as a way to try to get credibility when they have none. But that only exposed them further.
Yeah I was thinking that there's not even any real evidence he was African, or negroid
Of course he has to be for Ubisoft's game though. Has to have the dreadlock hair and everything
>shitlib doesn't understand basic logic

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PS5 is adding native emulation for the PS2 library why haven't you bought a PS5 yet?
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Because I already have PS2 emulation on my PC
Because it'll be the same as PS2 Classics on PS4 with only some random titles available. Welp, at least the emulation would probably not chug at some titles as was the case with some games on PS4. The best they could do is making PS2 Classics titles from PS3 store available again and making the same thing Xbox did years ago with physical versions serving as a key for digital downloading back-compat version.
>PS5 is adding native emulation for the PS2
Oh wow, I can't wait to pull my PS2 discs out of their cases and play them on the PS5! Sony will DEFINITELY let me do this and it won't be some gay shit where they require the user to buy the game digitally and only be able to play that digital copy, right?
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>native emulation

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Are you playing the bunny game, /v/?
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Knockbacks are pretty bad, being effectively just worse telegraphed teleports
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What spell effect setting do you use for mechanic clarity?
It's true though
and it has nothing to do with anything

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How common is localisers adding memes, pushing agendas and censoring dialogue they are offended by in japanese games?
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And I will continue to recognize those as the same thing, consumoid
>You will deservedly burn in hellfire for all eternity regardless of your "gender identity".
You're not Christian. Sinners are to be loved and called to repentance
It's idiomatic, Asian nigger
I am still buying what I like.
I was literally saying people hate trannies more than gays. the fuck you add me yo this for

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How important is setting accuracy in videogames for you?
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stop being anti-semetic.
>he thinks Japan is real
Let me guess:
this is anti-science schizo spam thread right?
I believe more in Russian space travel than NASAS bullshit. I think they actually landed a craft on Venus.
The Bible wich clearly states the earth is flat and covered in a dome

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>He still hasn’t taken the slugpill
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>tfw Nahida has not been in any quest/event for a very long time

The dookster...forgotten...
I will roll for her now
Thank god
her last appearance was in yoimiya's story quest in 3.7 so she will probably show up soon.
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last thread
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where is the guy that has been uploading in 1fichier?
>Mario Golf Super Rush
Terrible bait.
>Pokémon LGBTPiss and Sword and Shit in ludo
>/tv/ nigger has shit taste
Color splash surprise me.
Calm the fuck down anon. A game leaking is never guaranteed, and it's out in 4 days anyway. Who cares?

I think people have been spoiled by TOTK leaking insanely early and now believe that's the standard for all new Switch games.

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Complete newfag here concerning fallout.
So basically, you cannot like both games and are either a "3fag" or "vegasfag".
Vegas is supposedly more memorable with more silly/memeable moments, while 3 is the more serious game that also has the beter "post-nuke world" feel. But Vegas has beter/more polished gameplay mostly because it's newer.

Am I getting all that right?
With that said should I play both or not? Only saw the first 30min of 3 at a friends'and it looked very interesting.
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TTW can be easier to get working than Fallout 3, but otherwise is a worse way to play it.
If you get Fallout 3 running natively, not through New Vegas, then it is far more stable than New Vegas and you get the proper experience of Fallout 3.

TTW makes some annoying changes to combine both games, and so you don't get the full experience of 3 by playing it.
Though if you don't want to bother following some online guide to get 3 working then, it is a fine option.
i already have fo3 installed and modded, just waiting to finish 2
i did play fo1 with that Et Tu mod so i figured i may as well try TTW too but i think i'll avoid it for now
I can't tell if this is b8, or if (you) are just genuinely unhinged.
I like how you know enough English to know to use a hyphen, but not enough to know there are two 'f's in 'off.'

>The gameplay sucks
It's not a competent shooter, but that doesn't mean there's no enjoyment in it.
Besides the combat is a bit of a means to an end. The fun is the experience, the exploration, the atmosphere.
The gameplay and gunplay serves the game well because it is imprecise. If the gunplay was super fluid the game would feel more combat centric. Part of the atmosphere is that the player character is a barely experienced teen. So the awkwardness matches tonally.
Oh then don't bother playing TTW.
The only reason it's popular is if you want to play both games on the same save file or if you can't get 3 working.
Meant to quote

Can an AI powered operating system improve gaming performance?
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Thanks, but i will stick with Windows 11
Isn't China tier censorship top left?
>Thing I don't like = Bubble
Sure thing anon.
>Have knowledge
/g/ is full of loonix cultist who don't even have a job and spend all day swapping distros and playing flash games. I would argue they are the most incompetent of the bunch, just like /v/ is the worst board to discuss videogames.
you truly are a fucking brainlet in the full sense of the word

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It won't be long until people start looking fondly back on the times spent playing on their phones the same way people in the mid 2000s looked back on the NES or Genesis.
I've been nostalgic for classic Android games ever since they removed Gun Bros from the Play Store in 2018 and made it so not even the APK would work due to Facebook integration.

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>bigger launch than Last of Us
>bigger launch than Horizon: Zero Dawn
>bigger launch than Uncharted
Seems like the PC release of this game was a success. Thoughts?
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>Oh cool, let's see what PC gamers have to say about one of my favorite PS exclusi-
Can you customize a lot your character?
I liked hoarding various outfits in Way of the Samurai
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>nobody gives a shit about this game outside of /v/
Cope harder, faggot
Rock solid with 11700k and 2080ti maxed with no fsr/dlss at 1080p. Some stutters if fast traveling to a certain congested area but it calms down after a few moments. No crashes, stutters, framepacing issues, framedrops etc otherwise.
You can equip different outfits, but they have different bonuses. You can change hats/headbands/masks and dye your clothes. So there is some amount of customization but you also just might use one type of armor most of the time for the stats. You also get lots of sword/dagger skins you can choose between, as well as saddles for your horse.

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what's the words on the streets of the chins?
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Outrageous! I was banned for THREE DAYS for making a simple joke about race and meanwhile these "Anons" get away with endless offtopic porn threads! I think someone might be secretly paying off the janitors. Go see Marcus in the discord, he seems to know the most about what might be going on here.
I hope things get better
>What is it, Citizen?
>If you've got to shitpost, by the Nine Divines, stay on the boards! It's the Normies, you see.
I heard theres women in one of the boards here, WOMEN. Can you imagine?
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You too.

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I'm looking for games with great spellcasting and/or magic systems, ideally RPGs. Any recommendations, /v/?
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sorry man, everyone are only into boys now!
female children are already outdated man!
it comes up if you search shota thighs anime
I got more enjoyment out of it when i kept the spells that take an entire Korean lunch break out of my skill set unless i was on my way to fight a boss, it's still not a perfect solution but it's better than spending most of the fight standing still.
I believe more utility oriented spells or just letting the player shoot the default bolts while casting would have made the magic classes more engaging
They censored his ass in the anime

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Give it to me straight

Should I play Survival mode or not?
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Yes, but with a mod like Survival Options so you can tweak it
No unless you mod in fast travel between your settlemnts
I can confirm that I have the ability to modify this game.
It's not worth it at all. The bed saving, compass limitations, fast travel being disabled, and more simply make the game a complete chore. You're essentially playing Fallout 76 but with much stricter downsides and much more tedium. It's not like Fallout New Vegas' Survival Mode.
>Should I play

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So do you think Noelle going to play a major role in chapter 3 or 4?
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Noelle isn't going to be in chapter 4
Noelle is dead
>female white tail deer
ITT: gays
I don't think Noelle will be in the chapter 3 Dark World sement, but depending on your Chapter 2 route we'll probably start to see the Light World differences - I mean, Berdly is dead in Snowgrave and you can freak her out by having her watch equipped, meanwhile in the more normal route she'd be convinced Chapter 2 is just a strange dream and we'd get more Berdly shenanigins
Anon, she's a Reindeer

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It's beyond saving.
is this anal crossing
echo is CRINGE

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