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>Why did i move here?I guess it was the weather
she needs to give (I) jason a sloppy fellatio and assjob
Considering both protags look to only be in their 20s, I wonder how long her stint actually is.
>>Why did I move here? I guess it was the Armed Robbery, Aggravated Assault and Grand Theft Auto... VI

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Forever and ever
The calling is nearing.
You can't take her away from me
It's not me that's taking her away from you. It's the taint that's taking you away from her.
The only tainting will be my cummies on her stomach.

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>guy that has been insanely morbidly obese his whole life does not look so good when he suddenly loses all the weight at age 60
wow. how crazy.
He was 4 years younger
where to cop the glasses on the right?
Hugh Jackman is older than him

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Is this good?

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Can someone tell me why a bunch of Chinese just reviewbombed SMTVV on Steam?
They still exist with the stylish action genre. But that genre is borderline dead now sadly with all the big names leaving their company
>180 hours
how many of those hours are sex with elves though?
Yeah I know I'm gonna get bored before even making it halfway through the game, I might pick it up when the price is right
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this shit is gonna be full of persona 5 moments

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Thinking about it now, why did they choose Jigglypuff as the second Pokemon rep?
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Full list, just for lolz
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Bomberman will never be good again and idk how to feel about that
lmao that's a total newfag thing retcon thing, no one gave a fuck about eevee back then
Im friends with one of the devs, I play all the new characters before they even get announced.

Interesting to look at, this was just as the game first came out by the way.
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It's better than OoT at least
>Splinter Cell Chaos Theory in 3rd place, ahead of Snake Eater, Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid
Graphically it was the most advanced stealth game at the time, it's still probably the most true example of stealth espionage in a video game
Seeing Majora's Mask nearly 50 spots lower than Ocarina of Time and 30 spots below the other Zelda games just proves it was always seen as the Black Sheep

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>Sarevok decided not to resurrect his dead father and become an evil god himself
>Then he fought Gorion's Ward and died
>Then he fought Gorion's Ward in Hell again and died again
>Then he was resurrected and joined up with Gorion's Ward and adventured with him, Jaheira, Minsc, and Viconia (and probably others) and redeemed himself and turned chaotic good
>Then he decided to still be evil and start worshipping his (now alive) father whom he had no respect for
>Somehow he became immortal despite being a human, and found his old armor
>Then he spent 100 years squatting in a tiny room behind a coffin shop with the ghosts of dead women he'd helped kill (and a dragon), and kidnapped an elephant
>At some point during this, he also had sex with a doppelganger, then had sex with his own half-doppelganger daughter to produce a 1/4 doppelganger, 3/4 Sarevok granddaughter
>Then a random Tav found him and stabbed him to death
>Jaheira and Minsc felt no emotion about this at all
And yet he still gets it better than Viconia.
I only played 3.
That wasn't Sarevok, it was a larper. Only way to explain why he acts nothing like Sarevok and has motivations that contradict with what Sarevok's were in BG1/2.
>Then a random Durge found him

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What wrestling games let me play as Sting?
You tell me.
A bit esoteric, no?
Did they ever do a looney tunes esque "takes off the mask ro reveal a 2nd mask then a 3rd mask" bit?
I dont remember who it was, but I think they did it in WWE. Might've been with Stardust. Sting's mask bit got old after the first time.

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>Anticipated main line game leaks early
>2D none important goyslop that doesnt even matter to timeline cant even leak 4 days early

I mean seriously are we fucking serious
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>Nintendo has been psycho about suing people
>US Government siding with Nintendo jailing people for hosting their games
>Japan government jailing and fining motherfuckers for literally just modding games and consoles

Could someone pwease put their fweedom at wisk so I can pway new Zewda game earwy?

I'm being serious
this shit is infinitely better than ubizelda
Not a high bar.
fair enough, true
Damn how did this shit evaded my filters

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>stick my power armored ass out of cover for 2 seconds
>lose half my health
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>only play nid missions on the hardest difficulty
>have a blast every time

just wish there was more of them. intend to beat each chaos mission the hardest once and never again.
the little shield enemies are the biggest cunts in the game. FUCK OFF!!
It's just like the first one, then. Peak.
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>This parry spamming, execution spamming movie game
This is what's ruining the game for me.
I don't want to bother parrying singular attacks, in a game with massive hordes.
I want to smash crowds and worry about positioning and siphoning waves of enemies into choke points and traps.
Instead I have to play yet another game where dodge and parry are the primary defense system and on top of that, I have to look at those gay blue and red gigantic UI indicators flash all over the screen to signal an attack is coming.
I guess I still have Dynasty Warrior Origins to look forward to, for mindless horde fighting kino.
Vanguard is straight up just a better assault.
Between the crazy parry window and the overpowered (and bugged) as fuck melta gun you are completely untouchable in most encounters. You can just jump into a horde and start cleaning house without really having to worry about anything.

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Would you anal Fageta?
>Cuckarot thread
never forget the six brazilians
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>gokeks need to make threads like these on a daily basis because they'll off themselves if they don't

>resonnates with autistic people
>full of videos online of people dressing up in white suits thinking they are Kiryu because they are autistic like him
only virgin male characters stand the test of time doesn't that tell you something
He never killed anybody
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turn around now
No, anon silly. He didn't kill those people. He's the dragon of dojima, he sensed their brain tumors and performed emergency life saving bullet surgery to remove their tumors. Truly a hero.
why is he naked?

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How do you respond without sounding mad?
I don't I just turn the game off lol
>you fucking brainless shill i've played 5 years before you ever knew about this game and your whiteknighting is turning this game to shit

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Ryza games were updated. Also favorite atelier? Thoughts about Yumia?
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There are 4 billion women on Earth so even something that only appeals to 1% of them is still appealing to 40 million women.
The skill cooldown system decreases downtime so significantly that it might as well be action at this point. You can keep on the offensive near constantly instead of making a single attack chain and then waiting around for your turn to make another. It wastes so little time between that and the seamless transitions that weaker battles flow as seamlessly into exploration as it would in any action RPG. If nothing else, the system appeals to me.
Very Easy Mode, graphics options

Those are called panties.
Favorite Atelier: Rorona
Looking forward to Yumia

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I love this game, but I hate the RNG and how spongy the enemies are. Is there a "balance mod" that fixes it?
Also, I would love recommendation of mods that bring more weapons and enemies to the game.
time for hexen

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yes why is it that That does not actually understand how to make video game and FUCKING especially a videogame literally i not making this up That that doesn't actually their game on Steam jej literally i sort through That instaneously That never gets any money jej like why is it so amazing that literally there actually like Nintendo species of personal computer jej yeah what it is actually is that Nintendo actually literally make species of personal computer yeah also Nintendo can do instaneous coding That ESPECIALLY why That not fucking taken seriously jej
I know right??

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Soul Calibur 4
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it was fun for a bit until you realized that sf has better mechanics that punish poor players
they tried to fix that with just guarding but sf still lets you thrash techlets in a more satisfying way
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First fighting game I seriously got into. Apprentice was hard as fuck and made me take the game seriously. Did tower of lost souls forever and became too OP in my locality. I would kill for this to be ported to PC.
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4 was not a bad game but 3 had a better single player, 5 had a better aesthetic, and both 2 and 6 have better mechanics. I have no reason to play this over any other entries unless I feel like fucking with Vader's force powers.
soul calibur 2, home.

Fellow PC gaymers, if you want to improve microstuttering disable 'Windows Memory Compression'. Google it to see its legit. Windows uses your cpu to compress writes to RAM, and has to decompress it again to read it. It's fucking stupid from ancient times when people had 500mb ram 20 years ago. Benefits:
>5% less cpu usage
>less latency reading/writing to ram (the important part)
>15% more ram usage (who cares we have a ton)
if you want to go even further run one of the popular windows debloat tools
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Just google it, thank me later.
you know what, if you are so confident, print-screen with the fucking results on google images.
can't. windows blocks screenshots of it for some reason. probably bill gates
I'm on the shitter right now, I'll post it in 30 minutes.
Fuck, I didn't believe you but it's real

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It's Friday night.
Let's Dance.

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post the sexiest woman from a game released in 2024
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Only PS5 has beautiful women? What about bing bing wahoo?
She looks like Zidane with tits.
who is zidane?
Neither Cloud nor Strife.

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