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Hey anons, I'm trying to remember the name of an old game. I tried calling my brother up but he couldn't remember it either.

It was a game that came pre-installed(?) on the PS3. It was sort of like the sims but if you were just playing one character. It was sort of like the metaverse but for PS3. I was very young but I remember running through the parks, being at a casino, and a hotel. I think there was some kind of micro transactions as well to buy in game currency. Circa 2012-15.
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holy shit brother you're a legend
Noticed how he didnt ask for a game but a PS3 feature
Fuck you, I wanted to post it first.
yeah, I was going to tell him he was thinking of the wrong console at first.
This was a little known reference to the fact that the PS3 had no games.

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What are they talking about?
foreign boys
About why they call it an oven.
Why do they call it an oven?
when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

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Do you draw vidya fanart?
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As long as the images you draw make yourself or others happy, it doesn't really matter
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I rarely finish anything and things I do are mediocre
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NTA but I think you have comfy and appealing style. Would like to see more from you
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that yours? You've got the basics down man, it's mostly a matter of consistent draws and learning the things that bring variety to your drawings. Not finishing things is usually because you're bored or don't quite know what you want to do
>things I do are mediocre
certainly there's the matter of talent and willpower, but being bad or mediocre at first isn't something to be ashamed of. Judging from the one you posted, you do have the sense and style; you just need to develop it further
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yknow I feel like I've gotten ok at drawing disembodied heads/faces as a /beg/ but then now since I've actually started to study about how to actually draw heads I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. Any tips for an anon?

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Post /v/idya Waifus
im going to touch her
Imagine the smell
Just imagine how the plap plap plap plap must be.
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This game has the single best plot twists in the history of plot-driven storytelling. Read it.

Let's talk about the best game of all times.
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I still discover new shit in G2 each time I play it
>jewelry above the teleport cave near the city changes according to your guild/chapter
>city guard reacts differently to ore baron armor(not obtainable normally) the first time you visit the city
>dragons and fear spell
>small ravine with lizards near xardas
>small cavern in the river near the old camp's ruins
He's exaggerating about faggot farmers, but even mid tier enemies could absolutely flatten you in NOTR and Innos preserve you if you run into a dragon snapper at any point in the game except for the final hours. NOTR was the German answer to European complaints of Gothic 2 being too easy to progress through, so they made the game basically unplayable for anyone that didn't know the leveling system and all the exploits inside and out. I always recommend newbabs to play regular Gothic 2 without NOTR first, because the difference in difficulty the presence of the expansion makes is staggering.
my first gothic 2 WAS NOTR and i played it as a teenager you have to be a pussy bitch to not know how play this expansion
I remember killing the skeleton dragon in two destroy evil spells or whatever they're called and my friend having a hard time doing it as a mercenary.
it worked on the other dragons too because the target system is ridiculously glitchy

Why do people here hate fallout 4? I'm having a blast with it
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>find a character preset I like
>painstakingly install all the mods in the right order and change the settings
>95% chance it looks nothing like it because the author forgot a mod
>is also completely incompatible with the companion mods
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its an empty field with like 20 enemies to shoot and no mechanics

why do I have to install a proper VATS? why do I have to install a settlement mod? why do I have to install properly designed guns? you have to do this for all this basic shit or it feels like the most bum ass game on a retarded scale and then after the 100th time you realize you're just going around looking at the ground picking garbage out of containers for nothing you dont even like the story or the game and quit
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why the fuck did they add base building, no i don't want to just delete all these ruined houses out of the world, no i don't want to have to do the work of the devs and spend hours placing shit so it looks nice, i just want to hit shit with a stick until it dies
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I love Fallout 1 and Stalker was clearly influenced by it, it was a much better 3D Fallout than Fallout 3. I do not respect Bethesda Fallout and I do not know what Fallout even means anymore. I'm not loyal to a brand that lost all its soul. I tried playing vanilla Fallout 4 and dropped it immediately because every design choice was so abhorrent. I just view the 3D Fallout games as a base that requires a lot of modding to make playable. Bethesda's only redeeming quality besides enabling all that modding is they encourage player freedom with nice big open world maps that are fun to explore, they just suck at executing atmosphere/gameplay/writing, fixing atmosphere and gameplay is required.
I liked it. It's a nice juxtaposition against the other side of American culture of greed, war, and capitalism in the Enclave.

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How is your rebellion against the mongorians going anon?
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I beat it and sold it about a year or so ago. The recent influx of people losing their shit that people don’t want to play as a nigger in Japan makes me want to go buy it again.
really enjoying it, playing it on hard for my first playthrough so its 2 hit deaths
They should really make a version where you play as the Mongols and conquer shit
Ubisoft was insane to announce fucking niggerslop:Japan the same week that Ghost of Tsushima released on PC.
Fun so far, although why the fuck are the death animations so long?

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You aren't buying the new Assassin's Creed because it stars a black man
I'm not buying the new Assassin's Creed because the games have sucked gigantic dick since Brotherhood released 14 fucking years ago.

We are not the same
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Ass creed sucked dick since its own conception. It's a complete downgrade in the gameplay coming from Prince of Persia. Soulless open world slop with 5000 map markers for banal trash tasks. And the parkour plays almost automatic with 2 buttons, it's not far from a movie game
I'm not buying it because it's an Ubisoft game, as tempting as the prospect of killing nips as nigger sounds

2 out 3 good

>whoever was syndicate cuz i dindt play it

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It's entirely because of the black man. Having them in lots of settings is completely fine, but using them to steal other people's hsitory and culture is total bullshit

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>boss is poorly designed and requires cheesing to beat him
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you can beat duke fishron with pre-hardmode items git gud.
It's the boss that got the most amount of reworks I believe. Also in my opinion it's a more fair fight than Yharon, your arena isn't restricted and he can't teleport on top of you like Yharon can.
>especially whatever that faggot phase 2 vocal was
You just answered yourself: no vocals. The music drop in phase 2 also helps. shame they removed the sentinels from the fight.
don't care. Raising a knife and watching maximum edge enemies spam the chatbox with words I don't read and get their loot with minimal effort is better than having a heart attack after spending 5 minutes dodging pellets and getting hit by a random pelet out of nowhere. I also broke off that gay ass calamitas megaman combat arena and spent the fight fighting that thing all over the skies like a true final bossfight should be. I also dig paralel to the abyss and only enter it at the bottom most level to reap the rewards without dealing with autism depth meter. I also farm the abyss monsters outsite the abyss by abusing the biome change and spawn points putting those monsters outside the killwater.

I am not playing by an autist's rules. I am the autist.
>Don't mind me, still being the biggest casual filter and best introduction to post-ML Calamity

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>Good morning, anon
What do?
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Anyone know where to get the passcode for this chest at the entrance to the Brute fight?
Nevermind. A robot like ten feet away has it.
Damn, hope there will be more of her. She hot af
I don't know what I did but the ost for when you first get to xion was playing when I went back to eidos 9. Even during combat and it was amazing. It fits so well after what happened in spire 4 and xion. But then I rested in a camp and it went back to the regular ost. Now I'm sad

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The last good Asscree game. You know anyone still buying Ubisoft games now and playing this franchise now? I would probably disassociate with them and consider them a fucking loser
This is when AC was streamlined into a boring open world action adventure game
The trailer made it look like a stealth game but it played like COD with swords

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Girl just can't catch a break, huh
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bump cause I dont see a Bebe thread in a long time
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We must stay strong, one day we will have BB threads in abundance
Very on model but with a bit of meat.
Funny enough, I drew the BB you posted. So just like that
oh yeah i had saved it a long while ago, your art's really cute. i just wanted to make sure that people didn't get pissed off if i drew her off-model since it seems like she's mostly draw pretty on-model. anyways i've played voice, hand, and drool so far and it's really cool. thecatamites has a really unique way of making games and its pretty inspiring
I mean we could make our own of the killer games if the catamites is cool with fangames

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ITT: vidya girls who are weak to anal
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Then be a straight bottom and get ridden hard by a tough sweaty tomboy
Dont't be gay, how is this so difficult?
I-no is a more popular anal icon than Makoto
Women like being hurt. I knew a girl in high school who let the most popular boys in every class blow a load in her ass.
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Why is Beauty vilified by modern audiences?
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>so massively outnumbered and outcompeted that he can't even create a site to share his opinions without being ruthlessly crushed
>still imagines himself as the smart guy with the correct opinions
how embarrassing
>game journos are at the same time the most icompetent people around that can't finish a tutorial level and machiavellian geniuses who decide the cultural zeitgeist
Also that shit he said literally does not happen and sites identical to what that dude suggested already exist. He's just making an excuse to not take actions because he doesn't want a change in the same way a heroin addict doesn't want to really get clean
>what is kiwifarms
Did kiwifarms take down OAG, quartering, sankaku complex etc?

Which games are we allowed to talk about and which aren't?
It seems like even if the entire thread is about gameplay, it arbitrarily gets 404'd anyway.
This has happened multiple times now, while several stealth coom threads regularly reach the bump Iimit.

Who are you?

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Have a great day and take care of yourself today. You're worth it. Never forget that.
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>FE Engage has an entire nation of /fit/izens
>game has a workout minigame where everyone's in training gear
>FEH did that "Do the Askr" vid which is basically a 2-min aerobics lesson from either some preppy cow or Kazuma Kiryu, depending on your language
>Nintendo and IS won't make an exercise game with Engage's cast as a quick asset-flip budget title to keep FE fans fit
I'm almost done with the Extra Story in Ring Fit and I'm getting bored Russian Twisting the same jobber damage sponges over and over, I want a different flavor of silly workout vidya to keep me rolling.
>You're worth it. Never forget that.
Every Human being is made in the image of God, each a unique creation that is uniquely loved by their Creator. You have infinite value and dignity anon.
What I wish they'd have at least considered in Ring Fit was adding other characters. Having Wii Fit Trainer, the Fire Emblem characters you're talking about, any other Nintendo characters (original or otherwise), or ANYTHING would have been nice to have, but they just release the game and gave us nothing afterward.
taking a rest on a friday night?
god you're worth it




Lucky Hank
Babylon 5
Mat Kearney's new album released yesterday. Really enjoyin the rest he hadn't released as singles yet. Watch Me Go is a friggin' Hawaiian banger.

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Why make another one?
I'll always hated this racist caricature of a fat ugly Hispanic that you continuously repost.

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>He still hasn’t taken the slugpill
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>Yes and after that zero interaction with each others or the 4
I think you're remembering things wrong
After that they literally had a banquet with all the cast to celebrate.
And then on the Darshan competition they all were featured and interacted, helped each other, etc.
The 4 Sumeru guys are always hanging together and Dehya, Nilou and Candace are often seen with each other.
Sumeru character story quests were total shit, all of them were about npcs
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I am working my way through all the hangouts right now. Always hate when I get a good or cute ending and then I have to go back to intentionally fuck things up for another ending.
>telling Yun Jin you like her fake on-stage persona more
You're lucky they added the option to skip repeated stuff. Used to be you needed to do it all over again
>After that they literally had a banquet with all the cast to celebrate.
Thats the AQ, I'm talking about the main cast's quests. In Fontaine or other regions characters always either cameoed in each other quests or flat out were part of the story, in Sumeru for some reason almost all character quests orbited around an npc.
>And then on the Darshan competition they all were featured and interacted, helped each other, etc.
And it was pretty poor in the 5* side, Kaveh and Faruzan who already had hangouts hogged alot of the spotlight and Al Haitham + Nilou judge combo just had no chemistry written at all.
>The 4 Sumeru guys are always hanging together and Dehya, Nilou and Candace are often seen with each other.
Mostly an assumption because it is established they are friends with Dunyazhad but after the AQ it was barely shown ever again.

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No armour is best armour
>no armour and speed 27
Henry you are supposed to run TOWARDS the battle not away from it

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