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all because of this fag we now have a culture war
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WHY twitter users WRITE like THIS?
No, the culprit is a (((Jesuit)))
>Kills a highly corrupt, wealthy and influential buddhist sect known for snuffing out any competition regardless of civilian casualties
>Somehow this makes him evil
>who is gonna fall for this?
Does he know?
>gives him land and power

Is it ACTUALLY fixed yet?
Should I finally upgrade from WH2?

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How did you discover the world of emulation and how deep down the rabbit hole did you go?

How did it all go so wrong compared to the first 3?
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Amy's original idea was that the pirates were immortal because they found the fountain of youth. imagine the tunnel sequence but it's zombie pirates jumping out of the darkness instead of the bomb mummies or w/e.
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>sam's lies cause nate to murder rafe's army
>rafe literally did nothing wrong he was just a rich guy who owned the land in scotland
>cool new troy baker character sam gets zero comeuppance and cool new laura bailey character nadine gets to be the smartest and strongest person in the game
It's like the last of us.
60% of the game is just walking and listening to people talk.
Case in point: you get to shoot your first gun only after 1.5-2 hours of gameplay (at chapter 5 I think).
We could have had zombie pirates atacking you with swords and shooting at you with flintlock guns, instead we had to kill thousands of boring mercs.
Was it the third or fourth game where there was a mission where you had to use a stungun on museum guards so you dont kill inocent civilians but then half the guards fall off the tower to death?
Hillarious shit.

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Friday night Jigsaw Time
247 dangan
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still working on this
713 sfw Miku
2394 Batman
225 experimental jig saturday

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Back when video game development was just dudes having fun
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>and will get laid off if the game doesn't sell billions.
lmao they get laid off even if the game sells trillions of copies. Working on video games today is pure suffering.
Europeans basically monopolised survival horror in the last 15 years.
>Pathologic 2
>The Void
>Amnesia: The Dark Descent
>Amnesia: The Bunker
>The Observer
>World of Horror

And so on.
>Don't get it twisted, there was still a lot of shady business dealings and politics back then
If I remember correctly, they started Id by stealing a bunch of computers.
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Bethesda is the last one standing, all they do is make white games for white people with a 100% white development team.
good morning saar

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Why do I feel an attraction toward dark Samus?

She's evil and kills people.
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the 3 bounty hunters in metroid prime corruption
Were any of them actually people though
Why does she have a pubic symphysis and rami but no ilium? Why does she have ribs but no spine? Why does she have an aorta but no renal arteries? No liver? No spleen?



it's a blob of space goo in the vague shape of a woman
Yes well that goo is picking and choosing weird-ass things to replicate in human anatomy

t. medfag

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She's ugly
Youre an annoying spamming retard
You will never be Vidya butts

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I need the cheapest device with physical buttons to play Asphalt 9.
Come on you enthusiasts, there must be something better than a Switch Lite for this purpose.
Why do you want, let alone need, to play Asphalt 9?
Just drive a car

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Reminder that Gwiz won
I’m waiting for blue protocol instead.
I want to fuck Gwiz.
won what?
was it an inside job to kill sega?

you'll be lucky if it ever comes out much less lasts a year, shit is already dead in japan and amazon is nervously reconsidering after all the censorship they have will drive the last few people that would stick with it

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Why did Oblivion not have werewolves?
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It was against the law
Todd Howard is a cat person.

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I don't understand this. Ocelot was supposed to HELP Snake, so why did he keep going waaaay out of his way to kill him?

>inb4 he had to pretend
Okay, so explain why he kept chasing Snake and Eva on motorcycle when the shagohod was on the road. If he succeeded in stopping them he would have doomed the world to a nuclear war.
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He did it for the lulz

It's unironically this. Ocelot is an awful double agent.
You honestly can't go wrong with either of the first three MGS games, they're all great.
MGS3 is my favorite game ever, i beat it over 20 times

I recently tried MGS2 and literally couldnt get past the first 15 minutes. Not because it is bad but because I kept getting my shit pushed in by the enemy soldiers. The tranq gun loses its suppressor after like 5 shots and CQC doesnt seem to work well
He let her steal a fake.

Which games are we allowed to talk about and which aren't?
It seems like even if the entire thread is about gameplay, it arbitrarily gets 404'd anyway.
This has happened multiple times now, while several stealth coom threads regularly reach the bump Iimit.

Kind of funny how some of these get archived
Jesus did not die on the cross for this
Jesus died for our sins
I visited Jesus's grave and he told me that he was disappointed in you for making this thread.

Please repent so your soul can be saved.
any game about to be released and up to 6 months after they get out, then the shilling campaign ends and onto the next one.

>Hey kid, we're having gamng night tonight, would you like to join us?
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>my anecdotes
Im not other men and I dont care. The very fact youre around males who could be called catty and own shit like gunplas and minis is a read between the lines thing.
I dont know anyone under 40, we are not the same. Im not actually a nerd, ugly, physically weak, or socially awkward. I
>Im not actually a nerd, ugly, physically weak, or socially awkward. I
You.. what?
Shame that spit roasting with dildos is fucking dumb.
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No, it has the opposite effect. You'll regularly end up with very girthy clits that are 0.5-2 inches long. On rare occasions even longer.

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hey mayfly, you wouldn't be disrespectful towards your local elf, right?

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There's a fighting game tournament 8 minutes away from me and I can't decide if I want to go or not
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there is in a tournament if you're someone who's "expected" to do well
I don't like dealing with expectations
If you believe that the rest of the participants won't stand a change against you then just don't go.
Don't waste their time and yours. As simple as that.
why did you talk yourself up so big and then dip
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shut the fuck up and go you faggot
>3S players
Like pottery

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hey /v/, watcha thinkin about?
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>based boys of the new west
Off model modded crap
NCR are dumb monkeys
They rip our all the electronics in PA because they're too stupid to maintain it or figure out how it works. Dude is literally just wearing it strapped to his limbs like an orc.
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oh nothin, just BULL and BEAR stuffs.
Eh. What I should do this weekend before work starts back up. Got two games that apparently take like six hours to beat, so I could burn through them this weekend if I wanted to. Call of the Sea and No Straight Roads.

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Since we can't seem to agree on anything, what do (You) think makes a good game?
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/v/‘s top ten mostly has games with great story. So go with that. The only exception is From Soft shit
>gameplay focus
>story focus
What happened?
>Sekiro that low
Really disappointed in you today, /v/
Most of the top games have shit stories.
Did 2008 really have gameplay focus though? I only see Mario and Starcraft. Half Life 2 was more of a story focused game over the previous one

Its a combination of good story and nostalgia. Which is why OOT, MGS3, and New Vegas are at the top. Deus Ex also gets into the top 3 frequently. If you don’t have a memorable story that leaves a lasting impression for decades, then you don’t matter to /v/. Also, the other thing that /v/ loves is hot anime girls which is why they shill Stellar Blade

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Why did Dragon's Dogma 2 fail so hard with incredibly overwhelming player retention?

The player count peak wasn't that far from Skyrim.
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>less players than Horizon
wtf that can't be real
meds, now
Because DD2 is unfinished turd and technical mess. I can't believe I got hyped for it
The game just doesn't fucking work, man.
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The main person you are forced to interact with in the story is a person of the African persuasion. I simply can't be bothered.

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I will play this for the men

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