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Why do people here hate fallout 4? I'm having a blast with it
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What body mods besides cbbe are there on xbox? How do I make Cait's hips even wider?
Minutemen are cool and by far the least retarded faction in Fo4. Their only problem is that they’re comically underpowered. They should’ve had the growth potential to become basically a Boston NCR in the late game.
Live dismemberment needs to be a vanilla feature
I really like it though and I want to see it in more games. Fallout 4's version is imperfect in that it slows time, not pausing it.
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>Why do people here hate fallout 4?

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>why yes I do like retrogaming
>Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Gears of War, sheesh, the list goes on
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Do you not understand that the time is constantly passing by? Like oh wow people born in 1990 can't be old ahahaha only people born in 1800s are old lol uhh no not how it works when the year is 2024.
you sound like a faggot. The 2000’s were the best years of gaming
Old bad. Young good. get with the times gramps
The 2000s were great for games, but the other guy wasn't exclusively talking about games.
>Zoomers are now old enough to realize that gaming was better when they were growing up
Now all they have to do is realize it was even better before then

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I hate anime and anime styled games.
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maybe you should avoid those games in favor of other ones. or I suppose you could also work with like minded individuals in the industry to make sure only people who think like you do get hired and to push suits away from any anime styled games they may be thinking of making. you can contribute to thinktanks dedicated to demonstrating a link between anime styled games and hate rape and speak before the UN about the dangers of anime styled games
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I like it because I'm attracted to cute teenage girls.
you're gay
Deepthroating Twilight Sparkle's musky, magical futa cock

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What's with the recent hate for open world games? It's supposed to be a huge advancement for the future of gaming.
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These threads are nothing but people nonstop screaming past each other. What the fags who like botw like about it is so meaningless and inconsequential to the people who hate it, and vice versa with the reason people hate the game and their criticisms of it. Arguing in these threads is almost as much of a waste of time as doing anything in the game beyond the divine beasts and splattering ganon all over the floor.
>When your encounters are optional, it makes them ultimately meaningless

No it's the opposite of meaningless you drooling retards. If you CHOSE to fight something and conquer it, you can't get much more meaningful than that.
it doesnt change anything though, hit it on the eyes climb on its back and attack, repeat until dead
or you can abuse flurry rush dodges over and over
the reduced speed doesnt matter, literally
you talk as if the combat mechanics are anything above casual level, this is not elden ring combat is a cakewalk with shallow mechanics.
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holy shit the freedom bros
>I know more about the game then you do, and if I didn't play it, then you definitely didn't play it.
Prove it, you don’t know shit.
You are either terrible at video games + cannot grasp most concepts and mechanics or you didn’t play it.
>hurr why can’t I build everything in a shrine and bypass it all of the shrines??
You do not understand the very obvious design choice of a puzzle having multiple solutions and players with a deeper knowledge of the game’s mechanics will be able to solve them quicker.

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are you looking forward to YsX?
what is your favorite Ys game?
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i asked this myself before and people generally agree
Not sure what the consensus is, but I'm pretty sure that's not an unpopular opinion.
What’s the best way to play I+II? I happen to own the DS cart, is it good?
>I've only played Ys 7. But the newer Ys games look fucking dogshit.
they're basically ys 7 again but better
>These are the only ones that interest me. The rest look like asset store trash.
1 and 2 are good. 4 is okay but you should play on turbografx
vanished omens is just a bad version of 1.
play oath in felghana
I found the 2013 PC version to be very accessible and good. Another more knowledgeable anon could list differences because Ys I+II had many ports over the years.

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Is this franchise even relevant anymore?

Why is everyone a salty faggot in this game?
You killed them once by accident, and they immediately throw a sissy fit
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That sucks. Who waits for the slowdown to dissipate on its own? You either dive or stim, always. I literally can't even remember the last time I waited for the slowdown to just end.
Well the time came and went and no troopers so guess not...but should be soon I would think, maybe it's at the end of THIS order...
Yeah I was hoping it would reduce it to a second or so, that would make it useful. As it is right now, you would always just dive. It's faster, gets you out of the way and reduces damage taken while you dive.
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My headcanon is that whenever my character dies due to someone else, he didn't actually die. The next soldier to drop is the same one as before.

This means i don't get mad when some idiot kills me.
I want us to get some alien allies at some point

Even in Starship Troopers they had some

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1 - https://youtu.be/RjQ6ZtyXoA0
2 - https://youtu.be/_xkCPNECud8
Bro - https://youtu.be/zzNs4-kRLaE
Rev - https://youtu.be/HMsbMK9Odoc
3 - https://youtu.be/-pUhraVG7Ow
Black Flag - https://youtu.be/WdKIQSwkYHI
Unity - https://youtu.be/xzCEdSKMkdU
>/v/ suddenly an expert on AC
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I played every mainline game in the franchise day 1. I even played the Vita game day 1.
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played most of them
only played half of syndicate and odyssey and never got around to finishing them
not sure if valhalla or mirage got cracked but i sure as shit am not gonna pay for them

one of my favourite parts of the series was the secret schizo true world history vignettes from ass creed 2
got the vibe just right. it was much cooler being all crazy conspiracy before it became out in the open ancient aliens
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these are the only good ones btw

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Favorite alien characters in vidya?
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I'm a jobber.
My favorite 2hu is a jobber.
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Sorry but marisissy is the hottest faggot in this general rn

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Is there any response from the Japanese themselves? Because it's kind of their job to be pissed about their culture being blackened. And if they are ok with it, then why would you try to help people who don't want to be helped? It's kind of the same behavior as of white liberals being offended of racism on behalf of black "people".
I think that as a white person the only thing you really should do is to boycott this game as any other game featuring the "colored" people and other freaks of nature. Don't buy it, don't give it attention. It's that simple. You fags can't even do that right?
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There's a variety of responses
some would rather have had a more traditional ninja OC as the lead
some think its cool yasuke is getting some spotlight/see it as a novelty from other samurai games
some think it's cool but also would like to have had a traditional samurai OC
What about white samurai?
better than unity
japan doesn't give a shit about anything that isn't pokemon or a png slot machine

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>no Steam release
It's dead, Jim.
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I wonder how many flops Ubisoft has left before getting buy out by Microsoft
same with DICE
I think the original idea was "Play as your favorite Tom Clancy villain factions!" but then with the rebrand they also added Dedsec which pretty much shot that in the foot. Now XDefiant means what everyone think it means, fucking nothing
it's for ecelebs who bitch about SBMM. They'll exclaim "THIS is what CoD should be", and then go back to CoD after a week.
It's coming out on Tuesday.

Why don't you buy PS5? Do you want Sony to go bankrupt?
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Only problem with the Dualsense is the dogshit battery life.
I bought a Series X for that, FPS is god tier for 8th gen games.
>have a console with no games
>they expect me to upgrade to a console with less games
Kinda wonder if that has anything to do with the PS5 itself, personally. I use one of my controllers for PC, and it doesn't die nearly as fast.
I upgraded to a DualSense Edge because it is simply the best controller for the Steam Deck when I have it docked.

Yes, I am aware that I paid half price of a Steam Deck for a controller. Your point?

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Miyu Archive
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Poor Miyu tho.
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Stop skipping the story faggot.
I have a Karin fetish.
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i have a fetish
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Hey, I've seen this before

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>valve can do literally anything with their infinite money from the Steam Store
>maybe make a CK2/Total War/ Skyrim Sex Workshop mods with GTA 6
>decide to make Overwatch with four lanes
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>>maybe make a CK2/Total War/ Skyrim Sex Workshop mods with GTA 6

genuinely what the fuck were you trying to type here? ive read it like 5 times and it still makes no sense
Genuine question, how the fuck do Moba players not get sick of playing the same map over and over?
It's over Valvesisters...
Predecessor already exists... GabeN why?
>they only care about innovation
That literally stopped being true when they secured the rights to make Dota 2.

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Via Resident Evil Central:

>Will be slower paced than RE2 Remake
>Each Zombie will have their own unique model due to the small number of enemies within the game
>More bullets required to take out RE1 zombies than RE2 Remake, quoted as "Bullet Sponges"
>Crimson Heads will return, new enemies will be introduced
>RE1 Lore will be explored further.
>A different third person camera will be used, slower paced again.
> The mansion is considerably bigger than in the original game.
>No more pre-rendered backgrounds. Each room will load up background assets and the rest of the assets will load when doors are opened. This is to improve visuals and lighting. The game uses REX engine.
>Currently Scheduled for late 2026
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RE1 doesn't need more rehashes for fuck's sake. Fucking cowards.
honestly if these bullet points are real this sounds pretty neat so far. looking forward to more info
lmao more remakes. I don't even care enough to pirate them.
>More bullets required to take out RE1 zombies than RE2 Remake, quoted as "Bullet Sponges"
They're actually doing a remake of a remake?

Microsoft is ahead of the curve by making their hardware into a software service. Sony is going to follow suite.
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I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh shoots aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.
microsoft is just looking for ways to move xbox shit to existing azure infrastructure because they can, the endgame is 100% cloud gaming where sony will be butchered like a pig
if google tries stadia again there might be some competition but sony on the other hand is literally irrelevant, they won't be following suite with much of anything
Consoles actually becoming prebuilt PCs will be so good.
Paid online will be forcefully removed from the industry, there is no way to force it when the next Xbox can just download Steam
MS and Sony won't be able to enforce censorship on games so much anymore, because releasing games on their devices will no longer revolve exclusively around their stores
Exclusivity dies out (besides Nintendo) so you don't need shitstations sitting around for the 0-2 games a year they get.
They were partly right about TV in getting ahead of all the media companies doing original content that was exclusive to their own streaming service. Now every big media like Warner, Disney and Paramount is doing that. Trying to replace cable boxes was the dumb part because no one likes cable and the moment Google, Amazon and Apple started offering options like Chromecast, Fire sticks and Apple TV to handle streaming people moved the fuck on quickly to that.

Also with how ridiculously huge TV adaptations for vidya are getting. They were also stupidly ahead of the time with Quantum Break in having the Vidya and TV part entwined with each other. Remedy's the only studio still attempting that but on a more limited form/budget with Control and Alan Wake 2. But that concept could be massive if done right.
Microshart should just start selling cheap gaming PCs with Windows 11 preinstalled.

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Forget Banana Guard, let's see some roster suggestions. If successful, could the roster really be endless? Could Jason Voorhees really be confirmed?
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PFG seems to agree.
based fuck that tubby heeb shit
>WB Pictures
>WB Television
>WB Animation
>WB Games
>WB Japan (aka Japanese anime and movies)
>New Line Cinema
>Looney Tunes
>MGM (pre-1986)
>Rankin-Bass (post-1961)
>Cartoon Network

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Fuck off Tony. The Banana Guard shit is inexusable.
Reminder of what you voted for

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Monsters you want in wilds?
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*absolute evades your post*
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I hope no weapons get gutted in Wilds like the Brachydios DBs in World
Open world Yama
ALL -dromes
Wilds will be I-frame centric rollslop

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>2D controls
>Tank controls
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>wounding your cheeks
HAAHHAAHAHAH, are you gonna die when somebody accidentally steps on your toe?
I don't own a TV
Possibly. I'd only resort to that if I was homeless. I don't actively hunt for ones in public, just refund the ones I have personally used.
he said thanks europe, ESL
and they're still trying to take that away from us

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I don't understand this. Ocelot was supposed to HELP Snake, so why did he keep going waaaay out of his way to kill him?

>inb4 he had to pretend
Okay, so explain why he kept chasing Snake and Eva on motorcycle when the shagohod was on the road. If he succeeded in stopping them he would have doomed the world to a nuclear war.
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Volgin didn't want to kill The Boss because she was still the legendary warrior of the west and a hero to the Soviet Union. You forgot but the reason he took her and the Cobra unit in was because they saved the Soviet Union during WW2. They were heroes, and Volgin was going to ride their fame all the way to the Kremlin on his big dumb drill tank.
>Snake's life was in danger but it wasn't ever from Adam.
there is no way people actually believe this
boss wanted snake to defect. he wanted snake to pledge allegiance to her and they'd steal the philosopher's legacy from volgin and then make outer heaven. but snake was too zogged to give in. he had to kill her first to break his programming.
>Boss and Bibo making outer heaven together
Oh shit they would have been unstoppable
No, it's true. You don't remember the game that well. He had every opportunity to kill Snake and literally never followed through.
He was the one in charge of
>His torture
>His execution
>His capture
>His detainment
And he bumbled every single one of these. Even by statistics, the ordinary grozny-grad guard could have at least succeeded at one of these things if it were left to him, but Volgin always left it to Ocelot and he always was the one who volunteered to do it.

There's no way you actually believe that wasn't intentional. Kojima's plots rely on action hero logic a bunch, but not the same character making the same "mistake" over and over again.

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