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It’s Saturday gents which Zelda should I play first?

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>bestiality, gore and NTR are cpmmon in porn games
>okayadon is almost non existent

what leads to this discrepancy?
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>and gore
Name 5 recent guro games
Shotas should have massive cocks, or it's gay, mama wa taimanin style.
What about Lot, who canonically banged his wife and daughters
Because it's technically not even NTR.
It's corruption and mindbreak at worst since it almost ALWAYS tends to be the MC's little sister.

In the rare case where the little girl and the MC are actually a couple or it's one of those where the little girl has a childhood friend or boyfriend but then goes on to fuck old men on the side I literally can not read that shit.
God works in mysterious ways, bro. Not unlike a corrupt cop, in fact.

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why do gamedevs wouldn't understand that gamers want female soldiers like that?
that is a guy
then i wish all male soldiers looked like that

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Thank you, steam, very cool!
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>was using controller as its how I played the first time, and felt off
User error. The game was originally released for PC and was obviously designed for mouse aiming.
>>being a yuro
yeah I don't like it either man. would leave if I could
Why list a package when it's a pointless inconvenience?
They've aged fine. The only issue is backwards comp legwork to get them to work.

Shame we have no Max Payne 3, hopefully the remake of 1+2 gets Sam off his ass to give us a 3.
another day another dollar

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Are normies into those games or its mainly grognard core?

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Why do people get filtered by timer based games?
Like I hear people complaining about majora when you have 3 hours per cycle
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So you want to beat the game without saving once in one sitting like it's a NES game?
That's a mistake you make once if you're not retarded. When you accept something you should expect to need to finish before the end of the cycle. Not doing so is on you.
Time management is the challenge
>recompile puts the right c button where the oot decompile puts attack
My retarded boomer brain should be able to figure this out in 10 hours but it doesnt and I don't know how to open the overlay. I also hope the game saved my progress. How do I actually save the game? Oot saved when I exited the menu.
You can do a quick save by speaking to an owl statue, this save deletes itself upon reloading Alternatively you can do a real save by playing the song of time and restarting the three day cycle. Neither of these are available in the first cycle you do as the deku, that must be done in one setting
Or you can try the auto save thing they added, I don't know how it works because I'm not a bitch
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>people getting filtered by timer based games
Hold my D-meter

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For me it's hatchi
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For me, it's Dominique.
It would've benefitted for better art in general, some of the models and backgrounds are really fucking bad. The game is fine though
So did they ever add a glamour system? Pretty stupid if now since they are now selling DLC outfits.
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and meant if not.

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what's the words on the streets of the chins?
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isn't there some game or some shit named blue archive? for a sec i thought you were talking about that
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Are you writing an article for kotaku and can’t think of anything so you’re desperately trying to dig something up? Rumor is op suck dog dicks and needs to go back.
I hear they're reforming the JannyGuard

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Forgotten after a week
It's no Rain World.
I felt bad because I could tell the Dev put in a lot of love, but I had to refund it after an hour. I'm not sure what big twist could've dropped in the next 60 minutes that would make me start to enjoy Metroidvanias.
Whenever I see this game, all I can think of is how "Bigmode" was probably some word that one of Dunkey's normalfag friends said to try and fit in after seeing his friend find success in what he considers "nerd culture." I can see it now, a normalfag trying to act "hip" with "gamers:" 'bro, you're totally BIGMODE HAH. BIGMODE BROSEPH!'
I really loved it. Still finding secrets on my own. Reminds me a bit of my favorite game, Full Bore.

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ITT: Games only you liked. Ill start
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I bet nobody know this game.
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What the fuck is all this schizo babble.
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play game
tell friend bout game
game find friend
play game, multiple acquaintances
have to play game how the group plays
dont really like rules but play
orders are "fun" but when you wait over an hour to play another round its not
just be the room clear guy on Thursday when we play vs AI

honestly then i became a cs and then a bit after an overwatch enjoyer, at least i got to play the fucking game within 5 minutes
Why are there so many hard stops in that dialog?

Melony is IMPORTANT.

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What are they talking about?
foreign boys

I just bought this game
What am I in for?
animal porn
A lot of Tard wrangling. With both the bird thing and the kid

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This is an evil necromancer.
Say something mean to her!
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I like the ryona this OC this character gets.
Does Eccma do any drawings anymore?
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20 scoutcraft lets you do skills while stealth'd and STAY stealth'd. It's so fucking good, it's no wonder why people consider it a requirement. At 10, makes your rock-throwing distractions better and at least allows you to stay stealthed right up to the point of your skill execution, which is good enough for a succ build. Anything you aren't fucking to death, you can knock out from behind, immediately go back to stealth, and move on.
Survival at 10 allows you to smoke your meats, and dear god, you need this. This is not even up for discussion. At 15, you get to make your own potions, which is one hell of a convenience, but not as necessary as you think, since the previously mentioned smoked meats raised your income astronomically. The important thing it gives you is the Hitchhiker trait, which is really really convenient in hard mode, and an outright necessity in higher difficulties. You will not survive without it.

It's annoying that so many levels are required asap just for Lona to EXIST, but this game & its setting is one where that in itself is an achievement.
Retard lol

Why not? I'm not into scat or piss but he does vanilla too

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I'm about to start case of the golden idol, I finished Obra Dinn a while back and saw this game was pretty similar.
Do you recommend the "Highlights" mode enabled like the devs recommend or going without them? These days I can never be sure if the recommended way is made to handhold literal babies.

Please keep spoilers and shit to a minimum or keep them under black bars
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this thread is pretty civil for /v/ standards
it makes me want to try this game
It's best if you start off with them turned off, and only turn them on if you can't find the last few words.
It's easy to forget details if you just mechanically clicked on the highlighted parts without discovering them yourself.

Hope you enjoy it, I know I did. It's not as good as Obda Dinn, but it's really fun in a different way and it's neat seeing how the stuff from the DLC adds context to the main game.
Seeing how they shadow-dropped the DLC out of fucking nowhere (or at least I had no idea they were coming) I kind of hope the entire game will be released during the Summer Game Fest, since it was announced at the Game Awards.
It's got a demo, go for it.
The early cases are very simple, but it gives you an idea of how the game works.
Just play with highlights, realistically you have to click things like words in books to add them to your clues. Is it possible, sure, but it's more pixel hunting than it is enjoyable.
Fun game though and everything is deducible. I wouldn't say it's overly hard or complex. There were a few good 'aha' moments.

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They shouldn't have any pretty women in videogames then. Polchuds don't deserve living.
i am brazilian and i look like this
What is a black chud known as?
A nigger

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ITT your childhood vidya faps.
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Based. Zoe was best girl. Also really liked how AUF Bond looked. Perfect blend of Moore/Brosnan/Connery.
bitch looks like she gonna get overpowered and raped
Same. I liked the atmosphere.

Which games are we allowed to talk about and which aren't?
It seems like even if the entire thread is about gameplay, it arbitrarily gets 404'd anyway.
This has happened multiple times now, while several stealth coom threads regularly reach the bump Iimit.

definitely not the fucking child porn, retard
Don't post slutty depictions of children here. A lot of /v/ has a very hard time telling fiction from fantasy.
happen'd to me irl last year, I still miss her

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It looks like these shit games fails to meet Square Enix sales expectations.
Mind shock
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jews are outright telling you what to think
it's also a reminder
shit games just flops
Except FF7R was great
Neither do you, because you'd post yours.

>the holy trinity of stylish action vidya, 15 years later
feeling old yet?
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Blud, DMC is super arcadey with the scores at the end. It just became more cinematrographic as time went on.
These threads have consistently been mostly DMC and NG fags fighting each other, idk what you were expecting.
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Of course but the mechanical challenge isn't as important as sandbox action fun. In 2D arcade beat em ups it's about spacing and optimizing your combos and beating a hard stage. In DMC/Stylish Action that's only a part of the whole concept. The other part is being stylish and elaborate while doing so. It sacrifices difficulty to some extent in order to make it more fun to fuck around with enemies. This is reflected in Dante as a character. He eats pizza and surfs on demons because fuck it, why not. He's not as efficient and quick because he's not focusing on that and neither should the player.

Ultimately this is also the divide between Ninja Gaiden fans and DMC/other stylish action games. OG 2D Ninja Gaiden were all about insanely difficult stages where you have to be picture perfect in order to beat them and the 3D games inherited this element.
>literally not a single indie game that attempts to do character action
>instead everything is a pixel platformer
How do I cope with the fact that this genre gets like 1 good game every 5 years?
slave zero x

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