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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
I genuinely think bbs is lying about their sales
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I wouldn't say lying, I would say they are generally idiots to charge $80 for a single character. At this point, so many characters are considered outdated for very hard guild quests and Limit Breaker that they should sell $20 tickets with multiple characters.

While I'm definitely sad that they pulled the option for a free choose your own six star on new accounts, at least we are getting one thanks to the social media tie-in that recently happened.
7th anni Ichigo was ass thanks to Uryu introducing the gauge effect and his weird SA1 radius, but 8th anni was the most broken character in the meta for a while. They better not fuck up 9th.
ofc they are! There are no sales in a f2p gaas for starters duh!

>Some retard deleted the previous thread
Gay as shit. I was really hoping to hit one year with it lmao
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>8th anni was the most broken character in the meta for a while
I'm using him for every non-locked floor in Senkaimon. Frenzy +3 plus two status effects work extremely well with a vortex attack.

I'm the one that made it. It was deleted for being a general on /vmg/, but it's instantly deleted in /vg/. Brave Souls fans just can't win. It's sad, but I hope we see far more discussion now. Since people were complaining about the links used (most of the YouTubers have drastically slowed down making new videos).
Swimsuit BTW when lol
>It was deleted for being a general on /vmg/, but it's instantly deleted in /vg/.
>on the board where almost everything is a general for mobile
Sasuga janny... only 3 months
And so far atm I think is the ONLY non-situational frenzy +3. No wonder he's been going strong for damn near a year.
I know the oldest of chars are fucking useless but did they ever rerun that kon and ichigo again?

You mean the purple one? No, never. Be grateful to Klab for that red one you´ll learn to love.

Which one of the eleven thousand we have?
It's one of the oldest 5 stars. It had a duplicate with another typing (I think they were tech and mind?). It was incredible lame yet never given a banner.
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This one? Short of being fully 5/5 max transcended. Most old cards are just links if their resurrections were good enough.
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Yes, there is a Tech Ichigo, Heart Kon and Power Toshiro that were never available outside from their respective events.
don't forget that heart renji gifted at release
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Fuck, that free selection ticket's pool is disappointing as hell. Not even anything old for orbs.
why is klab like thjs
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>Swimsuit BTW when lol
I'm saving orbs for it
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The Halloween cat evades me once more.
Life as f2p is hard...

They likely had the idea of releasing more of them but never did in the end
I went for TEQ Riruka to get her from 4/5 to 5/5 since I use her in Guild Quest
I'm saving malk for it.
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Okay, I'm actually gonna give them a pass on this now considering how fucking insanely good the selection of the next ticket is. I thought that was all we were getting. And it's not even a "pick 10, get 1", as far as I can tell you just straight get whichever you want. Couple weird premium picks though, not sure what FB Kisuke or that tag team Soifon / Yoruichi are doing there

Also another tutorial ticket is nice if you're missing some of the absolute OG captains
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>mfw only missing 5 or 6 and just because never bothered to roll for them
Life is hard as f2p...
As someone that has been screwed before by BBS paid tickets. It's worth noting that the Medals tickets do not allow dupes. Selecting a character you already have results in nothing. Nothing but regret.
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90 000 Brave Battle medals for the second ticket...
Unless the achievements come with incredible awards, not even the biggest hoarders have that many medals laying around. Even the 9K seems silly with swimsuit summons coming in June and anniversary summons coming in July. Hoping for more welfare medals due to the top players somehow getting shafted in Brave Battles again.
I haven't played since 2018. Since like murdermom was the top unit. Is the game any better or still the same?
It's both. Largely the same, running down streets and alleyways over and over. Yet they have new modes like Limit Breaker which is overly challenging depending on who you own.

The game definitely plays differently than from 2018, as more and more quality of life changes are, just now, being added to the game.

With the current rerun banner, right now would be a great time to reroll for a new account.
>Swimsuit summons coming
i was looking to start, wdym reroll? the banner with the orihime pvp or which one?
i can't reroll right now if i'm aiming for the cyberpunk banner since PE ends in like 2 days
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Literally since the game came out we’d get a swimsuit banner in June.
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>new vizardgo

how many years since last one?
time to sleep.

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