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String Fucker boss fight is in, remember papa Cometpants loves you
dead game
i know it's only been a week but why has no one drawn trash can diva fanart yet
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I don't know where you're looking mate
Cute! CUTE!
searching the wrong tags apparently bless you anon
EoS any minute now
Im too addicted to EB to do any of the hard fights
My luck is on point at least. I was gonna skip since I didnt even pick up any of their previous styles, but since I have Khalid might as well get the ogre woman too
>that pic
Why must you hurt me so?
any emus more optimized than LDplayer? that shit makes me laptop run like magma
ok nvm i fixed it. runs pretty well now.

that said, rerolling in this game is kind of shit. only 15k jewels when you start. i want 3 chars from the shirei banner...
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>Im too addicted to EB
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got saurin in 30 guess i should settle for that since shes the coolest
why couldn't this have been the art direction for EB?
lego saga
eSaGa Re:UniverseSaGa Re:Universes sSaGa Re:UniverseSaGa Re:Universen
eos soon!!!!!! BASED!
this is the nuts leon right? and emerald is decent?
Yes to both
Emerald is core fire support together with Cometpants
Leon is general support.
Fuck this is really bad, it means next week it will probably be the two emps banner and they caught me with my pants down
This banner came with a conquest unless they end up saving it for next month
I'm so fucked. I'm two-thirds to pity on Kihachi's banner so I gotta finish it off or all those jewels were for nothing. But if I miss Leon, it's gg 'cause he seems like the only true "must pull" of the year so far.
Even with the RS2 conquest's 10K or so I wouldn't even remotely manage to have enough for safety pity on four banners, and every single banner of the RS2 festival has really good styles
>the second banner global ever got
Haha. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The game is literally telling me to uninstall, I've gotta be the most unlucky person pulling on Kihachi's banner on Earth.
>2 singles later
What a rollercoaster. This banner is mindbreaking me. Now I gotta pray that upcoming conquest lets me hit pity for Kihachi. Liam'll likely escape me.
i'm sad i'll probably have to skip the emps
>new boss fight
>18/19/20 are the new romancing
>more boring overtuned simulation dogshit
>more spiral corridor floors when you can't even get past 210
>more mindless power creep and styles getting outdated in no time
>get jewels
>do pulls
>get nothing
>never get anything at all anymore
It's all so tiresome. What happened to this game? It used to be fun.
No it didn't
any of the other styles worth it?
We know nothing about buffs so it's hard to say, as they are in JP and put in GL all of the styles in the RS2 banners outside of Gerard and maybe Therese are above average in one way or another.

Bear is a deflect tank that also buffs all stats as he tanks with Deflect, that alone is a very a good niche.
Gerard is a healer, he does nothing but healing but he's admittedly extremely good at it, problem is he's too laser focused on that, the previous Gerard can give him his Skill 2 though and maybe GL will change something, I don't know.
Therese is Pierce/Cold DPS, fairly average compared to Zhi Lin or GLEX Sparrow, with GLEX Therese she can inherit a stronger nuke with that skill 3 though.
James exists to spam Sword Chain+ and debuff INT, that's it, that's all he does, he can spam three Sword Chain+ in a turn which admittedly makes him a pretty good INT debuffer, with some options for additional STR debuffing.
Viktor is James but with way higher damage and no INT debuffs, instead he completely fucking tanks STR with Flowing Slash spam, he also has unique buffs to Flowing Slash specifically that makes him hit quite hard, not Kihachi/Maka hard but he's kinda there.
Cat is basically a full upgrade to the recent yukata Thief style, still focused on evasion at all time, but as long as she doesn't get hit she grants a fairly ridiculous passive to the whole party where they get all stats up (M) and both ATK and DEF enhancements for every hit they land, she can also tank multiple stats to the ground making her a fairly great all purpose debuffer+good party support.
Hector is basically just good old Hector, Slash DPS, but with OD focus and the same trick as the recent Subier in that he gives massive DEF Enhancement to the party on OD attacks.
Coppelia is a bit complicated, she's technically a blunt AoE counter tank, kinda like SaGa 2 Human M, but she can double as an excellent blunt farmer since she has Guts, which means you can use Artema Soul twice.
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hmmm, most of those style are pretty outdated by now, but I guess free crusader F isn't a bad deal considering you'll get a new one soon and inheritance will help make her better
Edel banner that was skipped long ago is now available from the viewers medal exchange.
The inheritance exchange ticket is available in the special shop and the first one is free, definitely getting some remembrance stuff from it.
Wonder if they'll do that for the other 3. Do they have any use or are they just massively outdated at this point?
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Managed to get Viktor and my wife in two multis, but the other banner had me waiting until the very last single for Leon, though on the other hand I got everyone else except Gerard, who I could pity.
Lots of mixed feelings about this, on the bright side I can probably pity Fempress with the Jewels I'll get in two weeks.
My girl Cat will have to wait, my wife takes precedence and I need at least one of the final emperors.
>My girl Cat
kinda tempted to try for her, that art is cute
Nice. Got everybody on Leon's banner early but had to go deep for the old man, as much as I like Therese I would trade all for them for an early Leon instead. Oh well.
Even in GL Emerald+Firebringer are really something, my Orlouge solo'd Romancing Yama with all the Heat damage buffs and was taking like 100-ish damage due to all the DEF stacking, while dishing out around 1M damage with every Dark Flare chase.
The funny thing about them is that fire casters are almost always Dark hybrids so they apply to a lot of scenarios and you can stack their buffs with Saruin's too, people like Orlouge, Bert, Judy or Esper Girl really benefit from that
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>first 10 on each
if i were sane id go back to shireis banner for muh bp
what server do you guys play on
Most people in here play on GL, it's not unusual to find some who play on both GL and JP though.
There's really no sense in doing that since this game has no PvP anyway, GL is some six-eight or so months behind JP and it gets some GL exclusive styles and other goodies, although content is also harder than JP.
well i meant the american or asia server. are they both GL ?
Man, the Emerald+Cometpants combo still trivializes a lot of shit even in GL, just blasted through Spiral with these two and switching between Noel, Orlouge and Hyppolita.
String Fucker is also completely powerless against the sheer Fire Res Down stacking.
US/EU/Asia are all GL, you can only play JP if you specifically download the game on the JP store.
nice maybe i should stop be lazy and start clearing that shit
A seventh offbanner from the banner with half the normal chances of an offbanner, this is truly getting ridiculous. And it's another one from the first month or two of the game, too. They should just put all the year 1 styles in an exchange at this point. If half of these had been banner styles, I would've cleared this banner long ago. Now I'm at 14.1k medals, still no Kihachi or Liam. A version of me in an alternate universe must be having a blast with this game's gacha.
While I'm ranting, I gotta say, this new fuckery where the latest record's progress is tied to the conquest is absolutely horrible of these devs to do. I could've cleared the latest record today and finished my pity but instead I'm waiting for the global server to drag its feet; we can't even get 10% done in 24 hours! It'll be nearly two weeks before the conquest is done at this rate, and we have to wait all that time for the new record's jewels. Does anyone know if JP pulled this shit with any of the five future records we haven't gotten yet?
>Edel banner that was skipped long ago is now available from the viewers medal exchange.
You mean Malcolm came through for us and passed on what I told him to tell the devs AND the devs actually listened and implemented it?! Based, looking forward to Taro's release.
Glad to see things went great for you and you got your Female Court Mage bro, at least one of us is winning.
How fucked am I if I decide to skip Leon? Surely fights later are winnable without him yea?
After asking this I decided to do a few small pulls and got him anyway, so Im good. Still curious at how bad things will get
yea i got hippo and noel too wish i could get the fire fellows but for me its too risky to hit pity for now
He's still considered the top support in the game
There, the current nightmare is over so the next one can begin, and it ended in one of the worst ways possible. Instead of getting Liam like everyone else who pulled on this banner, I got the dumb robot that wasn't even supposed to be here. Now I have to scramble to put every jewel I earn from now on into Leon's banner to try and get him or I might as well uninstall. But since >>1467981 already got my dream pull, I'm likely screwed. I got a whopping 9 SS styles on Kihachi's banner, but 7 of them were worthless offbanner trash. If the same thing happens with Leon's banner, I might be okay because there's no offbanners for once, but this just means the gacha will compensate by not giving me nearly as many SS styles as Kihachi's. I wish I could bring myself to uninstall, this game's made me miserable since January. At least the select tickets are really, really great and let me finally get that adorable Hana style I had to skip. I wish it had come at a time when my jewels weren't all tied up because I'd love to spend 1k to grab another one, but every 1k matters desperately now.
one day your luck will turn around and you will get everything you want in the first roll and then the game announces eos the next day
Pretty much lol. That did happen to me once during first anniversary iirc. It's 2024 that's been my lowest point. It's been a perfect storm of global banner fuckery, lack of jewels and my own consistently bad luck.
Wish this conquest would hurry up. Unlike past ones, we're not divided into multiple routes, the whole server's ganging up on one node at a time, yet it's going slower or so it seems. We'll make it, but it'll take most of the event period. They should make conquests faster to clear since there's probably less players these days.
>get up to 300 jewels again
>go to summon screen, Leon's art is the loading screen
>wouldn't it be cool if I got him after his loading screen
>pull, it's that damn cat
>well, I definitely won't be getting Leon
>my fucking face when I have no face
Well boys, I guess eos soon? Luck finally turned around, this was 16 singles in. I'm gonna do the foolish thing and shove the rest of the jewels I get into the Saruin banner since I wanted everyone there and there's still a teeny tiny chance I get one of them before it leaves in 2 days.
>deep one fight
>you VILL dust your old FE and use ze imperial shield two times on a row or you're dead on turn two
>forget about trying romancing
This games is making less and less sense.
>forget about trying romancing
Wait, are you talking about stage 20? He was doing like double digit damage to me, why are you needing a shield?
>I'm playing a different game
Anywhere from 900 to 3.8k per attack (6-8 per turn). That's with scrum guard, rising phoenix and other defensive shit plus defensive gear.
I don't really know what you're talking about, it's a fight tailor made for the current Leon's banner, like every single boss fight they ever pushed, it's all about having Bear with Deflect soak nearly every hit since 90% of what Deep One has is single target, then Therese and James work in tandem for Pierce DPS while Leon and Gerard buff/heal, simple as that.
If you don't want to play this game just whip out Kihachi and Khalid and melt him with three supports, possibly Sirius or somebody who can stop the quadruple hit rushes he starts pulling at 50% HP.
I'm pretty sure I still have my team from my lazy clear of stage 20 saved, lemme grab a pic.
Here we go, this was enough to pretty much sleepwalk through it and I didn't even gear them appropriately, I just used whatever was there from some other fight. I'll be using this team for Romancing when I try on Monday, probably gonna swap out Ellen or Darius for Leon.
I don't have any of those styles. I've pulled like 3 relevant styles in the past half a year.
Almost every banner's got great styles on it from now on, so maybe your best bet is just sitting on your jewels until anniversary next month and going all in on an anniversary banner.
As someone who's felt like they were playing a different game from other people in many games in the past, I feel for ya bro.
The current power creep just seems insane. It's not that you struggle some more with "older" (not even a year old) styles, you just get deleted by default instead.
Yeah, global's crazier than almost any game I've seen at this point. Six months might as well be ancient history, stuff's tuned to the latest month or two.
I remember pitying Ki because she was the only currently viable way to deal with all the debuff bullshit bosses (all of them). Not even a few months later I already had to combine her with Shirei's status resistance buff and even then it was a coin toss into reload or another coin toss the next turn.
Now everything has MASSIVELY bloated HP pools so only the current state of the art styles with 10 hit attacks with defense shred that chase into 10 different things are viable.
The buffs to Razem's first banner style looked nuts and then I never used him again after a month
Outside of the specific gimmick fights like Deep One which have a more unusual intended solution as an option, the current meta is stacking DEF enhancements as high as possible and then abusing specific DEF down skills with multihit characters.
It's why specific character combos like Kihachi+Khalid, Rouge+Saruin or Emerald+Firebringer are so efficient nowadays, or why people like Leon or Katarina are considered meta, bosses in the current meta are built around avoiding main stat bloat but can do nothing against specific defense debuffs outside of certain people like Firebringer resetting them every two HP bars, and even there he can't do anything against Kihachi who simply reapplies them every round.
With the upcoming Seven Heroes fight you'll see more of the "No Weakness" format where you're supposed to make specific elemental teams too, String Plucker is already a good example of that in that Kihachi+Khalid or Emerald+Firebringer are the main counterplay because they're the easiest method to bypass their high defense and various gimmicks.
Funny, Razem is exactly the character I was thinking about while discussing this powercreep. He seemed so good and fell off so fast, I can't remember the last time I used him. I almost took him off the bench for one of the recent fights that wanted debuff cleansing, but then I remembered I could just inherit a much cheaper skill on Shirei from his welfare S style.
Shoot, Deep One Romancing went down too fast for me to remember to snap a pic. I ended up going with this team >>1469532 but Leon instead of Darius. Ellen was wonderful as always, I'm glad she can finally shine and they're giving us bosses that can be debuffed properly. Apparently String Fucker changes his tactics if you debuff him so that must be why I kept failing since I always brought Ellen to that fight. I think with Kihachi and Leon, I might actually be able to beat the feathery bastard tomorrow.
Emperor/Empress banners with two new styles that were skipped.
>check the clairvoyance sheet
>fuck, HER banner is dangerously close
Emerald's banner already drained me, might have to use THAT if the scraps don't come in clutch
The Firebringer is a loser!!
not really a surprise but still gdi
kek, at least they're doing something about the sad state of affairs that is the conquest. It's still gonna be too late for me to get that 3k from the new record to toss at Saruin, RIP.
You better start saving for the Dragon Grand Prix or the Seven Heroes, with the upcoming banners being three at the price of two there won't be a lot of time left, I expect them to fuse more banners in the future, the skipped banners from ages ago are all going into the Viewer Medal exchange too so we can't count on them to pad for time anymore.
Oh yeah, after I finish tossing the last jewels I can at Saruin's banner in vain, I'm gonna be on save mode until anniversary of the New Year's 2024 banners, whichever comes first.
Has anyone figured out how to unlock the first hidden stage of the inheritance records?
The solution specifically says go to Dense Jungle, specifically Dense Jungle West, and clear stage Dense Jungle-2 with a mole character to unlock the stage. But I've cleared that node with all 3 mole styles and nothing happens.
Nevermind, looks like you need to clear Dense Jungle 2 five times with a mole, I just needed to clear it a few more times.
As for the hidden stage with the free SSS dark staff, you need to go to Proof of Power and I've confirmed any node should work, I just went with the first (bottom left) stage. You need to clear it 5 times, each with a specific formation (that's not an EX variant) and a certain RS2 character in your party. They are:
>Rising Phoenix - Strategist (Kongming)
>Divine Wall - Crusader (Maria/Georg)
>Seer's Focus - Diver (Mariah/Natalie)
>Rapid Stream - Merchant (Tirpitz/Henri)
>Free For All 1 - Vagabond (Cat/Falcon)
Sorry, "Proof of Power" is supposed to be "Land of Proof". Bottom middle stage of the second page.
anniversary is around the end of the month right? how many gems do they usually give?
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We fuckin' did it lads!
With Leon's help, I could finally beat String Fucker Romancing and with those final 250 jewels I got from it, I made the very last single pull I would be able to make on the Dark God's banner...and it was HIM! I don't have any good shadow damage dealers to go with him, just like the last style of his, but I'm beyond happy to have my fave non-GB villain complete. My greatswords suck these days too, so he should help out there quite a bit.
Also, funny thing about this String Fucker clear: I simply could not get Kihachi to die, so she was at half potential for the whole thing. She only got down into critical once during the final boss health bar and he still couldn't finish her off.
End of June, yeah. The amount varies but it's usually less than half anniversaries, probably at least half a pity, likely closer to a whole one.
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It's usually 10K-15K jewels per month as log-in+the normal monthly/weekly campaigns, that doesn't include whatever they put in shops and quests though, so you usually end up with around 40K or more
New Kihachi is cracked, managed to clear stage 5 of Megalith Dragon with her thanks to some Phantom rng from Asellus on turn 5. Definitely the only stage 5 I'll clear for now, none of my other weapon types can do anywhere near this damage or sustain.
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Somehow I managed to get both emperors+Shahrazad and fucking Kongming for the paltry sum of around 25K jewels.
Guess I'm a Shufag now? Benevolence was real all along?
Dayum, that's god tier luck, you snagged all the best characters from two banners in around half a pity? Congrats bro. I'm skippin' since I'm under 10k and both banners are 1% banners for me.
>2 bear dupes
>no leon
I hate this game so much.
>3 bear dupes now
Yeah I'm done with this bullshit.
your waifu and three bears in the woods
We finally unlocked the final stage of the new record, go get your 3000 jewels!
RIP, hopefully the 3k we just got help you get him on the next pull!
>the co-op goal is one person in the whole world needs to beat the new boss on Romancing
>he cleared the rest within minutes of reset but still no luck on Romancing
kek, good luck whale! Man, it's a good thing the solo rewards are only 50 jewels, 99% of players aren't gonna get that Romancing clear in the time limit.
bear is his waifu now
haven't pull in awhile. who should i go for? final emperor/empoeress? unless the rates mess with me again.
Wonder if it's that Yap guy
go for the uninstall button
>square announces record losses
>game quality drops
eos when
even reddit and discord want it now
Emps is a really good support countertank, Femps is Saruin but for Sun element, which means more specific interactions with people like Leon, Gerard, Emps, both are good but have different use cases.
I'd say Femps' banner is better overall because Emps has Kongming being absolutely useless and dragging him down, while in Femps' case the only weaker link is Georg who still has a strong niche as Def Enhancement stacker despite being unable to do literally anything but stacking Def Up bonuses.
Prioritize the OG emperor and absolutely go for Leon, there's still 6 days left on his banner. All the styles on that banner are great and there's no offbanners, Therese got buffed to be god tier especially if you got GLEX Therese (you can grab her now with a free select ticket), Bear's a terrific tank, and James might be the best debuffer in the game right now. Gerard's last place but still a great healer, especially when paired with his dad.
Femperor and Fempress are both great, Femperor being the new best counter tank and Fempress being the sun leader making her a bit more valuable than her male counterpart as she goes great with Leon and others. Both the new banners aren't as important as Leon's though. I'd say Leon's the most notable "must pull" of 2024 so far, the 2 new banners are skippable but nice if you're loaded in jewels and wanna try for the 1% chance you get the notable character on each (their bannermates are mostly remembrance bait).
>do a cheeky single (1) pull on Femperor's banner because you can't win if you don't play
>cat and rabbit run by
>no way, an SS style in one pull?!
>Azami cutscene
>get this
What the FUCK? This is just like when I pulled for Bicycle Creator and got his very first year 1 style. The odds of getting Azami's year 1 summer style in one pull are 0.00350%. I guess my bad luck has returned already. Oh yeah, and it probably doesn't need to be said but this offbanner wasn't even new, I pulled and maxed her back on release 4 years ago.
And to rub salt in the wound, I just checked my pull records and Summer Azami is one of the styles I pitied back in the day. And today's snafu was on another 4 style banner meaning once again the offbanner chance was half its usual. Of the last 12 styles I've pulled, eight were offbanners, meaning instead of being a 1/5 chance, my account has a 2/3 chance of getting offbannered. Fucking hell.
>abyssal deatchmatch romancing coop is still 0%
Just what are those retard devs doing? The challenge one is already at romancing difficulty.
The fact that nobody has done the new romancing just speaks of how detached the devs are from the game.
Literally all new content is impossible for the vast majority of players. You can load your 180k CP team and it'll still get deleted in a couple turns because you're lacking THOSE specific styles released a week ago.
Fucking ridiculous.
It's doable if you have Cat, the two final emperors and Leon, stop bitching, JP also had this shit unbeaten for weeks until people find out the right combination of characters.
Challenge is piss easy too.
>it's doable if you whaled for all those recent styles
Yeah? Welcome to Gacha
Most gachas are nowhere as bad in this regard.
Sure bro.
Two more weeks
I have Leon but not the other three, how hard is this gonna push my shit in?
First six phases are sort of doable up to Romancing as long as you have similar functions like a countertank, buff cleanser and general support, last one will probably wreck you in two rounds.
I don't have Cat and won't go out of my way to pull her since I can't guarantee the pity with my current funds, but I can still sorta push until half HP of Romancing with Fox since she can still sort of land debuffs reliably and can cleanse buffs too, but at some point I inevitably get clapped by some stray attack and it all goes down from there.
>as long as you have similar functions like a countertank, buff cleanser and general support,
Good ol' Jules is my countertank, guess I could bring Esper for buff cleansing or maybe Ellen for lots of debuffs. What does the new Cat do that's irreplaceable for this fight?
Nta but he has a point. I've played tons of gacha over the past 7 years and most of them aren't that bad, with the ones that were getting dropped pretty quick. Of the 5 I still play, RSRS is the only one that pulls that shit with the now constant p2w with very specific brand new weekly styles or wait to win, and 3 out of the 5 are pretty easy for f2p to have 100% of all gacha things (or very close, like 97%) released without ever having to spend on pulls. Funny enough, the other 2 that won't let you collect everything without whaling turbo hard are the two Square Enix gachas I still play, this one included.
>What does the new Cat do that's irreplaceable for this fight?
It's her unique support passive that keeps giving on hit omnibuffing for your whole team as long as she doesn't get hit+the STR/AGI/INT debuff stacking from two Three Point Punch in a row.
The thing with the Seven Heroes is that noly they periodically cleanse your buffs, every attack they land debuffs you, this isn't particularly important in the first six phases, but in the last one they get six attacks in a row, many of which can be AoE, even getting something like two AoE stat downs can be crippling because the seven have access to all of the nasty shit like Temptation or Psycho Bind which will cripple your team the moment they land, even if we consider evasion stacking through Fempress' inherited S3 from the pref style you can never be too sure when it comes to evading shit, you want your WIL buffing to be perfect and that's where Cat comes in, because she can debuff the Seven while also giving your team free self buffs for every attack they land, which goes through their buff cleansing too unlike round start omnibuffs.
The comp that first beat the seven in JP was, iirc, Cat, Leon, the two Femperors and Asellus on cleanse duty with Rising Nova+, people tried a variety of other tactics but this was the most effective back then.
I'm going through Challenge right now and it seems piss easy as >>1472390 said but yeah, that does sound pretty cancerous on the last health bar of Romancing. Dang, I do like Cat too but I really can't afford to chase her. I have Asellus but I'll never be able to replicate that comp you're talking about so I guess I'm gonna wait and see if any future styles can take their place. I'd be totally fine with this if it was like Firebringer or all the other attacks where they didn't slap limited time missions on them.
It's really weird that some whale like Yappi still hasn't beaten Romancing when we know about a JP comp that works using styles we have right now. Makes me wonder if the boss got tuned up for global or something.
Shit, nevermind, Challenge is piss easy until the last health bar and it keeps killing me with status. Put Matriarch on the team but it's not enough. Also wow, now that nao's dead I'm looking at gamerch and Leon is the only style global has that is still tier 0 in JP. Pretty crazy seeing the welfare Emerald Beyond styles at the top of tier 0, tier 1 and tier 2 unless those are premium ones they all got recently.
Last phase is where the real fight starts, you'll want a cleanser, both for the enemies and your team, WIL buffers, lots of DEF stacking and stable DPS options, you'll also want somebody who can give the whole team a one time evasion because at some point the seven will go into CAUTION mode and the first thing they'll do in the next round will be Soul Steal.
>you'll also want somebody who can give the whole team a one time evasion because at some point the seven will go into CAUTION mode and the first thing they'll do in the next round will be Soul Steal.
Oh fuck, I didn't even see that yet! The guaranteed IK on one party member at the start of the last health bar was bad enough. I wish I had someone who was better at debuff cleansing than Shirei, it's death to take a turn off from using his S3. Not sure if I have enough party slots for this shit.
And there we go, Challenge down. Not even gonna mess with Romancing today.
I've said it a lot, but I love Ellen so much, this latest style of hers has been so useful. It was nuts seeing her do even more damage than Kihachi, seeing her get triple passive activations on the same turn followed by doubles is the biggest high this game's gameplay has given me. Just like almost all my clears with Kihachi except Megalith Dragon, she once again couldn't die to reach her full potential. The boss never went into a caution state, so I guess that's just for Romancing.
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good luck getting the best boy anons
If I were to pull for Fempress, I am certain I would get that lizard instead.
Speaking of which, I shouldn't have checked out JP's latest banners. Lots of my faves just got new styles: Creator, Aldora, Saruin and Mirsa.
I have 15k jewels, somebody talk me out of doing some pulls to try and get this Fempress for a future sun team with the next Mirsa and Creator.
fempress can't pull off an apron as well as creator does
Yeah but I'm talking about wanting both together. She helps his next style, which is basically sun Kihachi, a lot. Then again, next Mirsa who I wanna pull anyway helps him even more...but they both stack and all work nicely and by the time he comes out, there won't be a way to get Fempress on global anymore for like half a year or more.
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for me its saruin and creator but i wonder about reprints nowadays i guess we will only get them in endless pool banners
Yeah, it was kind of sad looking at the JP banner list with all the reprints and realizing that's not gonna happen for global. It's just bottomless banners twice a year, though maybe they'll do something like the current selector deal more often, it's pretty great.
i wanted one of the qts but got meilingd
So is that last Human Male a good choice for the ticket selection? Only one that sticks out for me really (also we got 2 SSS weapons for free now as a gift for some reason, cool).
Damn, sorry to hear bro. Wouldn't wish this bad luck on anybody else.
The sword one? He's niche in that he's a counter tank for aoe fights and I can't remember any boss fights wanting that other than the rat horde. Though if you don't have Julian, he could help sword teams with Megalith Dragon I suppose.
>(also we got 2 SSS weapons for free now as a gift for some reason, cool).
Yeah, they're the Femperor/Fempress swords and damn, now I regret superevolving Fempress' SS weapon. At least I have enough SSS greatswords to kit out the whole squad now.
Ah, all this RS2 stuff is really giving me the urge to play it, but I wanted to play EB first and my backlog is huge. Also feels weird that Hector's my only big fave from RS2 and his banner's the one I'm skipping, it's just too hard to justify niche fave picks when the banner deluge is this insane.
PSA: the raid boss has a higher stat cap than the rest of the conquest and all the current records.
Depends, do you have Toji? If you do then Halloween Human M is completely pointless, and even there he's not gonna do much against Megalith Dragon, he also has nothing to give to other Human M, I wouldn't use the ticket for him, imo the better styles to use that ticket on are:
>Romancing School Ginny
If you REALLY need somebody for Death Master
>Halloween E.Girl
Still decent overall
>Halloween Apollo
Gives S3 to Pref Apollo to make him even more busted
>Swimsuit Labelle
S3 is kind of a good inherit for other Labelles and Bow needs all the help you can get
>Romancing GLEX Bert
Still decent for countertanking purposes, can get buffs from either Saruin or Emerald/Cometpants
>Romancing Pref Goddess
Only to get Light of Dawn as inherit
>Romancing Pref Liz/Polka
Emergency use for Simulation if you really need them
>Romancing Pref Forneus
Can give his skill 2 to the latest Forneus
>Romancing Pref Macha
The inherit for S3 can be good due to Sundered
>Romancing Pref Monika
Emergency support for bows but Liz is a better choice
>Rag Robin
More emergency support with S3 inherit on other Polka
>UDX Bald Galahad
Still sorta decent
>SaGa Soul Maria
Good for inherits on future Crusader F
>SaGa Soul Kristoff
Can give S3 to the current Georg on Fempress' banner
>SaGa Soul Epaminondas
Can give S3 to current Hannibal
>UDX Minstrel
Eclater D'Arme can be augmented and given to Pref Minstrel if you have him

I'm probably forgetting something but that's more or less the more useful styles you can get with your free ticket
No, I dont have Toji. Maybe I could try picking him or swimsuit Labelle since I have her last style besides that one

Might look at him since I have him now on my quest for Tambora (which I had to pity but grabbed Fempress on the meantime)

>H Apollo
Sadly I didnt pulled on his latest banner bc I was saving for Saruin and Cometpants. Could try to get him and wait for a reprint but it might be a long time and stuff might change then

Will look at her kit, didnt pulled for her horse style which apparently goes insane with the new Shirei

Now I have more time to think properly so thank you for your output.
Now that I entered the game, it all comes down to either Epaminodas or Labelle, but waifu with a nice kit? Yeah I'm going in. Thanks anon!
To add some more choices, there's also
>GLEX Therese
Really good if you got her bonkers new style from Leon's banner. You can inherit her S2 to the new style because it launches two separate attacks, triggering all of her first passives stuff again.
The one at the top of the list, he's a good pick for the same reason as Therese, inherit the S2 from this style to his newest one if you have it because it launches 2 attacks. Getting an extra stack of +50% ATK every turn really pumps up his damage.
>Saturn Blade Ellen
She's listed at the top of the Romancing Festival list, Saturn Blade is nice to give to Ellen's latest style if you have it.
>GLEX Melissa and/or first Melissa
The latest Liz has shown us how useful Dragon's Blessing+ is, but you can't bring Liz to staff remembrance so this is your only other source. The spell is from her first style, but you would want to use it on her GLEX style.
>Halloween Creator
2 turns of Sunder/Intimidate instead of one to give his 2nd latest style.
>Valentine's Matriarch
Her S3 was really expensive but now we're in an era where it's easy to spam 13 BP skills every turn, there's been a number of clears of hard content I've seen like Firebringer where people used this skill.
>Poolside Tatyana
If you have her latest style, you can get this one and inherit S3 to hit cold weakness and trigger her follow-ups which will still do massive damage vs neutral. The only caveat is you needed to hit weakness to get the ball rolling and this lets you do that on fights that aren't weak to blunt. Her Halloween style does the same thing for dark.
Shoot, hope I wasn't too late to give ya these extra options!
Oh not at all, this options are quite good too. I so have the latest Charl and Melissa + H Creator and Valentines Matriarch. Tatyana was an option indeed but her current kit is already good too so its also a nice acquisition. Therese would be insane but at 48k jewels and her being the only missed from Leon's banner, I cant take many risks. Appreciate it
No problem, I also had to skip Therese unfortunately 'cause I got Leon first and very early. If you can't choose between 2 of the ticket choices, a second ticket is only 1000 jewels so there's that to consider. I'm probably gonna grab Sif simply because I wanna complete another fave of mine.
Wew, stage 3 of Megalith Dragon is the farthest I can push axes for now thanks to Ellen, Darius and Thorpe. I hope by the time Nemesis comes, she'll help me clear stage 5. Looks like Dion's highly rated on JP too, which is awesome.
My cope is that whales are grinding the new stat cap before they try Seven Heroes Romancing again.
New stat cap won't do anything.
People are probably waiting to see if the next banner is Eire in case they missed some of the key styles from the previous ones, if Eire is in and they buffed her she might be the key to win the current campaign in time, or maybe not, lol
Then I don't get why we don't have a single win on Earth yet, the needed styles are all on current banners so any whale can swipe and have a winning team up and ready within 24 hours.
gonna guess that other anon was correct and romancing was buffed for global
>6 bear copies
>had to pity leon
nice game
At least you got him Bearbro, having to pity is infinitely better than not getting Leon. Now rest, anniversary is almost here.
is that why we're at zero in co-op conquest?
New content is downright impossible for 99.99% of the players.
Ugh I should have only chased one, had to hit pity on both. Guess I'll be skipping everything until Valentines.
You can have my 8 Kongmings.
Yep. Only 1 person needs to beat the Romancing Seven Heroes boss 1 time, and everyone on the server gets 500 jewels. But nobody has yet, not even the whales.
Damn, 90k's a lot. At least they're good for the foreseeable future.

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