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>open mahjong soul
>look inside
>blue archive
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explains the amount of references to chinese culture, but why would they make it about Riichi mahjong instead of the normal one
Probably the same reason Blue Archive characters have Japanese name even though the developers are Korean - the correlation between liking the anime art aesthetic and loving all things Japanese
we are talking purely from a gameplay perspective, which other than raising e-peen points the gacha still has no bearing on how the game is played whatsoever
makes sense, many thanks
got my first yakuman today btw, good feeling

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Thoughts on Supercell?
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It was funny to see them get BTFO'd off Wikipedia, which is a relatively obscure fact I think more /vmg/ users should know.
World is Mine is a timeless classic
no thoughts

What's your favorite Kairosoft game?
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Game dev story
These any good? I still have free play pass for a month and I think I can just download these.
They're alright, but they're all very similar with just a different theme. Some of them have slightly deeper mechanics but in general, if you've played one you've played them all. They're also not as open-ended as you may expect of a management game.

I don't need sleep I need answers. Is mihoyo defying the CCP and promoting homosexuality among their characters? is robin secretly lesbian? COME ON HOYO I NEED ANSWERS NOW.
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shithoyo have always been yurishit
how fucking new are you lol
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This is like saying, wow, Jewish masters are electing right wing leaders across the world, so based!
What the fuck new flag is this? I thought it was the rainbow.
The heterosexual males in CN has been reported the mihoyo PR guy that has LGBTQ ngo in beijing to CCP report website. Guess they investigating or something. (NGO and LGBTQ is nono in CN)
Just that feminists in CN currently has the law power like an elderly or a child.
Plus most of them are already in the government system. Also getting a new marriage law like the french(kek) and all those fake marriage plans to rob half of the fortunes from the victim. Making the marriage rate lower.
I would say that CN are speedrunning the japan feminists era. goodnight

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Anyone here play?
yeah when I was like 8 years old
Impressed that this is still going, hope you have fun OP
I remeber I did my first erp when I was like 14 in gaia....good times...
Used to, a long time ago. Changed the password to my main account so now I can never get that shit back. I have an alt but no real desire to do anything. Ever since Tektek fucking died and the devs made their own alt version of GaiaOnline the thrill has been gone. I used to love theorycrafting up outfit ideas. Hell that was half the fucking point of Gaia for me. Along with roleplaying the thrill of a sweet avatar you could show off and swap to cool alt outfits depending on your mood on the fly was a draw. Losing a space to use a bunch of items I could never afford but would actually fucking stick around playing the marketplace and being active on Gaia trying to generate Gold to one day buy was just part of the quest. The heart of Gaia died when Tektek closed its doors. It still operates much the same I imagine. But I'm 35. Does Gaia have anything to offer anymore?

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Hi, here to share a leak.

Mortal Kombat 1 Titan Edition is coming to PS5/XB/PC/ Later on Switch on November 2024.

It includes Kombat Pack 1 + Clash of the Titans expansion.
Clash of the Titans expansion includes a brand new story mode, 9 extra characters, 9 extra kameo fighters and 1 stage with 2 variations.

Extra Characters are:

Takeda Takahashi

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no one cares

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What are some good games to play on android?
There are ports of games that work just fine on android.
The Fireboy and Watergirl browser games play perfectly fine on single player, and Deadcells also got a good port.
Point and click games like Thimbleweed Park and Yes, Your Grace! play very good as well.
There are also ports of RPGs like Atom and Baldur's Gate but I didn't try them.
I try pirating Atom but didn't work, I could try again or maybe I'll get the Play Pass.
They are all bitter money grabbers.
Best thing to do is get the PS emulator.

> be me 2017, 16M
> several woman friends (they all friendzoned me unanimously, but I receive hugs)
> I love Clash Royale, but need something more relaxing and without emoji spamming whores
> evolution games are popular, but getting bored
> I browse the play store and find a niche evolution game that's not like the other dumb entries, called Alien Evolution (pic related)
> love.png
> I grind the fuck out of this shit
> The game has horrible ads spamming the top of the phone, and intrusive ads promoting other games from the publisher
> Intrusive microtransactions all over the place
> I have to eat ads like russians eat bullets, in exchange the game gives me more humans to feed my beast and nuclear waste
> The apk crashes constantly and, every 1 to 2 minutes, I have to let my mobile rest, otherwise it burns so much that I cannot touch it
> The apk won't even open sometimes.jpeg
> Yet this was the best game I've ever played, period.

> Be me, 2024

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because evolution games are the best phone games
So, were you able to find an apk file for the game? Or is it lost to time now?
for op
btw you can play this offline
is there anything like clash royal but without the pay for this and that?
you were younger

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A train of thought that popped up and I've been mulling about in my head, and wanted to see what you guys think. Don't tell me to take my fucking meds, I'll do that later, just hear me out for a minute.

We all know waifu and husbando collection games both have their own group of whales. I'm talking the hardcore paypig kind. The ones that can shell out enough money to pay for all the operating costs all by themselves. Those kinds of whales. They play their respective waifu/husbando games, because it ONLY has women or men, and will refuse to touch any game that has the opposite. Obviously you can't wring money out of both these groups at once, so all gachas that do target these whales will pick a lane and stay in it. Arknights and Genshin have both genders and big whales, but they don't attract the ones I mentioned earlier.

So what if you decided that you'll be the first to double dip and snag both parties, well how would you do that? You can't go with Granblue's "everyone is protagonist-sexual" philosophy, because these whales will run away at the mere notion of the same gender being in the gacha pool. Or will they?

Now, I can't put myself into the head of one of these whales to really see things from their point of view, so from this point forward will likely just be me schizoposting into the void.
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a successful game like that could have a very interesting media presence and fanbase interactions
Sauce for pix?
>Of course, there's always the chance that the whales we've been targeting this entire time take one look at the game, see a man/woman in it, and are immediately turned off without looking into it. In this case, the gacha has already failed to do what it was set out to do.
>the chance
it's 100% of the time for anyone worth targeting
if blue archive falls to the male plague you can kiss goodbye the entire whale audience
lately there's been too many retcons and story addons that add non selfinsert relationships in the story
AI chatbots are the future and nexon is already investing
A game where all characters are crossdressing shota. Should it work for both whales.
For those who want a real husband... if you pay enough you can make your hero not to cd.
For thos who want a real waifu... if you pay enough you can make your hero to grow tits and/or cut his dick.

No need to thank me.
make a gacha that makes anime girls real and you will swim in money

I can’t find the game, it was in the play store but now it’s not there. Perhaps the reason for this is updating my smartphone. The game was in the battle royale genre. First-person view.You could play with or without the Internet.I would be grateful if you write the name of the game or send me a link. The logo is something like this.
(Google translator)
i dont know it

Apple has allowed emulators on the App Store now so you don’t have to do a bunch of jailbreak nonsense to play retro games now, you can just download the program and play easy peasy. Surprised no one is talking about this on here. Just wish ps1 and ps2 games were available to
Not like you cannot do it before
Theres also not much to discuss about emulation, its there for you to enjoy, but it wont go away nor have anything new
>Just wish ps1 and ps2 games were available too
heard that provenance may come soon
Really good emulator, not optimized for iPad, wont fill the full screen. Its good but honestly cant wait for newer emulators, PS2 emulation would be amazing, the iPad pro's can easily handle it.

Good morning sir.
why are they not getting sued or whatever

How the fuck is NOBODY on this board talking about slice and dice?
>Demo with One IAP to unlock full game, can even buy on itch.io and get a windows copy and android in one purchase
>Absolute fuckloads of content with plenty of characters, enemies, items and modes
>Tight game and good design despite RNG
Maybe its just early days for me but this is the first game I have played since Slay the Spire or Dream Quest that has captured the "magic" of those games, and if anyone on this gacha ridden board knows what im talking about, that alone should make you go play the demo of this game NOW.
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If I skip my last T2 hero and leave him at T1, will he get T3 eventually or am I forced to upgrade him to T2 next time a level up happens?

Forced, you can't get T3 heroes if your whole party ain't T2, that's one of the downsides of playing with coffin and one of the upsides of playing with housecat
It seems like there's more chatter between characters. A small detail but cool.
Sucks ass
it looks bad

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A while ago when I was barely 6 years old I remember playing a mobile game that was about a sleeping child where in his dreams he fought against different types of nightmares or something like that, every time you finished a level you pressed an alarm clock to finish the level, depending Depending on how you did it you will have 3 stars, however you lost the name of the game; If anyone of you can know the name of the game I will be grateful
no idea

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Anyone here play pocket camp? Do you think we can make this a regular thing?
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Name of this game pls?
it's not released yet
i too miss the days animal crossing was a hardcore life simulation
animal crossing is a dead franchise
bitches who spend shitloads on sims 4 dlcs ruined it when they infiltrated during the covid and got overly defensive over the valid criticisms of acnh from long time fans
I don't like Animal Crossing

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Pendulum debut in JP soon
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Anniversary Marianne with original KMF

Protagonist, Lelouch and Nunnally

C.C.'s banner comes later
cool, but why tho
Where's my four-star ticket motherfucker
You promised
no one else randomly got one? that's super weird
Are you sure it wasn't from something else, I'm sitting at two 4*s even though I spent the early-game one and maybe something else

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