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I refuse to play wargames or TTRPGs with people who unironically like and enjoy the Horus Heresy novel series. I have personally found they are invariably derivative, autistic fags who don't understand the appeal of /ourguys/ are are mainly interested in wargames/TTRPGs because of some OCD desire to collect information.

Am I wrong?
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I wouldn't mind the HH novels if they were competently written bit they're not. They're the scifi equivalent of Mills and Boon slop cranked out for tasteless paypigs. The idea of the horus heresy is fine.
I've never read the series.
I just stole the luna gene cults as the basis for my GSC army after I did some googling for various gene science groups in 40k
>HH fags have frequently wanted orcs
Yet they don't have them.
>you are all mentally mind broken and in an effort to be “accepted” by other 4channers you hate something because you saw a post telling you to hate it
>w-w-w-WHAT?! you don't like [THING I LIKE]?! you must be....LE BRAINWASHED!!
God I hate consoomers.

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Do you gamble?
I started going to the casino to spend a couple hours. I watched a bunch of Steven Bridges card counting videos.
I went to a local tribal casino and played Blackjack, I think I got lucky but I think they could tell I was trying to card count. Either way I suck at it and gave up.
Next I tried the machine that lets you play Craps.
Do you like Craps? It's fun I play the Wizard of Odds simulator a lot. You can get lucky and win a lot or just 7 out. When I try betting real money it 7 outs so much I gave up on it.
I'm settling on slots. They are supposed to be the worst return but at least they try to entertain you.
Unfortunately slots are expensive. Seems like it will cost anywhere between $500-$1000 to sit in front of a machine for an hour and play $.50 bets.

This seems really expensive. I can do $100/hour. I know they have a 90% payback but that doesn't usually happen.
It's shocking to see how many people are at the casino, I play conservatively and can barely make $100 last an hour. I can't imagine how much everyone is losing sitting in front of those slots.
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Are you arguing that you should place bets on games for money or are you just using too many words to say that you need to take risks sometimes?
I didn't write it to get into state college. I wrote it for someone who works hard and was going to gamble poorly anyway so they can have a chance at understanding and winning too.
Yeah, slots definitely can be expensive for a variety of reasons.
>A few tips to get more play out of slots and have a better chance of winning
>If your bankroll is $100 per visit, never risk more then 1-2% MAX of your bankroll per spin
>in this situation the ideal game would be $1.90-$2.00 per spin
>not sure it matters much which denomination you play as long as you are not risking greater then $2.00 per spin meaning a .25 cent denomination with 4 lines and 2 credits per line would be $2.00 or play one credit on a single line for dollar denomination if that makes sense
>Don’t sperg out and try to spin through your bankroll as fast as possible, between each spin wait 30 seconds or scroll on 4chan between spins to extend your play
>When you start doing this and looking around you realize how people blow money so fast they are like crackheads trying to get that hit of dopamine by spinning the slot as fast as they can
>next tip is to limit yourself to say $10.00 or $15.00 per machine, meaning that if you spin 10-15 times and lose completely unless you are REALLY enjoying the game you’re playing get up walk a few laps around the floor, get some water from the bar and look for a different game to play
>If your max risk is $1-$2.00 per spin and you are playing about 10-15 spins per game you should be able to play at least 3-4 different games and extend your play by waking around maybe socializing and just not spinning through your money so fast
>The final tip is if you make 25%-100% of your initial coin-in cash out and move on to a different game
>If I put in $15.00 and I get it up to $20-$30.00 and stop. I will either win enough to break even and profit or I will be able to cash out a few tickets when I leave to offset some of the losses I took.

Hope that helps anon, lots of good tips on how to be a good player on YouTube, that’s how I learned how to make my money last longer and have a better experience.
Fair enough, at least you know your audience and you’re communicating at a level that should connect with them.
I only argue for a positive progression strategy as outlined in my screenshot of text. Once your tolerated pot is gone, your next job is to refill it... by going back to work

Also, as you get to stopping points that can pay off bills, I would hope the player would take care of that first before gambling away money that could help them. But I'm not about to pass a law or anything.

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Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
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This thread should be removed from the board
why do you hate women?
NTA but why wouldn't i
>Liked Warhammer
Anon, I think you fucked up.
"Normal" does not in any way describe someone who lives in a 600,000 dollar house, dumbass.

VGH Warhammer the Old World, just like my ancestors played

No seriously, what is this abomination? Look at it.

I'm in a couple of the Facebook groups and see people posting about "tournament win percentages" and "balance datasheets"

nuGW has absolutely poisoned the brains of anyone who's involved themselves with their products this last decade
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Not OP; I personally don't have any problems with the terrain itself, but that layout is trash; nothing in the middle makes for the most vanilla game possible (where your entire army just slams into your opponent until someone's dead). >>92798179 is better, but not great (the 2 big buildings need to get out of DZs. The rock in the bottom is especially bad; you're going to have to deal with it when you deploy, then not interact with it at all). >>92799975 is best; everything's off the board edges, plenty of room to maneuver.
Warmaster has better rules, less fiddly bullshit, is at the proper scale and is out of the hands of GW so is good. Models are wildly available and the rules are entirely free these days.

GW dropping Warmaster in favor of putting even bigger and less practical models into WHFB was the best thing that ever happened to Warmaster.
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I built a sick one back in the day. Still remember every step, gonna do it again
I see no issue. What do you need? You play with what you have available. Better than not playing at all.
My buddies tried to convince me to play old world at adepticon this year. I saw the writing on the wall when they were all being hyper competitive about it. Got to watch some of the event and it was full of cocky power gamers and half the participants were quitting each event midway through. Meanwhile the battletech and herest events were a blast.
If all of you fantasyfags had actually bought and played fantasy the first time than AoS would have never had to happen.

You made your bed, now sleep in it. Don't bitch to us that is has Stormcast Eternals bedsheets.

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Is Boardgamesmaker a scam? My order is two months overdue. What can I d
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This thread is gay.
You're ga
Hey guys what’s going on in this thr
I know it's just done to annoy people like me, but it makes the joke less funny when people do it wrong. The reason people get taken is because they use his name. It draws his attention. The joke is the anticipation of when or if someone is going to be taken, coming down to if they stumble into the trigger-word or not. If every dumb schmuck gets jacked then there's no tension, and thus no relief from tension, which is the entire psychological function of humor in the first place. And it comes across as more than a failure of humor, it's a failure to observe and interpret the behavior of others. The candlejack meme is a litmus test for who needs to lurkm
I'm going to need more rope.

With the new edition of AoS now previewed, just how many boxes of Dominion do you think will go to landfill?
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They will oveproduce the fuck out of it again, with the foolish thought that videogame secondaries buy models
the future is now old man
>Most likely all of fantasy will be permanently discontinued and it will be 40K all the way.

Then I can finally abandon GW.
>Prices always go up.
I'm trying to figure out if you know less about technology or economics. The floor is really low desu. More like an abyss made of brain.
people literally do not buy stormcast; they get them for free as a consequence of buying intro products.

post riddles, answer riddles

a tail with no body, a head with no brain
what am i
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It's got to be penis
sphynx sexo
Wizard Papoose/CrazyDiamond, I still remember. Hopefully your crazy girlfriend didn't eat your heart or something.
There is no wind, yet my hair sways
There is no hope, yet my hands reach out
My road is shorter and straighter than yours
If I were to look down, I would see its end
who am I?
One of those horrible hairy deepsea creatures

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I would set the challenges to be ones attainable at the right character level to qualify via prereqs, but like, they could take on the job a bit earlier, so they can get it done by the time they would qualify, and then they have a trainer.
You have to Rename them to have the same filename with different extensions then 7z can handle it.
Shit, right, catbox fucked the names.
For reference, the original names were
>Wotc website archive_SPLIT.zip.001
>Wotc website archive_SPLIT.zip.002
>Wotc website archive_SPLIT.zip.003
I send you gratitude from a small town in Argentina, kind stranger ^_^
And here was I thinking I was the only south American in these threads.
Anyhow, I'm the anon that was talking about scraping online forums for transcripts of PBP sessions.
Well, I managed to put that off until now.
I'm pretty sure the script is almost done too. It's running now, and if the result if good, I might as well post it here for you guys.

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In my 10 years of roleplay I have been excited about the story ONCE.

It was literally my first session ever. A one-on-one D&D session. My GM was obviously making shit up as we went, but I had a blast. Literally just dropped me into a generic city and let me loose. It ended on a cliffhanger and I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. I never even read the rules. And from his smiling, I could tell he was having a blast too improvising through my noob blunders and in-the-moment spontaneous randomness. "Oh oh I wanna check out the tavern! Oh oh I wanna talk to the old lady at the marketplace! Oh oh I wanna arm-wrestle a guard!"

Session two unfortunately never happened.

When I look at the games I've been in, they fall into two categories:
-Oneshots that the players grew tired of by the end, from initial excitement at the start deteriorating to "it was okay" or "meh"
-Campaigns that the players were only in to see their characters become mechanically stronger by the end, from initial excitement at the start to monotone spreadsheet simulation

My impression is that so-called "storytelling" games don't make players excited for the story any more than "trad" games. It actually comes down to the GM and players. Passive players make the story boring. GMs that don't adapt to the players make the story boring.

So system doesn't really matter. Your group just fucking sucks at roleplay.
Yeah, it's all about the group. Not really a new idea. Most players, especially the shitty, dopamine-addicted nu-players of the past decade, aren't interested in anything but a shallow power fantasy. You can't do anything with people like that.
I've been excited about the story for pretty much every campaign I've seriously enjoyed. The narrative is a major aspect of what I enjoy about rpgs.

>My impression is that so-called "storytelling" games don't make players excited for the story any more than "trad" games. It actually comes down to the GM and players. Passive players make the story boring. GMs that don't adapt to the players make the story boring.
Obviously, the group matters more than the system. No shit. My group plays tends to play crunch-heavy systems and it's never got in the way of building a compelling narrative.

>So system doesn't really matter. Your group just fucking sucks at roleplay.
No. My group is great at roleplay. You're the one who's never been excited about a game's story so it's you and you group who are unimaginative and uninteresting roleplaylet faggots.
Seriously bro, what's with the pointlessly confrontational last line?
>have PCs
>PCs have goals
>PCs try to pursue those goals
there. now you've got a good story that the players will care about.
>My impression is that so-called "storytelling" games don't make players excited for the story any more than "trad" games. It actually comes down to the GM and players. Passive players make the story boring. GMs that don't adapt to the players make the story boring.

>So system doesn't really matter. Your group just fucking sucks at roleplay.

This is an accurate take, yes. I have had a table full of empty chairs where I was DMing my heart out in a desperate attempt to get them to engage with the setting, and there's nothing more frustrating than players who wont even try to engage with the story and leave you to slam it down their throat at maximum speed.

On the contrary, I've had parties where the players really were genuinely interested in progressing their plots and stories because they had some kind of vague or real interest in their characters, the campaign setting or otherwise, and in those campaigns it didn't matter how much prep I did or had, it seemed to always go pretty good.

The biggest lesson people seem to fail to learn is that, once you're a sufficiently skilled DM, it no longer is about you. Once you can run a game without making wild or massive faux pas or just learn not to ruin the campaign by being a stupid little shithead, it's all about how well your players have been taught to actually play the game instead of being forcibly intubated with ankle-deep content via APs, pregens, modules, precons, whatever you call them.

A DM can only do so much if his players aren't willing to take the hook. It's one thing to have a disruptive player who disregards your hooks, it's another to have an entire table full of players who simply wont bite.
Me. Most of the times the DMs have made a world or setting or characters that I thought were interesting.

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Anyone played this? How does it compare to the Free League game for Aliens style colonial marine campaigns?
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No it's the ancient RPG but it's made by the same company.
I used to have a PDF of it, and while I was always interested in giving it a shot, I think Free League's ALIEN RPG with the Colonial Marine supplement is probably the better option; it's a much more 'playable' game.


It was tediously detailed but quite fun. IIRC the base mechanic was to roll, consult a table and add a crap load of modifiers to get anything done based on the difficulty of the task and your mastery level of the thing. Depending on how smart you were determined how long something took and how many actions you could take and target-your result = degree of success with +10 being catastrophic failure and -10 incredible success (eg. Target 25 - your result of 12 = +13). For most things this meant blowing up or crashing or doing some kind of crazy shit.

Everyone is a jack of trades to a degree and the character generation system was a fun as depending on how well you rolled and where you put points you could create pretty much any type of character.

But the combat was stupid as hell because you'd roll to hit using your gun stat, then find out the location, then determine if it was a penetrating hit or glancing shot, then see if you'd cause injury. It was never quick.

Strangely now that I think about it may be pretty dm good to do an XCom game with.
That does sound cool.
>then find out the location, then determine if it was a penetrating hit or glancing shot, then see if you'd cause injury. It was never quick.
>Strangely now that I think about it may be pretty dm good to do an XCom game with.
Yeah, that is exactly what x-com did, in that order too.

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what's your favorite dungeon crawler setting?
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Looks dead to me.
Frostgrave, unironically
>Sea of Fish
Greyhawk. That's where all the original dungeons come from.
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My homebrew.

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>the city has a thieves guild

What other worldbuilding tropes make your eyes roll into your head?
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Yeah this why creators of Trench crusade don't want you
>when you try to pull off a cunning plan but need a thief
>you find out the Thieves Guild is actually an oversight body for the various guilds governing theft, robbery, swindling of all kinds
>you finally hire a guild approved contractor only for him to point out he's a cutpurse and your plan requires a sneak-thief and cannot participate without violating bylaws but will be keeping his fee
>you finally find a sneak-thief only to find the Cutpurse Guild has informed your target, as allowed per their agreement with local authorities, and have to redo your entire plan but still owe the sneak-thief his fee
>you finally decide to waylay your target when he travels to his country manor only to find the Highwayman Guild doesn't allow actions to be taken on holidays
>you pay some brigands and go ahead only for the Thieves Guild to put a bounty on your head for scabbing
Kill yourself faggot cocksucker
What would be the best guild to destroy the thieves guild? All in terms of capability, willingness and follow through without issues or impediments.

Without getting any problems of our own from anyone regardless of whether it's the thieves of the guys we hired or anyone else.
>What would be the best guild to destroy the thieves guild? All in terms of capability, willingness and follow through without issues or impediments.
>Without getting any problems of our own from anyone regardless of whether it's the thieves of the guys we hired or anyone else.
Never mind.

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What are the best post-apocalypse games and what makes them great?

>Gamma World
>Mutant Crawl Classics
>Mutant Year Zero
>Twilight 2000
>After the Bomb
>Atomic Highway
>Fallout, I guess?

Post your faves and also post-apoc pics.
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you know the downside of unclean water is the amoebas that eat at your brain right?
Anyone tried GeneStorm? I really enjoyed the novels.
90% of palladium games are post apocalyptic
>with less stupid writing.
How can you call an epic war campaign where the Illinois Nazis run an empire and how they were nearly devastated because a drugged up super soldier mistook someone for someone else stupid? Why, that's QUALITY writing!
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I was very disappointed to find out the armor was, in fact, not for dolphins but for humans.

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Why does Ursula have a clone?
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It's called artifical scarcity. They know exactly how much to print, so they undershoot that so they can point to how the game is selling out every time.

And they don't want to piss off the knvestors who just turn around and sell the singles because those people will buy entire stores out of inventory with zero intention of ever playing the game. And since stores largely want to appease the WAAC net decking cunts they don't print more stuff and encourage the stores to get people playing sealed and draft because previously mentioned cunts hate having to be on equal footing and think for themselves.
I'm getting a booster box and the 2 starters. Hope I get an enchanted.
>play Magic for 10+ years
>at some point delude myself into thinking grinding comp events as a side hustle is a good idea
>grind events when possible
>cash several smaller ones and top some GP's and Opens
>never satisfied with the ratio of money put into the game vs out
>quit Magic when Universes Beyond starts taking off
>start playing Lorcana casually a few months ago
>just go to events, get promos, not traveling as much. Lots of places to play
>travel to a few different store champs and get 4 Stitches, flip them
>I've made close to $3000 playing this game extremely casually compared to how I played Magic

This game is a wealth redistribution vessel for leeching Disney adults dry
Yeah the store champ promos are really good. I can't fathom how much the regional+ promos with fetch.
No luck on the Enchanted, but I'm very much looking forward to what sort of evil I can come up with in the form of a Hero deck.

So will Bolt Action defeat the 3rd edition curse that strikes non-GW games that have captured the attention of 40k refugees? Seems that or 4th are the editions that everyone fucks up and that kills the playerbase.
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it is, until recently I was a big fan of warlord (moreso the minis than the rule sets which are okay at best).

For me the realisation that with all the new game releases nothing of interest had been released so i needed up never using my warlord membership and my built up warlord points ended up expiring.

Resin was the final straw, if they released those tanker packs a few years ago id have bought one of each.

I suspect art of it is them trying to pump up numbers so airfix will buy the outright for more money.
also they used to have proper articles with conversions and shit, now its all barely disguised ads by one overworked guy
Have you tried not being poor?
What really did it for me was when they released their Korea expansion. I remember seeing the exclusive mini that came with the rulebook, the marine in winter gear, and thinking that they'd make a set of them which got me excited. But no, they release some koreans and shitty chinese, and for the americans you had to use the ww2-style sets they already had out. And after all that they abandoned it. That hurt. Funny that when they released bolt action korea they even said if it did well they'd do bolt action vietnam
...are you me?

I bought into korea as I liked the look of the summer british...three years later, still no command or most of the support options, all we've gotten is wave after wave (oddly fitting) of shitty chinese sculpts, i got one of the PVA officers free and I literally couldn't give him away.

Also yeah, some more winter marines would have been nice even if the guy was massively scaled compared to the rest of the ww2 Americans.

my korea book has just gathered dust.

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