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>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Prefered year of the cold war?

Remember we also have a painting challenge going until the end of September. Poor bloody infantry is the theme.

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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>Advanced Squad Leader
>AK-47 Republic
>Battleground WWII
>Black Powder
>Bolt Action
>By Fire And Sword
>Flames of War

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STDs edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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finishing up my first AOS models
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>What's more important in choosing an army: playstyle or aesthetics?
I think most armies aesthetics do a decent job of determining their playstyle.
The bases look disgusting. Good job
If you play the game fairly regularly then the playstyle is really important. Keep in mind that rules and playstyle is a different thing.

Obviously the aesthetics is also important, but it can't be the only factor. To find a truly 'your' army you need to have both playstyle and aesthetics to fit your taste. And there might be no such army in the whole game. So you need to look for a different game and hope that it has a decent local community and not just 3 dudes that are playing it in a different city.
>if you don't like the aesthetic you'll never do anything with the models
>if you don't like the playstyle the worst thing that happens is your awesome models will spend most of their time doing what they'd do even if you play with them: sitting on your shelf looking cool
>They are both important.
I'm not sure how you can make a reasonable assessment like this and not realize that one of these things is vastly more important than the other.

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Dancers of the War variety

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

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>people aren't taking 5+ magic items in most lists unless they're trying to fill points
I am confident that between banners and magic items a lot of lists go well over 5.
My sorcerer lord alone usually takes 3, 4 if I give him a power scroll. My bsb takes the blasted standard and daemonic splendor. My regular sorcerer takes 2 magic items as well.
If you have a fighty character they will often have the ogre blade. You will also almost always take the talisman of preservation and more often than not whatever your factions defensive magic item is (trollhide trousers/rejuvination bead/etc), you will then more often than not take a ruby ring of ruin, and many armies have "must take" arcane items, if youre bretonnia theres also the falcon horn
And then you have magic banners, of which most armies are likely to have at least one.
Did the cult of Sigmar know that the real Ghal Maraz was missing, and that they were using a Replica between the reigns of Sigmar and Karl Franz?
GW might just retcon it so that's it the real ghal maraz at this time( I think the Core rulebook has a sidebar that completely contradicts TEW) though I don't really know why it's not like Magnus is shown to have used it.
however in WFRP lore the Arch lector and some scholars knew it was fake but basically everyone else was perfectly willing to see the lie instead

Why don't folks like ultramarines for real tho. I've always loved them. After 10,000 years they're still among the top chapters with pure power in regards. Their drip is beyond measure. They're just good at everything they do. And look GREAT doing it. Got the most well rounded primarch of all of them shy of maybe the lion. Currently RUNS the imperium. We even got mfkn marneus calgar. Our symbol means ULTRA dawg were just better. Plus ask the orks were lucky
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/pol/tard schizo post, just ignore it.
They literally, proudly announced they were going to cut the "outdated, misogynist and transphobic humor of past /tg/", nice try faggot.
I don't dislike them, but only recently were they anything but the boring, flavorless baseline, every chapter was better that they are.

It’s All Greek To Me Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback or post whatever relevant input you might have!

Last Thread: >>93826727

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>Are there elements in your setting (armor, weapons, monsters, etc.) that were inspired by the Greco-Roman world, and what are they if so?

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Okay I have an idea now
>Territory is originally human occupied
>Trolls in the area drive out humans
>Humans take and lose territory
>When most of the territory is lost to trolls in a period of human weakness, the monstrous race attacks the trolls
>Monstrous race has race-specific magic that is OP vs the trolls and wipes them out
>Humans claim the land is theirs because they occupied it first (many structures in the territory and roads were human built)
>Monstrous race claim the land because they fought and won it from the trolls, which the humans could not (after trolls attacked, some areas were never occupied again by humans)
>Area is also good mountainous defense and has lots of metal in the mountains
>Fighting erupts again, this time the land is split approximately 50/50
>Uneasy truce is reached after a time
>Monstrous race controls most of the river sources and dam them to limit human populations
>Humans control most of the metal rich areas and block them off from the monsters

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no u
Is the land called Gaza and West Bank?
No, I actually based the idea off Eustace Osgrey and Rohanne Webber in the Sworn Sword by GRRM. Notably the part where Webber dams the river leading into Chequy lands.
Works roughly.

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We will never again have a new setting as kino as Dark Sun.
Any of you guys still play this?
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That's not how I use it, that's how everyone else uses it, that's my fucking point.
>snake priest was totally mad max
>i'm smart and totally not born to a drunken whore who couldn't abstain from drinking while pregnant with my afs retard ass
I think you're not seeing the forest for the trees when it comes to the power level of Dark Sun--defiling magic is not the only change from "standard" D&D. Anyway, my point about attribute tables is that you get MORE power in 5e (which I'd unfortunately have to run because my players only play that system) compared to 2e, so scaling back to 3d6 in 5e would also scale back PC power somewhat. Secondly, 5d4 vs 4d6 drop low averages about the same. The difference is 5e4 will trend more toward the middle. I've never viewed DS as high power and I can't recall others making the claim that it is but I'll dust off my DS books and reread them before I attempt to run a game and try to see it from your point of view. The last time I bought a DS book was almost 30 years ago and last time I GMd a game for it was probably 25 years ago. Christ I'm gonna die soon.
Dark Sun has much, much more in common with Den/Neverwhere and John Carter of Mars than Conan. People have to be basing their DarkSun = Conan comparisons on the covers of books they haven't read.
>People have to be basing their [...] comparisons on the covers of books they haven't read.
I mean ... it is /tg/ and that fits like a condom.

>RPG Rulebooks
>Homebrew Collection (August 2024)
>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News
>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database
>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:
>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia
>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)
>Make your maps look just like FFGs

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Which game?

Also, we really need more classifications for world. Not a ton, but some nuance would be nice
Yeah, it's in the core book.
maybe I should make a guardsman PC

I think psyker is OP in dark heresy, unless my DM just isnt making it difficult enough
maybe. with nothing to go on except "it's a binary choice" we have coin flip odds that you're right or not.
well I dont know, as a psyker it feels like i'm able to do pretty much anything with the +30 to your next test power

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Previous: >>93940538

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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>4mana to kill one thing
This is far from a board wipe unless you regularly have infinite mana, even in green. To kill just 3 creatures you need 8 mana that's absurd anon. At least post ezuris predation or the artifact/enchantment sweepers they have. Or that big green dinosaur that fights everything when it etbs
Assemble the legion seems like.it would do work here
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I'm thinking of trying to squeeze Lumra into my Meren deck but I worry I don't have quite enough self-mill for the lands to be worth it and the body is just a big dumb beater. Not sure what I'd cut to make room.

This card is criminally underplayed. Freely tap down a nasty blocker on your turn, save it for combat trickery on opponents combats and I've never not drawn 4+ cards from it but usually much, much more. I love this thing
I like building block cubes, cubes made up only of cards from one block. I'm thinking of transforming it from 300 cards in random packs into 240 cards, drafted in set order. It would force drafting a little more strict, but I used to have an Alara cube that was drafted in set order and I liked it a lot. Anyone in here have opinions?

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in any setting,
what is your favorite monster?
have you ever actually used them in a game?
what was your first thought about them?
how have your opinions of the monster changed?

>The Bullette
>I like tunneling beasts
>a couple of times. I try not to overdo anything, had a variant escape from a wizard lab that shat concrete
>"oh what a nifty critter"
>"its a good solid monster. not insane power. I wonder if I can get away with wizards domesticating them, or their role in siege-craft, what about swamp Bullettes or....
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I really like treanst and monster plants.
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We need Slugcats in our lives. An intelligent companion npc that can collect things and spear chuck from the shadows.
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We need mothcats too. They're like Slutcats but they fucking stupid and adorable.
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From Grim Hollow. Unique enough to be interesting, can be strong enough to be a threat, and the setting is always cool to come upon an area with rubble and broken statue pieces areound the area.
The Zaratan. I fell in love with the Tony DiTerlizzi illustration in the 2E MM. Probably not a coincidence that Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda title.

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Both the very first and most recent table top character you rolled appears before you, with no way of returning to their worlds. They have all abilities, skills, and gear on them just like their character sheet. What do?
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>character you rolled
Fucking disgusting. I have never played a game where you roll your characters traits/stats/whatever, and I never will.
Heh. By coincidence, both characters are men of great faith, with a calling to guide others and give healing of one sort or another.

I offer that my first PC can take my place in life, because he was an overall better version of myself, and even if details differ, his family is my family. His holy blessings can do incredible good in this benighted world. I do not believe he will find supernatural monsters among us (not counting the other PC), but he can knit people back together and ease suffering in many ways.

Then I address my latest PC, informing him that I am the god he has long sought. I made him, know all his secrets, watched over him on his long journey, and can attest to all this with utter conviction. His new task is to assemble a cult, then use those cultists and his psychic powers to remake the world to be more in line with my desires. He is more powerful than the first PC, with a sinister charm, so many will be swayed by the zealous light in his eyes. And for those who get in our way, he knows many mysteries of the flesh, including how to break it.
Kinda saved. It'll probably a nice afternoon learning about pirate adventures and such while me and my last nervously try not to piss off the demigod.
>generic goody-two-shoes jedi
I guess the world has a starship now
>fat dumb fish princess
Does her demesne count as gear? The six cities sre technically on *a* character sheet, even if it's only kinda adjacent to the main stats
>both are men
I ask them to leave.

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About to run a scifi game and would like suggestions for horrible/funny ways people could have been killed in space. Aiming for Byford Dolphin Incident tier.
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Any word on your janitor application?
Go play some SS13, that will help
You pathetic wannabe janny trannies are the reason why I don't come to /tg/ anymore
Ship gets hit by neuton burst and because you weren't in the storm cellar you immediately receive 50x the lethal dose of radiation
If I was in the backyard behind the spaceship can I at least make a save to run for cover?

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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>Humbly requesting some TORG books
>Kindly requesting the following books
>Politely requesting any of the following
Nothing Humble, kind, nor polite in any of these shitty posts. FOMO is a terrible affliction.
Half of them are in existing troves, the other half are easily finable or have not be released into the wild. Being lazy and stupid and entitled are all choices you have made.
Joining this Humble RequestHHKU
O-S-Rchive is back up. It would have been back up 5 hours ago but I decided to have a long island on the porch and a read after lunch, and drifted into a nap after that. I know, it as selfish to put all that first.
Thanks to my donors for the new stuff!
Can anybody share the updated foundry module for the PF2e Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual? The usual place only has the first one, and the one in the regular PF repository is out of date.
Looking for a copy of "In High Dudgeon" for Mythras by TDM.

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So, is Titus now the face/main character of 40K? This is very odd.
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>in coke
What? Is this some murrican thing I'm too European to understand?
>Its /v/ who also brought Oldhammer back
What oldhammer? Space Marine 2 is nuhammer, it have all nu GW bullshit starting with primaris.
Considering how many AAA flops there have been recently, I wouldn't take their self described reliability indicators at face value.
High Fructose Corn Syrup(HFCS) is a sugar dense liquid so it is easier to transport and incorporate into a production line than a powder.
Organic powders are a notorious fire and even explosion hazard
It's more to do with corn being cheaper than dirt thanks to wildly generous government subsidies. Anything you could use corn or a corn byproduct for will be cheaper 100% of the time. Sometimes it's even cheaper than not having anything at all.
I know what is it, but what have it to do with coke?

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A new Dawn edition
Previous Thread: >>93908502

Aquilon rules preview

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:

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go play video games
wanna paint my kitbashes? I build, you paint, we play?
sounds good, having different models as a palette cleanser is always fun
What'd you make that train out of?

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What game has your favorite list of base skills? And what games do you consider to have a robust and well considered skill list? Where there arnt skills that seem way more useful/worthless then others, or skills that are too niche or too broadly useful?
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Herbert's Bene Gesserit, literally.
>La Blue Girl
>Taimanen Asagi
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>clear diametrically opposed stats
>instantly see character archetype based on stat spread
> physical vs mental dichotomy spliced with force vs finesse

S+ tier
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I'm trying to come up with a list of skills for an urban fantasy/paranormal investigation system. I want a good set of skills where none feel too niche or useless. Ideally I want every character to have to roll every skill at least once every 2-3 sessions.

I think a list of 10 skills is a decent number for my purposes. So far I've come up with:
>Perception (general awareness, finding things, driving)
>Athletics (running, jumping, climbing, moving heavy stuff)
>Larceny (stealth, lockpicking, pickpocketing)
>Fighting (brawling and meele weapons)
>Aiming (range weapons from crossbows to grenades)
>Survival (using rope and traps, animal ken, tracking, resistance to the elements)
>Occult (rituals, exorcisms, general occult lore)
>Academics (general knowledge of science and humanities)
>Persuasion (charm, deception, reading people)
>Technology (computers, electronics, engineering)

Thoughts? Am I missing something obvious?
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