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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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How do I convince my city filled with mouthbreathing 5E players to play OSR?wg2tky
Pitch it as "Retro," "Nintendo Hard," or "Dark Souls" D&D
Step right up! Test your luck and wits in the deathtrap dungeon! Minimize buy-in. Pitch it as fast, casual, low-prep, show up, roll a couple characters, go into the dungeon, probably die, laugh, try again. Pitch it with pregens if you have to. Give them problem-solving challenges in, like, the second room. "How do we get across this ravine with just the equipment we have?" The faster you get them in the game, thinking about the situation, and making decisions the better.
Is the faster to hit progression fighters have in adnd compared to bx counterbalanced somewhere else in the system, or are adnd fighters just stronger?
Then just make a note in the thread that you made a new gallery rather than changing the pastebin. It's been the same for years at this point and regularly maintained: there's no need to hijack it.

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What are the best post-apocalypse games and what makes them great?

>Gamma World
>Mutant Crawl Classics
>Mutant Year Zero
>Twilight 2000
>After the Bomb
>Atomic Highway
>Fallout, I guess?

Post your faves and also post-apoc pics.
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No deadEarth? What the fuck?
Explain what that is.
Probably the best post-apoc game in the universe. The plus is that it is free, you can google it and find all the books.
>great, even
This is some expert trolling right here. Isn't deadEarth considered the 3rd or 4th-worst RPG ever made?
Yep, it brings the concept of shitty RPGs to a whole new level

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what are the best RPGs for women?
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I dunno but I got the best RPG for lesbians (after Car lesbians).
Jokes aside, I heard it had a solid social interaction system, so it runs campaigns about drama and political intrigues rather well.
every nerdy girl I've ever told about nechronica loved the sound of it and immediately wanted in.
zombie anime girls fighting to survive in the post apocalypse, dependent on one another to stay sane really speaks to them generally.
This looks so comfy omg
Cry harder stupid nogames.
it's the same game as OP, the PDF is here:


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Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92777119

Thread theme: Dwarves being cool
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Why do you stupid fucks keep posting modern art? This thread should only be for classic fantasy art.
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You a cop?

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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You have to Rename them to have the same filename with different extensions then 7z can handle it.
Shit, right, catbox fucked the names.
For reference, the original names were
>Wotc website archive_SPLIT.zip.001
>Wotc website archive_SPLIT.zip.002
>Wotc website archive_SPLIT.zip.003
I send you gratitude from a small town in Argentina, kind stranger ^_^
And here was I thinking I was the only south American in these threads.
Anyhow, I'm the anon that was talking about scraping online forums for transcripts of PBP sessions.
Well, I managed to put that off until now.
I'm pretty sure the script is almost done too. It's running now, and if the result if good, I might as well post it here for you guys.

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Charlize van Zyl edition

- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Poland Rapid & Blitz | May 7th - 12th
- Champions Chess Tour: Chess.com Classic | May 8th - 15th
- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy | August 10th - 18th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd

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I've been using an antique wooden banker's chair lately but I need to try to take it apart and redo the glue because it's old and starting to rattle a bit.
Their official website sucks, but at least they use the socials for photos.
I'm surprised by their dress code for women.
>She's definitely not one of the best commentators.
I'd watch a stream with Tania, not one with Naroditsky. Your list is invalid. Also missing Keti Tsatsalashvili.
>Translational & Molecular Medicine student

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For some reason, Wizards of the Coast failed to do the concept of Genasi justice, as they have long been eclipsed in popularity by Tieflings, and to a lesser extent Aasimar. So now it’s up to us to correct this grave injustice! Do whatever you want to show how you’ve used Genasi in your campaigns and worlds, post Genasi art, or suggest ways that we can make Genasi more popular/better, and correct WotC’s failings in the process. I don’t know about you, but I think that Genasi deserve a decent creation table of traits people can roll for their Genasi to have. I’ve scoured the internet, but I’ve only found ones for Aasimar and Tieflings, and I can’t let that stand. Where should we start besides szuldar patterns and features from animals associated with their elements, like fish scales for Water Genasi or feathers for Air Genasi?
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>Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the Genasi lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Genasi attacked.
Because like most additional races, they were shit. It's very simple
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I just got a very talented and very goofy art-friend of mine to draw 5 prize fighters for one of my modern magic setting's sessions, and from there I colored them in for him and figured out what exactly they were and their stats and such. One of them I decided would be a fire genasi named Gas-O'-Leen who ended up getting the absolute shit beat out of him and was thrown out of the gym's window.

This isn't your game any more, incel.
Isn't that what Calimshan is?

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>redeeming a literal archdevil
Waifufaggotry truly has no sense or perspective these days.
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Doesn't Christianity teach that the possibility for redemption is specifically a result of Christ's sacrifice? Surely in a world where that hasn't happened redemption wouldn't be possible.
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She's also a coal burner (of course she is wotc)
Just because it's old doesn't mean it's not shit
Pretty weird art having Barachiel about to be stabbed by a sinner
If there's no chance to reform, then there's no reason to try. The moment you become tainted in any way is the moment you might as well go full evil.

>Blocks your Path
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If Stormcast had looked like this from the start I don't think people would hate them as much. It's too late now though. They will always be big jackass shiny men attacking the mortuary factory and GW knows it. Notice that none of the new Skaven have any Stormcast trophies, or indeed any details specific to AoS, and I think when they release you may find they rank up on TOW bases fairly well...
Pure copium. WHFB started as nothing but DnD trash, and nobody cares. And most AoS units don't have SCE trophies either...
you are retarded. chaos warriors make up the main bulk of every major chaos army, where as barbarians are just the cheap trash surrounding the army.
That's a nice mini.

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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Requesting Bluffside: City on the Edge D20 from Thunderhead Games

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Anyone have both books of The Twice Dead King?
g0fi1e <dot> io/d/oUq1oN
Thank you so much anon.

Is this an okay game?
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>zoomer thinks Conan looks gay
Shameful, kids these days are ngmi
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Clash for Eternia
I just want those minis.

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Onion Earth Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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It probably would, but that's a good thing, Atlan's reconquest of its former colonies should be its peak, and we should have a palpable feel that it will crumble once the Titanium King kicks the bucket (imho)
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I don't have much to show up for last night's work, I worked on Encampment Buildings, here's a rough proposal for the effects of the new buildings.
Healing might get buffed a bit, so the Infirmary might get reworked, and I'm thinking it could be cool to have the fortification grow into 3-hex and 7-hex tokens if you reach a certain Level...?
I am also thinking I should probably make the bonus armour of the Barricade be given after Pen is calculated? That way it would be even more relevant to Colonials to build them since it would be the easiest (and pretty much only) way for them to gain a slight Armour score...?
I also started editing the Hostile list in the main rule book so they are usable as Mercs for the units that allow to recruit them, should be able to finish that today/tonight. Also updating the list of "common" special rules.
Lastly, I started writing a bit on the Inner Sun with the intention of making it an entry in the "Ontology & Metaphysics" section of the Worldbook, its on ink & paper atm but there's that. I'm thinking OP's pic would be perfect there.
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Maybe a middle ground like this? Atlantis controling 1/3 of the gulper eel island would be pretty harrowing for Atlan while not being immediately catastrophic, as they can try to bottleneck them on land.
Yup, this works for me.
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Added the french colonies' names.

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Some of the models in ad mech like kastelans, priests, and even skitarii had old representations. I think there's even a skitarii model from 2nd but only just the one.
Saw a guy the other day playing Old World with pieces of paper with stats and dice on them.

Lol yeah, I've talked to people who won't play onepagerules because they think you need to buy new models or it "doesn't feel right to play a non GW game with GW models."

Absolute consoomer brain. Half the reason I stopped playing GW games.
Tbf it’s probably because he literally couldn’t buy the models he wanted Kek but yeah idk I’m of two opinions on that. If you can’t afford or access the minis it makes sense but that guy literally bought the big starter box and couldn’t be arsed to paint or even build it.
Yes, given enough time right wingers think about cuming in men's assholes

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Based Blanche Edition

Previous Thread >>92743281

>What is Project Fourk-Hammer?
Project Fourk-Hammer (provisional name) is an experiment to see if the 40k community on /tg/ is interested enough to come together to homebrew a fan fork edition of Warhammer 40,0000's 3-7e Era, primarily inspired by 4th Edition. Think Warhammer Armies Project but for Warhammer 40k's Fourth Edition.

As it stands, there are currently multiple projects in various stages of completion relating to /fourk/, and the thread has become a community repository for all of these various works. Anons are welcome to share their own homebrews as well.

Find the current listing here: https://pastebin.com/QGYx56X3

>Why are you doing this?
/tg/ complains about modern 40K constantly. At least one /tg/ anon has already succeeded in producing a viable alternative to 40K in the form of OnePageRules, however this is not satisfying to many since it is too shrimplified and lacks the flavour and identity they love, or once loved.

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>My homebrew would have a full narrative focus, designed to play scenarios instead of matched play. No army lists with points, instead the host writes a scenario with the objectives and OOB of both sides, like in Force on Force, Inquisitor or Stargrunt II.
This seems to be somewhere awkwardly halfway between premade scenario wargames (with the caveat that there are no premade scenarios, and someone has to be the unpaid game designer) and roleplaying games (with the caveat that, if it's the host creating the scenario /and OOB/, you lose on the Your Dudes aspect, as the players don't seem to have any input).
You have my interest.
The more the merrier?
Don't know if it fits, but back in 8th I recall there being a big thing over the rules for the commissar being changed.
Used to be if they failed a morale check within range of one you remove a single model and they pass. But they changed it because conscript blobs so you just reroll the test now.
So I thought a good compromise would be conscripts still reroll and guardsmen pass, but commissars don't befit from the look out sir/character protection rules, to represent the men not exactly wanting to die to protect the commissar.
Fwiw, the best games of whfb I ever played were entirely asymmetric. No army lists or points. Create the scenario forst and then choose the most appropriate army. Like, if I'm playing a dark elf raiding party, it doesn't make sense for me to take a bolt thrower or dragon, because in this scenario they wouldn't be there (in our heads), and the defender _would_ have defensive weapons stationed at their end of the board.

Points don't matter in narrative play so much. You can always improvise if things swing too far one way or ther other

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Adherence to Rules As Written is what causes so many to dog on D&D 5th edition. A big part of the system is DM's word is final, and acknowledging the rule of cool. If you don't play looser with the core rules then you wont understand what makes 5e so enjoyable for most people who play it.
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>or Monster reaction, no procedure of play for anything other than combat.
you don't need rules for that
>you don't need rules for that
That is the problem. You actually do, you just think you dont, and that is what ruins 5e and many other games.
SotDL didn't fix my problems with 5e. Still a swingy big dice small bonus system with weak noncombat mechanics, and (IIRC, its been a while) relatively basic combat gameplay centred on slow HP reduction.
And combat could be a simple group check where you add all the character levels of everyone on both sides.

You can basically freeform anything, it's a question of which things you want to actually play out in gameplay and how.

Good task resolution and Exploration mechanics are worth their weight in gold.

Combat - if its not a nuanced tactical game with many gameplay strategies to win not centred on 'deal damage', let's just get it over with and move the fuck on.
If you don't know what "ivory tower" means either, just look it up.

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