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Thread 416: Mayoiuta Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- D-TB04 Touken Ranbu ONLINE 2023: 5/24 (L E L)

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LM reveal when? I want girls, I want idols. I don't want male, animals or monsters
You would probably have a heart attack when playing against my LM Griphogila deck.
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How's your Liael deck looking?
Sounds like bad ideas from the top for Bushiroad. Even their wrestling promotion isn't doing that good.

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So, a TRIANGLE (3 sides) means 1 inch, a CIRCLE (a dot) represents 2 inches, the SQUARE (4sides) is actually 3 inches, and a PENTAGON (5 sides) is actually 6 inches.
I'm sorry, in the name of all that is Holy, metric and logical, was this designed by the Devil himself or just british people?

Who the fuck or why the fuck
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There's way worse decisions.
It's just sort of out of touch or poorly thought out, probably by someone high up who forced it upon the game to see how it would take.

It's very easy to work around, play 2 games thinking in inches instead of squares and you'll be converting in your head without thinking about it for the rest of time.

There's tons way worse decisions floating around.

A CIRCLE=1, a DASH/Half circle=2, a TRIANGLE=3, a HEXAGON/2 triangles=6

A kid can understand this as well as a grown up, or just, you know, put numbers on them
Gw cannot into rules. Please understand, small indie company
Metric is equally retarded. Fuckers love it because it is base ten, but the basis of those measurements are absolutely fucking retarded.

Based on the speed of light in a vacuum.
Because that's intuitive as fuck, right? Yeah, that's also bullshit and math faggots had to get super in depth to make it work. It was originally based on the distance from the equator to the North Pole (10,000 km) before we found out that the earth is lumpy fuck and it depends on where you start for that to be true

Based on the plank constant. Except it wasn't and is yet again math whores making shit up. It's based on a weight. A literal, chunk of metal, weight that was determined to be one kilogram and everything else is based off that.

Based on freezing and boiling point of water. That's fair, until that shit varies on location as well and atmospheric conditions. AND even then breaking a massive change in temperature down a hundred degrees scale is beyond retarded, but you gotta use tens.

I loathe the scientific measurements because they are just as fucking retarded as Imperial but are smug about it.

It's retarded so that they could argue in court if they saw anyone making third party measurment tools that they were clearly infringing their copyright.
Because no sensible person in their right mind would use those symbols to denote those distances, and therefore they must be copying GW.

That's all it is.

Operation Fredericus Edition

>Last Thread:

>Thread question
What was the most overwhelming victory you ever achieved?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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not a wargame per se but been playing a one-shot where the party is 4 PCs in a tank.
Does anyone have a .pdf for cold war commander?
I want to take a look at the ruleset and not outright buy it.
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Added more meadows and tried the first bit of drybrushing on the dark patches.
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Shitty pic, but slowly grinding through D'Erlon corps for the Hundred Days in 10mm. I don't know when I'll finish this project, but it's a nice break from 28mm.
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Early thirties.

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Look How They Massacred Our Boys Edition

Previous Thread: >>92612865
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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What people don't remember about the PIC's Mars Attacks I don't blame anyone for not remembering this crap is that it occurred on First Contact Day when most of the on-site staff were off duty. The A500s also shut down the shields and elite hax0red the Mars defense network. Presumably they could have done this on Earth, too, but Utopia Planitia is where we're aware the bulk of them were staffed with ships present and happily left fully armed and operational.
Of course at that point it's just writing, and they could have come up with a different scenario, so I personally see no problem with people hashing out alternatives as long as we remain civil.

Personally the hacking and deactivations bugged me. The androids they had didn't seem bright enough for codebreaking, they were labor models. Clearly Commodore Oh provided the relevant codes when she remote overrode them, but the whole thing was so sophisticated it seemed like people should have been asking some serious questions beyond Raffi with her mind expanding drugs.
Creation of an artificial magnetosphere is possible with current real world technology. Also it took Mars millions of years to lose its atmosphere, so as long as you can replenish your efforts faster than a geological timescale you'll be fine. The real issue is the lack of vulcanism on Mars.
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Don´t worry, it will be shown again on PRO s2. *sigh*
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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores
• Stay on topic

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It looks like a facedown amogus, but still really neat
>a cat is fine too
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finally got around to working on this
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Requesting an underworld mob boss for a rogue trader game. She's a rogue psyker who specializes in pyromancy with blue flames.

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Chilling out in Cyberspace edition

Previous >>92805397

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

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Waah, waaah, why aren't you paying tons of money for cardboard!
Paying collectible prices for a card to play with is retarded. Cards to play with should be few bucks at most, they're meant to be played with after all.
Cards to collect can have any price, they don't serve practical purpose after all.

So in short- if a card is meant to do stuff (being put on the table, shuffled, read, etc) then a decent proxy does all of that just as well as the original. Because its fucking cardboard with pictures on it all the same.
>You gotta understand some people are beyond poor.
Not willing to pay 10$ for piece of cardboard with pictures isnt being poor, its being rational.
I feel like games like yugioh and magic completely lobotomized many people when it comes to acceptable card and deck prices, so anything below their level is like "WhAt ArE yOu evEn cOmPlaInIg abOuT???"
I mean yeah $10 for a card you need 4 of is expensive, especially if the deck needs multiple cards like it
even a $20 card if its just a one of isn't the biggest deal, but multiple $10 cards that all need playsets adds up quickly
sure, il buy x4 a $10 card if its the top end of a deck and shit and it seems fun and cool, but acting like its cheap is crazy, iv paid more for cards and playsets, but its not cheap and I don't like it but some decks are just more expensive than others and I understand that
it only really a problem imo if I buy it and don't like the deck, but I generally have a good idea of what I like so its never really been an issue.
>won the pre release tournament
Should I sell my ukko promo or it will go up in price?
it will go up until the pbandai set releases and then it will plummet in price, so sell it soon

Amazaonian Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>91988198

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread Questions:

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Biomancy and elementalism.
Future history where they invent parachronics so they can go to parallel dimensions, and the place they're colonizing is an alternate American continent in a universe where humans never evolved. Alternately, pangaean supercontinent on an alien world. Can justify alien/robot factions as also from alternate universes.

1950s SF aesthetics because it's cool.

Whatever the actual campaign is (road trip?), just start from there and fill in the universe with details for each diner.
NTA but Dangers in Diners sounds rad as hell for a setting.
I love Amazonians so much. they are probably so pungent.
I am tempted to make a Jungle biome in my setting which has Amazons, Pirates, and Chocolate Wood Elves.

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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Yu Jing Killer
what difference will it make? you won't use this profile anyway because it's useless. What will your MSV2 combi rifle with 12BS achieve? He also has a paper armor and a useless BTS6, not to mention that forward observer is by far the least useful specialist type, unless you're spamming missiles

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modeling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep your prints about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed newfags
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like

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Not really familiar with telegram, but looking for ork scans of any kind. I know nobody is going to give me links because "nice try, james" but how did you learn to search for this stuff. I know there are keywords, even if I dont know them. I just dont have money to buy anymore models thanks to inflation, but I have a friend that will help me print some of what I can find. I have looked for 3rd party that look semi close to gw's style because I wouldnt mind paying for good looking 3rd party. Got any favorite ork artists?
stationforge, mezgike, puppetswar are a few ork scupltors
Start with "orc stl" or "warhammer stl"
Telegram has a feature that suggests you similar groups. Join all those public groups. Eventually you will see invites to private ones too.
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>Dear James, let me show you how to find groups to take down. Please give me an upvote in your official subreddit.

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>new player joins the game
>new character materializes out of thin air in the middle of the wilderness
really breaks my immersion
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>game ends on a cliffhanger
>player misses next session
>their character just fucks off on a side quest
>Gm forces a prophetically dream on the party about an unavoidable future
>If a char dies the new PC appears again in the dream
>Gm still pretends is unavoidable
Then what is GM even good for?
They did Native American whites. Goldmoon was blonde hair, blue eyes. The perfect Mormon Aryan.

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My party and I are going to spend the gold from our first quest on a large wagon. Aside from the obvious advantages of easier travel, being able to haul more loot, and having a flat elevated surface to throw down our sleeping bags at night, what are some ways we can make the most of this beautiful piece of equipment?
Ideas I have so far:
>Mounting shields on the sides to provide cover in combat
>Mounted heavy crossbow turret for medieval drive bys
>At higher levels, swapping out the ox for a flying creature to convert it into a mini-airship
Pic semi related
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if you want some utility out of the wagon, search for chuckwagon - they had a built-in cabinet at the rear (for food and other ingredients), and the lid could be lowered to obtain a table - not so good anymore to transport things since the cabinet is in the way, but it was very easy to set up camp.
Also a water barrel and some storage boxes at the sides, a tarp that could be extended to cover the cooking area, a tarp below the wagon to transport firewood and keep it dry, and so on.

WFRP actually has rules for heavy weapons needing a mount like small cannon and bolt throwers.
Unmanned, wet hides was the traditional anti-greek fire solution. More expensive and heavy solutions would include thin metal cladding. All assumes you aren't killed before getting into throwing range.
... wasn't this just the plot of one of the Mythica movies?

You can always use an NPC, you dumb fucking never game theorycrafter
Should be 'untanned,' but spellchecker is a PITA as usual.

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VTM fuckers out there, what are your guy's favorite clans, and why?

Don't say any requiem shit, Chronicles is horrendous.
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Ventrue. They're an excellent modernization of the old school aristocratic vampire. No reliance on gimmick disciplines, strong and versatile themes, and a clan curse that isn't meaningless nor extremely punishing that lets you flesh out your character.

Plus, it feels good to play the "man" in a self-proclaimed "punk" setting that made all the punks lame losers and the powers that be cool as fuck.
those are both hunters that exist
there are 2 books called hunters hunted which are about mostly ordinary hunters and some who learned lesser magic and faith based powers who hunt vampires, how they do it, how their organisations work etc

then there are the imbued the main characters from hunter the reckoning who are empowered by angelic messangers made immune to mind control powers, given several self destrucitive powers in addition to "the sight" that lets them see supernatural beings for what they are so think paladins but schizo truckers in america

however there is also the dark age inqusitors who are mechanicly and lorewise a mix out of the two being basicly super christian fantasy paladins in medival europa on a crusade against all supernatural

hunter the vigil meanwhile is the hunter line for cofd the reboot universe which is based on hunters hunted but expanded A LOT

and paradox newer reboot hunter the reckoning 5 (despite htr not even having a second edition) meanwhile does not feature the imbued but is only the first tier of play of hunter the vigil with worse rules and no monster creations rules for some god forsaken reason
God I love having hot sweaty sex
Fuck you, I like Chronicles.

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ITT: We predict what will be shown off at the preview show tomorrow, then see if we are right.
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BFG would be a Dreadfleet level disaster.
Nah, they got a pity hero for their book, they have no chance of anything else before next edition
Sounds about right.
Why? What do I get if I’m right?
There's be no point because GW doesn't make models that aren't already standing on shit anymore.

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Female Fire Warriors look like THAT!?
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No they said nothing is canon....which I guess has the same effect. Either way it's fucking retarded, but I'm all in favor of it since it can only hurt gw in the long run
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Tau Catachans.
Imagine the smell
>Bovine herbivores
>"fighting is unnatural to them"

"We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow" Edition:

Previously on /slop/: >>92795052 #

▶ Thread Task: Vacation time! Let's see the places in your setting where folks go to rest and recharge.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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>cRPG can tell interesting, and absorbing story
Name three titles.
>last image
Congratulations, you win a dubious honour of making the new thread.
>Planescape: Torment
>Baldur's Gate especially 1 & 2
>Witcher series (overreaching Wild Hunt plot)
>Star Wars: KotOR
new bread open for business

get ya slop here its for sale

get it quick before it sold all its 150 market slots
jeans shorts, america flag bikini top

then waded through all the dogs

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