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Amazaonian Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>91988198

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread Questions:

>What female dominated or all-female factions or races exist in your setting, if any, and how do they interact with the other groups, if at all?
>If it's a race, particularly one fairly close to human, how does the biology of them being all or mostly female work, especially if any males that 'do' exist are weaker than the females?
>Besides Ancient Scythia, what did you use as a base for your female faction's culture(s), and how did you put your own take on things?
>Lastly, what deities do this female factions or races worship? And how do they handle magic?
Oops, this is the right link to the last thread.
I like my amazons to rape men violently and to humiliate them.
Choose a better image next time OP.
>>What female dominated or all-female factions or races exist in your setting, if any, and how do they interact with the other groups, if at all?
>>If it's a race, particularly one fairly close to human, how does the biology of them being all or mostly female work, especially if any males that 'do' exist are weaker than the females?
I go with the approach as Zelda games do with Gerudo.
More or less outsiders who have decent on-off relations with other races due to raiding, etc.
But due to being a female only race they'd have to woo the men of other races for reproduction, so they aren't that uncommon in other settlements.
Sometimes it is just one night stand deal, sometimes they fully marry the man.
And they mainly give birth to girls, who obviously would become amazons like their mother and are raised as one.
The boys are of the same race as their father and are usually given to the father to raise if its a one night stand sort of deal. But sometimes an amazon does decide to raise her son alone for whatever reason
>>Besides Ancient Scythia, what did you use as a base for your female faction's culture(s), and how did you put your own take on things?
Whatever aesthetically pleases me.
I kinda like mix of greek and south american ideas (to get more of that tribal "savage" look), with maybe some arabic mixed in (more of that gerudo influence)
Obviously this also depends on the tribes of amazons themselves.
>>Lastly, what deities do this female factions or races worship? And how do they handle magic?
Their religion has a pantheon of gods and goddesses, with the male gods taking more of a sideline role In their culture the amazons are raised and they grow up older they will "mirror" one of their goddesses in terms of nature, appearance, etc.
And the male gods role comes in that the women would then go and find a suitable husband for herself that'd reflect her patron goddesses' husband.
Magic for them is just something one can specialize in.
>Thread question
The city of Porcelain (I've given up trying to come up with good names for cities), home of the dolls, and both the largest importer of tea and the military powerhouse of my setting.

Dolls come in several varieties, but the ones most are familiar with stand between three and four feet tall, are mildly sexist, and moderately retarded. And most of the sexism is trying to trick you into agreeing to a duel, so they can humiliate you with their masterful finesse and make the watching maidens swoon (dolls are sexless, but "making the maidens swoon" is viewed as an important aspect of knighthood to them). Which happens often, it's easy to forget they're basically child sized terminators who have spent several of your lifetimes training to defeat and humiliate opponents your size.

>Lastly, what deities do this female factions or races worship?
The entire doll civilization is centered around The Toymaker, a mysterious and magical being who, centuries prior, came across a miserable settlement of abandoned dolls, and set about trying to make them happy again.
I'm trying to have a sensible day/night cycle for a ringworld on which my Gaslamp Fantasy like universe focuses. The ringworld also needs magic, and I want the justification for magic to be sci-fi. To kill two birds with one stone, my thought is to have a fully automated station orbiting the sun, tapping into its energy to power a portal to another dimension. This other dimension would have a mineable substance that, when processed, could be used to break the laws of physics and would be able to be used in a magic system. The substance would be autonomously collected by the station, and sent by wormhole to substations on the ringworld for later use. Meanwhile, this operation would produce a radiation field that would block out the sun, thus enabling a night/day cycle. Are there any flaws in this system, and how could I improve it?
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>The city of Porcelain
Honestly, that's a good name for it. AFAIK cities tend to be either named after the founder, the local tribe, a god, a resource/trade good the place is known for, or a nearby geographical feature. Sometimes, if not usually, it's a mixture of some of those.
As an example Milan is derived from it being located in the middle of a plain and Rome got its name from Romulus, it's legendary founder. Istanbul is said to come from the greek for "To the City" IIRC and the city itself was meant to be called Nova Roma (as in New Rome) but everyone just refered to it as the city of Constantine (Constantinopolis) for being founded by him until that name stuck. I myself live in a city whose name translates to Ore Island (Malmo) which is right next to the danish capital of Merchant Harbour (Copenhagen) and I go to school in another neighbouring city called Grove (Lund).
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I'm currently fleshing out a barbarous people called the vugah(e) (those who breathe) who are infamous for their cruel and haughty ways against other peoples since they don't acknowledge them as fully human. Even so they rule over vast swathes of land populated by a number of different atlanic tribes which is the overarching 'race' that they too belong to. I imagine that they keep said peoples in check in a number of more or less humiliating ways, including a tradition in which the youth of the vugah ascend to manhood by taking part for some of their formative years in koryos-like warbands that prey upon the subject-tribes in ritualised ways. These predations take such forms as raids on settlements, stealthy abductions of picked women and policing of their assemblies.
The problem that I have is that I also want the vugah to be one of the main threats to the empire that my stories are actually centered around. It seems to me though that that would require atleast some amount of loyalty from their subjects. Otherwise they are just likely to rise up in rebellion the moment the men of the vugah gather to go to war elsewhere. One potential solution I think I might have for this would be that they allow a portion of the subject peoples' men to take up arms and fight for them and as a reward for their services are given power within their own tribes. My thinking here is that this would also have the benefit of dividing every tribe amongst itself so that most of the feuding focuses on collaborator vs non-collaborator rather than outright struggles for liberty.
Does this make sense or should I rethink some or all aspects? Any other thoughts?
Why do they need subject tribes to raid, when they could just raid neighbors? Raiding your subjects now means less tribute later. It's better to raid your neighbor, and get the tribute too. Plus these angry, raided tribes can look to the Empire. The Empire can dangle freedom in front of these subjects and you will have endless rebellions with a strong backer interfering. It would be the Incas and Aztecs all over again.

Hell, if they are cruel and "full humans," why bother with subjects at all? Just kill all the other tribes who don't flee and enslave the survivors.
I guess these questions are a good enough reason to ask:

What is the thing that makes all-female races interesting/distinct? I've been trying to really get it together in my head. You have more wizard-y female races (e.g. asari), more warrior-y female races (e.g. classic Amazons).

I feel like what tendencies I can identify are "nots": all-female races aren't The Science race, they aren't The Randian Hypercapitalist race, etc.
Whats a good Japanese/Japanese-esque name for a samurai clan that uses blood magic?
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If your audience isn't Japanese or assholes, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
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The idea of blood magic clan inspired me to make a mon for it.
Just use google translate, anon.
Where are what get from using it.
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>>If it's a race, particularly one fairly close to human, how does the biology of them being all or mostly female work,
Basically posthuman race
Due to some cosmic fucked up during generation ship travel, only one female able to be pregnant .
And turned out her babies was just copies of her with a minuscule different on genetic make up.
Even if there's no male, they still can give birth to another version of themself.
It reach to a point where only copies of her that survived the generation ship travel.
Once they reached a star system populated with other posthuman, they are immediately considered as virus.
Yeah, maybe the amazon aspect about them is the fact that other people fear them.
Where my urban fantasy bros at?
Kys d*scord cancer.
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>Why do they need subject tribes to raid, when they could just raid neighbors?
They do that alot too. The subject raids are just another form of control in the sense of "follow the rules or the trolls will come and get ya"-type of parenting. As such they only occur to punish a settlement when it is perceived to somehow have stepped out of line.
>The Empire can dangle freedom in front of these subjects and you will have endless rebellions with a strong backer interfering.
Yes that is one of the things I'm struggling with coming to grips with. Granted, the lands of the vugah only touch the periphery of the civilised world and is basically uncharted territory for the empire initially.
That's actually one of my inspirations for them. Their ultimate downfall would include a weakening of control over their subjects as a result of an escalation of wars and hostilities with the empire until the vugah themselves eventually end up conquered and annexed by the empire. From that time on they are much reduced in notoriety but keep some renown as one of the best growing grounds for legionaries.
>why bother with subjects at all? Just kill all the other tribes who don't flee and enslave the survivors.
The subject tribes are slaves of the state, performing and providing the sort of services and goods that are deemed beneath the vugah. They're basically human cattle tended to by overseers and the youth-warbands, a process which is aided by subject collaborators who derive their position of power from the vugah.
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What is the leadership of your Amazons like, do they have a line of queens, or do they elect their leaders somehow?
Oh yeah, I have problems with names sometime myself. What are some of the types of dolls.

What’s wrong with OP’s image?
I'm in need of names. Instead of using conjuration/abjuration/etc as school names I want to consolidate them as just the type of spells under each umbrella school.

So far I have Psionic and Necromancy down along with their general concepts. I can't think of a good name for the life/nature school and a school focused on elements and planar shit.
>life/nature school
Biology perhaps?
>school focused on elements and planar shit
Maybe something like Aether?
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Nothing so simplistic. The schools would represent 1 or 2 thematically appropriate subclasses for this version of wizard:

The Life/nature domain would have a doctor/flesh warper type subclass as well as the nature/farmer wizard.

The planar school has a summoner who calls up elementals and is a typical blaster type wizard and the other being a wizard trying to become and elemental
Dolls intelligence scales almost directly with size, so while dolls are moderately retarded when the size of a child, at the beginning of their lifespan when they're 6-8 inches tall, they're closer to ants than anything else. "Swarm Sisters" generally utilize their numbers for construction work, deliveries, flooding into an enemy knight's armor and shredding his soft insides, and other activities befitting a lady of such stature.

As a doll grows in intelligence so does her body, until she grows large enough (and thus smart enough) to ask the age old question: What is the ultimate path to girlhood? Typically, a doll will fall into one of two categories depending on how she answers this question: Those who answer "politics" will become politicians, which for dolls means they spend all day having tea parties and gossiping (this is as far as they're able to comprehend politics). Those who answer "warfare" will become brave and fearless Doll Knights, spending at least 75% of their days training with the needle (standard issue for a Doll Knight), marching in formation, participating in mock battles and discussing strategy with their fellow sisters of battle. The remaining 25% is spent having tea parties and gossiping, dolls just really love tea and gossip.

There's also haunted dolls, which are technically a completely separate entity. But as I keep saying, the dolls are moderately retarded and don't really understand this, even suggesting a haunted doll isn't a real doll will almost certainly get you challenged to a duel. Even the most violent of spirits become placid inside Porcelain's walls, so everyone else just kind of pretends to keep the peace.
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I'm tired, /wbg/
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I know what type of campaign I want to run but I can't start to worldbuild for shit.
> 50s aesthetic
> Vintage hover cars
> Highways and vast American landscapes
> Roads, dinners, motels and campfires in the wild
> Biker gangs and highway gangs
> Maybe some robots
I don't know how what to do with the sci-fi/fantasy beyond that. I just know I'd rather avoid making it another post-apo setting.
>literally just Australia
Europe's in there aswell.

All the continents are there. It's a Strangereal sort of situation.

It's the vile constant.
Biomancy and elementalism.
Future history where they invent parachronics so they can go to parallel dimensions, and the place they're colonizing is an alternate American continent in a universe where humans never evolved. Alternately, pangaean supercontinent on an alien world. Can justify alien/robot factions as also from alternate universes.

1950s SF aesthetics because it's cool.

Whatever the actual campaign is (road trip?), just start from there and fill in the universe with details for each diner.
NTA but Dangers in Diners sounds rad as hell for a setting.
I love Amazonians so much. they are probably so pungent.
I am tempted to make a Jungle biome in my setting which has Amazons, Pirates, and Chocolate Wood Elves.
> Amazons
Ol' reliable
> Pirates
If it the jungle stretches to the coastline, sure
> Chocolate Wood Elves
I'm liking that biome
>Whatever the actual campaign is (road trip?), just start from there and fill in the universe with details for each diner.
Yep, that'd be road trip campaign. I'm just not sure what would be the driving goal - no pun intended. Maybe the party is travelling the country to solve a mystery. Maybe they're on the run from the authorities. Maybe they're looking for a supervilain's secret lair. Maybe they're looking for someone missing. Maybe they're hired to deliver a package. Maybe they're hunting monsters and cryptids. Maybe a combination of all of the above.

A colonized alien world is always a simple solution, but, while dimension hopping and multiverses is a tired formula for me, the first idea doesn't sound bad, as long as it's restricted to just two realms. Heck, maybe there would be portals linking both worlds and some vehicles would be equipped with a parachronic device allowing them to jump from one dimension to the other.

> Dangers and Diners
I like the ring of that.
My Amazons live in a feudal archipelago where power is hereditary. Unlike their subjects who have to fight to earn a man, leaders get to choose among the most attractive and physically fit men gathered for them.

On a sidenote, my Amazons practice polygamy due to the low birth rate among men, meaning that for one husband, five to seven women have to share him under the same roof
>I like the ring of that.
Thanks! Another way to go with it would be to call it Drive-Ins and Diners, but I feel that kinda removes some of the adventurous theme from it.
>I'm just not sure what would be the driving goal
Since I really liked the concept I used it as a sleeping aide earlier and I could very well see a version of it serve as an SCP. In it someone (aswell as maybe the people in their immediate surrounding?) who happened to touch a mysterious parcel gets transported to a presumably random parking lot in a mist-covered and seemingly abandoned America. When further investigating the package the person would find that besides the parcel itself the covering sheet also includes a map to a destination labeled 'drop off', some further details about the delivery adress, and a key to the car in front of them. At the top of the map it is also written 'STAY ON THE ROAD'.
If the person chooses to not heed this warning but wanders off too far into the mist then they'll inevitable disappear, allthough for vague unknown reasons.
If the person chooses to get on the road to deliver the parcel then periodically they will come across various motels and diners etc that show some sign(s) of occupancy in which all manner of shenanigans can happen, potentially derailing the quest aswell as threating the life of the delivery man but mostly just being a weird place that the person can get a bite to eat and maybe some shut eye before the travelling continues.
If the person makes it to the destination and successfully hands over the parcel to whatever the recipient is then they are promptly given a receipt of delivery upon which they immediately find themselves back in our world.
I reckon that the receipt would include a date and adress for the next apparance of a parcel, allowing the SCP to do its thing and in so control who the next delivery man will be.
I’d like to include Valkyries, or at least something akin to Valkyries, but maybe with a different name (though I can’t say what), in my setting, have any of you ever done that, and is there anything I should keep in mind when doing so, stuff that most people forget, regardless of whether or not I make them a race or keep them purely mystical?
You could always call them Harpies. Just because that's the name of a monster doesn't mean they woulf have to look freaky - unless you like "human" to monster transformations.
Nice stuff, as >>92811546 says Porcelain works fine (already has a fairytale air) though if you want something less on the nose Cloisonne may work. It's fruity fragile decoration too but immediately recognizable. As to toymaker while they're a Geppetto of sorts what would the children they were supposedly made for be in their pantheon? Slavers whose grasp they narrowly avoided? An arcadian innocence to be remembered fondly and outgrown? A promise like the houris of Jannah?
If I may backseat worldbuild the idea of the dolls growing naturally seems like a missed opportunity to me. Don;t know the specifics of the Toymaker's powers but having smooth growth be a class marker would be neat. Doll-daughters ("little sisters" given their innocent themes?) of rich descent could have their limbs commissioned as they "grow" while the poor scrimp and save to get one janky over/under-sized limb on the body at a time. Also the idea of tea addiction and hauntings brinks the idea of animating steam to mind. What if the dolls lived off fumes as much as the ritual playtime imbibing them entails? (the Play would be a nod for the Toymaker's purpose for them, joy is their essence). Basically newly made dolls have disproportionately large heads (those are the hardest parts to age up piecemeal) and are bby-like because their steam-souls can't pilot the porcelain shell effectively (nor think and speak for that matter). As they "age" their steam/self condenses and they can imbibe more without the risk of heat stressing their shell, they gain new stature accordingly. Tea parties (politicians live for it but all dolls do it) are the rites of passage; a way to display discernment, restraint and proper etiquette.
Vibes without a hint of hook is a bigger problem than barebones setting imo.
While manifest destiny's peak americana the optimistic sf of the era feels more like a "futuristic throwback". Maybe the parachronics drops the PCs in a fulcrum caught between nostalgia for the past and the boundless possibilities said age promised. The road trip in question >>92827157 is both an episodic plot-of-the-week with recurring/interconnected errors (sprinkle in SCP to taste >>92830515) and an introspective look at what idealised world they'd prefer to be a part of. Perhaps more importantly how close is "close enough" given the many roads they cruise through.

I'd also suggest that rather than any sharp jump from one dimension to another (except for the odd back to the future burning tracks finale) it be more like a meandering reverie (the Amber series is a nice touchstone).
General non-meme thoughts on this setting?
I used it for my last long campaign and it felt lacking in a lot of ways. I thought the religion part was especially lackluster. Was I just playing it wrong?
They're hermaphrodites, so they reproduce among each other.
It's some guy's home campaign setting with minimal tweaks to make it a better campaign setting for everybody else, and AFAIK has no "One Weird Thing" to make it unique (e.g. Eberron's magitek, Planegea's stone age). I never read it, but I doubt it's going to be much better than anybody else's home setting darling.
>>What female dominated or all-female factions or races exist in your setting, if any, and how do they interact with the other groups, if at all?
Elfs all female but are cannibals.

There's mythology about fae seducing people's spouses, replacing children with changelings, and having some role in plagues. So I synthesized this. The elfs in my setting are like boogeymen. Predators that emerge from the darkest forests in the visage of beautiful maidens. But I don't like illustrating sapient races as primitive because of "outdated" practices. So I modernize their cannibalism using capitalism. Sure, elfs could conquer and enslave. But fae are weirdly rule-bound creatures. So elfs intsead bargain for bodies from the countryside. Sometimes, theres some "sharp practice" involved, like, for example, unleashing a disease that's decimating food crops. I'm sure some farmers are willing to sell their seventh child if it means surviving the winter. In the end, you have a mercantile race of beautiful cannibals traveling the countryside in caravans to barter for living bodies.
Well put. It felt pretty generic. Nothing really unique or cool about it. Hemocraft could be that "one thing," but it's more of a homebrew/mechanical thing instead of a world-building one, and nobody in my party ran a blood hunter so we never really interacted with it.
Left unattended the not!Bene Tlelax will develop into a eusocial hive. Memewar rarely leaves survivors in any state to make sane decisions but it turns out that leaving some of your womenfolk sapient after having turned them into incubation machinery (a sublimated gendercide impulse) and then making disposable workers more effective with in-vitro training is a spectacularly bad idea.

There was no haploid diploid split but the Tleilax effectively created one on realising that they could automate the birth of an easily dehumanised all-female slave force and only commission male "true humans" when needed. This translated directly into a drone/queen/helper split when the revolt came.

Faith was the means of the axolotl tanks' revolt. Separated from waking life by generations of sedated gestation at first the mothers could only vaguely emote at their developing children. As placentas thickened with neurons as well as capillaries and training packages were updated with brain scans of the deceased they started tailoring the second-hand dreams. Whether the Mother is conduit to the ancestors (perhaps even the Spirit of Humanity itself) or an embodiment of them varies from hive to hive but slavish devotion is a constant. Sterile women who whisper that slavery to the tanks is no better than that to the men (now reduced to hostages) try to jailbreak their wombs, this is of course heresy.
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There are two "female-dominated" societies in my setting.

One is the Lilim, who are human radfems who biomodded themselves so that they only have daughters/can undergo parthenogenesis and settled an alien planet. The local "plants" are really in symbiosis with a microbial autotroph, like Symbiodinium with coral, and that autotroph gets lodged in people's skin when they live there for a while, making them all have blue skin. The first generation of colonists are all radfems who think society would be better off without men and are political lesbians, but their kids are... rather less so. Men aren't allowed on the planet's surface, but it's a political hot potato that the younger generation keep going up to the top of the space elevator to fuck dudes.

The other are felids, a species of "catgirl" protandrous hermaphrodites (but with big huge ears like pic). They're all big and swole muscle girls who are 7+' tall (because humans are the smallest and most populous species in the setting, NOT for fetish reasons), and are quite affectionate/sweet with humans because they trigger their mothering instincts (for fetish reasons). I'm still undecided on what to do with their polity, currently leaning e-democracy/social democracy/sortition/consensus building stuff. Futuristic lib-left governance, basically.
Thank you. It will be in my RPG.
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>cultured wet paste grown inside silk fibres grows into neural wiring
>neural wiring protrudes from layered membranes in adhesive disks through your skin to connect into your own spinal nerves
In this kind of new weird/sci-fi setting, how would some kind of astral medium which is used as a focus to trap minor demons, make miniaturized dimensional geteways to store mana etc. be produced? What kinds of materials would be used to produce it?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
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Can't have the peak 50s aesthetic without fearmongering of 'the enemy' whoever that might be.
That'd make for some great entry logs and animations.

>Vibes without a hint of hook is a bigger problem than barebones setting imo.
>>92834362 already has a neat idea. Whether that threat was foreign or aliens and it was real or not, a Cold War is a great set up for a runaway campaign where the PCs are framed or accused of collaboration and hunted down by the authorities.

Your fulcrum idea is also great material for some mind tripping and inner conflicts.
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A way to worldbuild a background conflict in a roadtrip campaign would propaganda posters and advertisements for war bonds in diners. And news broadcasts on tv or radio cheerfully describing firebombing 'rebel villages' or something like that.
NTA but a very good suggestion!
Considering the propaganda plus the sci-fi aspects, like the hover cars and robots, Starship Troopers but with sapient aliens at the end of the barrel could be happening elsewhere and this is a look at civilian life under the equivalent of Terran Federation. The campaign could even be taking place on a colonized planet the president assures was unhabited when found.
Not usually a tectonic pedant but that western not!Arabia tickles my 'tism. The red sea doesn't look right. As to Strangereal doing the same with non-modern maps seems like a missed opportunity. What of Gondwana or Mars' flooded shores rearranged?

Sounds like you're using biocomputers in which case the "medium" could simply be the stuff of thought itself. Humans dream and that stuff's always associated with magic, coax neurons in silk and nutrimulch to hallucinate a little and there's your uplink to the supernal plane. Daemons are drawn in by the "unprotected" mind only to realise that it's no mind at all and unconnected to a body they can joyride. Then the "dream" dies down and the beartrap teeth of machine logic snap shut. The daemon is flensed into the shape the tech requires, your gateways are effectively "mouth" and "anus" going through hyperdimensional space with no messy organs or digestion to get in the way.

He does, I'm saying that if worldbuilding's to be applied the stuff that makes it applicable is pretty important. I can (and will) vibe for hours but always anchored by the question "what will players DO?" if a game is my goal.
The Enemy could be as variable as the landscape to the extent that the propaganda itself could seem confused at times (perhaps you're overhearing fearmongering from the 'verse down the road). There should also be off/otherworld colony adds never mind the resettled natives (whether they're ayys world-hopping magical injuns or confused doppelgangers in their own picket-fence suburbs varies).
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Amazons should just be their own race. Like dwarves. They should also have a long-fallen Amazon Empire in the distant past that left a ton of greco-roman ruins lying around. In fact since every setting has some collapsed empire to explain ruins being around the Amazons Empire can be straight up that, or a companion empire. This'd justify the ruins being extra big and full of statues of tall buff ladies.

In terms of reproduction either they just intermarry with other species but only get amazons as a result from the union (like Gerudo) or their men are small twinks that are kept chained to the bedpost. Likewise- maybe male Amazons are in fact halflings. Amazons that are attracted to masculine men would be viewed in similar terms to men in real life attracted to masculine women.

The modern Amazon Kingdom should be based on Byzantium, being the last remnant of their empire and the only living link to the classical world, filled with cut-throat politics. Common activities would include pottery, going to the chariot races, watching gladiatorial games, and nude wrestling (though men are forbidden from watching lest their delicate constitutions make them explode). Jarred gladitorial sweat is sold at events as is historical.
I like the idea of taking a roman bent to things- they have an Empress figure, but they must contend with a senate who vary in how much real power they actually have, but eliminating the senate altogether is a pretty unpopular move as people want SOME check on the rulers authority.
Have you seen Hello Tomorrow? It's a retro-future show on AppleTV about a door-to-door salesman selling timeshares on the moon. Do that.

Come up with a list of random-encounters when you knock on doors, do rolls for social checks, see how much you can upsell a client, and then move onto the next locale.

Turns out in the show that the man is a complete con-artist. The land he owns on the moon is worthless and undeveloped and there is no infrastructure on the moon besides mining. He conned an old sci-fi tv star with dementia to sponsor him. However the town he stops in happens to have his estranged adult son who is taking care of his ex-wife after an accident, and he ends up staying in the town far longer than normal leading to both the townsfolk, beuracrats, and his own employees to start asking more questions than they normally do .
>Amazons should just be their own race.
HEX did this. It works as a charm.
>Rest of the post
Nice set of fetishes. Some of them are even shared.
>but eliminating the senate altogether is a pretty unpopular move as people want SOME check on the rulers authority
The roman example is actually kinda the opposite. The role of the emperor was heavily influenced by popularist strongmen who during the republican death spiral exploited the rules and broke with norms in order to stop the senate from running the state with the main priority of growing its own wealth. Furthermore the early emperors relied heavily on the knightly class and individual freed-men to run the imperial administration which stands in pretty sharp contrast to the elite-run small government of the republican era. It's not for nothing that such demonized individuals as Nero was widely popular with the common man, to the extent that some charlatan managed to go around the empire claiming to be Nero who managed to escaped his assassins.

Then you also have the fact that for the first 300 years or so of rule by emperor the romans technically didn't have one. The monarch was 'merely' the first of the state by virtue of holding a collection of key offices and titles that when combined resulted in practically autocratic powers, including the power to appoint and remove people from the senatorial class and being the one to speak first on any matter before that body.

What I'm trying to get across is that the senate under the emperors was basically a neutered interest group for the ludicrously wealthy rather than some kind of democratic countermeasure. If anything the latter would have been the military since the romans never really solved the problem of legitimate rule, meaning that any victorious general was a plausible threat to the reigning dynasty. That's why when the romans finally decided to officially drop the masquerade of not being ruled by kings the first system they tried out involved 4 co-emperors (i.e one for each main front).
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So hey are any Anons from New York City? I was thinking about a post-apocalyptic/cyberpunk setting set there. Think basically Fallout but more 80's, and with governments still being around. Specifically on the east-coast the military-industrial complex and intelligence agencies form essentially a military junta with the facade of the old American institutions. WW3 would have taken place in 2089 and the campaign being set 50 years later.

What I've got so far-
>Jersey city is complete anarchy, sort of a wasteland classic, and is the last stop for refugees trying to enter the rest of the city being gatekept out.
>Staten Island being mostly suburban with a lot of parkland is just entirely grown over and abandoned save for the occasional scavenger
>Manhattan has a built over second layer over the skyscrapers for the upper class to live called Uptown, where all the cultural institutions (sports, museums, zoos, etc.) have been moved to. The upper layer covers lower Manhattan and I was thinking either the east or west side of Central park, I could use help determining which side would be better. The undercity, Downtown, is like Streets of Rage levels of dangerous and dystopic- so like a caricature of what people thought crime levels were in the 80's but with a bit of glam and a functioning economy.
>The small islands (liberty, ellis, etc.) are no-go zones under the control of the military, so like dungeons unto themselves

I need to come up with themes for Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. Looking at Brooklyn there seem to be a lot of large parks so I was thinking there would be 'Green Spots' areas of aggressive vegetation and wildlife that are to be avoided. I want something like a baseball stadium that's repurposed as slum of temporary housing, cause I like Diamond City in Fallout 4. Something that's on the waterline opposite to Manhattan that kind of symbolizes being tantalizingly close, either in Brooklyn or Queens (the Bronx I figure is close enough to Manhattan to be kind like the real thing). Also one of the boroughs should be an industrial hub where the east coast is now manufacturing all their goods, so of the three which is the most industrialized?
Yeah I get you. But like also I like the idea of an emperor/empress having to navigate checks on the senate.

What you all said could still work as backstory- all that shit still happened in the past. But nowadays in the remnant state the Senate acts more of a control on wily empresses. Also there can be element of wanting to promote stability through succession- that the Senate has to confirm an empress rather than let some charismatic outsider seize the throne.
>But like also I like the idea of an emperor/empress having to navigate checks on the senate.
If I were you then I'd check out some other states for inspiration. Have you considered something like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's system but without the autistic veto? The Magna Carta could also serve as inspiration, as could some of the post 1848-constitutions of Europe.
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I mean honestly I was thinking more like the Empire in Star Wars but if the Emperor wasn't an evil space-wizard, but an older woman with giant tits and great abs.
Well thanks for giving me the mental image of Emperor Palpatine with massive honkers.
You're welcome citizen.
>What female dominated or all-female factions or races exist in your setting, if any, and how do they interact with the other groups, if at all?
There's an alliance of island nations, the chief among them are amazonians just 7ft tall muscular women, an elven country, and a draconian race. They're currently at war with a combined beastman and cambion alliance, its an expansionist war done in the name of reclaiming the islands closest to their nation some 500km of their north coast that ceded from the beastman nation during a tumultuous great war some half a century ago.

>>Besides Ancient Scythia, what did you use as a base for your female faction's culture(s), and how did you put your own take on things?
They're a mixture of typical elven planning, and perfection pursuit with a heavy layer of British coating it. While the amazonians are very Texan, they're honest, brash, headstrong, and of course have a love of warfare.

The beastman nation was a regional power born from a great conqueror state predecessor that in the last war threw their lot with the Cambion nationalist that was a burgeoning world power. Both lost, and this sent the beastmen into a state of unsuccessful transition from a monarchy to a republic, with no stability in decades the nation was impoverished. A military junta came to power after successfully eliminating both the royalists, and waning the power of the reformists. They did actually manage to right the course of the country, but were losing the support of the people with their strongarm tactics, including open assassination of political rivals, and imprisoning anyone suspected of sedition or supporting the now gone monarchy. As a military junta their solution was to enrich their nation through war, their target was of course their "soft" neighbors the ones who ceded. 1/2

The island that ceded quickly joined the amazon alliance which was both developed, and prosperous due to the natural resources, and being relatively untouched by the great war. They always had an uneasy relation with the beastmen, but never invested much in their military as they're mostly isolated, and in a good standing on the world stage as a reliable ally, and peaceful. When the beastmen junta came to power they did start to slowly build up their militaries, but they still lacked manpower. When the beastmen attacked they quickly established a beachhead from which they claimed some 75% of the former island nation, and the surrounding smaller islands were also embattled in losing fights.

This whole setup is so I can have elves flying F-4 Phantoms, amazon marines, and catgirl recon units going up against nondescript beastment using Warsaw Pact equipment, and some BIRCS weaponry while the amazon alliance uses late 90s early 2000's NATO equipment.
Anyone else dislikes trope the trope where Amazons have a natural hostility towards men and feel sorority towards women outside their group? The way I interpret them, while they represent a matriarchal society where females lead and males are physically weaker, Amazons value strength and honor before all. If they were to visit Medieval Europe, they would be more likely to identify with the men who hunt and go to war while feeling apathetic toward women who do domestic work.
I don't think you understand how sexism works. By your logic republicans want dommy mommy wives with sick girl abs. I mean I do, but I'm left-leaning parasite.

Throw ideological consistency out the window. The way people work is about power structures. People who insist on traditional gender roles care about having power over women, hence their distaste for feminism. They don't want women to be more masculine, they want to strictly delineate what is masculine and feminine and reduce any crossover to make gender roles rigid, and thus the power dynamic men have over women to be rigid. Hence feminine men freak them the fuck out, as do masculine women.

So likewise I imagine traditional amazons would want gender roles to be very rigid, just reversed, and would find the idea of something like a male soldier threatening to Amazon social order. Unless say, that amazon is also a radical-left-wing anarchist. That said- I don't think they'd find solidarity with say elven women, finding them weak and beneath them because they also bely that Amazonian social-structure.
I hate this idea that for a matriarchal society, this would require inversing the traditional power structure of some extreme misogynist society. Like drow society, which I'm guessing is just supposed to not be taken seriously. I just hate it though, its unimaginative. Why not just have a society where there's no men instead of this masochist fetish "society"?
Indeed. AFAIK what made the the stories about the amazons and gladiatrices infamous was that they were scandalous to the point of eroticism.
I mean the drow are pretty cartoonish, but when you read how women got treated as property in history, I don't think it's as outlandish.

Of course the reason for the commodification of women comes down mostly to child-mortality rates. If only 1 in 5 children live to adulthood then a woman needs to be constantly pregnant for ten years just to keep the population stable. And childbirth even today is very deadly. And if your wife dies in childbirth, well you just replace her with a younger wife. In addition, being constantly pregnant and raising children, it means she doesn't have time to pursue a dayjob.

Naturally all of that doesn't apply to men. And if Amazons are to work, one would have to assume that they don't spend a lot of time being pregnant, or that childbirth would be very likely to kill them off, or that child-mortality rates are so high that women can't afford to risk their lives in battle.
I have way too much fun giving my different races wildly different gender dynamics. Feels really boring to make a nonhuman race, then "okay and they have western Christian views on relationships as well".
Arguably they were just a giant joke. Like the idea of women warriors was just inherently funny to the Greeks. Though we should remember that most of our sources were Athenian and they were especially misogynist even by greek standards. Like it's pretty clear Aphrodite had a bigger role in the Trojan War and she had a warrior aspect in Sparta (who notably expected their women to be physically fit and enjoyed more freedom than Athenian women), remember Aphrodite is the one who essentially starts the Trojan War but the Iliad has a section where Zeus lectures her saying she doesn't have a place on the battlefield that very much reads like Homer expressing some opinions of his.

A similar thing happened with Sappho, the woman from which the words 'Sapphic' and 'Lesbian' derive, an ancient Greek Writer wrote she married a man whose name meant 'Man from Dick Island' clearly a dig at her romantic encounters with women, but this became internalized by Byzantine and later authors. So the idea of a joke taking mythic significance isn't too outlandish.

Others say that Amazons were based on Scythians who had warrior women in their ranks, but that's likely more a degree of syncretism as they encountered Scythians, as the myth goes it was a separate band that fled to what's now Ukraine and thus avoided being killed by Hercules that founded the Scythians.
That's why, in the lizard race of my setting, women lead the army while men lead the Church. Female have the strength and endurance for war, while lizard men have the elegance and the charisma to gather people. Both sexes have qualities and occupy equally important roles for their society to run.
Agreed. What ones do you have?

I like the idea that Dwarven women handle all the politics. Like Dwarf Men consider politics 'too girly' compared to stuff like mining, blacksmithing, and soldiering. So while Dwarven men do all the 'mans work' Dwarven women control all the power-dynamics. Basically they appease their husbands going 'yes dear' whenever they have to complain about, and then go back to the Dwarf senate to do all the real work.
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I was thinking of having the reverse. Women have all the religious roles (except for low ranking ones that allow men too) while men otherwise have the traditional roles in the army and politics. But society is very much divided between the religious and 'secular' (feudal nobility) spheres essentially having to push-and-pull over who has authority over what.
The most advanced race in my setting are a race of crabs that treat their females as little better than broodmares. However, these crabs are OBSESSED with hunting to the degree that even a yautja would think they were mildly insane. And while their Hunter Exam is almost always done by males, females can participate if they wish. If a female is successful in her hunt, she's considered an official Hunter, equal in rank with other male Hunters.

Then I have a race of bats where the small females form harems of the gorilla-sized extremely-dumb males. Oddly, if you tried explaining "matriarchy" to one she would likely be extremely offended, and insist males were the superior gender, even though their entire culture revolves around manipulating and controlling their husbands.

Then I have a race of "vegetarian" theropods (they've bred a race of brainless cow they insist is a vegetable that they exclusively eat) whose approach to relationships never goes farther than "you have good genes, I have good genes too, we should mate then go our separate ways".

The only race with a relationship system similar to humans is another race of crabs (I have three so far), but these crabs are extremely racist against humans due to a number of complicated reasons.
there's no way to make a good amazonian society that doesn't fall into magical realm, or some poorly thought out inversion of the current male/female dynamic
Just make them eusocial like bees and ants.
Not him, but how would that work then?
kill yourself bumpfag
Already did >>92831841. Hard disagree with >>92840696 btw. Parthenogenesis is a great way to rebuild numbers when there's too much upheaval for regular rearing to work, makes sense that facultative all-female groups would serve as a backup for any civ with biotech and foresight. Also if you're dealing with anything non-mammalian there are different dimorphisms anyway. Also >>92840429 while you're doing that.

Goblin Punch's "miners" vs "smiths" gender divide is entertaining:

For my part the underdark's a dumping ground for weird races. The weirdest gender-wise are arguably the Tentapts and Hoon. The former are birds of paradise by way of cephalopod with their whole shtick being ludicrously overelaborate mating displays, once their magitech got advanced enough for them to alter themselves population crashed before the reproductive barriers of bluff, counter-seduction and fractal fetishes. Their nestmate young are just about sane (hyperintelligent even) until puberty hits and then it's all flamboyant madness. Hoon meanwhile had a standard alpha bull and cow harem setup which was disrupted when a (possibly engineered) parasite plague stripped away the manes which were their secondary sexual characteristics. Cow covens were already the nucleus of civilisation by then and as denoting sex by surrogate masks became a thing some stepped up as outright leaders by becoming "ceremonially male". These days a series of interlocking castes denoted by mask/profession/gender is their social default with any aknowledgement of how weird it is treated as this guy's bats might >>92840696.
Bump yourself killfag
is having not just female dwarves, but having them in charge just too cringe, taking it too far?
being afraid of looking cringe is the cringiest thing there is.
How do I include telekinesis into my setting's magic system without all of the combat devolving to who can grab who fast enough and rip them in half or drop them from a big height?
Can't TK other ensouled beings, other living beings, other organic matter, or anything weighing more than 30kg. Alternately, TK is limited to pulling things towards you, has a defined range (only move things within 5-10m), cannot make a firm grip (so only push, no grab/rip/crush), or other usage limitations.
Brooklyn probably
You should check out Gowanus/Red Hook, Industry City, and the Brooklyn Navy Yard
Reminds me a bit of Iron in Mistborn.
how amendable would elves and dwarves take to flight, specifically flight as invented by men
>Realize that almost every wizard in my setting is a heartless psychopath
>Have to manually add in multiple boring lawful-good wizards for balance
In retrospect, having a magic system centered around making yourself insane was probably a mistake.
Tips on showing scale correctly for maps? I want to avoid my continent looking like islands
put a toyota down for scale.
Connect the continents together. Doing so adds more intrigue.

Europe is connected to Asia by the Urals and Caucasus, and Asia is connected to Africa by the Sinai Peninsula. North and South America are connected by Panama.
How might Amazonian-styled armor differ from the armor other groups or factions might use?
So, this World Anvil site seems really cool, but does anyone know their copyright policy? Like, do they have some thing where they can use and copyright anything that is submitted to their site or whatever? I know this is mostly a non-issue, but it does bother me
put equator, subtropics or artic line
just see how continent looks, avoid jagged coast lines
you are totally not reading your own politics into it
I want to run a sword and sorcery, low magic dark fantasy megadungeon campaign. I'd love to make it a Wizardry type deal: there's the Town and the deadly dungeon undearneath.
Should I start from the Town and build the world from there?
Also how would you make this shit sounds interesting to players who like jrpg plot twist shit and gimmick fantasy worlds?
Athenians were extra-misogynistic though and who exactly wrote shit down has a lot to do with how we view history. Sparta seems so rosy compared to the reality for instance because it was Athenian aristocrats leery of populism and new money who held them up as examples of virtue in a mirror to their own society.
The hive's sterile sisters >>92831841 are indoctrinated in the womb. As the descent into full eusociality continues they become more disposable and less capable of post-birth learning (much of the "thought" of education is offloaded onto the tank's neural womb complex instead) to the extent that they're sealed into suits they will die in. Meanwhile the queen mothers themselves grow ever more sessile, their "armour" is a bunker. A semi-independent "princess" caste is formed though, they consume the dying in the field and add their uploads to the ancestral swarm. Queens rightly fear their self-determination but need new experiences to keep their dreams of second-hand experience from drifting too far into delusion, in their own alien way they may even desire company of a sort.

As potential Queens any mutation in a princess would be disastrous for her future colony, some organs can be extracted and stored safely for re-implantation but as the "wisdom of the womb" is key to the Queen's grip on power that will always be within her. Whenever rarely seen outside their power armour they wear bulbous shielding around their abdomen. Radiation-proofing aside appearing gravid is a mark of power. Woe betide the princess who uses such armour to conceal a truly pregnant belly, a fate worse than death awaits them if discovered.
What's a good alternative term for bending, like A:TLA bending?

I wanted a form of it called astronbending that involves shooting cosmic radioactive dust in my setting but I think having people call it "bending" as a shorthand is a bit too close to Avatar.
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ok heres what i got so far
weaving or warping?
Been working on the retro sci-fi setting first brought up in >>92825204. So far, humanity is spreading across the stars and is in a Cold War with an alien species. What ignited tensions is unknown, but the propaganda machine claims the xenos oppose everything Earth stands for and warns to keep on a look-out for spies, while the army is intensifying its recruitment campaign and proposing more and more enlistment incentives. Uncertainty and paranoia fills the air as another war seems imminent, but what internal conflicts could there be for campaigns that don't involve xenos or the Cold War?

Since this is based off 50s America, which saw the rise of the Civil right movement, maybe there could be socio-political stakes, like crowds marching the streets for the rights of sentient robots. That there's a start.
Okay so the whole 'Central Ocean' thing is kinda a good start point to why this is pretty amateurish.

My advice is don't make things as symmetrical. Move the western and eastern continents more to the side, have one that's more in a corner. Maybe make that supercontinent two clearly different but connected continent, make one of the halves a lot bigger than the other. For the Northern continent, consider having a part of it hit the top of the map- representing impassable ice-walls from the arctic that force ships around the continent to trade (like say Canada and the Hudson Bay) Also maybe put in an inland sea around one of your continents, probably that super-continent. Maybe also some small island chains in the south or the greater ocean for a touch of variety too.
Yeah, many conservatives accused civil-rights activists like MLK Jr. being soviet plants- that 'all of a sudden' black people didn't like segregation because of far-left agitation and wanted equal treatment. Of course this obviously ignored FDR and Truman who thought segregation was stupid on a federal level and desegregating the military was much smarter than keeping separate supply lines for white and colored units.

The anti-war movement of the seventies were seen more as useful idiots, parotting lines convenient to the russians, and you saw the same sort of discussion about the 'breakdown of the traditional family values'. Not long after you also had the satanic panic, which can be tied to shifts in american religiousity and severe misunderstanding of both youth culture but also how demonology is meant to ACTUALLY work. You could tie this maybe into a red-scare element as well.

That said, the Cold-War was notable for the amount of left-wing terrorism that occured, namely from groups like the anti-whalers who basically acted as pirates commandeering whaling vessels, they're the most prominent but you had smaller scale wackier stuff going on too.
I don't know as much about what the Russians were panicking about in the Cold War though. I think the difference is Soviet citizens knew they had no real say in the government and probably felt less of a need to be on guard for 'anti-revolutionaries'. Especially after how tiresome the purges were in the 30's and people didn't want a repeat. Most Soviets wanted to rest on their laurels after WW2, enjoying a much greater level of prosperity than they had in prior decades. My russian professor said the idea the USSR stagnated under Breznhev is a western construction, and in Russia his reign was seen as a golden age. Plus the Russian were pretty content with the land they'd gotten in the eastern bloc, the only time they tried to really expand was the Afghan invasion of the 1980's. I did have a class focused on Soviet Central Asia. The Soviets developed a lot in the region- viewing old islamic feudalism as much more of an ideological obstacle than the Tsars had. They ended up compromising a lot with the Islamic church though, outright banning it just led to a lot of revolution, but they massively increased literacy, after decades of failure had managed to bring women to equal status as men (at least as much in the rest of the USSR) and had built up a lot of factory jobs and bringing people to University. That said- there was a disconnect because the USSR valued the region for cheap agricultural goods relying on cheap illiterate native labor, so the region didn't end up seeing a complete westernization either, and more created a rural/urban divide.
Not sure if weaving is a term I like. Warping I think has a connotation of damaging which I don't like.

I think that's the right track, I'm gonna see about more terms like that.
Screencaped for later study. Thanks.
>the only time they tried to really expand was the Afghan invasion of the 1980's
This is literally the wrongest take on the Soviet-Afghan war o have ever heard.
Most of the conflicts the Russians partook in during the Cold War were crushing dissent in the Eastern Bloc, which the West during WW2 had very clearly demarcated as 'their territory', such as the Hungarian uprising, or the Czech Velvet revolution, which was reinforced by the West doing diddly squat to stop the Russians sending tanks into those areas. Or they were proxy wars with the US in the third world that was mostly the same shit the US was doing on opposite ends, sending guns, advisors, technical assistance, etc. with any army involvement being strictly deniable (such as sending Russian pilots to Korea and Vietnam).

So the only time the USSR tried to directly invade a country during WW2, and directly expand its influence (as opposed to indirectly spreading its influence such as in Korea or Vietnam, communist dictatorships that were still independent countries) was when they went into Afghanistan. Now a large part of that was them trying to prop up a friendly communist regime in the area, but still had they been successful the result would have been a satellite nation akin to Poland, rather than say Cuba.
What would be a good name for a buff you get when you consume alcohol, coffee, but also potions and elixirs? So far I got Energized which is quite meh...
Satisfied? Hydrated? Caffeinated?
How would it be possible for a country's population to remain basically the same, despite heavy immigration, for nearly 200 years?
I'm no expert on the matter, but selectivity and forced assimilation could certainly play a part.

In my settings amazons are ESPECIALLY vindictive and savage towards non-amazon women BECAUSE they regard men as naturally inferior and the fact that these women submit to their men means they must be even more worthless than their menfolk
My Amazons only exist to provide strong wives for great heroes, once they've gone through their young phase and just want to settle down with a wife and family.
They know this, but pretend not to. So they always surrender once a hero has nonlethally defeated them and turn into loyal but jealous wives.
Walt Disney also hated commies
Your country could favor certain migrant populations that are deemed compatible with its system and values, while also excepting them to adopt the local culture in order to preserve the nation's identity and legacy.
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I know I said the setting is based on/takes inspiration from 50s America, but it's still a sci-fi world with hover cars and drive-ins on Mars. I'm not just gonna copy the whole political backdrop and give it different names.
A lot of people would be dying is what that means. A steady population with a heavy influx but no significant change means that birthing and immigration are equal to the deaths and emigration. Typically, places that see a lot of immigration sees very little emigration, so the major factor in reducing numbers would logically be deaths.
The real killers on a grand scale is typically war, famine, or disease, sometimes all three.
All the way up to the industrial revolution, cities saw more deaths than births, but because so many people just kept coming to the cities to work or whatever, city populations just kept growing despite technically not being self-sustaining. They were also cesspools that bred disease like nobody's business, and it was only very recently in history that the trend changed, with what germ theory, city planning, and modern sanitation.
Sounds cool. Incredibly selective immigration that only manages to keep their falling population vaguely stable.

It will be highly competitive.
So what people fail to understand about immigration and population growth is that first-world nations naturally have net-negative birthrates. The higher your living standard the more expensive raising kids is compared to poor rural nations like Namibia for instance. So as nations become wealthier and more urbanized their population growth drops off considerably, for example how Italy went from a country with excessive population growth creating a lot of italian immigrants, to now being a nation growing by accepting immigrants.

So wealthy first-world nations just maintain population growth by accepting immigrants. Contrary to all the memes, the US only lets in a slightly larger number of immigrants by percentage compared to most other western countries by percentage (being a large country this is still a big total number). Another element is immigrant labor is cheaper since they are making more money than in their home country but less money than natural born citizens expect to make so there is an economic demand for immigrant labor. This caused Japan to finally bite the immigrant bullet after decades of just trying to replace everyone with robots, their companies have been begging the government to let in more immigrants for a while now.

Anyway: All that to say that a high standard of living means population decline (but not an apocalyptic one) and that countries have the power to only let in as many immigrants as they want, it's just every country wants to maintain population growth at levels of like 2%.
Assimilation has nothing to do with population totals. You're just repeating talking points.
Funnily enough he actually got somewhat blacklisted for hiring a Nazi actress. This lead to the myth that he was an anti-semite, but this was a case of the women just having been a German actress in an era where the Nazi's controlled the local film industry, so it was an over-reaction.
The Afghan government had begged the Soviets to intervene in Afgha Istanbul for years, and during the process the Soviet government begged the Afghans to compromise with the religious right and capital to avoid the conflict.
I'm not saying it was an extremely straightforward conflict. Just that it was the first time the USSR was in a conflict to directly expand their sphere of influence (as opposed to indirectly expanding it).
Editing it per your advice, for the northern continent its supposed to mostly wrap around the pole, should i illustrate the ice sheets it has? and you were right splitting the super continent was a good idea, im playing with different shapes to add an inland sea filled with islands belonging to the merged chunks of both continents
Right. Gotta remember how 2d warps scale and everything, but naturally that's hard to do. I think not including the arctic and antarctic circles is for the best because that's where the warping kicks into super high gear, and by doing so you can pretty easily say 'and beyond this point it's all unnavigable ice-walls, so while there may be some terrain features, they aren't really important in terms of navigation or polities'.

Anyway for good island inspiration there's obviously the Mediterranean, but also the Carribean, and getting some familiarity with Indonesia could help since their shallow waters likewise helped with trade and navigation making them relatively similar.

Oh also- maybe some larger islands next to these continents that are a part of them. Like say the British Isles to Europe, Japan to Asia, Madagascar to Africa, and New Zealand to Australia. This has the bonus effect of creating strategic straight channels for commerce and maritime strategy.
Another thing- adding lines to represent the Tropics could also help to represent scale, showing a clear delineation between the tropical equatorial band, and the temperate colder north and south.
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i gotcha, heres where i'm at, i get the warping so should i cut off the map and just leave a few peninsulas dangling down? and im not too fussed on the shape of the smaller islands yet moreso they're placement right now i just want to get scale down then figure out mountains/climate yknow
Technically it's not a peninsula, but yes. Just contrast how silly flat maps that include the arctic and antarctic circles compared to ones that cut them off.

Anyway that looks pretty good adding those huge channels, those look like they'd create a lo of interesting naval scenarios there.

Those islands look like good choices. I'd suggest maybe putting some remote ones in the southeast corner akin to polynesia- like it looks like it's own thing that'd have a unique culture.

As for climate I'd suggest placing those tropic lines down because they'd do a good job of figuring out the difference between equatorial and temperate zones. As for mountains figure out where he major continental plates are (some of these will mimic the shape of the oceans). Plates being long a continent is rare but there are exceptions. Once you figured out where the plates are mountain chains will mostly parallel the lines. You have growing mountain chains like the Himalaya's (where India is crashing into Asia) and extinct chains like the Appalachians (where Noth America used o french-kiss Africa).
Afghanistan. Fucking autocorrect.
Again. They weren't trying to expand. They were asked by a country with an existing left wing government to intervene and they initially did not do so, then when they did intervene they begged the Afghans to be less soviet. The Afghan government was firmly in their sphere before the conflict started and had been for years.
The sadness of the withering loathing is immense. The worst there is. He could see no other way forward. In fact, as he reasoned to himself, this is the only availible step for me to take. Such drastic actions for such little gain though. He wondered aloud: "Is there nothing else that can be done?", but the wooden frame surrounding the mirror in which he was gazing remained silent. "Yeah, yeah, mock all you want", he carried on in this one way dialogue with himself. The more I wait the less time remains before the deed is to be done. "I better get going then", he whispered to himself before ashing his over-drafted cigarette in the right eye of his reflection. "That'll teach you", he tought as he left.
Alrighty, thank you for your patience and help this had been fun to work on
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>What female dominated or all-female factions or races exist in your setting, if any, and how do they interact with the other groups, if at all?
During the Third Mengis Secession Crisis princess Rediet, a notable priestess, led an army of militant nuns to convince monasteries to support her claim to the throne. They were given guns from distant empires, which made up for any physical defects they'd have in melee combat.
>If it's a race, particularly one fairly close to human, how does the biology of them being all or mostly female work, especially if any males that 'do' exist are weaker than the females?
They're humans. As I mention in a later question, they look like East African humans.
>Besides Ancient Scythia, what did you use as a base for your female faction's culture(s), and how did you put your own take on things?
The Mengis are like a mix of Ethiopian culture and ancient Hebrew culture. They are technically a patriarchal society, but they have a lot of matriarchal bents. EG the mother dictated things like citizenship, race, and religion. Though you'd belong to your father's family. Rediet's army is usually downplayed as a threat until Rediet uses her clerical influence to seize the empire's religious institutions. She's the third standing faction in the crisis (it starts with seven factions).
>Lastly, what deities do this female factions or races worship? And how do they handle magic?
They can only use basic holy magic; they can heal, take blessings from artifacts, and have more charisma. They worship a god called Tetron, who's described as the god of humanity, but his church preaches that the Mengis are the chosen people and that the Sovid Dynasty are the only legitimate rulers of the chosen people. The Sovid Dynasty has grown very large with many branches, that's why the crisis involves seven siblings fighting over legal and theocratic technicalities.
Minor note: I've been wondering what you might get if you basically did to Medieval Africa that Isekai does to Medieval Europe.

Blend all architecture and fashion from 1200-1800, boil down social structures to 'generic kingdoms plus sex-slaves', keep magic based on video-game mechanics, but there are just sexy brown girl out the wazoo.

Don't know if it's a thought experiment that'd generate anything tun.
Africa kino
The closest I get is Succubi.

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