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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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>new player joins the game
>new character materializes out of thin air in the middle of the wilderness
really breaks my immersion
>that vulva shot
So this is porn, right?
I have bad news, Anon.
That's even better. Google's fighting me, so fork over the sauce.
I love Dross and twinks.. and cocks
Looks like dross's style to me.
It is from Dross
I don't even need to check
>implying you have ever once been immersed in a TTRPG
This is not only gay, it's vore, isn't it?
>native american brown elf
Such a curious combination? And rather odd to observe? Usually they are either the whitest waifs or brown like bhurja.
Had a player try the "My character is dead, but his identical twin immediately leaps out of a bush to join the party and claim all his old character's stuff as his own" bullshit. The rest of the party (good roleplayers) shouted "Doppleganger!" and ganked his new character, as this was way to contrived to NOT be a trap of some sort. He eventually rolled up a different character and joined the group in a more reasonable manner.
Random encounters don't need to be fights. Welcome your new pal.
Didn't Dragonlance do "native american brown" back in the day for one of the main characters? Though she might have been human rather than elf.
Immersion is your own responsibility, not the GM's.
>game ends on a cliffhanger
>player misses next session
>their character just fucks off on a side quest
>Gm forces a prophetically dream on the party about an unavoidable future
>If a char dies the new PC appears again in the dream
>Gm still pretends is unavoidable
Then what is GM even good for?
They did Native American whites. Goldmoon was blonde hair, blue eyes. The perfect Mormon Aryan.
no flat tiddy elf gf
sounds like a GM skill issue

I'm always able to create more or less reasonable connections
I've done something similar where new character was always some sort of relative claiming inheritance and always overtly prepared for what killed the previous one. If my Fighter died to a trap, my next one would be rogue or divination cleric who would not be afraid to take place of recently deceased because whatever killed them "wouldn't happen to me". Both GM and the party let me get away with it numerous times.
The further down the road the prophecy stretches, the vaguer you need to be, else you risk looking like a dumbass when you're constantly getting proved wrong. Don't drop names, don't show faces, and especially don't imply that the people who make it to the end are all the same people at the beginning. Use weird symbols and shit so if something falls through, everyone can be all "oh, we thought that meant (x), but it really turned out to be (y)", and feel correspondingly clever for having divined some alternative meaning from your bullshit.
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>OP never played anything
>Has no clue how those situations are handled in games
>All he knows are the shitty memes, older than him
Hello, tertiary. Question: why are you shitposting on a hobby board despite being so fucking clueless about related hobby?
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Finding an elf ranger in a forest fighting unnatural monsters is believable, it's their natural habitat.
Which does not explain why the ranger would suddenly want to leave the habitat to tag along with the party.
Agreed. Need to find where his newest stuff is being posted outside of his Patreon.
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Bless you, anon.
Thats why you should play in caravans/mercenary companies if you got a shifty table. THen you can say that this guy was working under the ship deck/in the carrage, until now.

If you got a shifty party, you should be playing in situations that accomidate drop ins and drop outs.
setting the characters up as a part of any bigger organized group makes the players bitch and moan about railroading
Most of the times players want to feel special, they want to be the ones the prophecy is about. When it turns out the assumption is wrong they won't take it easy.
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>le joke is porn
>faggot porn
all this could be prevented by single line in backstory "the character comes from identical octuplets" gives you plenty room for backup
>thread is still up
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>new player joins the game
>new character ENTERS dramatically
I will now play your game.
>new character Kool-Aid-Mans in the middle of a dungeon
Oh, yeah!

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