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Wasn't sure if I should bring this here or send it to /x/ so they could freak out while I made popcorn, but this seems a rl adventure hook, so:

>1300 cases where the organs have survived even when all other soft tissues have decomposed. Some of these brains are more than 12,000 years old.

>“Brains of this type, where they’re the only soft tissue preserved, have been found in sunken shipwrecks and in waterlogged graves where the bones are just floating,” says Alexandra Morton-Hayward at the University of Oxford. “It’s really, really strange.”

Have we stumbled upon a sinister plan of our Undead Whale Overlords?

my guess is that the brain mostly holds together as a bundle of myelin which doesnt get decomposed because of the low temperatures and anoxic environment, while the rest of the cells lyse due to the osmolarity of seawater. doesnt explain skin though, maybe it's broken down chemically or the flesh eating bacteria cant survive on pure fat
fish can't get into the skull.

this anon is probably also right.
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Brains of the Windover bog bodies (7-8k years old) were also preserved in a similar way, despite the decomposition of the rest of the soft tissue.
Scientists speculate that the preservation was the result of the low acidity of the peat pond (nearly neutral), the anaerobic environment, and the burial in the bog with 24-48 hour or less after death (before the brain could start to decompose).
For shipwreck victims, I'd imagine you'd see a faster "burial" timeframe than the bog bodies and, so long as the body doesn't rise to the surface due to bloating, the brain would probably stay in anaerobic conditions.
Not sure how the temperatures differences, differences in pH, or the freshwater/saltwater switch would affect things.
there's some exceptionally well preserved shipwrecks in a lagoon somewhere in new zealand because the water is just too cold for the ship worms to survive
Sea water contains a high saturation of ambient blue mana which is associated with coldness and stasis, living people perceive this as a vague sense of wonder and interest when swimming or diving, but over time
a sunken corpse accrues blue mana which becomes concentrated in the brain, precluding the influence of black or green mana.

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Okay, but what are you actually supposed to do in this setting?

Like, it's cool and all, and kinda useful as a framing device to introduce various GURPS mini-settings (even if you have to contrive things like Yrth's quantum sargasso and kick THS out) but I just don't see how you turn it into a campaign.
Are you stupid? The book throws plothooks at you for every world and I'm pretty sure there's an entire section for running campaigns, how much more handholding do you need?
No it doesn't?

>The Patrol is keeping a weather eyeon this alternate, concerned that itcould slip into a global conflagrationendangering the generally lucrativetrade in fur and auroch meat WhiteStar enjoys. The Patrol also suspectsthat some Homeline traders have beenslipping the Swedes improvedfirearms and ship designs, andpossibly even blast furnaces and othercrucial war-fighting and industrialtechnologies. Tourists primarily visitwindswept Stuart Scotland, theimmense Lacota trading post nearFort-Nicholas on the upper Missi-ssippi, or the steam-powered cottonmills rising under the Pyramids ofEgypt. Centrum’s activities, if any, onArmada-2, remain mysterious,although the 1809 disappearance ofthe Spanish colony of Bahia Teresa (onthe site of Homeline’s Sydney,Australia) is suspicious to say the least.

Is this supposed to be the plot hook? I go to an alternate universe to find the guy who's gunrunning to the 19th century Swedes?

The campaign chapter is also mostly spent on "it could be action or thriller." There's no real connective tissue suggested (unless you count "they go to find out who Jack the Ripper is, then they go to find out if Caesar's wife really told him to stay home that day" as "connective tissue"). It doesn't even seem to meaningfully involve Centrum.
I've not ever read it. I'm gonna go take a look, but if there is a section about plot hooks and adventure backgrounds I'm gonna be fucking mad...
GOD DAMMIT YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER, Every page is literally covered in adventure hooks.

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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WIP14 with Flash Pulse makes him a very annoying ARO piece though. As for FO being the worst specialist type, you aren't wrong, but specialists are specialists and getting another buttonpusher isn't a bad deal, especially since as Anon already mentioned you're paying for the FO gear anyway.
NTA but what makes Flash Pulse good ARO weapon?
It's a technical weapon so it uses WIP when shooting, which tends to be a bit higher than BS. It targets BTS, which tends to be a bit lower than ARM (though there absolutely are some units where it flips *hard* and it's like 1 ARM 6 BTS). Its range isn't phenomenal but it outdistances normal rifles and has only -3 out to 48".

What makes it good for ARO specifically, in my mind, is twofold. First is that it's dirt cheap and plentiful, letting you add some utility to cheaper line infantry and skirmishers. Yeah they'll get outclassed by actual ARO pieces, but those usually cost points and SWC; meanwhile, you can turn cheerleaders into an annoying roadblock and give your low-BS-high-WIP skirmishers a chance in a firefight, all for just pennies. The second reason is more that Flash Pulse sucks as an active turn weapon because they're B1 and only stun, but in ARO B1 isn't a hindrance and stun ammo is really good for disrupting opponents. Stunned units can't attack and take -3 to their rolls for the rest of the turn; land one on a scary multiwound Rambo and their rampage immediately stops. Obviously it's not as good as killing the Rambo outright, but again the Flash Pulse is cheap, so you're getting a lot of use out of a very minor investment.

The Bao Troop has effectively BS14 when using Flash Pulse and can ignore mimetism and smoke. If you're already looking at taking a Bao to counter marker states, it's only 2 more points for one that can, if needed, pull double duty as an ARO piece (though it's a bit expensive for that, so make sure the tradeoff is worth it).
question is why though, you already have a very solid ARO piece Bao with the MSR profile, which can also be harised with a sniper rifle ABH and a missile Zhanying for a pretty scary defensive haris. Place them so they can't be picked off individually and there's not many attack pieces that will want to F2F against it.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92800634
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Man, good thing I finished Slay The Princess before stumbling across this image.
Pristine Cut CYOA when?
Did you like my OC?
You may be a Lord of CYOAs, but you are not the King of CYOAs, you would do well to remember your place.
Be that as it may, I also did not particularly enjoy Magi Case.
Recent OC has been absolutely SHIT lately, so no.
Lost Continent doesn't count as OC by the way, it was just an update. I enjoyed it when it first released, but I saw no reason to replay it.
nobody did OC anymor...

Operation Fredericus Edition

>Last Thread:

>Thread question
What was the most overwhelming victory you ever achieved?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Added more meadows and tried the first bit of drybrushing on the dark patches.
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Shitty pic, but slowly grinding through D'Erlon corps for the Hundred Days in 10mm. I don't know when I'll finish this project, but it's a nice break from 28mm.
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Early thirties.
>playing WW2
Checks out
Bolt action (Warlord games) figures come with the best 25mm round bases on the market. They are incredibly low profile and have a nice little lip for easy basing. Why do you replace them with these inch tall GW bases? Looks terrible. Other than that, very nice figures.

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>yet another episode of the GM killing the campaign after 3 months
>all so we could start a new one that will inevitably end after another 3 months
I just want to finish up an adventure once
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savage worlds in a fantasy setting
this, feels like anytime we get some good momentum the game get killed off
It gets worse as you get older and people have more and more responsibilities. Ive only ever completed two games and one barely got over the finish line before two of the members basically ghosted and stopped responding to messages regularly
Run your own games and shut the fuck up.
Or hire the GM for a sum sufficient to ensure their retained interest.
You're literally complaining about someone's free labor giving you months of entertainment... for free.
Why is it taking you 3 months to finish one adventure?
The most success I had was running my own homemade campaign. I created things as we went but I had some major potential antagonists fleshed out beforehand to help me out. It lasted for 13 months, meeting every other weekend for 3 to 4 hours. We had 9 players. It only ended because they reached a good stopping point and I was feeling limited by the system and their suite of abilities since their characters were so strong at that point. Almost everyone loved the campaign, but funny enough for myself I found I enjoyed the first 4 months so much more than the rest. I'm not sure you guys are missing out on too much with your shorter campaigns.

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Ananasi Femme Fatale Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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i wouldn't explode every interloper who comes near my estate if i wanted to be liked
NTA but you seem like an insufferable faggot bitching because no one cares about your shitty take on some foreign book. Please shut the fuck up
aren't ananasi emotionally cooled bastards who know less about anything fun than your most npc sleeper?
That's not how context in the English language works, my friend
>Which of the Nine Mystic Traditions do you philosophically agree with?
world is a fuck 923874982374 reality deviants dead, this thread is now technocratic property (■_■)

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Return to TESTERON edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92743849

>Thread Question: What makes a man?
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I haven't run Traveler in ages. I played a few games of the first edition like 10 years ago but lost the books in a move to another house.
Thanks for reminding me of it. I also ran Star Frontiers, the races are pretty much what I want for my game now that I think about it, but there was no space stuff, only planet wilderness and a cave system. My players never got off the planet no matter how many chances I gave them lol
Not very familiar with 5PFH, will look it up, thanks.
>explore small dungeon
>secret passage
>to another secret dungeon
>last room has an entrance to a cavern
>caverns and long tunnels have stone stairs leading to other small dungeons in several places
>create lore as I play to explain why that is
>secret society/cult, of course
>find magical lock in a room
lock to... nothing?
>wizard opens it
>the whole underground was on a time shift pivot
>by opening the lock we shift to the real timeline
>everything looks new and we can hear people walking and talking in the nearby corridors
Who are you calling bite-sized? I'll have you know women find my actual plays of average length!
two technically I just felt like including setup, first 7 lines are from the previous session. rest is from about an hour of play due to waffling which risk to take on the rescue
Damn, it took me three months and around 10 sessions just for my PC to leave his mentor's home and reach the Big City™

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ITT we LARP as Black Templars.
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where da reliquariez at
Can I have a haircut that isn't measured by the Holy Pudding Bowl?
Only the Custodes have those brother, did you not hear?

player wanted to try a hand in DMing gurps said his setting was really inspired by Final Fantasy 14. I usually don't play that shit because it always ends up being childish but I did some research.

>Setting is suppose to be medevil fantasy but aside from the bad empire most run a fairly modern democratic system
>Shit like carnivals and middle class activities exist even though historically most people should be too poor to ever afford going to a carnival and play games let alone have an entire casino built for it
>Robots and magitech against swords and shields
>magic cellphones
>Guns that's shoot lasers
>Modern Amenities like showers and baths
>Adventurers Guilds

what the fuck is this shit. The best games are always ones that follow historical accuracy the beat. When you start doing shit like robots you're better off doing star wars or some other dumbshit. I'm not letting my player run this I'm vetoing thus unless he does something better. Is this really what modern fantasy has become?
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nta but there certainly has been a powercreep between ultima weapon being used to enslave 3 primals and The Dalriada from Zadnor or yshtolas work on transferring souls between shards, like Endwalkers post-game. Even in game the forces coalescing bring the overall power level of the setting up (more and more echo able fighters have been collected to make eikon fighting forces post ARR than what they imply in the first 20 levels of the game)
>Fantasy Doesn't Understand Grog, Hate People Over Using Illustrative Words
Is that what you meant to say
>more and more echo able fighters have been collected
They also invented the Anti-Tempering charms, which denied primals of one of their deadliest traits. But yes, tech has indeed developed but it's been a logical progression each time. I'm also pretty sure Eorzea is particularly aether-rich, which made magic more reliable/powerful and thus caused tech to progress slower until they started reverse engineering garlean and Allegan tech
are the Allegans suppose to be an allegory for jews

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>I'll look into it, but I realize the example might have been throwing off the idea of the game
My point still stands, it's a pretty good rules light narativist RPG which seems like what you are looking for. The system is also free.
There isn't any such thing as hypothetically. Each person is different and has different interests. Ask your players.
Use prowlers and paragons.
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Anyone here familiar with Sentinel Comics?

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I'm looking to broaden my horizons, but many companies out there are just as expensive as GW, and the few promising ones often only show pictures of 3D renders, as opposed to actual models. I don't know which ones are trustworthy, so tell me about your experiences with alternative purveyors of wargaming models.

I just found a company called Rakovendetta, pic related, and I like their style. Has anyone ever purchased any of their models? How do they look in real life?
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sorry 20 dollars for the em4 stuff, missed my key
Thanks for showing me these exist.
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If you have any interest in historical figures, I like Footsore Miniatures.

(everything I've posted is in metal, btw)

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How do you feel about the artwork in modern D&D as compared to the older editions?
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>they didn't have the artists take direction from the writers
Massive cock-up.
It's not just the drow. Its basically all of the elves being drawing with colours that don't match the writing, for 35 years. It's annoying. It's always been annoying.
Agreed, but TSR was infamously mismanaged, combine that with the fact that many writers were only communicated with by phone or whenever they could drop by the office since they lived out of state or in Canada, and you have either significantly slower communications or business people making calls they don't understand.
I would like an art book that is just about the races of Faerun done as they were described in 1e/2e.
Granite and slate colored dwarves, the various flavors of elves, proper depictions of the different orcs, and so on.
Yeah, I'd buy that book. Or a big zip file of PNG art to use with VTTs.

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I refuse to play wargames or TTRPGs with people who unironically like and enjoy the Horus Heresy novel series. I have personally found they are invariably derivative, autistic fags who don't understand the appeal of /ourguys/ are are mainly interested in wargames/TTRPGs because of some OCD desire to collect information.

Am I wrong?
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>you are all mentally mind broken and in an effort to be “accepted” by other 4channers you hate something because you saw a post telling you to hate it
>w-w-w-WHAT?! you don't like [THING I LIKE]?! you must be....LE BRAINWASHED!!
God I hate consoomers.
Nice blog post faggot
Anyone else think the entire setting should be gleaned through lore snippets in the codices and Imperial Armour?
The 4 chaos gods are the only interesting thing warhammer has. The rest of the setting is devoid of any interesting metaphysics (besides chaos) written by faux postmodern irony hacks.
I agree with you not because of 30k vs 40k but cause I'm a /lit/ elitist that looks down on genre fiction especially one made for a franchise.

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How to properly answer your door in Night City.

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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It's a free and optional DLC nigger
What's your point anon, besides art is badly made?
How does it being free and optional not make it a product, Anon?
>2077 will come with a map
actually huge news, this will be the first time ever that night city has a fucking MAP for the tabletop
it's gonna be pure shit I bet
I guarantee it'll be in Interface RED 4 with ACPA rules (which just end up being full-body conversions except you wear them) and they'll charge $25 for it but look at all the other free digital books we're throwing in???

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