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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Return to TESTERON edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92743849

>Thread Question: What makes a man?
>What makes a man?
A series of rolls on some random tables, usually.
Since the thread's slow, I have a question to pose that interested me. Have you told others in your life (friends, dates, parents, partners, colleagues etc.) that you play solo? If so how did they react?

Were they curious enough to try?

I convinced my gf to play a one-shot of Ironsworn with me, co-op; she hit a running streak of Strong Hits that I've never seen before, just hours of it with no complication or issues, and she left thinking Ironsworn is ice calming northern journey simulator.
The second session will probably punish her the entire time.
The downfall of a hero
That's an even worse first impression to solo rog!
I confess I'm not posting anymore because every single time I want to post I'm asked to wait and wait for verification, captchas often fail the 1st time, never had trouble before. I don't clear cookies or anything, every single post it's a minute of waiting and captchas at least twice even though it was obviously correct the first time. It's just become too annoying to post here. It's like they want to make it impossible for real people to post while spam is still rampant. I would've never thought I'd quit 4chan over captchas of all things, but it just got too annoying and I don't enjoy it anymore. It's not fun to lurk, it's not fun to post. Have fun everyone.
ELO. Don't you fucking judge me! Listening to I'm Alive after an NPC friend had me resurrected in the mountain temple was kino.
I'm playing a PC heavy campaign. In the sense that it's the PC's actions that drive the plot. They get hooks/rumors to interact with and they do it as they see fit.
So far... they're assholes. They're scammers, thieves, murderers and con men.
The last thing they did was take a job to protect a settlement from pirates. The pirates was a rumor my own PCs started themselves! We put some men, PCs and NPCs, as bodyguards to the rich people. Then we pretended that an attack was happening and when the rich people tried to take their valuables and run, the bodyguards killed them using pirate weapons and took the loot back to our secret cave nearby.
Then our wizard cast an illusion of dead pirate bodies when the villagers returned. We disposed of them ourselves, of course. All part of our services. We're now heroes in their eyes. The rich must have took too long to escape, that's why they got killed. It's their own fault, really, the greedy bastards. Nobody else was injured, We did an excellent job. Tales of our deed is already spreading.
I should probably invest in illusion spells/disguise skills because when shit hits the fan and we are revealed as frauds, everyone will be coming for us or paying others to come for us.
Before the thread goes on for too long and I get lost again, i'll ask once more
Anyone played the strider more of the One Ring? Any opinion?
Once. I didn't care for it. It's not bad, but it's nothing special and lots of other games/tools do a better job. It's also a weird mix of beginner solo friendly and... not. Some things are well explained and some as important are just glossed over.
Oh, and the experience is a problem. You start with more as a solo hero, but you also get more so you advance more quickly. At first it would be fine, but then it just wouldn't work anymore. You advance about 33% faster than a normal PC. It's a huge gap. And a lot of things are blocked (options meant for social play) so you have a limited number of things to advance anyway.
I played only once, but it looks like it's way too easy to become too powerful too fast.
I personally think that Scarlet Heroes does right/better everything that The One Strider fails/tries/succeed to do. From the solo tools to the lone PC bit.
Any good sci-fi setting? Something small and limited to a sector and a few alien species?
Most of the games I'm looking at have too much stuff, but not enough depth, for my taste.
I think Fringe Space from 5 Parsecs from Home remains relatively simple. Some good aliens, some evil aliens, some formerly human modified species, mostly humans.
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I hate how well GM emulators manage to fuck things up sometimes. I was doing things, making progress, then Adventure Crafter gives me only two plotpoints Character Downgrade and Corruption. I guess one half of my team is now officially a paper pusher. Unofficially she'll stay on the case of course. Still managed to hit me right in the feels bad bone.
what happened?
Sure, and I'm normally met with "huh, that's kind of neat. How does that work?" I personally find it's a much different experience than playing in a group, and I get to explore texture and character interactions in a much different way when playing solo.
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I'm currently running Traveler. Its massive in scale but thin as a puddle which is where you come in. you can either just make your own sub sector (which the core rules have ample tables and rules for) to suit yourself or pick a small little section of space to base your campaign out of. For me Currently, the majority of my campaign is taking place on a single planet where initially all i was meant to do was recover an AI core from a research lab but what i ended up getting was finding that the AI core had been taken by local seperatists, who now had Anti Ship missiles preventing me from leaving so i had to work with the local loyalist forces to not only find the exact officer who has the AI core i need but take out the AA and then go for a dungeon hopping adventure across the desert while multiple interests compete for the AI core which is the control mechanism for a weapon that can create a solar flare and wipe out a sub sectors technology.

All of that, the political situation, climate of the planet, ect i found from the UWP code, which you can find on existing planets by looking it up on the Traveller map

link related is the planet i used. its specific enough to stimulate the imagination but not so specific that you cant use GM fiat to imagine your own scenario. Previous to going to this desert world i was on another more civilised world that was a technocracy high tech world and it played out more like a game of Cyberpunk with events centred on the specific city that houses the worlds starport
>bunch of monsters live in the ruins of a conquered human city
>player character was initially a human hero sent to recover the Orb of Light(tm) from the temple beneath the ruins
>gets turned into a monster before he gets very far via random rolls
>other monsters are pretty nice actually
>end up in a monster campaign where I'm still not sure what goal to go for between "have humans and monsters make bros" or "recover the orb of light anyway" but still have the goal of "become human hero again"
>party is a succubus (dorky, virginal), zombie (unhinged, chainsaw), skeleton (goofball, drunkard), and a hellhound named Arf (a dog)
>skeleton runs a problem-solver merc corp, characters get rotated in and out whilst hero bides his time and gains power and money and influence among monsters
>human bandits have moved in to one of the un-claimed parts of the city and have a hideout there from whence they launch their bullshit
>succ feigns weakness, charms one, gets led to their HQ
>cavalry arrives as things are breaking down among the bandits because why the fuck did you bring a monster here you retard
>surprise round goes excellent
>but then succ gets grabbed
>fails contested strength to break
>zombie cuts one of the guys holding her arms in half
>other guy holds
>succ uses free arm to deck him in the face for a massive One Damage (he rolled max on his 1d8hd)
>exploit to knock him off with that attack crit failed, her other arm gets restrained
>hellhound has a turn and rushes in to help, crit fails and hits the wall, prone
>succ is now being held hostage with a knife at her throat
>only character that could conceivably make a rescue is the skeleton bro
>exactly a 50% chance at being fast enough on the charge and draw to beat the throat cut
>if the rescue succeeds we can turn it around
>if it fails, succ dies
>if the situation isn't resolved within this round the zombie and hellhound are forfeit too, unless they just let the succ get instagibbed
>scared to roll it
I just want to say thanks for sharing your bite-sized actual plays. I enjoy reading them.
>use the bone-colored d20 for it (this may have been cheating)
>initiative roll part succeeds
>motherfucker leaps across the room as succ beans her captor in the nose with the back of her head with all 8 of her strength
>succeeds at the strength (athletics) roll to cover the distance in one motion
>nat 19 triggers a trauma roll
>aw fuck this is about to be anime as fuck
>unfortunately just short of limb removal oh well
>disaster averted
all hail lord daxx and his mighty ax
too bad he has no flesh so he cannot get his just reward
Anyone have a some recommendations of adventure books that use more "complex" systems. Like the Alone against ___ stuff for CoC or those MERP solo books.
How many sessions did it take you for that?
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This guy seems sketchy bros
What system and setting are you using?
I haven't run Traveler in ages. I played a few games of the first edition like 10 years ago but lost the books in a move to another house.
Thanks for reminding me of it. I also ran Star Frontiers, the races are pretty much what I want for my game now that I think about it, but there was no space stuff, only planet wilderness and a cave system. My players never got off the planet no matter how many chances I gave them lol
Not very familiar with 5PFH, will look it up, thanks.
>explore small dungeon
>secret passage
>to another secret dungeon
>last room has an entrance to a cavern
>caverns and long tunnels have stone stairs leading to other small dungeons in several places
>create lore as I play to explain why that is
>secret society/cult, of course
>find magical lock in a room
lock to... nothing?
>wizard opens it
>the whole underground was on a time shift pivot
>by opening the lock we shift to the real timeline
>everything looks new and we can hear people walking and talking in the nearby corridors
Who are you calling bite-sized? I'll have you know women find my actual plays of average length!
two technically I just felt like including setup, first 7 lines are from the previous session. rest is from about an hour of play due to waffling which risk to take on the rescue
Damn, it took me three months and around 10 sessions just for my PC to leave his mentor's home and reach the Big City™
I feel like a long time ago some anon from /soc/ who was into writing added me and sent me either this exact prompt or something extremely similar to this...
>new game with a megadungeon
>using BFRPG and Sandbox Generator
>adventurers just band together to tackle the dungeon and ended up with one of each class and race
>first room has a demon trapped in a circle
>offers to help the party if they free him
>everyone turns to the cleric
>seems very unlikely this sort of behaviour is acceptable
>turns out the pantheon is cool with it
>work out how to free the demon by extinguishing the four candles at once
>the demon just warns adventurers of the danger of the dungeons, it always lures you back with the promise of something better until it kills you
>one party got sick of him and trapped him in the circle
>the reward for freeing him is a skeleton key good for two uses anywhere in the dungeon
>the demon also keeps bothering the party with dire warnings
After chargen and setup I only got in a quick session, but that's a fun start
I've played a decent amount of Ironsworn solo and with people now and while I like the system I kinda hate its dice system. Feels a little cheap that no matter how high the character rolls, if the challenge dice are both 9s or 10s it might just be impossible to do something. I was thinking about trying to import the die system from Twilight 2000 into it somehow as I'm in my first campaign of it at the moment and I've fallen in love with it, but I'm struggling to find a way to replicate partial and complete successes with it that feels good. Does anybody have any suggestions or alternatives for Ironsworn's dice system?

Also bonus question, what would you recommend for running a contemporary or sci-fi solo game? I've thought about reskinning Ironsworn but I'd like to try something new.
ironsword does have starforged or whatever it's called, space sci-fi
I'd encourage just learning to lean in to what the dice say, but if you're not ok with some things just not being possible for whatever reason you could set a cap on challenge die value of 7s or 8s or something for such rolls. maybe set a limit on "once per vow I can xxx" or whatever. I personally didn't have a problem with it, the intent is to discern the circumstances from the challenge dice. if you already know the circumstances you could set a value of one of the dice and roll the other, or do something like "one of these challenge dice is 3+(d10/2) and the other is its full d10 value"
I was thinking about just setting one of the challenge dice to a value to represent the difficult of a situation. I get what you mean about using the challenge dice to discern the circumstances, but it feels a little dumb to me when I make a roll where failure would only be a result of the character screwing up, and then I roll a 6 on my action die, and still fail because the challenge die were just insanely high on that action.

I'll definitely check out starforged
you could also say that some tasks let you roll 3 challenge dice and ignore the highest one. takes a load off you for trying to give yourself a "fair challenge" or however that part of my brain works where when I'm doing something for myself I don't want it to be too easy and I set my TNs super high or feel guilty about setting them too low
Every have that annoying moment when your already playing through one game but suddenly get inspiration for another?
I've had this idea to run an old idea I had for a skirmish game as a solo RPG. I would start as a hermit, making my life in the woods with just basic supplies and a hut and slowly expand and farm as I lived on. Sometimes there would be bandit or goblin attacks, other times a merchant or woodsmen might wander by, or strangers lost might find me, some people might offer to join and stay. But in the autumn the spirits of the harvest and of the dead would rise and begin to attack my little farmstead, seeking either me or my food. Mixed into this would be a bit of hex crawling exploration to get to know the land around me and then harvest resources.
Maybe once this current campaign is over... Which will be a while if people dont get off my back about jobs that "need" doing.
Yeah, seconded. What AI are you using? Looks cool.
how can solo roleplaying be for touch-starved losers when I met my wife through it? we've even gone on adventures, made other friends, suffered and rejoiced, won and lost, and seen the world together
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Congrats, you've shot a dead meme full of holes
bro it was a joke made at my own expense
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I've never had a good solo game.
damn that stinks dude I've got three right now
Same. Format just doesn't work for me. I keep trying anyway.
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just GPT 4 (was previously GPT3 but they've bumped up 4 to free since the reveal of GPT4o), although ive been using the same session for a month or two so its got a decent data set to work with.

i write out my basic notes and when i want input or want to use GPT as an oracle i just copy paste my notes and then explain either what i expect to happen or ask it how the scene will continue. i also make sure to say that i dont want it playing out the scene but to create a situation that i have to react to
why is that
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Why yes, I did read 'The Outsider', how could you tell?
I'm sorry to hear that guys. Solo gaming has been one of the most enjoyable hobbies and distractions for the past few years. For me, it's become more enjoyable than playing in a group.

What is it about solo that doesn't seem to work for you?
I have this problem every time. For me, if I play a big, burly barbarian man, then I can't help thinking how cool it would be to be a mage. If I play a mage, I keep envisioning a big fighter guy. If I play as multiple heroes, I can't help but feel like focusing on one would be better. If I play a fantasy game, I keep getting inspired to do sci-fi stuff, and vice-versa.

I have this "Grass is always greener" thing that prevents me from just sticking with one thing for too long. And don't even get me started on RPG systems...
Play a hexcrawl. Your mage will find a job better suited to your barbarian, and report it to the guild. Your barbarian will go out and do that, then find a job better suited to your mage. Your mage will go and do that job, and then find a job better suited to a thief, which you will then roll up. At least, then, you're fleshing out one continuous story of exploration with a cast of characters, and not wildly different stories with no relation to one another, leaving you feeling empty.
Not who you were talking to, but, since you asked...

I'm bugged about how to do long term betrayals with an early setup without knowing about it. Obviously, you need some mechanism for noticing as a GM whether something in the present connects to the past; which means both things need to be enumerated in a way that can be represented with dice, but they have to be infrequent enough that it doesn't happen very often. Which means you're probably rolling a lot and tracking numbers a lot, with very little payoff.

I should probably just resort to AI.
Man, might have got fucked in the long run on an emergency deal. Going to have to see how this one plays out. Not that I had a choice though.
Yeah, if that was the sort of story that I was interested in playing, then I guess it would irritate me too. You may want to look into the old James Bond 007 RPG because it was written with solo play in mind and if I remember correctly, it has a mechanic for tracking such things. (It handles it by acknowledging that everyone has a price or a tipping point and that when major events happen, that's when betrayals can start to come out of the woodwork.)
In Ironsworn the moves are about the goal, not the action taken. So you can succeed in your action and still fail at the goal through other reasons.
Extremely simple example: Climbing a wall. The goal is to reach the roof. You have 3 Edge. You roll a 5. You obviously succeed at climbing with a good action roll and high stat. Fates are 9 and 10. You fail at the goal. Why? There's enemies on the roof so you can't climb on it without being seen. Or there is no roof, the wall continues but the top part is invisible. Or guards from below see you and starts shooting arrows at you, you have to go in a window to escape, so you don't get to the roof.
On a weak hit, you still succeed at the goal, but with a cost. But on a fail, the goal is out of reach for now. If you really needed to get to the roof, now that you're inside through the window you'll have to navigate the last story of the building through the inside to get there.
I used a simple goal that is close to the action taken, but it can be completely different.
Maybe the goal of a fight is to activate a lever to open the gate to ally forces. You can kill all the enemies and fail at that because the mechanism jams.
I'm good at setting up a scenario to work with, getting the characters together, etc. Following through with an actual plot, or with any action at all? Need someone to bounce off of, and oracles aren't enough for that. At the point where I'm involving another person every few minutes, I may as well be playing a GMless group game.
Try this: Play as the GM and use PC's as NPCs. Use the solo tolls/oracles to determine how the PC act/react to your GMing.
You can more easily use published modules that way, so if imagination is your problem, you have plenty of already made adventures to use.
You don't need as many random tables and solo tools playing that way.
A simple binary oracle with or without modifiers (Yes, No, And, But, Option 1 or 2, whatever). And a way to create random PC actions as opposed to random events when playing as a PC.
Easy way would be rolling 2d6. The first one is the Yes/No. 4+ is Yes (Likely 3+, Unlikely 5+). 2nd die is modifier/random action. 1= But, 2= And, a match of the 2 dice is a random action by the party. Determine that action by rolling on a two word table, using Story Cubes, whatever.
You can also use the stats/skills to roll on. Like Intelligence, Wisdom, Perception, etc. Instead of asking if they look for traps, just roll Perception for a quicker result.
It might work for you. It's how I was able to have my first successful solo game. Now I play full PC POV or full GM depending on the game. I still have trouble mixing both styles.
Maybe you need more structure? Try The 9Qs. Scarlet heroes has a good plot structure that uses Victory Points and scene types (Investigation, Conflict, Action). Very easy to use and has hook/scene tables to roll on or choose from.
Or don't use a plot, but do a dungeon/wilderness crawl? Nothing wrong with a party of tomb raiders wanting to make a little gold.
Hint at something to investigate. Advance a threat/plot so the PCs have to react to it (even if it's just to run away. Action is action). Give PCs points of interactions, like PCs to interrogate/get resources from, locations to get to/search, etc.
If you still have problems, use the emeies to force the PCs to action. That henchman? He's got a big rage boner for the PCs and think they'll screw his master's plan. He will actively chase them and force them to act against the plan by doing so. That spy business just got real when they abducted your sister to keep you from investigating. Nobody touches your sister and lives to tell about it! That spy plot? Fuck that, it,s now a rescue and revenge mission and if you spoil their plot while doing so, too bad for them. Now all you need is to go to a tavern and 'ask' some lowlife contacts what they know.
Do you know what your characters want? Whether it's a long term, character-defining aspiration (become a Pokemon master), a specific medium-term objective (qualify for a Pokemon tournament) or an immediate goal (capture that Pokemon right there this episode). If your characters have enough direction they might not even need a plot.
You could probably use this for a betrayal. It wouldn't require much hacking, if any hacking at all. But it does require you/the PC to expect someone to betray you at some point. Would work well for some paranoia-type game like The Thing or a spy adventure.
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are there any story updates you look forward to?
Post a real question or fuck off. If you want to bump, just bump and delete your worthless post afterward.
>first time trying combat out in ironsworn
>2 bandits become 3 on first roll
>completely forget that endure harm is a move
Damn I severely fucked up
do your bandits split like slimes
is that why there are millions of identical bandits crawling all over the countryside with rudimentary intelligences that can only vocalize things like YER MONEY OR YER LIFE
whose only motivations seem to be to pillage and steal money for some inscrutable purpose
Damn,thats a great twist to keep in the backpocket for later. Unfortunately, i hard missed my first couple of roles and "a new foe is revealed" was how 3rd bandit materialized.
Do your bandits not hide their numbers? If you have eight guys standing in the middle of the road with crossbows, people are going to notice, and not approach.
You have ONE guy stand on the road and wave, and when they stop to ask what he wants, the other seven come creeping out of the bushes with the crossbows and you say "STAND AND DELIVER"
no they do not
the beings known as "splitting bandits" are unintelligent amoebic life forms only capable of crudely mimicking real humans. they've got the shapes down but the mentality and speech are difficult to emulate in a believable fashion and they have a one track mind of acquiring wealth and bringing it back the lair, which hosts their "da boss"
they're minions of the kingslime, a congealed blob of half-molten GP that controls them like an ant queen. it converts gold as a material into more of itself, to further protect its extremely fragile core and to propagate and control more "splitting bandits." splitting bandits are not intelligent enough to pick out exactly what the kingslime needs, and often get silver and copper coins, gemstones, and other trinkets mixed in there
the kingslime, if found and confronted, is a powerful creature encased in golden armor, sparkling with silver, platinum, velvet, silks, swords and gemstones its minions have dumped into its form. it attacks with liquid gold pseudopods that also slash victims with undigested gold coins, scattering GP all over with each strike. approximately half of its present minions will be too distracted capering and celebrating this rain of wealth, and gathering this GP up and returning it to the kingslime, granting it minor regenerative powers.
if the kingslime's core is pierced, it dies. the splitting bandits melt into piles of fleshy goo with a collective "bury me... with... my stuff..." the kingslime explodes in a geyser of coinage, gemstones, tapestries, and quickly-solidifying liquid gold, often leaving a gigantic blob of gold worth tens of thousands on its own, if it can be recovered at all

I made it up
I'm probably going to use it later
Hotpants of fucking course, but that's because he's the only one drawfagging (and creating waifus while doing it)
So, to expand in this:
>Sit down to play more H&H today
>Last session was the relief of the Exporer Corps station
>Manatee is now held together by prayers, with pretty much 0 damage control systems left (they all got shot out)
>Use our shuttle to gather survivors and take prisoners
>Ashtoreth, our psyker is acting odd. For her that is.
>Pull in to port and immediately get swarmed by station personnel. Medics take the wounded, guard the prisoners
>Ashtoreth offers to escort the prisoners, is denied
>Lotti tries to go and see Greyham, the station manager
>Entire dock is on a lockdown whilst the post-battle mess is sorted out, debris cleared, emergency repairs done, wounded taken to the hospital, etc
>After a day of waiting the lockdown is lifted and we can get out
>Lotti goes to see Greyham and talk about getting repairs, after all we did just save their asses
>Mentions the weird ship we fought
>Greyham is very interested and offers a full repair and rearm, highest priority behind the courier ships and getting the remaining defence ship turned around, in return for rights to the wreck of the strange vessel
>Lotti tries to push for money, as we are hurting
>No bueno, but he will negotiate with the bank and corps on our behalf for a mortgage stay/contract extension
>Take the deal, we need that R&R
>Yuzuka goes out to buy vac su-
>Yuzuka doesnt clear the dock area before shes seduced some men and is being railed in a janitors closet FFS
>She returns, Rachel takes on look and drags her into a shower to clean up
>Rachel comments on how Yuzuka is looking a bit fat (shes 3 months pregnant). Yuzuka STILL doesnt put 2 and 2 together
>Ashtoreth has slunk off to try and gain access to the prisoners, is denied
>As Rachel and Yuzuka are about to leave, Lotti gets back
>Lotti immediately details them to aid in cleaning the ship, then getting themselves looking prim and proper
>Ashtoreth, returning, sees this and wisely hides out in a dockside bar for the evening
>Next day, Rachel and Yuzuka go shopping
>With Rachel in charge they clear the dock without any nympho episodes
>Rachel makes a note to assign herself to any shopping trip the scientist makes
>Thankfully, the station dwellers are grateful to us for saving them
>25% discounts go a long way when your broke
>4 vacsuits later and the girls put up in their accommodation as the Manatee is worked on
>Food and the such is on the house
>Greyham calls, says hes managed to get us a 3 month stay on the mortgage and a 6 month contract extension
>All good, we might not be hunted down by the Galactic Bank's battlefleet yet
>The week passes without incident
>We head out to see the Manatee
>The techs have done a wonderful job
>Not only have they repeaired her, they've gone over her and stripped out old and stressed members, poorer sections of aged armour, etc
>The Manatee is actually in better condition than when we bought her
>Techs thank us again for saving the station and wish us luck
>The girls climb aboard and prepare for launch
>Rachel notes the full torpedo magazine with satisfaction
>Everyone straps down and Lotti hits the engines
>Destination: The wreck, salvage or death
>start new game
>make character using system's advised solo character effects
>lunkhead fighter that wants money
>start at dungeon entrance
>pick one of the two exits
>event triggers
>die in surprise round
this sucks man
Ive been really fucking with five parsecs. Does anyone know of any prewritten stories for the story tracker?
Do you generate the images separately, or does the AI do it directly using the text description?
Have not rolled higher than a 2 on the action die this session.
Tunnels & Trolls was like that, half the solo modules are roulette wheels where it's either "loads of treasure" or "instant death"
What are people's favorite (and least favorite) Game loops when it comes to solo play in specific?

Do you find certain dynamics, like opposed roles less satisfying in solo?
Do you prefer trying to work towards pre-defined goals with a limited amount of time/resources ( a clock)
Do you find more open ended situations harder cause you dont have others to bounce off of?
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i use midjourney for portraits and sometimes landscapes. Given i use Foundry and there is no specific Traveller Framework i also used it to make a bunch of item images as well.

To recreate the specific look i used for that image my go to prompt is this

>a disheveled scientist trapped in a abandoned underground facility, Traveller RPG, John Blanche, michael page, magali villeneuve, detailed character illustrations, ( ( ( greg rutkowski) ) ) , trending in artstation, richly detailed genre paintings, soft lighting, in the style of 8k resolution, dynamic pose, concept art, extremely detailed, facial detail --v 6.0

where as if I want a different character i just add what they are and maybe some other specific details like what they are wearing, ect before "Traveller RPG" in the prompt. while i'd love to have specific commissioned work, the reality is it takes too long for solo applications and being able to generate a look gives a bit of life to random NPCs
Yeah, the issue at hand is a betrayal that's out of the blue and unexpected; for instance, it not occurring to me that the gas station attendant sabotaged the car to fail 30 miles into the desert ago.
>Do you generate the images separately
This, when I feel a scene needs a visual aid I feed the description to Bing AI and add it to the text in Obsidian
So, they're the minion version of the Amoeba Boys?
I thought I wanted to pivot my current favorite solo game to mercenary band management but I'm not into it anymore
I think I ruined it
do I just retcon everything and go back in time to when I was still having fun
Somebody else seizes control of the mercenary band, slandering you in the process. You're kicked out, the company stolen from you. Do you seek revenge or move somewhere far enough away that their lies won't follow and you can start over?
Reflect on what you thought you wanted and why what you tried didn't match that so you can make more informed decisions about how to play in future. Then pivot the game to reduce or remove the parts you don't like, either in the narrative (leave the band) or in the mechanics (hero hires someone to do the spreadsheet shit he hates so it just werks).
this or a sole survivor situation
it's only like 20 strong and barely even a blip on the radar. we just look for jobs to help larger forces as a small unit of above-average soldiers. all we've really done as a mercenary corp is help a podunk frontier settlement with a couple problems
I thought a large cast of characters centered around the main two would be fun
and I don't really enjoy playing chainmail against myself and having to make my own opponent factions to deal with as much as I did dungeon crawling and town hijinx with the main two characters and one or two rotating side/temp characters at a time.
maybe if I could find some kind of tools that help me generate enemy forces and conflicts between city states and contracts to assist them or something I'd enjoy it more but right now raw-dogging it I just vastly preferred the freewheeling personal scale "get rich or die trying" stuff
that's how I started it though
>Do you find certain dynamics, like opposed roles less satisfying in solo?
Roles or rolls? If rolls, I prefer them to target numbers. If roles, when I play in scenes I have no problem switching from hero to villain/competitor. But I've always been good at separating multiple PCs and GM knowledge
>Do you prefer trying to work towards pre-defined goals with a limited amount of time/resources ( a clock)
A number of scenes/adventure length, yes, but no pre-defined goal or specific scene type. It took me a while to find my groove, but this is it. A number of scenes/days/whatever/adventure type for an adventure/journey/campaign. I don't need more. More makes it harder. Everything else comes naturally from the knowledge of how long I'm going to play.
>Do you find more open ended situations harder cause you don't have others to bounce off of?
No. It's easier because I don't have to spend time arguing. If I'm honest, when we play 90% of our 'bouncing off' is just us arguing with no creative outcome. With the calm of solo and some idea generator, I get a lot more creativity going than our regular sessions have.
Mythic Focus Table New Entry: Betrayal
Not a perfect idea, but at least it would be out of the blue. You roll on the Characters list (keep dead character's names on it for this) to know who is the betrayer when the random event happens.
Go back to a single POC PC but keep the band as allies. Or do a Riddick and get tossed out by a new leader. Maybe you can do an hex crawl after they leave you stranded somewhere. Or they leave you to die in a dungeon during a mission and you have to find your way out.
Or you have a solo mission to do (it's PERSONAL!) and you leave the band to your 2nd in command for now?
It's not ruined. Zoom out of the whole band management and look at the story/play style possibilities with what is happening with your characters/locations/etc.
POV not POC. I guess they can be POC if you want. Drow lives matter.
>no Hotpants posts
D-drow bros.... is it over?
I thought you meant piece of crap PC, as in an asshole with a heart of gold and a band of friends s/he slowly warms up to
Another demon hunter game finished. Another mansion burned down. PC is a naive but driven Franken-Elf wanderer. I use AFF as the game system and OPSE as the solo engine. Mostly the Yes/No oracle and GM Moves with the Hex/Dungeon generators.
What is it like to talk to a demon in your campaign? That's something I've been interested in doing.
you don't have to do this
what's it like to do it in your campaign?
ask that kind of question here: >>92843980
is there anything like an "interlude" table floating around anywhere?
just like a little thing that crops up on otherwise uneventful days of travel or whatever
like those scenes in conan the barbarian where it's just a fireside chat about some shit
What a wonderful idea. You should write one.
I'm asking if it already exists because I don't want to have to write one
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Guessing a decent chunk of the Sword World 2.X campaign books would count as Solo Roleplaying, as they have rules for solo / GM-less play.
I guess you could use keyed scenes in mythic
>If your characters have enough direction they might not even need a plot.
I have a question: How can I generate a plot in a solo game?
The trouble with that is tying it to an actual person, to settle the issue of means, motive, and opportunity, so that the betrayal becomes something that makes sense in-situ. How do you know which NPC along the way betrayed you, and when, unless you start enumerating each and every encounter? How do you then know when to expire those encounters off the list of viable betrayals? It's a pretty thorny problem! I'm at a loss how to properly deal with it.
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I've had so many betrayals from this dude it's unreal
She's a demon hunter, not a demon therapist.
In Mythic you can add a Focus to the Focus table about Interlude if you want. You use the 2 words table like with the other Focus types to determine what it means.
But that could be too random. Just ask the oracle or decide if there is an interlude when appropriate (making camp, healing, downtime, etc,) and if there is use the 2 word table.
If you want an actual random table of events, I don't have one but maybe look on reddit's random tables subreddit or on itch.io?
Depends. How much GMing do you want to include in your game? How rigid do you want events to be? Do you want a full plot from beginning to end or just a starting situation?
Do you want a generic plot structure or something that requires more prep? Do you want to use a published module's plot or make one yourself?
I think you're making it harder than it has to be.
An unexpected betrayal doesn't have to have any foreshadowing, since it's unexpected. It just has to make sense. That's your job. Roll who and make it make sense using context. If you can't, then it becomes a mystery to be solved. Why did X betray me? The you later learn that he was blackmailed/possessed/spelled/it was a shapeshifter/whatever. Or you find out the betrayal wasn't by him, but someone wanted you to think it was.
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I jinxed myself. Now I want to play a game about the only way to get rid of a demon being talking it back into hell. Kind of make sense in a 'tricking the devil' kind of way. But my PC is too naive, she was literally born/created 2 years ago.
Time to make a buddy cop jaded cynical companion for her. Maybe some intelligent ghoul. Or an ex-Jinn who finally got someone to wish to take his place after hundreds of years trapped in his jar having to obey asshole humans and their petty desires. Yep. Jinn it is. But a ghoul could say something like "I'm too mold for this shit!" Yeah, that's another reason to pick the Jinn. There's bad puns, and then there's my puns.
Going full random I got an adherent who wants to serve. I guess the whole Jinn trapped and forced to serve really messed him up. He's latching to anyone he comes into contact with. Will make the whole partnership thing easy enough to introduce. Obvious physical trait: Exotic/Mystical.
Tats all over his body that protects him from many forms of mind control. Freedom is most important to him, even if psychologically he's still all about serving others. But at least it's his choice who and how to serve. Attitude to PC: Surprisingly lacking. He's just going through the motion of servitude with her, he's not really invested yet. Conversation: A Faction/Social. So I guess he's the one who knows about that breed of demons and how to get rid of them through trickery and parley.
I've actually had most success from treating sessions kind of like immersive sim video game levels like in Thief or Hitman. Set a definite local, a central goal, outline a few much more variable side objectives, then play it. How you approach the situation is much more up to you in the moment and the whims of the dice, but setting both a definitive situation (playground) and a definitive endgoal (somehow eliminate x, steal y, figure out z) gives a lot of needed structure IMO. You can fail some things, get others, and find creative or just fun ways to achieve or fail them.

Finding that right balance between an emergent experience and a firm set piece.
Im actually surprised more Solo focused RPG material doesnt go this route of curated sandboxes.
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One level I thought would be really cool to transpose into solo play was the "Lady Boyle's last party" level from dishonered. the Gist is you have to eliminate A noblewomen at a mask party, but there are a few tricks.
One is that it is a invite only party
Two that the target has 2 sisters, and all three are in matching different colored disguises and there is a game going on where party guests are trying to figure out who'se who. think which model is actually randomized in game so you cant just bolt.
>You can try to find a loose invite to mingle unmolested by gaurds
>You can try conversing with guests to get info about which sister is which, and what motivates them/their personality
>You can sneak upstairs to find notes in their rooms that give hints about personality and disguise
>You can simply rush and kill all 3 sisters to make sure
>You can convince them that they are being hunted and to meet you in a secluded area
>You can find an infatuated suitor of the target who knows there are people out for her head, and he promises to take her away to some secluded far away place no one will hear of
Among some other stuff

So a lot of choise and possibilities for aproach.
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Armature game design not up so posting here.
I am experimenting with this AD&D derivative homebrew. reducing stats to essentially Health, AC, To-hit bonus's, and Effects/items if you do hit.

Then a few bulleted notable character traits that you cross reference to see which to-hit bonus is most applicable and what to apply for saves.

Basicly trying to maximize the efficiency of stat blocks. Not on the block itself, but another thing I want to do is bascily allow a character to decrease their defenses, to-hit chance, or effect magnitude in order to increase one of the other two (ex. decrease 1d4 damage to 1d2 in order to have a +2 to defense this round)
Overhearing NPC chatter would be an excellent opportunity for something like >>92853632 was asking for. Let's be honest, the bear pits dialogue at the beginning is practically a weird oracle result.
>Armature game design
lol, meme or typo? if it's not a meme, can we make it one?
How much detail do you put into the setup?
I figured a plot to start the game off. Like a cutscene before the gameplay.
Not that anon, but the easiest way I do something like that is get a few larger tables (d100 or d1000) with location, event, and things, roll two results for each, and then stitch the result together to generate an opening scene. If running multiple characters, this could even be where and when they meet.
Let me guess. You "need" more*?
I've been watching a series of Youtube videos where a guy is creating a FATAL character, and the part on professions gave me an idea. Maybe I could use FATAL to play some kind of an edgy "fantasy life simulator" game? That would be dumb as fuck, right?
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If it sounds like fun to you, knock yourself out.
It's the "making sense" part that gets me. The person in question having means, motive, and opportunity, but in a way I don't know much about. It has to be something I both don't know about, but can investigate in a way that brings about actionable new information. It's a tough nut to get right, and I haven't seen anything besides advice to the effect of, "just make shit up". How do I track how many things my character can know about a betrayal if he doesn't fail, which things he's lost every opportunity to know because he failed too many times, and so on? How do you manipulate the details of a full-on detective case without spoiling the whole thing by knowing them? I can make random nonsense happen to a character just fine, but having it have an actionable trail to follow? That's the tricky part.
What exactly are your design goals, here?

It sort of sounds like you're turning D&D into exclusively a Combat game, with no Skill or Social stuff. If that's not the case, how do you intend Skill stuff to play out?

You might want to check out OVA RPG; it manages to do a lot with a small stat block.

You should probably examine how GURPS handles attack options (mostly in "Martial Arts"). As crunchy as GURPS is, it doesn't consider those things as separate things to train; they're just options available to any combatant applying basic Combat Skills.
Sounds like you want a separate game master
Try something alone these lines: Keep a list of suspects, anyone who might be secretly working against you or working for unfriendly forces. Over time you can add facts that come up in play to the list, facts which may suggest one or another suspect, some of them will be red herrings, some will be active frameups by the real traitor to throw you off the trail, other facts may appear to rule a particular suspect out.
Eventually you'll reach a point where you've got maybe two suspects left, then you can, for example, roll to see which one reveals himself at last by openly betraying you.
>Sounds like you want a separate game master
No, I want the tools to not need a separate game master.

The problem with all that is that then I know about it beforehand. The whole point is for a betrayal to pop up without knowing about it beforehand, but still being able to backtrack it to the extent my character is able to a root cause.
Anyone have themed/genre oracles?
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Other useful tables to flesh out the "plot":
Character+Personality+Motivation+Descriptor to create an NPC patron if this is how you get involved in the plot.
Playing WEG Star Wars
Accident+Chase+Friend+Hostile Environment
A friend of yours (Special+Extroverted+Earth or Stone+Freedom. A Rebel scout specialized in bushcraft and planetside navigation. A friendly chap who always has a roguish smile on his lips and who thinks the answer to all of life's problems is getting drunk at the cantina) was on a mission to check out a potential moon for a new Rebel base. There was an unexpected asteroid field at his point of arrival and they lost contact with him during that transmission. The data from his ship's sensors also show that the moon he was going to inspect in actually still in a primeval jungle stage of evolution. The ship's data also show that his main engine and life support were damaged by a collision with a small asteroid.
If he was lucky enough to land on the moon, he might be in danger from the local megafauna among many other dangers.
Here's a datapad with the incomplete maps we have of the moon and it's sector, all the data you'll need and your orders.
Go find him and get him back to us.
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Let's do it in a very simple way. 3 things. I like the number 3.
Betrayer NPC has a goal. 3 steps to their goal. 3 clues to discover who they are/that you're going to be betrayed/have been betrayed. 3rd clue is the reveal. 3 Red herring Points. 3rd one means the NPC was never a betrayer.
Let's say you're using PbtA mechanics. On a failure of a Move/action the betrayer goal advance by 1. On a weak hit you get a clue. That means the goal advance but you suspect something. On a success you get a red herring point. Let's say the NPC can betray you by meeting an enemy NPC/getting blackmailed/sabotaging your spaceship.
On a 1st fail, he meets the NPC and you're not aware of it. On a weak hit, your NPC friend is gone fore some time. Where was he? Why does he look nervous? On a success he tell you he saw the enemy NPC. He can still be blackmailed, but so far he's still on your side.
Do this for as many important NPCs as you have.
Sounds easy enough, but would be a nightmare to use in play. Too many things to juggle with.
This is why using a simple random event and making shit up is superior. Pick your battles. Some things are easier in solo and some are harder. What you want to do is harder.
Or play as the GM only. That way all you have to do is use the PC's stats/skills/an oracle to determine if he suspect something. As the GM you would know if there is betrayal coming.
On the other hand, you could use this as an entry pint and hack the relevant things for what you want to do.
>The problem with all that is that then I know about it beforehand. The whole point is for a betrayal to pop up without knowing about it beforehand, but still being able to backtrack it to the extent my character is able to a root cause.
That's easy. Just do it when it comes up using your imagination, the context and what happened before. You're looking for rules to something that doesn't require any. Trust yourself. In solo things will make sense in the end. They always do. I don't think it ever happened to me that they didn't in my all my years of solo play.
In fact, using something like you're asking for would make it more likely that things might get out of hand and not make sense. You're trying to have you cake and eat it to by not knowing anything about a betrayal and having rules to simulate what you... don't know about a betrayal?
I'm sorry if it sounds dismissive, but I don't know how what you ask for would work. Not in a way that can be enjoyable and that wouldn't take over most of your time and energy while playing.
>completely forgot to track torch use
>look back on how many scenes/time since my thief entered the caves
>should have ran out 2 scenes ago
>I guess the cutie pie at the store gave me 2 more torches because she liked me
>last torch goes out
The bastard in my wanted to make an automatic random encounter, but I think being in the dark is enough punishment. If I had tracked them, I would have looked for/made replacement torches. It's hard to curb the impulse to be as hard as I can on myself, but I'm learning.
Who else does dungeons in scenes rather than in rooms? I tried both and scenes work better for me.
Hey, if it makes you feel any better I just realized my PC has been traveling for 5 days and only ate once lol
You hunted. Maybe make a random encounter more likely (you left a trail/evidence). Or it takes longer for you to reach where you're going to (if you're not just wandering around).
Or you wasted some much needed arrows on a prey that escaped, if you track arrows by the number.
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It sort of sounds like you're turning D&D into exclusively a Combat game
Not really. effect is also aplicable for social and skill tuff, add a bonus thats aplicable to what you are doing. Like here a cleric with heal tools would get a plus 4 on their roll. Is drunk, so might get a -1 on a notice roll for the enviornment. is a good judge of character so someone trying to fool him would have to roll a 12+ (10 + 2).
The cleric could also try to be a bit more actively aware of his surrondings, canceling out the -1, but also he would have to decide on being less skillful, or being less effective in whatever else he is doing, like conducting surgery.

Its essentially the old stat blocks from old dnd (examples on the right of pic related), but making to-hit also apply to saves and skills explicitly, not just attacks, so that its NOT just about combat.
There's plenty of hacks that does this. Like a ton and a half. Not that's anything wrong with you making your own.
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So the closest thing conceptually would probably be Searchers of The Unknown. Which tries to make pc characters using o/a d&d monster stat blocks, but much more 1 to 1
Like? I know a few, but I tend not to like them mechanically for one reason or another, usually ether too mechanical and constructing, or too soft and unstructured. There is a healthy medium that I like. So that it feels like I can make informed strategies, instead of justifications for why x should work, but also have the flexibility to try new things without mechanical limitations getting too much in the way.
And ofc, being simple for the sake of solo play and dealing with multiple.
This one's pretty good. Has enough structure that it's not just up to the GM to make stuff up.
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about 200 words.
General layout of situation
Main goal
2-4 notable People. mechanics, places of interests, sidegoals, etc.

light of lost souls is a good example. of course its a wooping 4 pages, but 2 pages worth are taken my images/maps, and the rest can really be reduced to less then 200 words
>Party is passing old abandon shiping town and lighthouse and find a cave to rest and get out of the rain
>Ghost of lighthouse kepper tries to posses a party member and try to light the lighthouse as repentance for being a shitty keeper and getting a ship sunk
>Undead from sunk ship rising from the grave to kill the keeper
>Keeper will pass on at daybreak if his repentance is complete.
2 major active elements, ghost, and undead death squad trying to kill ghost. 3 major locations, lighthouse, sunken ship, and cave. 1 major goal, trying to get your companion unposses/ get loot from undead.
I like the cut of this ones jib. Especially the half rounded down thing for secondary atributes. I always thought full, half, no, and negative base proficiencies was a good abstraction to have.

I also like the quick reference sheet. More games need that so you can get a general feel for how its supposed to play out on a quick look.
though there are some things I find a bot round about too.
The problem with using my imagination is the same problem with a cop using their imagination at a crime scene, instead of following the evidence; there's no way left to be proven wrong. When I play Tabletop RPGs, I want to earn my victories in spite of an apathetic universe, and not just get them handed to me by myself.
>There was an unexpected asteroid field at his point of arrival
Hate to break it to you, but unless there was some catastrophic space combat in the star system as soon as a few days or hours ago, that's literally impossible. The paths of asteroids are going to be known, physically predictable, and reliably calculable, quantities; and the nearby star systems are going to have their databanks updated in a way that Nav Computers and Astromech Droids can pull from as they pass through, in the event of some previously unforeseen physical weirdness.
Serves me right for opening my mouth while being too tired to read through what you wrote. While what I said reasonably applies for a star system traffic regularly passes through, and is very likely to apply to a star system that's been observed for a reasonable period of time from a star system or two away, that sort of scouting mission might well run into that kind of trouble as the desperation of the Rebel Alliance puts scouts in more danger than usual.
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I can sympathis. I have to be in a specific headspace too solo more freely and for it to feel warranted and not just nebulous speculation and backwards justifying whatever I decided on.

IMO Make concrete problems with a few concrete limitations to remind you of the bounds of the situation, then use those firmer more descriptive grounds to then fill out the more creative emergent aspects of shit during play. Like having a solid muffin mold that allows the top to freely puff out, but retains the muffin's bottom structure.
look at how games do it like
With a randomized selection of prime suscpects, and the gameplay and rng dice help you to sus out more specifics.
rng taking the place of unknowns.
I also like to add a singular "out of left feild" role somewhere with low probability to always keep the sense thatwe can never be fully certain of our " muffin mold". Even if its our starting premise. For example, if the role succeeds in a murder mystery, the murder victim isn't ACTUALLY dead, but its a larger cover up for somethings else....agxps
Wow, so much to unpack here. First, PbtA? Gag me with a spoon. I prefer my games to be simulationist.
Second, the whole point is I get hit with a random event, and have to discover that it's a betrayal. Take the gas station attendant as an example. I stopped at the gas station to get some gas and some snacks. I'm not paying any attention to him, because why would I; I have no reason to suspect anything. I pay for everything and go. 30 miles later, the car has a problem. I check the car over, trying to figure out the problem. I succeed on a Mechanics Roll, high enough to find something. Now, it could have been the gas station attendant, sure. But it could have been someone else somewhere before, too; maybe it was someone else's ticking timebomb. Maybe someone tampered with the car while I interviewed a witness. There has to be a way of entering potential betrayers into play, and expiring them out of play, so that they can be selected from with some sort of roll, when I'm looking for evidence. Maybe I only succeeded well enough to eliminate some suspects from the pool, and not all of them.

Anyway, it's this sort of simulationist approach that I'm looking for a solution for. It's not a matter of applying imagination; it's a matter of having a suitable mechanic that generates the required results only as transparently as my character has earned.
I run solo games by making three characters, the GM, Player A, and Player B, and then write the story of them playing the game. I can only really do this for three because it's hard to keep track of two people pretending to be two more people, sometimes I have drop-ins who more or less just play themselves.

I still roll the dice and stuff. I sometimes forget the rules and then have to write out arguments as the characters look up the rules and figure out wtf they did wrong. I gradually introduce conflicts that the player characters are dealing with, instead of their PCs, and this runs concurrently to the story within the game, which is often tonally entirely different. The players are on a space station that I have mapped out. Soon aliens will attack and the players will have to stop playing the game, and start fighting the aliens, which will play out in whichever system I decide to use for that. If one of the players dies I'm not even sure what I'll do, how do you keep going in a campaign if one of the players dies?
Alright then
Covetous Poet Adventure creator has d100 and d1000 tables for fantasy, science fiction, and horror plus about a dozen other tables for plot or characters. There's also a mystery genre pdf on the blog.
Was there another specific theme you were looking for?
>Spoiled passive aggro bump
Grow up faggot
Hey thanks, I'm looking for pulp stuff to make a self contained binder, but those seem to be pretty rare so I thought I'd see if there's anything similar to crib from. The horror tables might work
That's a blindspot for me, but I remember seeing Worlds of Pulp titles from Scaldcrow something that had pdfs for barbarians, capeshit, crime, and so on. Can't vouch for the quality, obviously.
BRP Pulp Adventure Generator
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>trying to talk the demon into going back to hell
>he's kicking our collective asses with Mighty Sarcasm and Truth Telling
>my Franken-Elf is almost in tears, bless her naive young soul
>the Jinn is too pissed off to think rationally
>the demon is both condescending and commiserating to my PC and her sidekick's efforts
You should look up the rpg Daredevils. Pretty good stuff. There's even a random pulp event table in the core book for when the GM doesn't know how to continue a game.
That's one way of making sure animals don't try to eat you. Not enough meat on the bones for them to bother.
>Have to rescue a bunch of hostages for a temple so they'll ally with my crew
>They're being held in an known location by dickass cultists
>Find out they've recently allied with a nearby tribe of lizardfolk
>'Did they leave the hostages with the lizardfolk?' - Yes
>Snowballs into a delve through 3 different dungeons making allies with various followers of one of the old religions of the setting (the one the lizardfolk generally follow)
>Run into several factions who would've been immediately hostile if not for me bringing a moderately powerful lizardpriest with me
>Now vibing under the city with degenerate lizardmen planning how we're going to steal the hostages
It feels like I'm cheating to avoid combat but I'm really not. I'm glad OSR doesn't feel any obligation to force people into combat since it makes me feel far less 'cheap' to have the solutions to hand.
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tfw this mf just instaganked my main fighter in the first round of combat
Thanks for the recs
>tfw demon convinces my main PC that she should get into hell to kill a major demon so that all his legion of lesser demons already on earth will be suck back into hell in one fell swoop when he's defeated
>the demon isn't even lying
>he would be sent back to hell if his Lord is defeated, but his Lord's a dick so it's worth it
>not that my PC has a chance in... hell
>why lie when the truth can kill you even faster is the demon's motto
>Jinn was warming up to my PC but now he's so out of here
>PC isn't THAT naive, she decides to go on a quest for a weapon that can kill a pure demon first
>lil' demon dude is having so much fun he decides to tag along with the crazy spare-parts Franken-Elf
>she hates demons, but he convince her that if he's with her she can keep an eye on him
>demon is wondering how many sins he can get her to commit before she sends herself to hell for all eternity anyway
Wait... does she even have a soul? She's an artificial creature. She can get to hell physically, but if she dies she might just disappear and not be stuck there forever. But the lil' demon dude seems to think she has one. But demons can be tricked.
Damn, maybe my PC isn't so naive and she' sjust trying to trick him into going to hell with her, asking him to lead the way, then she'll close the portal on his ass. That demon might just have parley himself back into hell lol
>>Thread Question: What makes a man?
His woman's hair in one hand, a big club in the other.
It's the WM principle Wig Masturbation
No drowchad or did I just miss him?

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