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I'm looking to broaden my horizons, but many companies out there are just as expensive as GW, and the few promising ones often only show pictures of 3D renders, as opposed to actual models. I don't know which ones are trustworthy, so tell me about your experiences with alternative purveyors of wargaming models.

I just found a company called Rakovendetta, pic related, and I like their style. Has anyone ever purchased any of their models? How do they look in real life?
Bump, this is actually /tg/ for Pete's sake.
snaring wire, tinfoil, clay and some old kitchen utensils are all you need to get started.
I don't have time to add sculpting to my long list of hobbies.
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What do you fancy? There's dozens of companies making plastic miniatures and hundreds making metal and resin ones
For my personal part, plastic would be ideal, since I like converting minis, but I'm willing to buy metal (no lead) and resin if I like the look and price. I refuse to spend more per model than I would with GW, and I prefer a more over the top aesthetic.
Just ditch an existing hobby and make time.
Shilling for some small companies I like:
Knightmare Miniatures (from Spain) does old-style Games Workshop stuff; mainly Greenskins and Chaos.
I especially like their Beastmen (the big dude in the center is also nice, if out of place)
5 proper Chaos Marines, too.
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Otherworld Miniatures has, IMO, the best-looking models among all manufacturers. 1st edition D&D style, but with modern sculpting materials/methods.

Unfortunately, the guy running the company is retiring, so it's still up in the air as to where the models will end up.
I wouldn't worry too much about the quality of companies that sell CAD minis using their renders as product photos - they're pretty good about only giving you usable figures. I'd email them and ask for pics of the product irl!

Here's my list of cheaper than gw companies.
-Em4 (48 orcs or dwarves for 10 dollars/16 pounds makes these guys THE best deal around)
-Forlorn Hope Games
-Battlezone minis
-Mirliton (all 4 of the above and many others carry the old grenadier minis. The first three are cheaper but Mirliton has most of the range.)
-Reaper Bones
-Turnkey minis
-The Viking Forge (contain lead)
-Essex Miniatures (contain lead)
-Irregular Minis (shop is on the bottom banner of the site)
-Dark Alliance (1:72/20mm scale)
-Caesar Miniatures (1:72/20 scale)
-Midlam Minis
-Perry miniatures
-Crusader Miniatures
-Pulp Figures
-The Assault Group
-Fenris Games
-Impact Minis (carry a lot of ranges that would otherwise be lost)
-Old Glory
-Ral Partha Europe
-Denizen Miniatures
-Iron Wind Metals (have gotten pricy)
-Ral Partha Legacy
-North Star Military Figures
-Black Tree Design/EOE Orbis (prices vary wildly - extremely unreliable shipping)
-Mantic (army packs are around 3.50 per mini)
-Scotia Grendel
-Wargames Atlantic
-Gripping Beast (the plastics especially)
-Diehard minis
-Prince August (Carries the old Warzone figures)
-Ramshackle Games
-Copplestone Castings
-Emperors Choice Miniatures
-Alternative Armies (mostly 15mm, has some 28mm)
-Northumbrian Tin Soldier
-Mageknight (these and the next 6 entries are all available via ebay)
-D&D boardgame pieces (legend of drizzt, ravenloft, wrath of ashardalon, elemental evil, etc.)
-Battle Master
-Crossbows And Catapults
-Checkpoint Models
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sorry 20 dollars for the em4 stuff, missed my key
Thanks for showing me these exist.
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If you have any interest in historical figures, I like Footsore Miniatures.

(everything I've posted is in metal, btw)
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I like Crooked Dice. They've got a lot of models that are totally not from movies or tv shows, wink. But their own original stuff is also good.
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Also some really oddball choices, like Gene Wilder Willy Wonka (and Oompa Loompas with knives and clubs) and Thundercats.
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Hayland terrain has a huge range of wink-wink character miniatures, including the entire cast of ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’.
Crooked Dice studio also wrote the rules for the Otherworld skirmish game and sells some of their discontinued lines. Do you know if there's any way to get around their high shipping costs to the US, or if they ever offer discounts for larger orders?
Holy fucking shit, I love these. Thanks for sharing, anon.
I've been looking for ranges with good samurai / sengoku jidai models, trying to avoid Etsy single-print models, but a lot of the older Perry stuff, and other, older lines tend to have ham-hands and are fairly... "stout".
Glad to. I've ordered from them before, he's a good dude.

/re-commence shilling:
Footsore also does Sengoku Jidai.
Also, another note on Knightmare: If I go to checkout and switch my mailing address to the USA, the price drops by about 18%, so the listed price isn't necessarily the actual price. Not sure if the discount applies to anyone outside Spain. Also, free shipping for orders over 150 Euros.
...they also have a 70mm tall Kweethul (for those who know).
What do you think would make an air combat game arcadey - for that Ace Combat, Area 88, or even Yukikaze feel?
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love knightmare
Zenit have some good models.
Yup, I definitely have a new favourite miniature range. Looks like the discount applies to the UK too. Also: excellent paint jobs, chaps.
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Thanks for the help, people. Em4 would definitely be a great place to bulk out an offbeat Imperial Guard army (among other things), and Otherworld Minis makes me wish I was playing a lot of real world RPG campaigns so I had a reason to buy all those monsters.

I think I've seen you post this before. Do you have any personal favourites?

Oh, and I found some painted minis from Rakovendetta. They do indeed look pretty promising even in real life.
Unfortunately can't claim the Hobgoblins or Kweethul as my own paintwork, those are just their display photos.
nice nice, they do have some sort of guardsmen looking guys.
congrats on the sharks, I hope they're fun to paint.

As for favorites? Reaper has always been my company, though they've gotten expensive, greedy and milquetoast recently.
Ramshackles art style tickles me and I love that the sculptor just does whatever the hell he wants.
the old grenedier having companies get my love because the models are really expressive, and em4 has a lot of cheap project fuel. Turnkey holds a place in my heart because the models used to be owned by a company called Mega Miniatures that were dirt cheap at ~1.25 a figure and had a HUGE range. much of it is sadly lost now, including some of the monsters and the really well sculpted guthrie personalities. still, really oldschool stuff - the photos don't do them justice.

tired so I'm sure there's more but that's just off the top of my head. thanks for asking anon.
no sharknado mini. I'm not impressed.
I'm a big fan of Mierce miniatures. They used to be really expensive and a lot of their stuff still is, but they've been slowly switching over everything from metal and cast resin to 3d prints, which comes with a big price decrease.
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Recently found Cadwallon who are making a lot of the old Rackham Confrontation models in metal. Got a bunch and am pretty happy with them. Might be white lead though.
I don't know if they're GOOD but by sheer coincidence I saw some Samurai and Ashigaru boxes by Fireforge in my local model shop this weekend - just to put another name out there for you (unless you've already tried them).
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Damn I don't know why everyone seems to beat around the bushes, ITT.
The answer you are looking for is:
- Wargame Atlantic
- Warlord games (if you mostly stick to their plastic kits)
- Victrix if you want historical rather than fantasy or sci-fi.
See pic related: I bought a bunch of stuff to be able to kitbash my own Sword and Sorcery setting.
EM4 is also a great answer, although it has a much more narrow collection of miniatures.
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>Otherworld Minis makes me wish I was playing a lot of real world RPG campaigns so I had a reason to buy all those monsters.
A thread like this for promoting small manufacturers should be a mainstay.

RPG Elements does D&D models. Their stuff is mostly not as refined as some others, but I still like most of what they've got. Here's a Flail Snail.

Unpainted. 60mm tall, 65mm long.
Wargame Atlantic's "Death Fields" range is what I have been looking for to buld a vostroyan firstborn army for 40k/Kill Team. Also Frostgrave has it's own minis that are just as good of a value.
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>cool shark people models from smaller companies
Okay. I've been thinking of getting these for a while. The scale is about right for them to fight some heavy gear models I have. Not sure what ruleset though.
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These also look great.
Entire range is pretty good although the various transformers aren't a thing I like as much.
Test of Honour is actually why I was looking around for them; I saw a box of them on sale around christmastime when I was visiting a family member, and by the time I went back they were gone. The game look neat, although the playtests I've seen online drive me insane.

These look good for getting lots of armored fellows, thanks!

Also good, thanks anon!
oh man, these guys are cool!
I own most of these and know the manufacturer personally. Any questions?
Rough height for the models as it corresponds to the base size?
Nice. I was just looking at the first pic and thought these things have a great Dino Riders feel.
I love this concept, I really do. If only I had friends.
Can't you see that in the pics?
Anyone have any recommendations for Turnip28 viable minis?
I really like the quar line from Wargames Atlantic but I need some other options for this weird, ugly fantasy Napoleonic world.
oh fuck these are gold
Got any Ming or Song era chinese?
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A quick search shows some Song in 15mm (Khurasan Miniatures)...
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...or in 28mm
Not the best selection, but hopefully there's more.

The Ming stuff I found looks like it's maybe not the most accurate, but maybe there's more.
>Do you have any questions? I am trying to be helpful.
>No not those questions!
Actual numbers are useful.
The entire dirt28 thing lives on the perry bother's kits.

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