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You arrive at the city. What do you do first?

>I go the pub to get a drink and attempt to seduce the waitress.

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Thanks for reminding me why I stopped playing.
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>Also, when I say the name of my nemesis, I spit on the ground for emphasis. This act causes my teeth to hurt, because I do not take care of them.
nope, I kill them all
>Roll navigation
>The waitress walks away mid seduction with a huff. An ugly short man with a beard whispers you must give her a 300 gold tip if you want to try that. He says if you want that sort of thing you can hit the brothel, The Scratchy Loins.
>Roll Navigation
>Lose 20 gold
>Roll versus disease.
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mfw the Coital Guard have to investigate the nethers of yet ANOTHER wench i've bedded, only to find that i've once again practiced the art of manly continence

"same time tomorrow, fellas?"

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Apparently a hot topic now. What do the anons here think of the game?
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I don't now how you still don't know this, but nobody likes the new Star Wars movies.
>people discuss potential things for the game
>bad vibes lmao
>have melty and lock the discord
Huh, it's almost like the whole chud angle was overblown
>before they think they're welcome
So who is the games intended audience?
>gatekeeping is okay when we do it chud
Kinda hard for you to call them out for being hypocrites on gatekeeping when you're being hypocrites too. After all, you all claim gatekeeping is necessary, but are now throwing a tantrum because you're the ones being gatekept.
>you gatekept us and that was bad so now that we gatekeep you its good

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LCB edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>How To Start A Tau

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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Horus Heresy and Necromunda I think. Hoping for Mk II and Saturnine termies in plastic but it’s probably gonna be all admech.
Thanks for sharing, anon.
Least mentally deranged nu40kfag
Sorry I should be clearer; I am only talking about Nogames people who buy models just to paint em up and have them on a shelf. I find these people can get the most aggressive about lore. Spinoff games I hadn’t even factored in but those games are generally good unlike 10th which is, once again, irredeemable dogshit.
Just trying out random shit atm, the person I saw using it was for creating very well defined lines in the recesses of models

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Originally just wanted to ask if most DM/GM screen PDF's are horizontal or vertical because I want to buy one that has the see-through slots in the front and back.

Also, what do you use, if anything, for a screen?
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Not really but a Racecar bed would be nice.
>high-grade manchild
Oh fuck my sides
>Hmm, I can see the dungeon map and it’s spoiling the game for me. I can either A. ask the GM to cover or hide the map for me or B. Snap a pic and share it with the rest of the party, effectively using GTA cheat codes in the game. What do I do?
>Naaaah fuck that guy, Imma cheat.
Doesn't mean the DM is justified in using a screen. That just lets the DM cheat. Cheating is not the appropriate response to cheating.
Absolutely based player. There's no rule against it, so it's not cheating.
>yes, I pirate a copy of the module the GM is running so I can make sure to find all the treasure.

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Who do think is the best ‘evil’ deity in Faerun to dedicate yourself to /tg/?

‘Best’ defined by overall quality of life in the church and low likelihood of being killed by your peers, harpers and good adventurers.
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>Loviatar, Beshaba, or Lolth
"I can fix her."
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Bane is heavily implied to be a half-orc warmonger who conquered his way across a parallel material plane into godhood.
I remember a book describing why you don't fuck around at taverns.
A Prince was doing the whole "pretend to be a peasant" thing at a tavern, when a disguised beholder who happened to be there recognized him.
The beholder then attacked the prince to take him hostage, but this caused so much chaos that one of the two old people who play chess at that tavern got up, revealed himself to be a kirin, kicked the beholder's ass, then scolded the prince for not having a better disguise.
Where the fuck do you get that from?
Up until 3e he was mister tall dark and handsome, and we know he used to be a mortal alongside Bhaal and Myrkul, who were presumably all from the southeast, given we know Myrkul was royalty in Murghom, and that was all long before orcs were brought to Faerun.
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Big fan of Loviatar, something about her just feels... right.

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Not sure what card game to continue with
Was into magic for about 5 years but I got so annoyed with how little wizards respect it's players and the game. There is something fun I find about it and I like the social aspect.
Slowly getting into yugioh but apparently the community is awful. However I enjoy the crazy cards and have been having fun but it's a very broken game.
I've yet to try Digimon but I love the anime and games.
I want a well designed balanced game but it seems impossible to find.
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>If your highest value is popularity you're shit outta luck.
One piece is getting popular, but I never played it so don't know if it's good or not
Didn't Netrunner get infested with twitter trannies though
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play wixoss
Woah this looks cool
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Diva sucks and they ruined Layla.

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So I'm finally going to run some games at a con this year, but I've hit a snag in the signup process: Which game do I run?

I made a list of all the games I was feeling particularly enthusiastic about running, took out stuff that seemed like a pain in the ass to teach: MY SHORT LIST IS OVER 20 GAMES LONG

This is big enough I'll probably get players for just about anything, so I want to run something I'd otherwise have trouble getting a group for, but that's most of the RPGs I own, apparently. How do I narrow it down?
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>Feng Shui
I remember playing a card game based on this back when every TTRPG had a card game, seemed pretty cool. Run this one.
Yeah, it's probably the most unique game on the list, it has a ton of really crazy/fun setting stuff at this point, but Jackie Chan movies are the central inspiration for a lot of the game. Scenarios are meant to be a series of fights, but you're meant to be weaponizing the setting rather than worrying about flanking and whatnot.

While I love the Karate Cop class, I'll probably do something with the cyborg apes from the future for my one-shot if I run it.
In an ideal world i would make some macro categories about game styles (narrative vs simulation), game dept (light vs crunch), game themes combination (survival, horror, mystery, combat, exploration, etc...), game length/pacing (one shot, whole adventure, whole campaign), etc...

IRL life i simply propose what i want to run and hope my players don't start bitching about preferring to play dee and dee.
Just pick the game that (You) think sounds most interesting and has a playerbase. Our input doesn't matter if your list is this long with so many solid options.
>has a playerbase.
So then only play D&D?

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Bait™ Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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Man some shit seriously popped off in my life yesterday, sorry for the late replies.

>he hates it
There's a lot here I can't really answer because I think we just see thing differently.
I'm definitely gonna change the 8th level feature to fire damage, thanks for that, everything else is basically making a completely new class, which is a bit more commitment than I'm ready for based on the first day of feedback.

I appreciate the review, I just move slow, pls understand

So my thought behind the hit dice thing was thematics and discouraging dips.
I should mention at this point I've made some other changes I can't post because I'm on mobile, but here's the link if anyone is interested.

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Tenser's Transformation has been nerfed to hell and back
New thread:

>5 shitty personalities
Yeah, no thanks

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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Golconda or True Faith, assuming you don't conflate the two.

But to humour the question as presented, I suppose Anarch is the least awful of the presented options.
Although really, that's just a term made up by overseas fans and the real name for it should be Heisei Phase 2.
I see that Gentaro still keeps on winning. Although really, guessing any type of phlebotinium is either friendship or human spirit is a bet with decent odds with regards to Tokusatsu in general, not just Kamen Rider.
>Offer QQ generics
>Receive complaints
>Offer a different jump
>Receive complaints
Fortunately we believe in customer satisfaction around here, so we are prepared to offer you your choice of QQ generic, or Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
Huh alright I'll check that out. Whats the jump called? Never heard of Blade myself.
It's literally just called Blade, and it's about the movie trilogy starring Wesley Snipes based (very loosely) on a Marvel comic book character. It was from a long-forgotten era where goth was trendy in nightclubs, urban horror was trendy in cinema and protagonists were allowed to spout lines like "some mothafuckas can't stop ice skating uphill" with a straight face.

Also somehow, every fight with a theoretically unkillable super vampire ends with Blade injecting it to death after a gunfight that devolves into a melee fight.

What is your favorite class/subclass to play in D&D or Pathfinder, and why?

I like to play healing clerics, because it feels nice to be needed by your teammates, even if they are the ones doing the cool stuff most of the time.
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Warlock, because they have alot of easy built-in flavor and plothooks, a good reliable means of damage output that doesn't rely on spell-slots (holy fuck spell slots are such a retarded mechanic), and still have room left over to pick up a bunch of fun utility spells for non-combat purposes. They're also Charisma-based, so you know, you actually get to participate in social parts of the game. That all being said though...

I'm with this Anon. Nowadays the only time I play D&D is when friends invite me. It's not a game I ever see myself running as a DM. It's mountain of design problems just bother me way too much.
So terribly many things to be done with Psychic Warrior, so little time to crunch out build plans.

Have you tried playing 3.x? The content-mill of that edition offers a pretty wild variety of basic mechanics.

PF1e has a literal Summoner class, while 3.5 has the Dread Necromancer and Death Master if you're up to skeles, and that edition's Druid had Spontaneous summon spells.

One, Battlemaster exists. Two, Tome of Battle that also did that continues to be bitched about.

My friends play DnD but they have been moving more towards other systems lately, we'll probably get around to Pathfinder at some point
Idk if we'll ever get around to previous DnD editions though, it's not like anyone likes playing with Summoner PCs right now
D&D 3e core: bard simply for roleplaying opportunities.
D&D 3.5: warlock any chance I get. At-will abilities, CHA-based, and overall flavor. PF's kineticist is a sad flickering soulless shadow in comparison. Weak late-game, but it's a fair tradeoff.
PF1 core: wizard specializing in conjuration (or necromancy if the GM's not a complete pussy).
PF1: oracle because I will not play a cleric or any class that has to beg some entity for spells. Also, the curse side effect is a great roleplaying opportunity.
PF1 occult: psychic because I like the flexibility the class offers and I prefer this version of psychic magic over psionic junk (although I'd prefer to drop the components aspect).
Other versions of D&D/PF: no thanks, never ever
>A man after my own heart (in terms of editions of the game you like/dislike) so I’m gonna nab your format
D&D 3e core: Rogue for skill monkey versatility (particularly at low levels) - you always feel like you matter to the team
D&D 3.5: Fighter/Ranger is my common multiclass but I always start out as a Ranger and pick up Fighter levels later to expand upon my combat feats
PF1 core: Paladin - Role-playing potential, combat survivability and the ability to heal myself in a pinch if the party’s down/far away
PF1: I’ve a soft spot for the Cavalier - my first PF character was one and it felt great rallying the party around my banner and duelling powerful baddies like in a movie
PF1 occult: Mesmerist is fantastic for an intrigue character and it feels better for buffing the party or debugging enemies than bard/clerics
Other versions of D&D/PF: no thanks, me neither, never ever

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The article is intended primarily for Game Masters who play games in systems inspired by Lovecraft’s works, such as Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green. However, I hope that other fans of cosmic horror will also find something for themselves here. The interesting facts presented here may also be interesting for people who do not know the work of The Loner of Providence, but some of the references may be unclear to them.
The article contains several anecdotes – either from real history or from beliefs that exist in the real world, and suggestions on how they can be related to the Cthulhu mythology.
So read about:

- Sea Peoples, bane of ancient civilizations,
- a forgotten Eldritch abomination from Greek mythology,
- Jan Twardowski, the first man on the Moon,
- mathematicians and physicists who wanted to know the structure of reality and lost their minds,
- one of the most mysterious characters from the Bible and a dark, occult ritual that underlies monotheism.

Full text is avalaible here (of course for free, I am not a shill): https://adeptusrpg.wordpress.com/2024/05/13/some-lovecraftian-inspiration-form-real-life-and-beliefs/
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>t. absolute barbarian whose concept of fun is strangling boars with his bare hands

>t. seething hittite sorceror who's actually a serpent man that got his ass handed to him by wandering Sherden rednecks one time too many

I'm now imagining a bastard cross between Conan the barbarian and Cletus the slack-jawed yokel unwittingly becoming the archnemesis of a bastard cross between Thoth-Amon and Thanquol and cannot stop laughing
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I remember that thread.
Hmm, I haven't heard about Zeus-serpent before. I do some research, and I find this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meilichios Interesting, because in the Greek mythology serpents are usually connected to enemies of Olympian gods (I wrote about Tyfon, Echidna and their spawn, there is also snake Python slayed by Apollo). But maybe I will mention Zeus Meilichius in the book. Thanks.
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yeah might just have been a schizo tke on 4chan, but hey. Works for worldbuidling

dunno what you talking about, these are photos from hunter cameras on the border between finland and sweden
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Sure thing.

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Elements of 13th Army begin to arrive (Day 17 of Operation Scorpion) edition

Last Thread: >>92806349

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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IIRC if you have already used up the 10 "free" heat sinks and need further sinks to remain heat-neutral LRM20 and the heat sinks you need weight less than 4 LRM5s and their heat sinks. Though the introduction of DHS changes that, but DHS kind of screws up the entire heat management system anyway.
They are hotter, so you need more sinks, however a single ams can only target one missile attack, so instead of getting a chance at your whole lrm 20 salvo, the ams only gets to effect one lrm 5, leaving your other 3lrm5's unmolested. Lrm5's stacked might also work out for you better at harder gator. Since you get 4 chances to hit with 4lrm5 than 1lrm20 (yes i know chances dont work like that but dice gods giveth, dice gods taketh away)
The other benefit is campaigns. If your lrm 20 gets critted the whole thing is fucked and you need to fix it or get a new one. Lots of money and effort. One of your lrm5's gets scragged and your tech can rip it and replace it and fix the fucker whenever. Cheap and ez.
Yes. Overheating bv discount lets you get a fast assault with super shotgun cheap.
I see an anon managed to reupload all the power metal songs. That's amazing.

One thing though, maybe should have made lyric videos, or at lest put the lyrics in the descriptions?
New thread


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>You don't know the things I dream. No one does, no one ever cared enough to find out.
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>his special power is he can see the gay (chaos) in people and everything
Pretty much everyone can do that lol you cant miss the tentacles, horns and EoT
>"I wish I had read something like this as a kid."
>Hmph! He thinks he knows me... I'm not like the sheeple, I know better. I'm the only one that does...
>*I don't think you trust*
>*In my, self-righteous suicide*
What is this? Why is there a mans head in a box?
>or think I'm going traitor
Imperium Secundus never turned into a problem because he was such a goody two shoes nobody really thought he would be a traitor. Imagine "technically" rebelling and nobody really holds it against you, and then you end up in charge after you wake up from your nap anyway.

Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92739515
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New thread: >>92821452

Get the books from the trove while they're up...
... And play a X-Men '97 campaign

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