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Chilling out in Cyberspace edition

Previous >>92805397

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator web comic:
Latest chapter is Episode 2 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for May 30th

ST17 Advanced Deck Double Typhoon (Lopmon/Terriermon) is out now everywhere!

BT16 Beginning Observer is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for May 24th

EX06 Infernal Ascension is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for June 28th

LM03 Limited Card Set 2024 is out now in JP. Contains 6 new ACEs and 6 new Delay options

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for August 9th

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is scheduled to release May 31st in JP, September 13th in EN

BT18 Element Successor is scheduled to be released June 28th in JP. Part of SRB 2.0 in EN

Special Release Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released in November in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

Special Release Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

Are you going to prerelease for BT16?
> TQ
Nope because they delayed to the first week of june and I won't have time to attend it
my LGS prerelease is about 12hrs from now
evo cup the next there as well
got a digi filled weekend
I feel like the new Liberator option didn't need to be a SEC.
Of course, I always go to prerelease. There's also a lot I want from this set and prerelease is a great time to trade.
Prereleases kinda burned me off after getting jack-fucking-shit on BT11's.
I'm thinking of just getting 1 box and hopefully getting lucky with the Ukkomons and Salamons
> TQ
Nope, just getting started with the game and I'd get wrecked. Plus, there are no tournaments in a 250Km radius where I live.
Prerelease is the best tournament to go to if you're new, everyone is on an equal playingfield deckwise.
Is that so? Either way, I'm out of luck for this one as the LGS nearby have zero interest in DCG (hell, they don't even support OP but are okay with Lorcana), but I suppose I'll give the BT17 or EX7 a try if I happen to be close to a store that has prereleases for those. Thanks Anon.
There are no prereleases for EX sets, sadly
Got four boxes
Got 4 magna x and a rabbit x
Plus 11 ukko which is apparently high compared to others who got similar numbers
My alt arts were garbage tho
wait how did u get 5 sec from 4 boxes?
Yeah, because you construct your deck at the event and your options are limited by your pulls. Now obviously the more skilled players and deckbuilders will do better, but at least you won't have to figure out the meta and build a competitive deck.
Don't SECs share AA slots?
no u either get 2 AA or 1 AA + 1 SEC
and if you get an AA sec which is in the AA slot, you can't also get a SEC
I've had several boxes in the past in whoch I've gotten a SEC and an AA of another SEC.
You can get an aa sec and a sec in the same box.
You have one slot that's either the SEC or an AA, and another that is an AA
You could possibly get a SEC and the AA SEC

I'd like to, but I don't really like the format itself. I'd like to ideally just go and get a box and trade towards what I want to get from this set.
I might go to a prerelease for the promos. Not really that interested in buying a box but will probably get a couple of the gift boxes instead
Hows belphemon holdin up
By his hands
Where is the examon support.
Somehow topped, meaning it is rogue.
Two different people got the vikemon chase at my locals wtf
But did they get a general that loves you like you did? Thought not
Was it that janky octomon version?
My store was sent zero product
My box arrived today. It was kinda meh. Didn't pull any SEC which is annoying, but at least the two AAs I pulled were cards that I needed (Paildramon and Valkyrimon Ace).
Secs can also be AAs. One regular sec and one AA sec happens sometimes. Rabbit regular, mag AA
It really didn't. It didn't need to be three colors either, but I guess that distinguishes it a bit from the promo Option.

But what really bothers me is that it has the fucking LIBERATOR trait so you can grab it off of the starter deck Pteromon or Shoemon and keep digging. Same with the promo Option, but I think the free evo is better than the free play.
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I don't even have any options for pre-releases \ ^O^ /
The distributior did my LGS fucking filthy and the worker forgot to write down the store's preorder stock so they got a massive cut and Pre Release got delayed by a week.

This is specially horrible since my local players are very competitive and go to offline and online events and one of the regional is like next fucking week so we're gonna have to get our cards off Facebook, man.
My stores distributor just sucks in general so they frequently just don't send product on time or pre release packs or prizing
We got fucking zero of anything
nvm checked, there's an 'L'GS that has pre-releases an hour and a half away from me.
That's a long drive but at least you found a locals
Are they really going to show alt arts before finishing showing off the new Impmon line?
Damn, those were amazing boxes.
Sucks to be me I guess.
Got 3 myself;
1 Magna, 1 Rapid, AA paildra, AA Sylphy, AA MaloMyotismon, AA Dorumon..
I'll try to scoop some trades tomorrow.
Also you are correct, I only got 4 ukkos out of 3 boxes.
It seems a lot of fighter mode ace? That’s what everyone else got. Buddy pulled a Vikemon special art too, so that was hype. So between 3 of us we had a case meaning it may be one per?
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About to do 3 pre-releases just so I can ensure that I get some BT16 cards, I ain't trusting Bandai getting the product to all locals equally
I'm sorry, I haven't looked at the Digimon TCG in awhile. Don't you need each of three colors among digimon and trainers in play, to play this Option on your turn? That seems extremely hard to do
It ignores the requirement as long you have a LIBERATOR trait digimon or tamer on the table
Whenever the first line of text on an Option, especially a multicolor Option, doesn't start with a blue box, assume that line of text allows you to ignore color requirements under some condition.
Vortex Resonance EX7-074 SEC <04>

If you have a Digimon or Tamer with the [LIBERATOR] trait, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
[Main] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [LIBERATOR] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. Then, 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card in your hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 4.
[Security] You may play 1 card with the [LIBERATOR] trait with a play cost of 4 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, add this card to the hand.
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wow, that's a nice ca-
>secret rare
-a nice card to print myself.
If this is gonna have a pretty looking alt art it'll be even more annoying, because I'll probably want it, but never be able to buy it. Normal BT6 Beel is already too expensive for my taste, and her alt art looks way better and costs like 4 times more.
At least this art already looks good, I really like Kenji's art, but... not his BT6 Beelstar.
Speaking of proxies, thank god bandai provides pictures of all their cards in decent quality, with a decent search engine too. It makes getting the pics so much easier.
That makes way more sense, thank you
Normal art BT-6 Beelstar is $10
Yes, so a whole playset (which is pretty much required for deck to work) is 40$, not counting shipping. No thanks.
If we were talking collectible, then 10$ would be pretty low, but as a card to play at 4 playset that's too much for me.
So do you proxy all your decks because you can't get any cheaper than that?
Do you even play the game?
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I'm honestly a little worried what both of these Options combined are going to mean for the Liberator decks.
i'm not sure if this is where i should ask but
how do i import decks in the simulator?
Why aren't they showing the impmon line?
You forgot there will also be scramble, training, and memory boosts
Novel starts next week
I'm not near my computer but on the video tutorial it should tell you how to upload one
>random hodgpodge of blue cards and RKs turns out to be new sec con variant that catches me completely off guard
sneaky bastards
Except the Liberator options can also find and even play for you your Tamers, and can be added off of your Rookies.
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>card color encourages ukko in deck to fix color for turn 1 use

bruh, im sick of that dude already
I don't spend more than 2 to 5 USD per slice of cardboard
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Shoto AA
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I love that it shows the full line
You gotta understand some people are beyond poor. Remember machinedramonfag?
I'm glad that machinedramon stopped needing like 4 of the SEC and that the price went down.
Yeah i made it when it became a 2 of during bt11. Chaosdramon ended up being my 4 of instead.
and now we suffer because BT-11 Machine is bad, raremon exists, and even with raremon we are either too slow or more importantly it's a DP minus format and a bunch of cards can't be de-digivolved

What does Machinedramon need to be tier 2 again?
I dont even run raremon. I orginally planned to get him but saw no point since the build has no room whatsoever. Deck needs consistency+some speed because it has such fucked ratios that youre always rolling hard to see if youll actually get the opportunity to get him out before you die.
Look at that egg
Who are these characters and their Digimon?
raremon is more meant for going back to a hard play build to go faster/compete with DP minus
They are from the new webcomic Digimon Liberator
The boy is Shoto Kazama and his partner is Pteromon
The brunette is Arisa Kinosaki and her partner is Shoemon
The blond hasn't shown up yet so we don't know her name but her partner is Ghostmon
Nope, most of the stores went full jew and are not giving packs for placement and I usually win all pres.
Birds do not understand card games.
>spoiling the novel before it begins
Come on Anon, think about it.
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Looks fine but it's probably one of those alt arts that look better in person
Waah, waaah, why aren't you paying tons of money for cardboard!
Paying collectible prices for a card to play with is retarded. Cards to play with should be few bucks at most, they're meant to be played with after all.
Cards to collect can have any price, they don't serve practical purpose after all.

So in short- if a card is meant to do stuff (being put on the table, shuffled, read, etc) then a decent proxy does all of that just as well as the original. Because its fucking cardboard with pictures on it all the same.
>You gotta understand some people are beyond poor.
Not willing to pay 10$ for piece of cardboard with pictures isnt being poor, its being rational.
I feel like games like yugioh and magic completely lobotomized many people when it comes to acceptable card and deck prices, so anything below their level is like "WhAt ArE yOu evEn cOmPlaInIg abOuT???"
I mean yeah $10 for a card you need 4 of is expensive, especially if the deck needs multiple cards like it
even a $20 card if its just a one of isn't the biggest deal, but multiple $10 cards that all need playsets adds up quickly
sure, il buy x4 a $10 card if its the top end of a deck and shit and it seems fun and cool, but acting like its cheap is crazy, iv paid more for cards and playsets, but its not cheap and I don't like it but some decks are just more expensive than others and I understand that
it only really a problem imo if I buy it and don't like the deck, but I generally have a good idea of what I like so its never really been an issue.
>won the pre release tournament
Should I sell my ukko promo or it will go up in price?
it will go up until the pbandai set releases and then it will plummet in price, so sell it soon
Totally forgot about that pb
>No new Hina
How do we cope Linkz bros?
there's going to be a box topper hina that will cost probably $70, $30 minimum, and be a 4 of
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>try DCG with the release of simulator
>it's yugioh lite where you wait for opponent to finish 20 piece combo of building up otk machine
Isn't game several years old? How did it get to this point so fast
Playing against Alpha players on the sim is such a snooze fest. Why do they take forever to do a single fucking action.
Are people only playing Mirage in the sim?
Like we haven't been an OTK heavy format for a while
Numemon isn't OTK
Red Hybrid isn't OTK
Leviamon isn't OTK
We have been non OTK decks the are tier 1 and 2
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Its being poor because you dont have the disposible income to just mindlessly throw it down.

That being said I dont care to disagree with it. Rather than argue with it id rather just agree and put my money elsewhere. Its ironic to say this on /tg/ of all places but you wouldnt catch me dead buying physical trading cards unless they have really nice art to begin with. For any not even normal but basic ass person there are few opportunities to even use the things without hauling your ass to a shop. Once you stop having a recess period in your life owning these cards is an obsession with minimal pay off.

I wouldnt go that far. I dont think that many decks just stop you from playing
Numemon and Red Hybrid can easily OTK. Mirage is bdif and its most definitely an OTK.
You haven't played against yellow vaxx and it shows. That's true misery. At least bt14 yellow vaxx had an aggresive variant. The current build is just to turbo out a hikari so you can start stacking revelation of light. Then just spam angewomon and holyangemon ace.
Sim really likes ulforce players for some reason. I've encountered exactly 3 and lost to all 3 of them having the otk
lmao, last one I faced used aeroveedra search and hit 3 tamers. I've never seen that shit.
I've played against yellow vaxx over webcam but not over the sim yet. I'd honestly just surrender and save time kek
You have to outgrind them to assert dominance.
>mirage bounces top of sec
>its a sec bomb
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rate my waifuslop deck
Meramon is the hottest waifu
If you are trying to OTK with red hybrid you are playing the deck wrong.
It's a fucking aggro deck, you aren't supposed to sit on your ass for 5 turns and same with Numemon except it's more mid range
Ulforce costs $200+ dollars to build and it's worse than both Melga and Mirage which are cheaper
I think you should rethink your 3s
any suggestions?
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Tbh I don't really like that rookie line up and too many champions, nor do I like some of the choices for them. I understand the on deletion effects you are going for, but I think I'd rather have better inheritables.
If you are running x-antibody you could also consider cutting some of the normal Ladydevimon's for Bastemon
Everyone at my store is building MagnaX, I don't think I'm going to have fun for awhile
Maybe so, I do like an excuse to use that Ladydevimon though.
On the plus side, that should mean there's plenty of copies of the SRs to get for cheap
>Seventh Fascination
>Running it
Is the effect of that constant for all of the opponents Digimon because it sounds like dogshit. Im thinking of it like a Yugioh spell like Forbidden Lance not like lets say a Field Spell.
what are the hottest cards available?
I feel like you could make even more of a waifu deck
It'll wipe most of the opponent's board, can't get rid of everything though. Still definitely worth running, and has a pretty easy condition to fill for using it for free.
I feel like you would want anubismon to have extra bodies to pop
Im a newfag at the game which im asking how it works and to expand does it carry over if the Digimon evolvesbut if it doesnt apply to ALL their Digimon for their turn nah its dogshit. Youll probably even just fucking die before it has any value or would much rather straight up get its target off the board so it doesnt do some last ditch security break.
It's a field effect so anything that gets played gains the effect. The caveat is that it doesn't say "delete this digimon", rather it says "delete 1 of your digimon" so if you have a level 6 and a level 3, you can delete the level 3 with the level 6 and spare it. So you can play around it. Very annoying and very shitty if you need a wide board
The cool part is that it triggers from the trash on evolving, for free.

It's basically a better version of the EX6 Lilithmon when digivolving to use in case you have to evolve off a Protoform or by attacking with the X Antibody.
I don't think you should go 4/4 on LadyDevimon and LadyD X. They're good and all, but I think you should find room for Bastemon to more consistently get extra bodies on the field to sacrifice.
How does it interact with an immune Magnamon X?

Magnamon x with immunity won't gain the delete a digimon effect.

However, if there's magna x and another digimon on board, the other digimon can delete magna x.

Why? Who knows
Alpha is actually a very difficult deck to pilot properly.
I would think they still get it. When the immunity falls off they should get the end of turn effect. Then if they re-apply immunity, that end of turn effect should be considered the turn players effect and not the opponents?
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>does it carry over if the Digimon evolves
>but if it doesnt apply to ALL their Digimon for their turn
It does, the effect also kinda skirts around some protections too since you're giving their digimon an effect rather than outright deleting them. It also does have some more use in Lilithmon's deck specifically, since her effect trashes a security when a digimon is deleted on your opponent's turn.
>However, if there's magna x and another digimon on board, the other digimon can delete magna x.
>Why? Who knows
Because the actual "Delete 1 Digimon" effect doesn't belong to the user of the Option. Magnamon X doesn't protect itself from its owner's effects.
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>ulforce took 1st this weekend

TBF it's 30% the deck, 50% the player, 20% dodging the bad match ups
a lot of mirage players still coping saying its top tier in bt16
can't wait for them to try it in bt16 and get steamrolled by like the top 5 decks that are all immune to it or just don't care what its doing
it effects every single card on their board as it's a blanket effect so even if they hard play something or digivolve in will effect those as well
They can resolve it in a way for it to not kill everything but it will always kill 50% of their board
mirage can ignore magna as they can make it so it can't be blocked or redirected and then just swing 80 times in a row

Mirage can win against magnax, it just has to avoid hitting heaven's judgment and magnamon in security
>but it will always kill 50% of their board
There are some forms of protection, particularly Armor Purge, that you can probably use to lose less than that.
Didn't watch the stream of the ulforce playing. There is always 10% luck mixed in there somewhere. Somehow avoiding draw and mulligan of all top and tamers. Then drawing tamers to keep ulforce going.
Would it be worth playing blue plug in, to dodge blocker? Then if they really wanted to, they could tech in ST Magnamon and Magnamon X antibody or breath of the gods somehow
>Would it be worth playing blue plug in, to dodge blocker?

Nah, just use gomamons at that point. The strip effect could help neuter partition again the paildramon matchup.
BT-13 MachGaogamon already does that as it works for the entire stack and just not Mach
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I still wish she had a unique level 2
Do they usually do more than one prerelease event with prize support per set? Missed mine cuz of work.
You would have to check on the bandai app or contact the store. Managed to get 4th in mine today which was nice

Depends on the store but the pre-release window is about 1 week before the actual release date. If your store has a pre-release kit left over, they could add it to the locals prizing.
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hard slam and purple base seems to be effective to a degree.
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>childhood friend
Téa lily...
Oh no
mirage needs to find its one of for the match up and fulfill a condition that it cannot fulfill while magna is immune, it requires magna to not be immune to be able to get the not be blocked
vaccine armor also plays venus for the mirror or for vs magnamon tribal and this ALSO shuts down mirage if they can't proc immunity for a turn.

Mirage cannot ignore magna unless magna is vulnerable for a turn.
you don't understand the ruling which is cards that effect how battle works isn't effecting a digimon.
You can still block and redirect MagnaX as it doesn't effect Magna but the attack process itself and Machgao does the same thing.
However MaganX would be immune to collision.
Blue plug in also prevents magna from blocking

I recommend you learn rulings before posting wrong information
Actually collision forces the opponent to block so they would still have to block but would be unaffected by the part that gives blocker
blocking effects the attack not the digimon
redirecting effects the attack not the digimon
collision has two parts one which effects a digimon which gives everything blocker and one that forces the player to block
when people are talking going past blockers they are talking about gomamon, which you can't source strip magna x
machgao is a when attacking, so you need to do your attack to not get blocked
so to actually do your combo you need to evolve to mach in the back, with only 2 memory to gain after that so you aren't pushing at out a lvl 4 going into mach and doing something without immediately passing turn
so you need to setup with boosts, as well as not have them not venus or ruin mode, both of which are run in vaccine armor

do you know what mirage has a single event win in JP? its not because people didn't try it
its because its an incredibly piece reliant deck and you need to find the exact line in the exact order and setup exactly with a lot of time and you cannot push out at all earlier against magnamon
incredibly inconsistent, immediately loses to security bombs, both vaccine armor and magnamon tribal run

you are also 1 unsuspend short of an OTK if you use bypass machgao
you also immediately lose to recovery, which vaccine armor runs

>if I tech 1/3 of my deck I can sometimes beat this matchup
you sound like a coping greymon player saying he can just beat over magna x when its not that simple and you need to hit specific stuff with resources setup and it will take you many turns to do if you get that unless you get passed a shitload of memory constantly, sure, go ahead and run mirage, no skin off my back you don't understand how many times you can swing and that reducing this number by one in a deck that barely OTKs makes it unviable lmao
gomamon doesn't need to actually strip anything to not be blocked
I'm correcting someone not understainding what MagnaX actually protects from, I'm not talking about what beats what but rulings
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Belphemon is my favorite deck, but I wish I didn't have to play anime cards in it.
They're also really taking a long time to give it x antibody. My guess is that they are unable to figure out how to do it properly without it being either useless or game breaking. Other demon lords got their x antis the following set.
I think a new line of support for it would be great, one that can replace the gizumon shit and x antibody that fills in kurata's role.
Puppetfags can’t stop winning B)
>not liking Savers
Savers was meh, but even if I loved it, I still hate anime cards and pseudo digimon
We are still missing quite a few x-anti bodies.
BelphemonX would probably just pop something and unsuspend itself
So what's the deal with the visor, are the roses painted on or is it glass and we're seeing underneath it?
If it's like Angewomon's helmet she's got eyes under it, this franchise just has a fetish for helmets that you can't see through.
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Whats the difficult part about it? Not being snarky I actually wanna know, since the only times I've went against it were during BT13, and usually I just saw them making a huge stack, gaining memory arbitrarily and not letting me hit security till they just killed my ass with Ouryuken
Dedicated demon lord decks got their xantis the following set their main deck core was released.
the current problem the deck has is that it can't otk and if they go all in with Ouryuken and die they are usually fucked.
The deck is pretty easy to pilot considering they have a million ways to draw and set up
Even if we only start with the ones that came after the Beelzemon advanced deck, there was still support to make Barbamon a deck and the start of something for Lucemon in EX6 and neither got their Antis yet. And this Lilithmon stuff came a set late.
Neither barbamon nor lucemon have a deck yet.
Belphemon is 4 sets old now.
Lmaoing at all the miragelets coping at how their deck drops off in bt16
>opponent plays like dogshit
>gets bailed out by deathx
Tale as old as time
>blast ace into zudomon or megagargo
>strip oryuken or stun him
Alphamon can't keep up in a post-ace metagame.
Games dying boys. Sims going to tank sales and leave nothing but a memory of where you losers pretended to have friends. Bandai and /acg/ wins again!
um ackshully I was talking about the ruling not its viability
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>drasil down
>dcgo has > 1k concurrent players so matchmaking just hangs
All I want to do is play a fucking game.
You have to plan in advance how much memory you can and want to gain vs what cards you need to keep in the stack, how many unsuspends you can get and of you can get sec+1 on any of them, whether or not you can abuse EOT effects to gain protection or extra swings then resume turn, and even the order of the cards you bottomdeck (you will almost certainly see them again).
The new Ryudamon also adds another layer of complexity to your turns.
Would making a room work? We should keep a /dcg/ room up, especially since there's no account in DCGO.
rooms are just you + 1 person and dissolve when everyone leaves
but iv never had the game fail when trying to play person in a room
Hosting a room
So how would you fix the upcoming bt16 meta? I propose either using banned pairs to avoid having rapid x and bt16 magna x in the same deck or using banned pairs on bt16 magna x and awakening of the golden knight.
Limit Magna
Possibly limit promo Ukkomon
Limit Helloogarmon and/or BT14 Bowmon (especially for BT17)
I don't think magna x warrants a limit. Cards that let you cheat it out are the problem cards.
limit promo ukkomon
limit bt16 ukkomon
limit miragegaogamon burst mode
limit helloogarmon

nothing else needs to be done
No, it definitely does. It's an unfair card that very few decks can deal with once it comes out.
And by the way, even outside of Yellow Vaccine degeneracy, you can still go into it easily straight from a level 4, which is retarded.
just play big blockers lmao. the card's main issue is that there are many ways to cheat it out.
Looga wasn't even a top 3 deck during bt-15
It can come out turn 2
Also, yay my ip range is banned
>Blinding ray
your point being? You can easily pump your blockers to be bigger than 18k.
Loads of big boss monsters can come out on turn 2. Magna x is just a giant beatstick. It doesnt mill you, it doesnt check 5 times per turn and it doesnt clear your board. literal skill issue.
Name 3 meta decks that can "easily pump blockers bigger than 18k"
Are you the same faggot who was defending Looga the other day?
Looga is fine retard and the one saying that an invincible card coming out turn 2 is a problem.
We get it that you hate Looga but tournament results and playing it and against it shows that it isn't the Boogeyman you decry
Looga apparently makes some people extremely butthurt
lmao, you are
>hates looga, a tier 2 deck
>can't deal with magna x
yeah, skill issue
Read nigga I was the one saying magna is a problem and not that every deck can out an 18k blocker turn 2
No one talked about Looga for months here and suddenly it's the most hated deck
>yellow vacbloomlord
What else am i missing on this list of asshurts in this general?
All the passion from the looga conversation came from the looga fanboy the other day.
Nah, only one guy seething that Looga can pull their level 7 jogress off a rookie turn 2 if the stars align and they pull the specific cards in a specific order from top deck
>say looga isn't broken or unbeatable
>get called a fanboy
I hate how Looga gets to vomit out a huge board from one swing and has Hell which is a Fly Bullet and Scatter Mode combined but i know better than to call it top tier.
Maybe when we get the lvl7 over here it will be. But jp loves new toys which is probably the main reason its seeing a lot of play over there.
>thread highjacked by a bunch of timmies that lose to a tier 2 deck
Jesmon GX
I love how I can just put one sleepy boy on the field and Looga has to bend over backwards to try and remove it
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What do?
Red Hybrid. 18k is baby numbers for Red Hybrid
Fail to draw either a level 5 or Rina or both and lose
Pillomon truly is the thinking man's digimon. A real patrician-tier goob
Ah yes, the red hybrid that has blocker and DP gain on opponent's turn.
You sperg out every single time anyone says anything that implies looga might be just a liiiiittle overpowered.
Anybody got the floodgate chart on hand?
Come BT17 they won't even need to think about it, because their main level 5 will be BT16 Soloogamon.
Barbamon got more cards in EX6 than Lilithmon did.
Whatever you say buddy
Pair ban Rapidmon/Magnamon X and Patamon/Messenger of Hope.
Have you read the card? It synergizes better with Takemikazuchi.
what is this brown angewomon?
the angewomon used by a arkana during the battle city arc
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Why is she still so fucking expensive?
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This on top of being a SEC, of course
but it hasn't put up results in multiple formats now the price should be dropping to reflect that
Digimon is a pay to lose game. Most expensive decks are pretty weak.
waifu tax
Look at the post you replied to again.
Pay special attention to the attached image file this time.
Yes I'm she is a female character and has her tits out. My point still stands.
are you dense, autistic, or just stupid?
that new EmperorGreymon sounds insane
Phonefagging so can't post pics lol

Agunimon BT18-011 R <04>
Hybrid | Variable | Wizard
[[Digivolve] [Takuya Kanbara]: Cost 2]/[BurningGreymon]: Cost 0]

[When Digivolving] You may return 1 card with the [Hybrid] or [Ten Warriors] trait or 1 Tamer card with an inherited effect from your trash to the hand.
Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
Lobomon BT18-037 R <04>
Hybrid | Variable | Warrior
[[Digivolve] [Koji Minamoto]: Cost 2]/[KendoGarurumon]: Cost 0]

[When Digivolving] Search your security stack, add 1 card with the [Hybrid] or [Ten Warriors] trait among them to the hand. If you added, <Recovery +1>, and shuffle your security stack.
Inherited: [When Attacking] If you have 7 or fewer cards in your hand, <Draw 1>.
EmperorGreymon BT18-018 SR <04>
Hybrid | Variable | Warrior
[[Digivolve] [Takuya Kanbara] w/ 5 [Hybrid] trait cards under it: Cost 5]

[When Digivolving] For each color in this Digimon’s digivolution cards, trash any 1 digivolution card of your opponent's Digimon, and suspend 1 of their Digimon. Then, this Digimon may attack.
[Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) When this Digimon deletes an opponent's Digimon in battle, it gains <Security A.+1>, and unsuspend it.
MagnaGarurumon BT18-042 SR <04>
Hybrid | Variable | Cyborg
[[Digivolve] [Koji Minamoto] w/ 5 [Hybrid] trait cards under it: Cost 5]

[When Digivolving] [End of Opponent's Turn] (Once Per Turn) By placing 1 card in this Digimon's digivolution cards to the bottom of your security stack, delete all of your opponent's Digimon with the same level as the placed card.
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When a Digimon attacks, By returning the top card of your security stack to the hand, unsuspend this Digimon.
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So anyway, they should limite heavens judgement
Cuz the boxes are still 90 bucks a pop
Susanoomon blast DNA?
Oh so we really are doing multicolor soup Hybrids now.

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They’re clearly waiting for the novel chapter to drop but the wait is getting ridiculous at this point.
Agunimon and Lobomon are the first cards with two evo cost circles since the frame change, aren't they?
>bandai will only ban Heaven's judgement when pentacolors come out
I mean if they go full fucking thematic i can imagine susanoo being that. I sure love getting -48k if susanoo hits the field.
Welcome to the Xros Wars and Frontier card game.
So which one is better? armor magna x or yellow vaxx magna x?
Not everyone plays meta, a lot of people just want to play their favorite DIGIMON and unfortunately for you ulforceveedramon is very popular.
It will just be Kimera, it will be white and have every color under it. Then will probably have an effect like apocylmon or chaosdramon x
Im hoping with these leaks and the errata I'm getting some darkknightmon support
Did you forget about the Xros Manga set?
yellow armors
but magnamon tribal has a lot more results in JP and will probably have more globally.

veemon base is a lot easier to pilot and a lot cheaper
vaccine armor require you also to have rapid X and requires you to know when you need to do what in certain situations, if you should ace vs awakening, how to manage secondary stacks, when to go into what top end.

magnamon tribal is just a slam cards and slam opponent deck mostly with a bit of combo at the top end, while vaccine armor is a reasonably complex deck with a lot of setup requires and many different lines of play.
magnamon tribal has a lower ceiling but a lower floor while vaccine armor has a higher floor and a significantly higher ceiling.
I wonder how the person who won the design contest feels about pillomon today?
I don't think the Takemikazuchi version is better but it can out things normal Looga can't.
If the DP minus lingered I would feel differently
probably that they are better than their contemporaries or at least good about themselves
idk if u have seen the design contest digimon, but most of them absolutely fucking suck shit, pillomon is actually a solid design and there is a reason it actually shows up in things compared to most others.
I haven't read the Xros Wars manga so I don't know the details but it replaces Yuu as Nene's younger sibling with a girl named Kotone.

Or maybe it's something about the Amanokawas from Ghost Game. I know they're already excluded due to the kanji but maybe they're trying to be more explicit about this kind of stuff now that the regions are unifying.
Yellow vaxx
In armor it makes a mediocre deck good
In yellow vaxx it makes a good deck retarded good
It's better solely because you need 0 setup to put your opponent in a losing position. It doesn't win in 1 turn but it also isn't as susceptible to security bombs.
Cyber Sluts are a premium anon!
DarkKnightmon and Nene are still in it so you will get support
She was in Re:Digitize first.
It 100% still dies to a bomb and makes a less wide board
It does, but as mentioned it requires less setup, meaning you can bounce back easier.
Decode version only, I am aware but she still counts.
Kazuchimon is a weird brick that doesn't help your gameplay for most of the game unlike say a random level 4.
I think you can highroll better at the cost of consistency
I kind of hate that Soloogarmon BT16 only revives SOC as Fangmon, Blackgato, and Gato Uver aren't valid targets but I guess it doesn't super matter most of the time as you are discarding 2 anyways
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There are currently zero copy's of Shadramon promo on tcgplayer, new support officially comes out in 4 days, this shit is about to get ugly and be the next raremon.
Pretty certain I have some, might sell if it gets that expensive.
I keep getting players on the sim that as soon as you interrupt their pace or combo they just auto quit. im playing a low tier deck you're playing Nume or looga.
I keep getting paird with seccon, yellow, and milith so I just auto concede once I see what they are doing
I have 4, not my problem.
Are you in Australia? I've got one I won't use
I own 3 and I honestly expect it to be replaced by something when they introduce a new Fighter Mode so I'm not going to buy a 4th.
Naw I'm good I got my set months ago but I appreciate it.

It's definitely going to be interesting to see if they go an entire other way with it and make it black or if they continue with red/purple where you can mix them. Either way I'm playing it.
It does require you to bring way less useful cards which is a dealbreaker for me. Having to run like 6~8 cards that are 100% bricks in hand that you're supposed to find first and then trash is miserable.

Current Looga is frankly just as effective at doing OTK plays with little setup and is more flexible
I think DNA Looga is better is you have to play against MagnaX as you can highroll faster but I still think you would lose just as much
>but most of them absolutely fucking suck shit
Nah they're ok
>multiple of them are just coins with arms and legs
>pencil digimon
>eraser digimon

look pillo is just a pillow, I get that, but at least its design has a little bit more going on a sheep + pillow which fits and is nice, most of the others are just... woof, not good at all.
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I like that the original submission hand random pointless belts like old school Digimon.

I kind of want Bandai to hire Nomura to draw a chase card or make a new Digimon
if I had horns id put belts on them
If humans had horns the horn decoration industry would be huge.
It would be just another facet of the jewelry industry that already exists.
and id put stuff on my horns, as I mentioned belts
I already wear rings and other jewellery as well
Should I run 1 or 2 Dinobee in Looga?
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And look what has literally been revealed.

Is this the first time they've started revealing another Booster before the previous one was completed?
they revealed some of the LM ACEs during a set reveal and some of the hybrid cards
Revealing alt arts and an entire different set while refusing to show 3 cards until the novel comes out is an interesting choice
So now that we have an Agunimon and probably will have a BurningGreymon that evolve from any purple Tamers, it may be worth keeping in mind that Agunimon is a Wizard and BurningGreymon is a Dark Dragon. Both types that have been relevant in purple already.
At least they quit
I’ve had people refuse to surrender or close the app and there’s no timer so you either concede to them or sit for possibly hours waiting
Fucking gay shit
I don't really get being salty on a free sim with nothing at stake.
>protagonist shit

3 base sets in a row that are trash, amazing
Fuck off, contrarian. Your literal-who favorite Digimon doesn't matter.
he's probably some heretical appmon fan
I'd be OK with them if they varied up the playstyles instead of just powercreeping.
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It was inevitable.
>split 5 boxes with the homies
>no Imperial AAs
>only two Paildramons
damn nigga feels bad, at least my pals got good pulls
>Every tri-color Digimon so far can use Heaven's Judgement
Yeah I think it's intentional at this point.
That magnagaruru killed any chance of a jet sylphy unban. Imagine the fucking loops.
Hosting a room in DCGO
Hosting again same code.
New room 55744
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You now realize you can biomerge pretty much any human partner in the TCG.
Uh, yeah?
Hybrids are tossed into plenty of decks as one or two-ofs to close out games and such
I think Anon's point was you can biomerge Tamers who couldn't do that in their respective series.
New CardProtagonist dropped
Omegamon (Agumon base) VS Diablomon
>blueflare got top 8 in regionals
Huh, i see it can still piss people off when it fucking wants to.
MagnaX is immune to the part of collision that gives him Blocker, but since he has Blocker naturally, he can be forced to block from collision's effect that forces the player to block if possible.
If you just open the red cards it just goes fast as fuck
You could do that since BT4.
Damn these look so cool I wish the deck was playable.
Shits on devas and numes. Just avoid Looga.
I don't like playing Looga against blue flare as the can open extremely explosively.
Like I need to open two analogs and a training/mist to keep up
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Need Chaosdramon hybrid
or maybe level 7
>worst case scenario: xros
A lot of people complain about top meta decks but tier 0 decks and tier 2 decks aren't too far apart.

Even now with Magnamon X, shit like GraceNovamon can eat Magnamon X up
Sayo & Koh actually doing something useful for once
Apocalymon and Anubis weren't exactly close to any other deck.
MagnaX won't be a tier 0 format but it will be way less diverse than the last couple
I wont call magna tier 0 but i sure as hell call it fucking bullshit.
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Also i forgot to ask, how many graces should I run? Now that the deck is actually playable due to a proper lineup, im excited.
2-3 as most of the time you don't ever want to go into it
Sayo and Koh are super underrated because they can play any set and you don't need to jogress them.

Like if you have a level 4 with another level 4 in sources and pass two by playing Sayo and Koh you can play them to Jogress into Kimeramon or let them stay for yet another search that turn.
Likewise the level 5 with another level 5 in source you can proc the blue tamer to play the level 5 and activate the on play effect. What I was evolve into the red level 5 first to delete a low level digimon, put down the red one to evolve into de blue level 5, freeze their level 6, pass turn playing the blue tamer and start of thekr turn proc the Sayo and Koh to play the red one again and delete their other level 3.

A funky shit I did yesterday in locals was
>Kimeramon Jogress in my turn, pick up Valkyriemon in trash and do -4k DP
>Evo into Apollomon, blitz, 3 checks Jamming pass turn
>Start of his turn use Sayo and Koh effect to play Valkyriemon from sources and activate the On Play to give his whole board -5k DP a-la Shinegrey
>can't raise egg anymore
The only draw back was the Overflow when he passed turn but the turn I gained was plenty since he was forced to hard play a level 4 and even after he gained the overflow the level the -5k DP remained because the turn wasn't over

I run him at 2, you search a fuckton and he's not suuuper necessary to win since you get a lot of stacked Jamming and unsuspend attacks so he's really more of a deletion that bypasses "until the end of the opponent's turn" protection. What you absolutely want is 4 Dianamon
>What you absolutely want is 4 Dianamon
Yeah dianamon is great. Apollo is great too but diana is the one card that allows me to fuck around for another turn.
Makes sense since I never went into grace ever. I wont buy a third copy than. Thanks guys.
As the world's most premier brainlet, I appreciate being able to automate my deck building so that I can just feel what's wrong rather than actually having to think about why something isn't working.
>>Kimeramon Jogress in my turn, pick up Valkyriemon in trash and do -4k DP
How did you make Valkyrimon a level 5 or lower Digimon?
Kimeramon put valkyriemon under it an Kimeramon does DP minus for each color which would be red,yellow, white, and blue
Kimeramon places a level 5 or lower Digimon card under it. How do you make Valkyrimon level 5 or lower?
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