/twgg/ - TowerGirls CYOA General: Lovely Lamia Edition Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here! Everyone is welcome. FAQ https://pastebin.com/vv4xQuwD Charts: Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/ Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d https://imgchest.com/p/pg73rmbv7rn Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT Exiled Lands: https://imgur.com/a/p7AbcXJ Alternate Costumes: https://imgur.com/a/xyF47FP Nyx's Fusions: https://imgur.com/a/d6eLwXk Fan V4 Gen: https://imgur.com/a/ddgAGTU Gats's V4+Chibi Gen: https://imgur.com/a/xSMExqh V4 World Map: https://imgur.com/a/KMVGo3f Diety Writeups: https://pastebin.com/MUpQvNEq Commissions: https://imgur.com/a/8mAmCgR Resources: Booru (Fan Art Collection) - http://tower-girls.booru.org/ Backup Booru -https://towergirls.booru.org/index.php Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - http://www.mediafire.com/file/k83sgc5t5dfvv3s/Towergirls_Files.zip Gats Wiki - https://the-official-towergirls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Towergirls_Wiki Folder Containing Artwork - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GCjgb8zXq2Myg8G39EockjdTTYShOQjw Games & Tabletop Rulebooks: https://mega.nz/folder/gZlSHAgT#w3aVD2Qyr1C0zdV4psc9EA Quests: https://wizdingo.proboards.com/ (Eversor) Where do I upload to share? https://catbox.moe/ If you'd like access to the discord or have anything you wish to talk about privately involving towergirls, editing, etc, please contact Brumus here: A) Broken-Tower@hotmail.com B) "Tired Knight" on Steam Don't forget to check the other Tower girl threads on other boards; >>>/ic/7422496 Previous Thread: >>94714599
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