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Any video babecocks, splitscreens or PMVs?
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Legal systems are the hive of weasels. Whenever I hear someone yak about "rule of law" all I can see is an unscrupulous actor playing word games, and changing definitions to suit their own self interest.
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>Legal systems are the hive of weasels.


Criminals use the law to protect themselves and their enterprises.

That's why government is so corrupt.
>Democrats are having a hearing on the origin of covid 19
Shit the world knew the origin by the march of 2020 when documents were published about it.


Fauci, Obama, Harvard, China, DOD, etc.
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thanks, it's awful there :)
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Imagine there's no logfag
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Quadrillions even. We'll never get an exact number since many slidders choose not to post in the Discord or other HIGHLY POPULAR online hangouts.

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meat on the street Edition

Previously on plap: >>919336145

New User Guide: https://rentry.org/voldy
VAE (Important): https://rentry.org/sdvae
Controlnet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon
Samplers: https://stable-diffusion-art.com/samplers/

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>Use while asleep?
That's basically what somnophilia is...
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>jokes on you
These Gwen ones are wonderful

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I swear allegiance
To President Donald Trump
To uphold his virtues and ideals
From this day till my last

God bless y'all. Stay strong.

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mcdoubles and mcchickens are 6$ a pop. these used to be 1$ each until biden came to office
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Thanks, Obama.
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i use the app cause there is always some bogo deal going on, i gout two doubles today for 2.50 in san antonio tx
>these used to be 1$ each until biden came to office
They were way cheaper than that, bro. Before Biden, I could get two of everything on the menu for 50 cents. That even included two ice cream cones (if the machine was working).

For an extra nickel, one of the fat girls behind the register would give me a blowjob too.

Fucking Biden -- he ruined my life.

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I'm 35 and dont comprehend people paying for onlyfans. I get porn that makes sense, but literally why you would give any woman even a dollar for any of it is beyond me. What is going on with society? When I was growing up I was aware of prostitution and even chat rooms, I never understood it then either I guess. It just seems like everytime I use social media its some chick trying to advertise OF or Patreon or some other bullshit to get money. It's making me glad I took the trad pill 12 years ago because I would literally be drowning trying to deal with these entitled women. Am I missing something? Have you guys paid for this shit not as a joke? Is this a thing now? For the record I dont get into twitch or streaming or anything like that either, which makes me feel even older, but something seems to have shifted in the realm of young men and I do not like it. A lot of them are single or dating women already with kids, skanks that put out and made bad choices, sadder but wiser. The rest are just selfish cunts who are too dumb to know the value of a dollar. I get people who have a hobby, or people who stream for their entire income as entertainers, everyone needs to feed their family and if you create crafts, art, a show, whatever, at least you created something. Is it because people cant afford shit? Is it mild prostitution? Is it a shameless plug for something else? On one hand I do not care people should be able to live their lives the way they want, on the other hand I think people are WORSE off than before. I feel like the connections are subpar, the communities are larger and worse on the internet and I dont know how to advise young guys that come up to me and say "how the hell did you do that?" I just say go up and talk to them, and they say girls literally just say "Why are you talking to me?" and come off creepy. What are men supposed to do who want a relationship in this casual dating age, in this online only fans age, in this age?
It's a form of masochism
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why does it feel like its extremely popular now all of a sudden. what can these guys do to escape all the advertised "masochistic" content?

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eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread
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The irony of this is absolutely insane.
I'm ready!!

nudify and outpaints,
look here for an upscaled version...
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Please try her, wizards

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post pp
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why does this remind me of my stepdad
Shotas make the best wives and there’s nothing wrong with that
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Make /b/ Random Again
Baba O'Riley Edition
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My gf never realises when guys are flirting with her in clubs and shit, especially black guys who want to fuck her.

Sharing nudes
Gooning at work! Help me bust before the boss finds out!

Kik: acuxi2
Kik is jabloney9

Send me your girls. I want to see them degraded and abused. Vids and nudes especially preferred. Need some sluts to cum to. Friends, gf, ex, sis, cousin whatever, 18+ only.

Also into just being fed or told what to jerk to. Love hentai, oc, hypno, sissy/femdom, interracial, hmvs, joi/cei etc.

also looking for someone to make captions, edits, or tributes (vid/cum especially) for me. And anyone that likes to reverse search and tease with results. Especially into porn face swap edits

Morning wood about to blow edition
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My small PP >~<
looking great! keep going!

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