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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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I want an E-bike with road tires and 150whp.
They don't make brakes with asbestos anymore retard. You're fine.
sport bikes are cringe and try hard on the street
cruisers are for boomers 35 and older
standard is just right
I always thought cruisers looked retarded. The way the rider has his hands and feet up in the air.
For me it's the seat/tail. Cruisers can have any kind of bar/peg setup, I just never got what was supposed to look cool/good about the ass end being all squatted down.

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Peak Performance edition: https://youtu.be/ps12mz_i3-0?si=ge29BTrcHa4MPrFd

STICKY: >>23526953
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/xu560p4q

the corning bible

Street Smarts!


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Classic boomerlore at this point.
harley = soul
jap crap = soulless imitation
I went to the harley dealership and everyone was super chill and cool you faggots lied to me
Disable size limit and see what it spits out with the same settings. Somehow, your resolution/bitrate IDK is way too huge and takes up too much file space. I know fucking nothing about how webms actually work.
I was at the gas station on my FXR and some dude rolled up wearing a cut on a road glide blasting that “let’s start a riot” song as loud as his speakers could.
I no longer want a bagger bros.

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I was on my way home from work a half hour ago. I had an incident with my Toyota a few months ago, fucked the hood and radiator up but she survived. While it's currently in the shop for a brake job, I've been driving the vintage Oldsmobile. Deer walked right out in front of me right on cue. I predicted it would happen and it did almost instantly. A car following me avoided rear ending me by maybe two feet or less when I stopped. So fucking close. Be careful out there. They are fucking everywhere.
The incident with the Toyota was from, you guess it, a deer.

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>single cab
>2.4 diesel
>huge bed
>only 10k
>only available to thailand and the philippines
what the fuck did southeast asia do to deserve this?
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It's funny how the people attacking this truck won't utter a peep of derision about trucks with this body form.
why does this work truck trigger so many people on this board? i can understand hating it because of basedlennials losing their minds over it but by itself, there's nothing wrong with a 10k work truck with a huge bed that folds down and minimal features
Because the fact that people want it so bad destroys their delusion that the reason small functional trucks don't exist anymore is because people just don't want them and would rather pay 40K for a piece of shit like the maverick
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why would anyone in this day and age want to dickride ford...

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This is the 1995 Toyota Camry, say something nice about it.
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Honda had peak coupes and hatch, but I'll give Toyota for peak sedans.
Just swapped the engine from one of these into my van, goes good
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They refuse to die short of rusting away and had a really comfy wagon version.
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I went to visit someone in a prison so I borrowed one from a fren
It had 470k on the clock, what a beast.
>one prisoner told me a story of how other prisoners performed conversion therapy on him
>as they'd walk by his cell, each would tell him "Dave, you're not a woman.
>so eventually he accepted himself
Kinda wholesome considering prison is full of literal retards.
Anyway, the car is reliable and comfy, buy it, it is good.
>pi unrelated
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As a daily driver, work horse, it's pretty hard to beat an old Camry. Known for being one of the best cars ever built in terms of reliability. I love my 2002. Less wear and tear on my cool car. Mine has been involved in two accidents and still looks/runs like it will never quit.

How is it still the best supercar slayer out there. What went so right?
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what and how is it exactly slaying a supercar. Aren't supercars basically badge and heritage value nowadays.
It was only amazing at launch MSRP. Then it took only a couple of years before the nip Jews hiked the price and it was in the same price class as its actual competition.
First of all, the appeal was performance per dollar. The thing is now well over $200k if I am not mistaken, basically three times the price when it launched. As others have mentioned there are cheaper cars that are faster so it has lost its own game.
Second, as a flappy paddle v6 AWD, it was always a soulless gimmick. A proper V8 RWD with a stick was a better choice to enjoy driving regardless of how much the Nigsan was faster, because it made the right noises and allows for a driver to actually drive it instead of just input a suggestion to the computer.
They even made the perfect GTR to go racing in GT1.
>5.6L VK56 NA V8
>Sequential shift
And the bastards never made a street version.
Good car like 20 years ago
Bad car now when you have gook fwd that would smoke it

Trucks are arguably the best daily drivers and I really want one. Problem is I don't have like 70k to drop on a heavy duty diesel pickup. And I don't want to finance one. So now I have to settle for either an older beat up truck or keep wage slaving until I can pay cash for a truck.
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>only 4 wheeled vehicle that will actually boost your chances of getting laid by roughly 40%
>can handle shitty roads of america
>can survive some spic rear ending you while dui for the 5th time that month
>only body on frame v8 vehicles left
>can haul boats and atvs
>an older beat up truck
Is the way to go. Learn to wrench a bit (and trucks are ez mode for wrenching) and you'll be miles ahead financially. Beyond that, if you spend so much on it that you wind up afraid to scratch the paint or get the bed dirty, it ruins the experience. You want to be able to park without giving two shits about a shopping cart ding, chuck scrap metal in over the side, pull stumps out of the yard, and just generally own and enjoy the thing rather than having it own you.
>Trucks are safer
Skill issue.
No skill will save you from simple physics, retard.
Why do you retarded truckfaglet slowfaglets always do the speed limit in the left lane in the person to your right's blind spot? Then when I cut in that gap you cry by flashing your high beams and trying to catch up but apparently can't go over 90mph? Why is that?

Let's talk about them
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They redirected me back here. Why do people not like one seaters? Are one seated vehicles legal in the US?
Well, with a two seater you can still get groceries, impress a girl, teach or be taught track driving, etc. it's pretty limiting on what you can do, having one seat, and most everyone you meet will not have nearly enough skill to benefit from axing the spare seat.
>1 wheel drive
They could've been cool, but they're gay.
They are basically gravel road go-karts
Go karts are 2wd anon

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DATE: June 8th 2024.
TIME: Rolling out at 10am sharp.
LOCATION: Start at the Safeway fuel station in Arlington

Alright /o/ its that time again. Most of the WA /o/ guys are fags who exist only inside a telegram chat. This meet has been planned for weeks. Nobody there browses /o/ddit anymore. This is now the official thread. Sorry for such a short notice.

Remember to check your coolant and charge your baofeng.
Do not be late we will not wait. Slow vehicles get the rake. If you break down you are on your own.

google map and in-depth route details = https://www.avants.com/singleday/2020/4/27/the-stress-reliever

Telegram chat link = https://t.me/+UJPIyQc79EU0ZTYx

>its too far!
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>gay car
Say that to my grill and not online kiddo
Damn is that the car from Max Mad?
If I somehow end up in Washington while there's an /o/ meet, I'll be sure to tell you that vws are GAY as FUCK. Then I'll gap n gape ya, bb ;)

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>what do you mean your car doesn't have carplay?
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I plan on doing this to my '04 Lexus and '14 Infiniti, I hate the look of aftermarket head units so keeping the stock screen with carplay is what I'm gonna do
Oy vey
>black metal demo cassettes
Post em
I have a collection of Trance compilation cds I cycle through.
YT rips sound shit and hurt my ears.
>>her panties fly off
Uhmm, no.

>no "ride showoff" thread
what gives
post your cars i know you want to
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Lol yeah I wasn't intending on revealing myself. Shameless samefagging I don't give a fuck. The fuck does pixe--ratings mean?
I have less respect for wagon drivers. They purposefully chose an uglier car to be dIfFeReNt!! Or they got a wagon for utliity meaning they don't even like cars to begin with.
It means I'm going to fuck you in the ass. Now stay the FUCK out of the passing lane when you see those angel eyes and roundel, ya slowfaglet.
ohh my newfag is showing i thought you meant i was slow to reply lol. My car ain't slow though
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>2013 Toyota FJ Cruiser
just got back from a 9000km trip where this pic was taken
>1988 Toyota MR2 Manual/Supercharged/Two-tone - fuel pump went just before the trip
>1999 Ford Falcon Panelvan tradesman/1tonne - one of the last panelvans ever made in australia. need to get it rego'd and the LPG system taken out.
>1960 Willys Pickup 4WD
inherited - locked engine
>1968 Ford 3000 Tractor
inherited - haven't had a chance to look at it at all yet
>1996 KTM 360EXC
motarded, needs a side stand
>2006 Kawasaki ZX-6r
been off the road for ages - busy with life

lots to do with not much money or time to do it. rip me

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Ayo!! Which one of yall whibois finna win this 2014 Audi A7 on 24” rimz??
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only 130,000 miles

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post your VINs
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Sorry, I'm late to the BASED vin thread!


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What are some cars that seem like every driver of them you see is white? I have a Camry and that's for black people but I hope to one day have a car for white people. I don't know what happened for blacks to claim Camries and most white people cars aren't really ones I'd like to have.
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Pretty much any kind of work truck
Nice try, Juanito.
Caterham, Ariel Atoms, any kit car really. Dey don't got da interior crocodile alligatuh.

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