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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
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Don't give them ideas
WFS, if you're reading this, pls gib Tales characters 6*, thx.
chad followup response really
They should just let us use Skip Tickets on these dungeons already.
Congratulations on getting the coomer

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Anniversary (July 27) and collab (Live A Live) anticipation thread.
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Yunnie Cup’s out. Make sure you get your 300 rubies!
Oh man, to me she's by far the worst arena champion
Does she have any niche that i'm not aware of?
>Does she have any niche that i'm not aware of?
The only content I use her for is the Hunter Tower. She's great against the boss' minions, her 2 hit bow+1 hit fire aoe for the first waves and her 4 hit multi-weapon aoe for the later waves.
Oh shit, I should get on this since it's over in less than a week. Were cup races always so short, or am I misremembering? Could've sworn they were two weeks.
Pretty sure the previous ones were longer. This one is easy as fuck though. Probably could have gone for EX but had Rinyuu chant on first turn as a safety net.

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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Lol, these ridiculous level gates are still there in the Epic Quest. Finally decided to check it and my 1000 hoarded EQ skip tickets barely made a dent in it. Only got like 11 levels in each buff category. That added to around 95 levels that I've had ammased years before only got me to half of the Epic Igniz chapter. This is stupid.
It is dumb as hell and the so called events are literally just the same shit over and over again
The worst thing is that these EQ units are completely outperformed by any banner units. And they're also hard to max out as you don't get enough memories to even A5 them and need to waste generic BS memories.
I get they didn't want people to unlock them in two days but they went in the most retarded way possible to handle it. Igniz at least was pretty good when he released but by the point the average player unlocked him he was already power crept t hell and back
It's even worse in hindsight since the UE units can probably just steamroll them with little trouble.
You can get memories to A5 them. It just takes ages since you need to grind the final chapter and you get three tickets per day.
And by this point, what >>1485847 said although honestly Maxima has always been janky and not worth it. I got way more use out of O. Zero and Igniz.

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It's time once again to talk about various Cookie Run Games! We've got a few things so let's jump right in!

>Meet Starch Noodle Cookie NOW! The devs forgot to color her in!
>Return of the True Dragon - Surely the story will totally end!
>Bear Jelly Banks - We hope you won't miss the Daily Draw! Now you can collect jellies and potentially upgrade your banks to greater rewards!
>The return of Trophy Survival on June 3rd!"
>New costumes for Starch Noodle and Piss Baby, lobbies for the dragons and upcoming Flat Tofu Cookie! Speaking of which-
>Meet Flat Tofu Cookie in part 2 of the update!
>Meet Cloud Haetae Cookie (Epic) In the Featured Gacha and Mystic Flour Cookie (New Mr.Beast Rarity!) in the Light of Apathy Gacha!
>Obtain a Legendary Costume for Stormbringer Cookie in the featured costume banner and a Mystic Costume variation for extra yellow goodness!
>Many, many daily mission events to become whitewashed with apathy to obtain Light of Apathy!
>New Chapter 3 of Beast-Yeast continent available!
>Windmill Garden added to force unpaid labor onto gnomes instead of cookies!

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>have to wait another month for chapter 4
At least caramel arrow is getting her candy this wendsday
More like, you have to wait for the update for the continuation of the story.

Assuming that the game will be updated monthly, where they release half of the tower in the first part, the other half in the second part and add one new special story once in a while, catching up seems worth it after the overwhelming launch, with so many stages. Right now I am basically taking a break, waiting for the rest of the update.
>full darkness multishot
C.Arrow meta is real and very much back again (probably)
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For anyone willing to farm surprise bears, here's an autofarm combi : engine/trampoline/carpet in City of Wizards.
Picrel for the cookies, set up your clicker to restart the run every 80s.
Any cookie that reach at least the first big potion after the bottles is usable, but while I didn't test every cookies, I did test a lot and not many are able to reach this far (with this treasure setup).
You can always lower the duration of the run if your cookies aren't high level enough, but then you'll probably need to find more cookie to get a good rotation.
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well i came back to cookie run kingdom after a long break.
also hyper for the diablo clone coming in 2 weeks.
i wanna contribute some art so give me some good futa cookie ideas and i'll draw them

The ride never ends

MHN Database, contains everything you could ever need such as a set builder, info on monster HP, partbreak HP and break rewards, upcoming event info, and more

Current event - times are your own local time
>Qualily’s Special Quests - Tuesday, May 7th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 12th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Lots of gathering rewards, zenny, and a Wyvern Gem Shard

Upcoming Events - times are your own local time
>Prepare for Zinogre: Ice Element Quests - Monday, May 13th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 19th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Barioth returns as a Hunt-a-thon monster, and increased Legiana in the field
>Also a Wyvern Gem Shard reward from the quests, and boosted basic rewards from killing Legiana and Barioth. You can expect it to be the first 2 items being doubled like with the Thunder Element event in April

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Most spoof apps need root now I think
>310 miles for one (1) driftgem
wtf capcom are you TRYING to kill people
>5 7 star a rath and 5 7 star p rath
This is impossible bros...
I ended up getting most of them through HATs, but you only really get 3 options, and each of them only has a single 7* P.Rathian or A.Rathalos.

>8* Zinogre
6* Zinogre > 6* P.Rathian > 7* A.Rathalos > 7* B.Diablos > 8* Zinogre

>7* P.Rathian
5* P.Rathian > 5* A.Rathalos > 6* P.Rathian > 6* A.Rathalos > 7* P.Rathian

>7* A.Rathalos
5* A.Rathalos > 5* P.Rathian > 6* A.Rathalos > 6* P.Rathian > 7* A.Rathalos

You can also just continue repeating the season campaign, as you get both P.Rathian and A.Rathalos back-to-back.
fuck. Time to get a google pixel and degoogle the fuck out of it

Why do you play mobile games instead of real ones?
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They stopped making real games around 2012
unlike you i don't call myself a gamer and just enjoy the experience of whatever content gets created, regardless of the medium.
paid games are mid. free games are really good for some reason.
"Real games" don't have cute and sexy 2d girls that are for you.
because all the modern ones are boring slop that doesn't bother to innovate with anything anymore with their endless amount of soulless remakes and rehashes

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Last day of the Zillingstürme im Herbst event. Remember to do any stages in the event if you haven't already. Il Siracusano rerun up next, then Degen event afterwards.
How are your pulls plans forward, got anyone in particular you're planning on pulling or get up to a certain pot?
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I didn't have anyone ascended (promoted? I forget the term in this game) more than once, and I believe I was in the chapter after Misha.
Do yo have anything good? Or limited stuff?
Also looking back, not having maxed 3*s or E2s wasn't that enjoyable.
Stay. There's no way to get Yatoalt ever again and most recent stuff (last year) are made around her and Texalt.
E2+Mod Cuora (S2M3, could be your first E2, better be a low rarity you will always use + survivability)
E2+Mod Texas (S3M3)
E2+Mod Yatoalt (S2M3, S3M3)
Fortress Defenders (Firewhistle) are peak fun
Alright. Are there any resources for using quick redploy or summoner operators more effectively?

String Fucker boss fight is in, remember papa Cometpants loves you
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It's pretty common for Square Enix mobage, most of them have stuff exclusive to the global versions.
It looks like I missed some really good styles that went away literally right before I started playing. Like the latest Shirei. Oh well at least I got final emperor.

It feels awesome once you finish grinding up a team and watching the memory battle time go from 2~3+ minutes to 47 secs. that being said it seems like some progression mats are pretty rare so i've only promoted 6 units. final emperor, final empress, asellus, matriarch, selma and fake gustave.

aah i see
>that being said it seems like some progression mats are pretty rare so i've only promoted 6 units.
Yeah, right now the rarest mats are the red-rimmed promotion plaques (the #2 ones) and the purple testaments of might with a 7 on them. And celestial crystals for superevolving SS weapons into SSS, the red ones.
>final emperor, final empress, asellus, matriarch, selma and fake gustave.
Those are all great choices, well done dude. And as for missing out on some great styles, the "good" news about the rapidly accelerating powercreep is that styles are just gonna get crazier from here. Anniversary this month so you should be able to get some great stuff. Good luck!
time to remake tales of destiny and give it the star ocean 2 remake treatment
wrong thread, excuse me.

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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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Liz can spook me anytime.
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So anyone here going for Bakin?
With Arc right after? Nah.

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The difference is that Left is gameplay screenshot and right is from cutscene
comer on now lmao the environment as a whole is shit and it even gets better when you lower brightness to 0, otherwise it looks like you got a lantern up your ass, everything is super washed and pointless, theres things giving 10%+ exploration in one go, the world is empty as fuck
? theres no arlecchino cutscene there lmao stop lying sister that literally her afk pose, now the wuwa one is the cinematic camera glide moment btw
Some cutscenes can be skipped, but a handful can't.
There isn't a Paimon-like character that actively shows up, but it says "hungry" a couple times and briefly makes an appearance at the end of the first MSQ arc
yapyap is worse than paimon thoughbeit

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May Fever event going on right now, plus seed and blossom dungeons are currently open
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much thanks anon
>gook and chink gamers are in full meltdown mode and are absolutely refusing to buy gacha if they see a single male in it
Why aren't we doing the same? Instead of celebrating every new female slay queen we should be uninstalling and setting fire to our Moritaka fandiscs.
nice trips, but that's missing context
the chinks hate fujobait and child males, they're fine with badass males
Already did
You'll play it anyway and if you think Japanese companies are as weak willed as Chinese companies all you have to do is look at Nintendo to see how Japanese companies are ruthlessly anti-consumer. You don't spend money on the game? Cool, I don't either barring one time a year if there's a favorite character of mine on the banner. But having a meltie over like 2 females a year is some schizo shit for real when there's at least 5 dudes released a year that are worth the wait.

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for me it's continuing to suffer chasing ranks in arma and event
>Do free roll
>Get blue Sherry
Did I win?
Is it better to get these two or save for Shadow?
are we even getting shadow?
When the movie releases, yes
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6th code

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Collab edition™
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Based BBC master race
ngl sounds like kind of a waste to spend mithril ingot on that weapon
you could saw i'm new to the genre yes
That's interesting. I sometimes wonder how many FF/VII fans today got into it through the remake. You should try some of the older ones but play a modern version where you can turn random encounters off. I played older ones legitimately back in the day and it became my favorite videogame series very quickly but I can't stand random encounters anymore even with fast forward on emulators. I replayed the original VII months ago on Steam and being able to turn off random encounters made it so much better and faster. That being said you lose out on quite a bit of satisfaction finishing dungeons/beating the games doing that as it's basically cheating and makes it way easier and newer versions tend to make it much easier in general on top of that. Still worth it though.

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Happy Birthday Saki
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Good news for yurifags.
They are recording yuri.
There's no yurifags here, only yurifriends. And pretty much nobody else.
The doggos probably caught Hayate and Kokoa during the act
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Were there previous instances of jealous/possessive Tsubaki?

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