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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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This is a place to discuss topics about visual or graphic design. Requests for photoshopping or free work go on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests as appropriate.

#/gd/ @ irc.rizon.net
#4chan-gd @ irc.freenode.net

>What literature should I read to get into graphic design?
The sidebar on the /gd/ wiki has plenty of book reccomendations.

>What programs do I need to get started?
Adobe Illustrator
Corel Draw

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>Can somebody photoshop X? Can somebody make me a logo?
All requests for photoshopping belong on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests. /gd/ doesn't take requests or do free or even paid work sometimes. However, if you're new at something, asking "HOW can I X?" rather than "CAN YOU make X?" will give you better results.

>Can I post some of my work for critique?
There is usally a critique/What-Are-You-Working-On thread, and that is where work for critique go.

>Can somebody find [font]?
also check out your local torrent site or the font-share thread.
Remember to share and not just take. Also remember that using liscensed fonts in commercial works is a bad idea.

>Where can I find inspiration?

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Put anything your heart desires into his hands, I just need something
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fuck you
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Save all your files as WEBP to save space preserving quality!
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This but with JPEG XL.

WebM is a container format that allows many codecs such as VP8, VP9, AV1 and soon AV2.
WebPiss is an image format that already getting destroyed by JPEG XL and AVIF in all fronts: quality, compression and features.
lossy shit
If it's so good why isn't it everywhere yet
Because it's new.
AVIF is from 2019, JPEG XL is from 2021, these formats don't have decades of widespread adoption like PNG and JPEG.
sorry for only getting back to this over a month later, tfym, i presented my findings and you're the one who got all pissy lmao

who the hell designed the 4chan banners, they are so simple yet so fun

share some of your favorites
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The one with Calvin.
4chan used to have banner contests, back when the mods interacted with us.
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my original image macro was turned into a banner
When are we gonna have another contest? I have some I'd like to submit
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>government regulators stop adobe from buying out "Figma"
>adobe exec tardrages and immediately kills off the only real competitor "xD" (which is multiplatform and also works offline)
>designers get cucked even further in the limited, strings-attached choice of proprietary software they are allowed to use

being a designer is being fucked in the ass by corporate goons

(no you can't view and edit those print documents unless you pay up for the pantone catalogue index integer table tax sorry)
*pirates ur software*
oh looks i saved thousands

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I'm on my 4th semester and I always wondered why so many fags and trannies study this career, any answers?
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lol what a fuck wit

why dont you go re-read up on elon musk in light of gramsci's "cultural hegemony"

then kindly fuck off
just fuck off
>can't say anything relevant against the post which was exposing a certified truth
Hi Shlomo!
go apply your theory to elon musk and cultural hegemony. thats the fucking idiocracy fascist hegemony. dumb fuck. you cant even read a 4chan post cunt
>hey look this only single example of mogul with... media power!
>it's the same of thpusands of thpusands of commie professors, critics, artists, judges, theachers, journalists, philosophers etc etc invading and subverting academia for a century
>don't you see it's the same! Retard!!!!
Hahahahaha commie braindead. Keep shouting muh Elon, but go back doing it on your padded ecochamber on plebbit lmao

I am seeing a lot of designers move from IG to Cara due to new AI rules/implementations these last few days. Is anyone else seeing this?
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i follow high profile designers and creatives and publishers
never heard of it
lucien smith is the only outsider making a potential dent in the market.
Never heard of him. Care to share why you think he might make a dent in the market?
i just made an account this morning and while the social media is still in a buggy beta state it's nice to see other artists in your feed instead of slop ads and brainrot reels
i like the idea but the app barely works at the moment
my ig feed is great. no bullshit. just dont click on dumb shit and you can have a pretty pure feed follow artists and designers and thats it.

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Is MDE/Sam Hyde's current art style cool or embarrassing? Sincere and naive or ironic?
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Have an updoot!
Have some gold, kindly stranger
The question was about his art style
John stupid

These anons all have it right-

-and once you accept that, the fact that >>453573 doesn't comment exclusively
"about his art style" makes perfect sense; all of that extraneous bullshit is camouflage for having no cohesive "art style" that is independent from monkey dance "edgy" pandering to zoomer poltard fanboy sensibilities.


His "art style" is disjointed sophomoric vapidity.
MDE used to be funny but Sam Hyde just makes me cringe with the 2hip4u attitude and having to be contrarian to everything. Dude never matured past high school.

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Last april, i went to magadan in the far east. people were still driving old cars, and the cans around them had a gradient design with cyrillic letters. I wanted to live here. but soon i had to return to my home in south korea. in there, tradition has been killed. my feeling at the time is that i want to send some mail with the charger to airport, university.
Flat design ruined my life, and annoying me until death. flat design based on pragmatism and materialism.everyone loves the old skeuomorphism, but it's crazy that flat design still exists today.
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From my experience normies are alergic to Serif.
This. This. This. This.
true it is
Do you mean 1920s? Because 2000 was shit until you are blinded by nostalgia
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>Hugo Boss is trying to recast itself as cool. Silent Gen cool

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Neither of those look like anything in here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_symbols_of_Canada

Could you specify what it's meant to be?
Considering Canada is flooded by Pajeets, the poo stain and the smeared leaf used as toilet paper in the new symbol are incredibly spot on. 9/10, W Turdeauland!

Is it retarded to use fountain pens?
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I like fountain pens, but I hate the bulky ones, I prefer the smallest and cheapest ones.
This is arround ten bucks
i dont know shit about ink
my pens clog if im not regularly using them
but i just dip the nib in water and shits good to go
Weak bait but checked
I've got a couple 1930s gold nib fountain pen for that price, you're just a retarded consooomer looking in the wrong place
>"autists" somehow driven to the good old times, gathering on /pol/
>apparently they like old timey way of writing
Incredible uh? I bet the autism rate among antiquarians is over the roof too

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form an artistic viewpoint
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Why so much hate?

Very tasteful and well crafted.
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Know what? That the supposed dog pill is just, ironically, a dog whistle for incel delusion similar to thinking that all white women lust after black people even though marriage and dating app statistics prove otherwise?
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You dislike white people (not shitting on the streets)?

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What do you think of this style and design?
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maybe a bit of a foot rub and tummy kiss too
that sounds lovely! I wanna have that too!
you get a toe kiss too
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Doesn't look like a real metal band or album cover. Probably some shitty zoomer "I have no interests or personality so please invent one for me" clothing company.
The logo and art have a different look to them which comes across as amateur. I guess that's morphed into a fashion style now, sort of like spastic anime covers that mix english and japanese. But the coarseness to the main picture still seems cheap, you can tell a better image was run through some vectorizer.
If you're a metal fan you'll feel that the logo style doesn't particularly match the exploitation/horror art style of the main picture.
Also somewhat vaginal.
In short, disgusting.
>them zoomers
stamping around vector geometric and splatter and foliage brushes and and patterns with random gibberish dafont fonts text and 3d renders interspersed just because you could around 2000-2008 was just as meaningless substance-less fluff "graphic art"

lots of people get into "graphic design" not so much for the utilitarian & business side of it but to be able to make pretty pictures and collages



your confederate time is almost up
>he thinks the use of a saltre is a reference to the confederacy
go away retard
Are you jewish?

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Should've used Kanye's Graduation as the op pic but yes I like superflat
>asks about a legitimate art style
>posts skittles teeth the snitch
not even remotely similar
The snitch uses superflat, don't see your point.

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