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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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In honor of Burma Anon.
Keep the leaks coming, lads.
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Last post in the KF thread is people joking about them stopping their content releases in order to kill their thread. So yeah, dead mod.

Don't think they'd cancel it, the people running it seem happy to just rework everything endlessly if allowed to.

Best ending would be the team collapsing and someone making a Redux that somehow isn't total shit run by a schizo. Not holding my breath.
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This anon here >>1763236

So is the Burgundian Spring unavoidable? I managed to achieve the SPECTRE nuclear war endsieg in after midnight and now in TT despite purging and dismantling all the legions and poppy and having 100 loyalty in all states I got the burgundian spring event.

A shame cause this playthrough WAS SOOOOOO much smoother and less buggy than After Midnight Burgundy, but it's a bitter sweet experience because now there's no nuclear endsieg.

Like damn you get a bugless Burgundy but at the expense of what made him want to be played. I hope they at least add him in the German rework. Let him be Heydrich tier where the AI never goes down his path so it won't fuck with a players playthrough, but at the same time make the old lore SPECTRE type shadow state a playable option for him if he's player controlled.
Yeah, old Burgundy got scrapped, the whole idea of a state state manipulating the events of the world, downplayed to a schizo pretending to be a mastermind when he's actually the one being played. The "Global Planes" got gutted, nerfed and reworked, so you barely do anything and it's all coincidence now
Himmler will be one of the Fuhrer contenders in the German rework. The downside is that he'll fucking never get content. Only Bormann and Speer have had any work done. And honestly I wouldn't put it past them to just eventually kill that off once they update their definition of realism along the way so to speak.

It's just fucking impossible to have any hype for this shit.
Man what is it hoi 4 mods and being in limbo it seems they're all just dead or drip feeding the smallest content at the slowest pace.

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>best rts ever made is open source
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navy and cool game enders and experimentals, interesting firebasing, etc
>Before installing FAF
>Doing these now will ensure an easy installation later and avoid issues.
>Buy and install Supreme Commander:Forged Alliance (SC:FA) via Steam or GOG.
>Make sure to run SC:FA and start a skirmish game (you can quit out after it begins)
>Create and activate your FAF account
>Link Steam or GOG account to your FAF account.
>Why do I need to link my Steam/GOG account to FAF?
>FAF as an organization doesn't own the copyright or trademark to SC:FA (Square Enix does).
>Therefore, we need to verify you own a copy of SC:FA to prevent piracy.

lol, lmao. You dumb fucking zoomers will bend over and take it in the ass from everyone.
I didn't get to the pylons the last time I quit playing. And now that I tried that overdrive, it looks like a very big gain that makes everything easier.
>check the wiki for more information
I checked right now and... You know, nerds shouldn't design gameplay mechanics unsupervised - they come up with the most over-engineered solutions. I like how the article is littered with formulas and stuff, like I care. What I get from this only confirms what I already know: big energy + big grid = big metal.
FA is $1 on GOG whats the problem
You are retarded, FAF is very vulnerable to C&D fuckery because of all the infrastructure needed to run it and they absolutely need to stay on the safe side.

Will you finally buy it?

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I wrote that I thought the new profiles looked AI generated and the TEC ships were too clean, then one of the devs starts sperging out that it isn't AI and how he's been here all along blah blah blah.
Way too defensive.
Yeah even if you are wrong, they shouldn't be wasting time and energy replying to you. They shouldn't even be reading that shit. You need a team to filter through player feedback and present them with solid data. Like 40 posts, 30 of them are saying the UI looks AI generated. We looked into it and it seems they think it's AI generated because of how minimalist it is or something like that. Companies are just run so shit.
Stardock devs have always been spergs. The Ashes of the Singularity devs were sperging out about "missed sales" or something along those lines in their server when the game was free on Humble Bundle. Sins devs and stardock guys read every single post on the steam forums and discord. Even if they're just artists or shader guys, it's wild.
Ashes was so fucking shit. I don't know how anyone could defend that shit.
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They don't even digest the criticism. I really just like the old artstyle, that's it. They could just alter the profiles by giving them a better background or add some grit to the TEC ships and that'd be the end of it, but instead it's just arguments from seniority.

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Is this the savior sci-fi chads need or is it gonna be shit?


Seems to good to be true, im huffing hopium right now but I know im just gonna be dissapointed
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>city builder
>small and niche
You're talking about a game that doesn't even have a release date, it's pretty shilly.
If this game had ship customization like Space Empires, I might consider it. Space 4x games are just regular 4x games in space without it.
I don't think the dev is ready to start shilling yet desu
If he was there'd be more stuff
There's like 3.5 decent space 4x in existence and 1 is being forgotten each year. I honestly wish you either rope yourselves or leave the board.

Ok so my worry is that just like every other game in the genre it's just implementing mechanics because it's cool/simulationist but there's no regard for what's actually good design and fun gameplay. If it's gonna be another spreadsheet with random things to do to make numbers go up, then I'm not sure it's gonna be any better than other such games (at least the UI looks competent this time). Not much to say other than that.
See like I hope fags like you die a fiery death. Devs need to focus on tight, fun, elegant designs rather than putting in random mechanics because "space 4x is supposed to have it". Why don't you fuckers go larp in gurps or something instead? Or any of the existing shitty space 4x that do this song and dance around appeasing roleplaying morons who would rather your game sell as little as possible lest the dreaded casuals enjoy playing it?

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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no because solar is a fucking retard and kitchen sink and bloatware enjoyer
i am kind of lost in new piratez version
there is now much more tech and shit
How 'new' is this version for you? Have you jumped multiple letters?
yeah actually
dio has been steadily adding early game techs to slow down player progression.

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Hispania et Lusitania edition
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I'm pretty sure Johan was making a joke.
he better not be
Christ. Calling gsg players autistic is an insult to autists.
>who is Engels
You use different dice but your high/low rolls depend on sect.
You use no dice. Your "roll" is just a calculation of general skill and tech level.
Your dice are chicken bones.

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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>wake up
>think about profitsss
Such is life as teladi.
The way the ship computer says Fortune sounds like 4chan.
Reminds me of X3 having errors with the ESL voice actress doing things like pronouncing "Rhy's Crusade" as "Reece's Crusade", or "Kuiper Belt" as "Kooeeper Belt" (Kuiper rhymes with Viper)
Isn't it some text to speech thing?
Is there a way to salvage all round engines?
Aesthetically they look better on certain ships but they are always the inferior to combat or travel.

>See on PDX forums that new Vic3 DLC is coming soon
>let’s see what the DDs are saying, wonder if it will make the game playable
>open up latest DD, see this fucking monstrosity

At this point I think the team in charge of the Vic3 UI is intentionally trolling people, this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. Especially for a game which claims to be a 19th century “historical” game. Prussian pattern looks like some African design, while Austria is apparently rocking a Hawaiian shirt
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Half-Life is a series of tech demos, and you are more invested in its plot than Valve is.
The Vicky team knew that the autist audience was both small in numbers and rarely buy the games/dlc. Johan is willing to take the risk believing that the EU franchise prestige will carry it, but if it fails you can guarantee they're never ever making a game that isn't made exclusively for casuals again.
>troon developer is mentally ill and vic3 developers are incompetent
More news at noon
I BETTER fucking see EU5 posters actually bust out their wallets for it, instead of just typing "kneel" all the time. I will never, ever let them forget that the devs listen to paying customers, like myself, first.
It 100% becomes a map painter when you start to need oil and rubber.

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So recently i got into total war empire and i cant but wonder what are the ideal sizes for the unit types? what is the developer's intended way to play this game? The battlefields themselves are huge and its implied that you should play on ultra sizes and yet units get stuck in fortress walls and in some villages among the buildings there. on the tutorial land war stage it looks like the units are set to large unit sizes so i dunno what to pick.
And also about difficulty. On normal/normal i found the game to be a breeze even as a first time player of Total war, yet i hear that if i play on very hard/very hard the AI has a lot of bonuses to its unit so it feels like cheating.
What is the best difficulty to pick and enjoy the game?
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You're spamming pictures from up close and with blurred backgrounds so that we can't see the vomit it becomes form afar, further proving >>1763958's point
>Anon's never heard of depth of field

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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
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The mod was raw and it was left unfinished last time I took a look, that was 5 years ago (probably)
They should completely redo schemes to have them be consistent with the travel system.
Have they fixed the game yet? Stopped playing version 1.5 something, any new major mods or content worth returning for?
When will roads to power come out in q3?
>Have they fixed the game yet?
Ask again in 3 years.

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Original or remaster?

remaster has muh QoL but I dont want the jump to cataclysm to be too jarring
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>The source to hw1 was recovered eventually but it seems (as far as I can tell) nobody can legally do anything with it.
If no one can legally do anything with it, then doesn't that also mean that no one can legally stop you from doing anything with it?
Why does every mission starts with the enemy already on your face? There's not even time to scramble my ships before they bug out, get stuck and die while leaving the mothership
Which mission are you talking about?
Like the one with the swarmers, mission 7 I think
The mission starts with a trillion ships attacking me while half my ships aren't even out
Also my interceptors can't deal with the swarm at all, I'd rather have them docked during the start of the mission but apparently that's not an option
It's licenced to Relic. Relic is still around, but to use the code according to the licence, you have to be part of Relic Developer Network... which no longer exists. So anything you do risks being nuked by lawyers.

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This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
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>imo the accuracy banner is just a band-aid though, far better to run almost anything else like initiative or armor.
Sort of, but having 100% chance to hit on everything except mages (because they've broken reach 6 attacks in one of the patches, possibly for balance reasons) and some support types is really good. You no longer need to leave room for an odd miss here and there in your combat planning so a bit less pressure.

>You can only take leadership twice
No, there are 5 leadership offers on level-ups but since party size is capped at 6 the excess ones are removed from the list.
There is, not sure if I have it and actually turning what you can extract into proper animated GIFs used to be somewhat of a hassle from what I remember. Never cared to delve into that because the engine does not support modding to the extent I want it to.
>I also did my first Empire play-through with an Archangel as main waaay back when
She's flying so that alone is a great advantage over Archmage and Ranger. Empire does have some neat spells to get around those weaknesses but it's a constant mana drain which can hurt you early on.

>Legions with Warrior leader
Duke? A decent choice for the faction, I suppose there is no good reason to take 3 Infernal Knights now after the nerf, considering you can match or exceed anything they offer with the warrior leader. Although their direct damage mage tree is arguably the worst.
I tried Disciples 2 recently but I dunno. It reminded me a lot of HOMM but it just made me wish I was playing HOMM instead, one of those kinds of games. I didn't play it too long though.
what is stopping you from playing HOMM?

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does anyone still play this game?
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truly the group of death
rogue dark
cure stats
zerg is weak right now
>zerg is weak
get out of my thread.
Does Tastosis still cast this shit? I remember watching them when Star 2 was new and I was into the game
its not 2016 anymore gramps
Stats Rogue. I like Dark, but I want Rogue to show he's back in the game
Cure Dark

How does it hold up compared to Heroes of Might and Magic games (post IV)?

I've had it on my GOG backlog for a long time, and I've known about the game series for at least a decade prior to that. I always thought it was just Heroes with waifu simulator or something.
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Might and magic is slavjank where you press on end turn until you get raped by necropolis. You're a nostalgia goggled fagtard who can't get the slav cock out your ass and appreciate the superior game with deeper mechanics and better graphics
Anon, I understand you're retarded but this is quite something. Not only is Might and Magic from America, but King's Bounty is Russian, so not only are you wrong, your opinion is the exact opposite of reality. Very retarded! Also I never played M&M as a kid I only discovered it recently, so nostalgia must be a projection for you
Kinda weird that they made a remake of King's Bounty in Russia... when they also played Homam so much in Russia and then made Heroes 5 in Russia (wasn't that before King's Bounty?)
I loved Evil Islands! I should play that again.
I love the game, there is no waifu simulator, it's more like an RPG with HOMM as the battle system. Instead of a strategy game you have an adventure and a world to explore with quests and stuff. If that sounds interesting at all you'll like it.

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