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>entire game's reason of existance is the old ui shaggy meme from 8 years ago
>don't include shaggy rojo
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is tom&jerry playable? i feel like all his specials suck
I only want one
>entire game's reason of existance is the old ui shaggy meme from 8 years ago
That's the entire character's existence.
The game exists to try and print money like smash brothers does.
>weekly to hit with joker's bazooka
i just want the faggot bugs taunt why is it all the way at like level 50+
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The datamines have been going crazy

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There are 6 days left for this and since June started many demos are available

There are at least 817 playable ones that will be at the fest for sure. It's a good chance to get ahead and make it less tedious.
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Still a good idea to look through every game which will get a demo and earmark the interesting ones.
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>Yahtzee Balatro
>Riven will have a demo
Holy fuck. It exists.
Sorry to hear you got fired from kotaku, anon
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lmao what the fuck, they took Hades "diverse" gods and went full retard.

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People would actually buy them.
Same with hardware.
At 3k+ nobody is buying a PC.
At 500 console's are going down in market share..
People forget this hobby is for children.
They literally have a full generation of kids that don't own or care about PC and console's.
At 40 most "gamer's" will stop gaming.
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Ok so we found out why nobody is making new games anymore..
The valve tax takes billions out of the industry and nobody can make a profit.
I think we found the gaming problem.
As always taxes
Why do you need 3k for pc?
I just builf mine for 500 and it can run almost every game on high settings
The Nintendo Direct
More like "why haven't they made REAL sequels to their ONLY GAMES, IE, FUCKING HL3, TF3 AND L4D3?". They probably don't have good staff anymore to MAKE games and they don't care.

I honestly can wait, I have enough games on my steam account to last me.
What's the point in Money if you don't do anything with it?
Like you said with one month of revenue you could probably make those 50 game's.
With inflation you are probably loosing more just by keeping it.

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How come the West cant design realistic female characters without giving them man jaws?
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>Leftist comes up with new subversion method
>Normies call it cringe
>"U-Uh actually it's just a Nazi buzzword! Stop using it chud!"

So what's the new thing now we have to add DEI to the list of buzzwords which includes CRT, BLM, and SJW?
Jews hate beauty, as the most ugly and vile race on the planet. Thats why they uglify all women in western games
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White women have big jaws, you are brainwashed on asian aesthetics.
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Can't? Or won't?

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>still no RPG games based on this
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It's a slur to them. Calling them demons is much worse than calling a black person a nigger with an extra hard R. Generally the meaning "split off" (daimon) or hiding (djinn) are both attacks on their personhood and their very existence. Imagine a racial slur that accurately tells you you're living on borrowed time and you *will* live to see your own extermination.
Christ.. Funny how the religions that worship The Creator use this slur to shit on NHIs all this time.
Sorry for asking so many questions, but what about angels? Are they just a religious fabrication, or is there another name for them that reveals their true nature?
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In addition to that, Anunnaki choose to appear as lightly bluish white skinned giants. They love to insert themselves into culture. The black human-appearing ones are better known to the Russians so I don't know how they're called, sorry.
Angels are angels. The word means "messenger" and that's what they do. Generally speaking, the NHIs were angels too until they willingly chose to leave their stations. Hence, fallen angel.
Fair enough, and thank you for being so patient with me. I really do appreciate your insight. Good day to you.

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Thanks for the blogpost but I'm not interested in hearing about what your mom just told you
zip it chudcel
So lost in the sauce that soap is goy now?

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The only ones I know of that have them are:

-Steam Deck
-Xbox Elite
-PDP Victrix Pro BFG (picrel)
-Turtle Beach Stealth Ultra

Only problem is that they all cost like a bitch.

Any good affordable solutions out there? I'll even risk it with chinkware.
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push to talk, enable wall hacks, enable aim bot, open video of your mom
Usually ABXY. Them being accessible by your finger tips makes it so you don't have to take off your thumbs from the sticks for scenarios like having to jump. Also makes it so you never have to claw grip.
In DMC, it's good for charging you guns while you're free to use the rest of the face buttons. In a souls game, it's great for running while still being able to pivot the camera around.
I've heard this, but is there actual proof on this? I feel that if anyone was patent trolling it woudl be nintendo since they did it with the z-trigger on the n64.
No it's not. It's only two buttons. Not four.

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The next persona should have adult party members.
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Kawakami is 20-something, she just looks like a 30-something because she works herself to the bone and gets no bone.
I hate Americans
Fuck I meant now, not 'not'.

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How’s your farm doing?

Also, how would you respond without sounding mad?
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Sounds like video games
I've put over 300 iridium bars into my fairy box so far and she still isn't level 5. I fucking hate fairies.
>Fairy style is locked to your character since creation with no way to re-roll it
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u jelly?
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>hate fucking fairies
I think I see a solution to the problem

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>"gameboy, cake, and me."
your response /v/?
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not now mom I'm too busy playing wegs
you best be joking nigger
Do I have to take the witch with my video games and choccy cake?
maybe its just a big woman
For you.

What's your favorite thing about her?
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Fuck I can't take it anymore, gonna splash it all over her distracting breasts!
I want to ogle all of her sexy body, from the front to the back and her sexy feet.
I'm feeling so hot right now, this images are really good
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Cute. Spill your ball essence all over yourself for bimbo Samus. Don't you dare leave a drop behind.
Your fully loaded nut cannon is really good. Keep charging it with full up and downs wings. Lube it all up with your own cooling liquid while you lose your mind in her ridiculous curves.
I originally said that I could wait, but there seems to already quite a sticky mess down there right now. Are you sure I couldn't get a few quick licks in?
You fucking cumslut whore, you're just as good as milking cocks as that slut Asuna is, get ready to get fucking pregnant!

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Play Project Zomboid.
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What a bunch of fags.
>TIS releases build 41
>Says new builds will never take as long
>Build 42 is on track for the same 3-year schedule
At this point it would be better to just wait for another dev team to make a Zomboid ripoff and watch them finish it before TIS even releases B42.
Zed Zone looks like it will soon become a more coherent and enjoyable experience despite having less survival autism features.
I don't have many hopes for State of Decay 3 since 2 made a lot of changes that I didn't like.
Sadly those are the only two upcoming games I can think of. 7DTD 1.0 release is bullshit but maybe the feature complete game in 2 years will be worth a new playthrough.
Oh, they're going to clean the games toilets?

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I'm getting tired of seeing that stupid dog holy shit
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Time to junction x100 holy to ass, and x100 flare to tits

You think #SaveTF2 is gonna work?
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>You think #SaveTF2 is gonna work?
TF2 is dead. Not big surprise.
Absolutely not. Valve will acknowledge it, release a patch or two, then go radio silent again. Just. Like. Last. Time.
Maybe. But get ready for the Valve Game Civil War.
No, but I'm still going to play it from time to time

>game has 10+ endings
>bad end is canon
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Nah, they killed each other.
>Eva dweebs are now obligated to correct any errors I made.
You haven't made that many. The Instrumentality isn't about depriving people of free will, just of their individuality. It's also a solution to an existential threat: Humanity was not meant to evolve on earth, we are fundamentally incompatible with the environment (that is why our lives are so miserable), and the Angels are the true inheritors of the planet, they are SUPPOSED to clense the planet of the organic filth that we are and repopulate it with creatures specifically fitted for this environment.

Sooner or later, either the angels, or our own miserable nature, would destroy humanity. Instrumentality is a way to avoid that future.

The ending is also just a lot more vague. It's never said that other people will be allowed to re-emerge from the shared consciousness, in fact it's unlikely. It's far more likely that Shinji specifically revives Asuka because it's the one person he feels most strongly about. It's extremely unlikely - in fact pretty much impossible - that she made the choice to return herself.
Which makes them both pretty screwed at the end, but then again that is the point. Though, like a lot about the ending, the point is also to be open to speculation and interpretation. People can reframe it as more positive ending, or as I tend to do, as pretty fucking depressing one. It is very very deliberately vague on details.

Otherwise, you are largely correct.
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"trolling" lol. He's an asuka fan. People have always mistaken his deep self-hatred for criticizing other people, when it's all about himself. He hates himself, but he also loves jacking off to mean teenagers, so it all comes out as a sexually deranged mess. It's all very simple once you grasp that.
Mari is a stand in for his wife, but you never forget that teenage romance. I mean, teenage as in she's a teenager and he isn't, lol.
>Want to praise Rei and give her headpats
>Also want to savagely rape Asuka and spank her ass raw
I don’t think Anno understands how men think.
>same face and body
>asuka's hand is fucked up
>that means shinji was drawn first, wearing a leotard and loose crop top (female clothing)

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I beat the game and saved a lot of time
cope and seethe
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going back through some 4th gen games that had worse input lag than Soulsshit, save states are basically a must when It's a dice roll if your jump button actually triggers.
>consolebaby talking about anybody else being casuals
>There are those things that are called "pacing" and "feel"
Yes and you as a player should be able to define them, not anyone else. Otherwise you might as well be watching a movie.
>how would perma death or rougelikes/lites games work with that mentality
Your success in a lot of them depends on you working with limited resources the game is giving you on any given run. Saving and loading won't save you from being dealt a bad hand by the game.
>Savescumming encourages sloppy play
No, being a nintentoddler for life does that.
Savestates are peak laziness and peak goy brain behavior. I don't need to actually play this game, I just need to see a credits sequence so I can say I """beat""" it and move on to the next thing I'll barely experience. Maybe watching a movie while you're on your goyphone.
>Save 15 times
>never have to load any of them ever
I miss Morrowind where going right instead of left fucking killed you and not just inconvenienced you for 2 minutes.
>didnt play the whole game on ps2 on a crt display with no cheats

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>Say it. Say. It. Now say it again
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>it again
Thanks nigga

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Congrats, you act like a woman, not fighting directly, always with indirect puns, you worthless faggot.
I play cs but don't google for it. When I played valorant I sometimes googled stuff to get info about the heroes etc which is not a thing in CS. If you play CS you know what everything does. At most you'll look up tournaments or something.
Lol I look forward to it.
These games are an opiate so when you take away the pressure release valve shit will get interesting.
there needs to be something where people get banned for instigating fights also
Personas are new characters tho, Wei has literally been trained by anti mage. But I guess it's a given that a league player doesn't know the difference between a tranny and a female

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How do you beat them?
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>The best option is to kill their food source (life) and starve them out
the flood or 343?
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sex with them
will sex with brethern moon count as and orgy?
it's popular and good
it couldve been even more kino to see isaac and the crew sacrifice themselves to kill the moons, truly turning space "dead".
who knows, maybe millions or billions years later there will be a new sentient species free of the markers, and isaac is the one who let them live happily
it could be a bittersweet ending
>muh ork geshtalt
if the greenskins get convinced that the brother moons are powerful, or even just have any doubts about their ability to beat them across moderate numbers of orkoids, then they'll inadvertantly empower the moons and they'll be fucked

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>Marvel Rivals
>Overwatch 2

Do we really need another hero shooter? Holy crap the game industry is so creatively bankrupt.

This genre is so overplayed and stale
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I mean Overwatch 2 is a joke and dying, meanwhile no one is excited for any of those other games except maybe Rivals due to the fleeting embers of Capeshit Mania.
>Killing Floor
>CoD Zombies
>World War Z
On life support
>Back 4 Blood
>Zombie Army

Anyone else I'm missing?
these companies aren't that stupid, they are simply trying to fill the void left by overwatch
Deadlock has Ivy though
CoD zombies died the minute it started to become about retarded easter eggs instead of just having fun

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