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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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Thoughts on William Lennon & co boots? Looking at them because they’re English, and haven’t caught the attention of redditors, yet.
Does anyone have a heel to ball measurement longer than their heel to toe? How do you find shoes that fit. If I go HTB, the front is perfect but the shoe is too long and I slide in them and have heel slip. If I go HTT, my heel is fine but my toes are crunched. I don’t even have a big difference between the two measurements. My HTT is 9.5D and my HTB is a 10.0D. Anyone else have this issue with sizing? Any tips on what to do?
buy the proper width mr frodo
But I measure a D on a brannock! Closer to a C than a E. It’s also difficult to find anything smaller than a D width for most regular brands.
A shoe with a narrow heel and a wide forefoot might work. I don't know what type of shoes you're looking for, but a lot of hiking boots have a combination last like that. good luck finding comfort fren

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How can I pull off this look as a young Chinese man? When I do it, I look like an intern fresh out of high school (which I am) instead of a lvl. 100 salaryman big boss.

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Anyone tried these Saucony Omni 9 before? How do they compare in comfort and durability to similar New Balance and Asics?
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Not a fan of green sneakers
Definitely go a size up with sambas
Looking for more mature looking white sneakers. I’m not liking the way Chucks look on me.
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It's heckin over. Sold out while I was typing my sizing post.
Nurses love Hoka, Asics, and Brooks.

starting one because I need help.
how do you call the type of shirt in pic rel? and how do you call the inner part being of different color from the outer?
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how do you put iron on patches on an nylon jacket? Tried speed sew glue, doesnt work.
you have to sew them on if the jacket is nylon.
if you're trying to cover up a hole or rip in the jacket use tenacious tape. its VERY good stuff i have an arm i melted completely covered in tenacious tape on one of the jackets i hike in. i did the repairs in like 2005 its regularly exposed to weather extremes and the adhesive is still holding strong.
so if there's a hole to cover up i'd tenacious tape it up then i would sew the patch on over it if you want the look.
all the TIP-spectrum normies in my city wear type iii denim jackets. not necessarily in denim. p sure its the most popular jacket design of all time since its creation. usually normies size them poorly, too small, too short in the sleeves, or too long in the torso (most cheap ones from fast fashion brands are cut like this) and its the go to jacket for skinnyfat guys to try to look like chads.
if you actually have a good physique and size it properly you'll mog despite it being the most common jacket of all time.
>not repairing your own jeans using sashiko
It’s medium weather with the occasional drizzle
Gonna get the salomons then

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are you ready for the summer suns?
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isn't that the gwyneth paltrow brand? no thanks
I don’t think so, supergoop vs goop. Funny coincidence though
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Going to SEA in 2 weeks, this good enough?
Reapplication is key, especially if sweating a lot or swimming a lot
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this one's okay but i don't like the white cast.
pic related is pretty good and what i'm using currently because i haven't gotten around to ordering any japanese sunscreen for a while.

i don't recommend the ceraVe mineral sunscreen. crazy white cast. makes you look sickly.

i need to wear sunscreen more often.

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Ive been getting mixed reviews online. Some are saying its a Chinese knock off/ rip off scam site
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shut yo bitch ass up goddamn shut up!!!
someone answer then

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Ugly or weird looking watches from brands you like - edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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I both judge nappers for their weak resolve and am jealous they are able to do so. Takes me at least 30-60min to even fall asleep. I have a lot of napper friends
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got this pic from reddit (not me)
I'm kinda jealous of them but at the same time I'm not. Like you, there is no point in taking a nap because, the time a usual nap lasts, is the time it would take me to fall asleep, at least 60 minutes. I know people who can (literally) sleep within 5 to 10 seconds. For fucks sake.
If I had three wishes, one of them would be to able to sleep on demand like these "people" do.
Why I'm not jealous about them is that, the majority of these fast sleepers never have dreams, to the point where it's hard for them to even grasp what a dream is. One even thought it was just a Hollywood thing [Dreaming].
The other reason why I wouldn't want to be them is that, how boring and carefree must your life be to not have any overthinking going on before you go to bed? This implies that somebody else js doing the thinking for them- the rest of where I'm going with this, you can probably imagine.
And before a napper jumps to his (its) defense, no, it's not the phone, I'm in my 30s, I had this "problem" since childhood.
I can't decide between the Zenith chronomaster original and the Milgauss. The Milgauss is around ¥100k cheaper, too. But I really want a good chronometer and there's not really room for another sporty daily in my collection.
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What does /fa/ think of this? Seems like the sort of androgyny akin to the 80s with guys like Prince and David Bowie is making a comeback (not accounting for all the trans/genderqueer/whatever nonsense)
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>have sex with women
Typical /fa/ggot
it'll never be popular as it never was except with your usual rockstars. there will be dudes wearing coverup and maybe even foundation but male makeup is usually just to hide blemishes
Little China girls are built like boys I guess
But you do see a lot of it on runways lately
>defends degenerate historical makeup-wearing fags
>calls other anons gay

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That's right, what are you wearing *right now*?
No getting up to change, no fiddling with your clothes to get a nice fit in the mirror, nothing.
Just raw, unedited, how you are at the moment you see this thread~
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Delighted to find that the anon with the weird trans fetish is still here
i love this guy
never stop king
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I really need to get some sunlight.
He’s on the board 24/7. There’s no escape.

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I am being priced out of quality denim
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one letter off and much bigger of a company that's as much as i'll say lol
What do you wear? Also a construction fag. 501s seemed way too constrictive I couldn't handle wearing them.
i fibbed i'm neeting and trying to decide on something a bit easier on my spine to pivot to kek
things i look for in a good pair of work jeans is: 12-15ish oz fabric jeans with a back cinch in wide legged ~1920-30's repro cuts. during this era and anything earlier jeans had a back cinch which lets you size up 1-2 sizes. jeans were overalls back then -- they're wide leg so you can wear them over other pants like chinos or something if you want to. i prefer mid weight denim to heavy weight because heavy denim isn't as good for abrasion and you're gonna be abrading your jeans a lot doing construction. if they catch a nail or something that sucks, get the sashiko thread and denim patches out. faithful or modified interpretations of repro jeans are fine just anything thats mid/high rise and very wide legged. how tapered the upper block you want is up to you, theres years with different fits. if you want a high rise get a straight up repro cut. i preferred wearing a mid rise and my toolbelt higher on my waist personally whatevers comfy for you.
if you don't wear a toolbelt overalls are based as shit too.
my fave jeans were some evisus i bought 06-07ish. modified 30's repro cut with the main differences being a mid rise and extra large rear pockets, 12oz non selvedge fabric, bombproof.
something like fullcount 0105 15oz would be a solid contender for a high rise enjoyer. zimbabwe cotton is strong in my experience. legs are huge on those. only downside to them is no back cinch.
i also really liked having a lighter ~10oz pair for roofs and outdoor summer jobs. repro denim is readily available in light weights bc thats historically accurate.
if you need max protectiveness/knee thigh durability at all cost go for double knee ducks not denim. denims the best all rounder and more comfy to wear.
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i need to repair the cinch
here's an even more in depth answer that requires basically no reading
here's a youtube channel that is basically levi's chan a comprehensive history
or go to 'den in denim' then playlists -> 501 history
go to this 501 history playlist and watch the relevant sections of the years around that era maybe a bit before or after whatever tickles your pickle and learn about the different repro cuts you can choose from, from when jeans were actually designed to be worked in not for looks. i think they looked cooler too but that's just me.
youtube guy is only going to cover levi's branded products for the most part in the videos. jap brands make this stuff too readily. imo better quality and price ratio and often more historically accurate than levi's/lvc themself.
its also key to learn how to repair jeans. get a sewing machine or sashiko stuff or both. learning curve isnt huge for most ways of repairing jeans. just machine darning which isn't necessary for work jeans.

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Can I wear low waist jeans or do they look bad on my body type?
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This outfit works specifically well with y2k-style clothing though
Lmao, ah yes, you're that german femboi from /b/ who posted a crying face pic today.
You look pretty passable, why are you sad?
i think it would suit you, the jeans over it would look nice
Most women who are in shape look great in them. You're slim, and you look great in them. I will be very upset if you don't wear them all summer, we need to bring low rise jeans back.
I'm ugly as hell and don’t look like a woman and HRT isn’t helping

Previous thread: >>18122013

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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whats a solid youtube channel that goes over niche stuff and doesnt just seem like a marketer trying to hype stuff up for kickbacks?
your favourite autumn scents?
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My bottle of Bvlgari man in black just arrived from fragrancex and it was busted up during shipping. The bottle is leaking now and now I want to toss it out with a bunch of others in my collection.

>Kenzo homme EDP - I like the buttery saltiness of it but I also get a lot of sweetness. I don't know what it is but it makes me nauseous and I hate it most of the time.
>Encre Noire - I just don't know when to wear this. I like it on rainy days, but I also own the Sport which is more wearable and the orange note gives it some kind of effervescence that makes it a bit more complex to my nose.
>Declaration d'un soir - Good but one dimensional. I can't see myself reaching for it in any situation over others in my collection.
>Zino - Smells like old man. The opening is a little cloying and I only enjoy the drydown, but this is also when it becomes a skin scent. It's either too invasive or too tame for when I'm out and about. Maybe I'll keep this one just because I do crave it sometimes and I own nothing else like it.
Retarded shopping addict

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Hygiene/skincare General #8 post your sunscreen edition
Previous >>18080800

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

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oop *reapplying spf every 3 hours
Japanese sunscreen is where it's at. More reliable than Korean brands (referring to the Korean sunscreen scandal). I use Nivea UV water gel (mentioned by >>18107973) and it's amazing. Be wary of counterfeit items on Amazon though. The Japanese Biore sunscreen is often counterfeited. Yesstyle is a safe bet plus they have reliable ingredient lists.
I got CO2 laser treatment for rhinophyma today :S
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Is this product an acceptable form of retinol?

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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He went from looking 20yo to looking like a golem, his lifespan was probably cut 20yo as well.
>seb derm
this was what started me on being obsessed with hair and taking all these hair loss drugs. I dont even know if I'd truly be balding but i'm too scared to fully stop now

did you overcome/ successfully manage your seb derm?
stay away from minoxodil if you want a cat. finasteride will be fine inside a pill bottle.
I think I have seborrheic dermatitis, but it's not severe, I just get some flakes in the back of my head and some in my mustache if I don't moisturize. I finished my keto shampoo recently, I don't think that's what's causing my diffuse thinning. How long should I be taking keto shampoo before I see sings of regrowth? I only seem to lose more
min will be fine inside a pill bottle too, stop taking topical.
baldbros what do we think about piercings? i've been thinking of getting a simple loop earring for a very, very long time, nearly a decade. i just think it looks cool and now that i'm buzzing my head i think it would be a pretty dope accessory. might buy a clip-on and wear it out on a couple of occasions just to see how it goes over before i commit to the bit. only steel/silver though because it has to match my watch

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