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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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F-35s are piling up on Lockheed tarmacs, presenting ‘unique’ risks to the Pentagon

if US refuses to buy, will they get cheap enough that i can afford one?

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>thinks markets still exist and matter, and it's not just leeches around the money printer
For unprepared landing abilities. The F-35B/C need it for carrier landings and landing on unprepared runways with minimal equipment and ground crew. It helps with keeping the logistical footprint small when you're operating in dozens of countries and off dozens of ships. All while worrying about your European partner's logistics needs, as some need to be launched/recovered from civilian highways with minimal gear. It also does help keeps maintenance to a minimum in that area. Sure, you want your plane to be in top condition, but, on the F-35 the Z-13 topcoat isn't REALLY that important to its RCS. The RAM is a composite sheet made of carbon fiber nanotubes that is applied to the individual body panels as a top layer before it's put into a kiln to pressure and heat bake it into a one-piece composite body panel ready to bolt on. Which is why it's so groundbreaking compared to the F-22, which does rely on a spray on RAM top coat for a lot of its RCS reduction.
That's just going to add unnecessary weight and complications when you can just build the fucking ladder in.
Morale will NOT improve until the job search stops being hell and wages increase. We need those to live and employers are being dicks. Also, two-party prevention measures since they're both shit right now and age limit of 70 for politicians since ours are out of touch and have no inventive to improve the country if they have only like 5 years left to live.
Haha there's the funny word they use right before they flee country with half it's wealth.
Newsflash, capitalism is a game and I'm actually fine with it, but we all know you need money to make money. If you want people to play the fucking game, you better make sure they have enough money to participate, perhaps in $1000 UBI monthly payments?
Remind me again how many people got infected with HIV because the NHS was lazy?

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File Deleted (His return approaches) Edition
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Is Q worth it? Im interested in their new 10" 556 Honey Badger. Does Q roam around these parts? Have they addressed A2 in their YQ videos?
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>anon this is your rifle speaking. please get me a better red dot
Ok /arg/ how are yall running slind mounts on the handgaurd, picrel is something im considering but the magpull sling clip is bulky. Want something that is small and light that wont getin the way. But
Sling. Kms

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or cold water
sex with guns
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Pretty sure it was a lemon
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Counterpoint: this lil Schofield

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It’s been over 2 years of conflict in Ukraine. What is /k/‘s verdict of the Ukrainian T-64’s (and its updates) combat performance in the conflict. How does it compare to the zigger tanks the Ruskies have?
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Why weren't there T-64s in Operation Flashpoint?
Big sad!
I wish Russia was a tenth as cool as Cold War propaganda made them out to be
It depends, if you’re in a post war vehicle put into service with whatever happened to be laying around then you’re probably feeling like a mobik shoved into a T-72, but if you’re in a Bulat with the best equipment that Ukraine could afford then you’re probably in the MBT equivalent of the M-55, a flawed Soviet era vehicle operating at it’s peak
I think the Ukies used it as SPGs early war. I haven't seen any recent footage of them.

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Canadian firearms General

New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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This is reminding me of the development of the M14 and all the manufacturing QC issues that arose
they're not reinventing the wheel here, they just have to heat treat their fucking pistons and not overgas the rifle. For all the pistons they've mailed out to people they should have done like the original with a rifle length gas system. Hyperbolic I guess. I'd be curious to know the actual rate of failure on these rifles. It's obviously high, but like, how many end up shitting the bed? I want data.
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$100 cat bread when?
You know those really tiny black ants. Crush one and sniff it, they smell just like ballistol.

t. reformed ant munching child
White Genocide is happening right now. It's been in play since 45' but, now you are witnessing the mid/late phase of the operation. Once the boomers pass away you are REALLY going to understand the gravity of the situation at hand.

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Who's the one, true flagship of your heart?
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What's it like having a dad whose a vet?
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Based. He's keeping you ready.
>Don't trust anyone. Not even yourself.
my dad was an army vet who did non-combat stuff. he had some cool stories about meeting presidents on bases and shit, but didn't seem to effect his life that much except helping a bit with post-military career opportunities.
He cures and treats sick animals and doesn't afraid of anything
Well he's drunk all the time and he only stopped beating us because he can't anymore.
My dad was a cav scout and a drill sergeant. Honestly pretty friendly laid back dude. He started me shooting at 7. Bought me my first gun when I was 8. Had us deep into Boy Scouts, hunting, and fishing. Always made a big deal about “putting your name on your work” and doing shit the right way. He was kind of weird in that sometimes he would tell us to do stuff that was clearly above the capabilities of a kid. For example when I was 10 or 11 we were raising 4H steers and he somehow expected me to hold this fuck huge ass cow pinned between two pieces of fence and I ended up getting launched by an 800lbs black angus.

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Does this count as trigger discipline?
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k poop or weebs, which are more mentally ill i wonder
>implying either/or
Most are both.
there is no doubt some, but I highly doubt its most
I seldom see k poopers on weeb threads and boards
Trigger discipline is for fags who are scared of their own guns.
lol fat spic

I don't have much, My grandpa was a soldier in the Iraqi army fighting in Iran, he was captured very early on and spent 9 years in a POW camp :/ my uncle also fought in the war although briefly.
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Have you posted this before? I remember reading something here like a month ago about some SS officer personally executing a shit ton of slavs with a .25 handgun. Did he like to wear gloves while doing the deed?
What was his name?
1600's colonists. Stories about them getting attack by indian slavers are in the family.
Hope he had a good life with the wife
1066 on my mom’s side. Oldest namesake was reported to fight at Hastings under William the Conqueror and was given a manor in Kent for distinguished service.

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Ukros has no time or personnel to built cages and additional armor.
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>They were on before the war started and drones were an unknown threat at that point
HOLY tourist
Azerbijan literally defeated Armenia with drones alone months prior
If anything javelins were more obscure
99% of all applique armor in the world was cope

americans knew sandbags were useless in WW2 as tank armor and despite offiically banning the practice, they quietly allowed individual crews to sandbag their tanks if it meant an increase in morale
germans also noticed that crews had a habit of adding concrete or track links to their tanks and issued an official ban on them, though photos of concrete-armored stugs indicate that some crews still kept doing it

the japanese were perhaps the only force that successfully enforced the ban on slapping things to the front of their tank, going so far as to ban attaching bags for personal effects outside of the tank, which is why so few photos of japanese tanks have them with the usual mess of bags and bins
this may have something to do with the fact that beatings were common in the army, so slapping a bag on your tank would be met with a slap instead of a reprimand

the soviets werent unique in allowing useless but morale-boosting armor
but they were perhaps unique in how much they outright encouraged it
bedspring armor was known to be useless against all but the earliest and most primitive panzerfaust, but official kits were made and distributed to armored forces
vatniks cant meme
>russians copy memes word for word without understanding why people find them funny
evil cannot create, it can only corrupt
It's been awhile since I looked at the wikipedia page. It does indeed look like cope cages was kept in. How embarrassing to be ridiculed by wiki editors

sound images edition

previous: >>61672772
>image limit reached
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a payphone?
Emi my beloved
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I deserve this.
lol I never noticed the card reader
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>orange fool
>orange fool
>orange fool
I'm frustrated

what are some good interviews or podcasts where the guest extensively talks about his experiences in the armed forces? both about the training, the institution, and combat.

I'm a Gordon Ryan one with Tom Spooner who's a guy that's been in for 22 years, 10 years delta, and yet in a 4h long podcast he doesnt talk about his combat experiences but about his alcoholism recovery and sbit for the first 2h.

so could you give me some good ones? I watch them as war memoirs, so I dont care about them if it's just a therapy session.
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Go watch Restrepo. Doesn’t get more real than that


Oops meant to post this one
DJ Shipley is a massive faggot but he had some good stories
desu i thought he was more self reflective than the other SRS guests who just talk about how awesome they are. The tactical apparel modeling is gay tho
Spooners podcast is excellent and if you've ever worked with or even just been around these men in any capacity you'd understand that.

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The US’s military is not the most powerful because of it’s advanced technology or massive firepower, it’s because of logistics.

They have bases all over the world, seven of these are based at key locations, they are so equipped that they can support thousands of troops for months of sustained fighting.

They can open up a new theater in matter of days, simply occupy a runway and they can fly in portable bases which can be assembled in a few days.

They have fleets patrolling in almost every ocean of the world, ready to assist in any conflict at a moments notice.

This is what makes them so scary, it doesn’t matter if you’re a landlocked country in the middle of a continent thousands of miles away from mainland US, they’ll literally fly in and build bases inside your territory before you can even mobilize.

Russia and China have lost the fight before it even began.
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>VGH the Based Chinks will save us against Zionism
Literally every Asian group will act like Jews the first chance they get. Jews just have a head start due to have millennials of experience and being situated in Europe and MENA which were home to large empires.
he's right, you know
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>doubt they have a grip on china at all,
>He actually believes
China is Israel's third largest trading partner and Chinese and Israeli tech companies collaborate with each other. They even done military exercises with each other
And they were right. After every war the US military is either in shambles or gets cut back. We've literally had to relearn the same lessons in every war, and then recuperate and reorganize for years after. Have you read about the opening stages of Korea, or the post-Vietnam period?
The schizos on /pol/ obviously

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