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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here
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I sent you the answer in a dream, now you can lock this thread.
yes, Porn is a cuck training simulator but its much worse.
The women are all trafficked, not just physically but spiritually. You literally let demons in when you jerk off to human suffering disguised as pleasure.

Devil is a cunning beast.
That's just grotesque, and I'm saying this as an assman

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - High Level Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>982476
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cz scorpion reload
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hes a retard; too much talking not enough art posting.

its not like im hiding my process; they literally wrote an article about it.


that being said my color graded still look good on their own.

now, pyw
Iirc when you hit the magazine release on a Scorpion the magazine is just going to fall out, you wouldnt need to hit it like an AK mag
This does look cooler though, nice work
How long did it take to make the animation?
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New bulge-pole just dropped. I got the bulge to be more even by making the mesh scale along the normals.(Not actually a good solution, but it approximates the solution I'm going for) You can see in the previous webm that the verts of the mesh fling far away from each other. Especially when the points get close to the verts. But now they distribute tidily. Never flinging to far.

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Blender General - Birds, they know what's good.
Previous thread: >>980304
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Since I don't know a whole lot of the terminology I just drew this MS paint drawing of what I want. I want the bottom, not the top. I don't want more vertical subdivisions, just horizontal ones.
Then yeah, offset loop cut. It won't make it any more circular though, just add points. If you want that, you'd have to crease the top and bottom 100% and use a subsurf on it instead.
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can I duplicate a hair strand when editing a particle system?
I know I can use Interpolate when adding strands but it's bugged
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I did
In your first message you said you wanted more vertical edges, now you're saying you want more horizontal edges. I'm assuming you're correcting yourself with the one you put the effort into actually drawing? For more horizontal edges, in edit mode, press ctrl+R (loop cut tool), and scroll up to increase the number of cuts to be added. LMB to confirm that amount, then it will go into a 'slide' mode where you can offset the new loop cuts with your mouse. Press RMB to simply add the cuts to the center without an offset.

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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Holy fuck, i did a model the same way OP's pic show and goddamn, i hate myself. Just a miserable experience up to a point.
>up to a point.
...and then?
I just thought of a great idea: corporate memphis metaverse.

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>the secret to making low poly waifus is literally just having 10 years of drawing background and tracing over your drawings with vertices and cleaning them up after
yet another win for 2d
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I started to get into Blender a few days ago and of course like any retard decided to learn how to model a character. Thank God i used to draw as a kid because the knowledge i have about anatomy helped a lot. To the point where i can sketch a character from front, side and back, and then make said character in Blender with vertices.
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The fuck are you talking about? It looks good from the side views.
The whole point of this style is to paint/vertex color the light, and not have any on the character model. If you do want light to impact character then you can just do light probes and transfer that color to the whole character.
>is on copium and wants you to smoke with him to validate his beliefs
What are you on about? I straight up said to learn to draw in addition to learning other mediums.
"Won't impede your progress" was meant in terms of learning how the program works and the technical side of things. Drawing experience won't help you there.
Learn to read, retard.
Incorrect, it’s a mixture of oversimplified and pixelated art. You see it on 2D games too when they don’t go all out on background.
What part of what I posted looks bad to you exactly?

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Can anyone help me by modeling a bay verse style head for my transformer? I have provided image references to what I would like the head to look like.

I would like the model to have crown-like elements to the head as well as a mask and a visor. I'm a 3d hobbyist and can pay 100 bucks for the model.

Thanks for your help.
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Sorry, im new to this but I'm sure there is a way to get this done discreetly, no?
I don't get it. You modeled the body, but can't model the head?
Nahh, nobody is doing that here for 100$ for you, that's at least 3-4 days of work, you can check turbosquid, cgtrader or whatever, I've seen models for 70 bucks there, if you have the pieces somebody could kitbash it for you for 100$.
I suppose he wants the full model.
No, I modeled some and kitbashed some. I'm just bad with being creative with heads. Hard to explain I guess.
No, just the head. The renders on the right side of the image are mine. Made with max and vray.

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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
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thank you, guess i'll stick with image texture
Really useful thread and videos here. I'm a 2d artist/animator for over 12 years now but finally decided to dip my toes into 3d. Really want to make them low polly girls and do some game stuff with em. Will post some results after i get through these basics blender tutorials.
Good luck to ya,hope you don't get discouraged from the initial flood of info.
If you wanna sculpt tight clothing like a Bikini in Zbrush what method is best for this?
I've tried deleting the other parts of the body. So mark an area, polygroup it and delete the rest of the body. Then extrude but it ends up with really messy ugly edges that ruins it.


This seems the best for what I want. But there's no explaination whats going on.
mask extract is what you want to do

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I'm building a free web-based MMD player for 3D glasses and would like to display some random scenes when no other content is selected. Would someone provide some free models, motion, or music files? Credits will be given.
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Amateurs, did you even try adding dynamic bones?
It's an MMD player.
MMD models are open source, you should be able to modify the models. That’s the entire point of MMD and how it got popular in the first place.
Where can I dl them models for free?
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go wild buddy

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I'm trying to make upper and lower lips separate (model has a mouth cavity) but dynamesh merges them if they get too close. Should I make upper and lower lips different groups and then dynamesh by group? Is this how everyone does it?
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I would mask the part i want to seperate, then invert the mask and then just use the crease brush to dig into the mouth while in sculpt mode.
>Should I make upper and lower lips different groups and then dynamesh by group?
what the fuck are you talking about
>I'd just sculpt it with closed lips and model the mouth area once I've re-topo'ed
just do this
my nigga, if you are trying to make a model with a significant amount of detail you need to
- drop dynamesh asap (so, duplicaye your model)
- make a clean mesh (retopo / zremesh the copt of your model and have a low poly version of your model) (UV unwrap if you want)
- polygroup the areas that need special care to avoid overlapping (mouth, eyelids, ears)
- reproject the detail on the clean mesh (subdivided, of course)
- then delete the model with dynamesh (because at that point it is useless)
there is NO reason to work with a model with 200k+ polys and have dynamesh on
Flick sculptris on and off if you don't want to Retopo/Zrem yet
sculpt the negative space and boolean subtract it

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Literally nothing
i don't use it but i'll tell people i do to intimidate them. i usually make up some complete nonsense sentence and they just nod along like i'm reall smart. just last week i told someone i used an attribute wrangle (lol i'm a cowboy) to calculate frobenius (????) norm of a matrix and they didn't question it for a second. i'd recommend trying it out sometime.
It's more like Jewoudini
nuke BTFO?
>not COPErnicus
whats this version do?

>spend dozens of hours making a sculpt of Michaelangelo's David in zbrush
>show to friends and family
>"huh that's cool. So your computer made it?"

>a woman makes an ugly fairy with sculpy
>"that's incredible.. it looks so real"
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Try sculpting an animal or something

Rome/Renaissance = soulless
Greek = soul
asking surface level questions like "how long did it take you to learn this" or "what do you find fun about your hobby" can't be that hard, the problem is people don't truly know how to communicate
Sure it's not hard, but what really does it add to the conversation other than surface level responses? One answer you get a time that's impossible to put into perspective, and the other will either be art BS they don't understand or technical stuff they don't understand. Either way it leads to "cool....","yeah".
my tip is to show them the process real-time, my mother didn't really understand what I was doing so I did a demo the last time I invited her over
first - dont be a sexist douche bag you dirty ball stank cunt

second- pretty impressive to pull of a good copy . howd you do it? sculpty strchy 3d shit is weird

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Is it now time to admit that Blender has "won", /3/?
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Maya glowies are in this thread, I can feel it
no, everything that comes from blender for some reason looks like a blob of wax, that's why the donuts are so popular, because they are one of few objects that don't look weird in Blender
What about chicken mcnuggets?
yummy but unrenderable in blender
won what?

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My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad. I have identified a niche of degenerates that seem underserved and recently a big artist in that niche burned out. I'm thinking of giving his audience a new home. He published a new comic every month of roughly 60 pages consisting of shots from around 3 or 4 scenes, all rendered in DAZ. I think this can be trimmed by at least half. He was a bit too into his own story and characters and cutting that out while keeping the degenerate stuff will keep me from burning out too.

Do you guys think this is a viable idea?
Stop making donut threads.
Stop making new threads about nsfw content, when they already exist. >>976561
Of course it's possible, but it's a lot of work. You have to be consistent. I am not sure this is something you can just do as a simple "side hustle"
Can't sell on Gumroad mate
>sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad
they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it (and that's unironically a good thing, get fucked lol)
who is that artist? what's the niche?

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I honestly think I have right now a potentially good idea.

a power point game.
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>mfw criss draws better than me
>a power point game.
Stooping to the level of a literal child, eh?

I mean, the money is on making your own personal niche, not fighting in a crowded market.

I like the concept of power point videogame, expresses my idea clearly.

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